Solar arcs to Declaration of Independence chart

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Solar arcs to Declaration of Independence chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

If we are to trust Solar Arc directions for this purpose, 2022-2028 is an unusually dangerous time for the United States. For the Declaration of Independence chart (July 4, 1776, 12:10:42 PM LAT, Independence Hall 39N56'56" 75W09'00") directed Sun, Saturn, Midheaven, and Ascendant are crossing our natal Mars-Neptune square during that time (allowing a year's lead and a year's lag for a 1° orb). Here are the dates of each exact contact:

Oct 4 2023 - d MC sq r Mars
Jul 27 2024 - d Sat co r Mar
Dec 9 2024 - d MC op r Nep
Oct 2 2025 - d Sat sq r Nep
Nov 4 2025 - d Asc co r Mars
Mar 31 2026 - d Sun sq r Mar
Jan 11 2027 - d Asc sq r Nep
Jun 7 2027 - d Sun op r Nep

This isn't the first time this has happened, of course. It happens every 90 years. Here are the previous periods (from one year before first aspect to one year after last aspect):
  • Oct 1843 to Jul 1848
  • Dec 1933 to Jul 1939
In the 1840s, Edgr Allen Poe was popular, the telegraph was invented, James Polk beat Henry Clay for president, we annexed Texas, Polk declared a formal doctrine of Manifest Destiny and called for aggressive settlement of the West, the Mexican War was fought (ending 2/1848), Mormons settled the Salt Lake area in Utah and started building a city, gold was discovered in California, and the Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention occurred.

In the 1930s, prohibition was ended just as the first aspect (MC-Mars) came into orb. U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission was founded, various New Deal programs were still rolling out, Social Security Act passed, Hoover Dam was dedicated, FDR was overwhelmingly reelected president, Golden Gate Bridge opened, Fair Labor legislation established a minimum wage.

I have no idea what of these events might set a general pattern that is relevant to understanding these aspects.
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Re: Solar arcs to Declaration of Independence chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

For example, here are the planets for the end of November 5, 2024:

28°16' Tau - t Venus
28°13' Aqu - d Sun
28°38' Tau - d Asc
29v37' Tau - r Mars
29°54' Tau - d Saturn
0°42' Pis - d MC
0°48' Vir - r Neptune
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Re: Solar arcs to Declaration of Independence chart

Post by Venus_Daily »

I even trust the lesser hard aspects that showed up in my chart recent. Personally, I think this will be more civil unrest in 2024.
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Re: Solar arcs to Declaration of Independence chart

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
I have no idea what of these events might set a general pattern that is relevant to understanding these aspects.
My first thought ( :idea: ) for possible further clues would be to go to SMA Solar Ingresses. DCs 2026 Cansolar concerns me.
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Re: Solar arcs to Declaration of Independence chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

What I meant was that I have no idea what events I listed of the two previous cycles might be reflections of these directions.
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Re: Solar arcs to Declaration of Independence chart

Post by SteveS »

OK, I now see what you mean Jim, but if these concerning possible malefic Solar Arcs are to manifest in the 2020s, I ran out the future ingresses and immediately saw a concerning one for 2026 Cansolar. When you have time or later when you get your new cornia maybe you could offer us your analysis for this 2026 Cansolar.
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Re: Solar arcs to Declaration of Independence chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Thu Nov 02, 2023 5:51 am ...2026 Cansolar.
I've seen worse. It does have Saturn most angular, but it's simple. Probably major focus on the Mercury-Saturn square:

Saturn on WP-a 0°31'
Mercury & Neptune more widely foreground
-- Mercury-Saturn sq. 2°22' M
Moon-Venus co. 0°41'
Moon-Mars sq. 1°07' M

The only ingress that really concerns me over the next decade is the 2028 Libsolar. Because of a dormant 2029 Capsolar, this chart prevails (overlapping a dormant Cansolar with a Moon-Saturn partile conjunction) from October '28 to April '29.

Saturn on EP 0°16'
Pluto on MC 2°38
Uranus very widely foreground
-- Saturn-Pluto sq. 2°26'
Moon-Sun co. 1°13' PVP
Moon-Pluto sq. 1°13 PVP
Sun-Pluto sq. 2°26' PVP
-- Mo = Su/Pl 0°00' in azimuth
Moon-Jupiter co. 1°15' M
Moon-Mercury co. 3°17' M
Moon-Neptune op. 3°35' M
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Re: Solar arcs to Declaration of Independence chart

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Jim.
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Re: Solar arcs to Declaration of Independence chart

Post by SteveS »

Jim, if we have an accurate timed chart for this USA Radical chart, USAs 2024 mundo SSR is a dozy (link below)! I have forgotten, can you remind me how the time for this Radical USA Chart was derived? Thanks.
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Re: Solar arcs to Declaration of Independence chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 5:39 am Jim, if we have an accurate timed chart for this USA Radical chart, USAs 2024 mundo SSR is a dozy (link below)! I have forgotten, can you remind me how the time for this Radical USA Chart was derived?
Wow, you're not kidding! That's indeed explosive. (It may be part of the Ken Bowser's program December 30 that you were invited to, since the promo says he is using the U.S. natal chart.)

The history of this chart goes back to John Hazelrigg and Llewellyn George. Hazelrigg found reference to the Continental Congress voting for independence "shortly past noon" on July 4, 1776. I never saw the original reference but I suspect it was the same article Ken Bowser found a few years ago, an 1851 Harper's Magazine article honoring the 75th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence which stated that the delegates of the 13 colonies at "a little past noon" agreed by a unanimous vote to declare themselves independent from England.

That's a pretty exact statement!

Hazelrigg first proposed 12:15 PM LMT. This is a little misleading because LMT was not yet in use (they used sundial time aka Local Apparent Time). Llewellyn George worked with the chart for years, gradually rectifying it. According to Donald Bradley, LG's final rectified time was 12:14:42 PM LMT, a mere 18 seconds from the original assumption.

Bradley used this chart in the 1940s in his annual forecasts for the Llewellyn magazine. Under the name Lewis Howard, he wrote (around 1950) Astrology and the United States: The National Horoscope of the USA demonstrating the exact fit for several major events: Civil War, WW I, 1929 crash, Pearl Harbor, and VJ Day. BTW, this is available from Amazon in reprint in either hard cover or paperback.

It was this chart that Bradley used to write the only published prediction of JFK's murder.

I saw no reason to try to refine the time any more than LG had after years of working closely with it, so I accepted the 12:14:42 PM LMT time that Bradley also decided to accept without modification. This is for the exact coordinates of Independence Hall, 39N56'56", 75W09'00". However, since the time in use was not LMT but LAT, I restated it as LAT. BTW (most people don't know), in Solar Fire you can type LAT into the time zone field and it will calculate the conversion for you automatically. LMT conversion for Independence Hall is +5:00:36 and, for July 4, 1776, the LAT conversion is +5:04:35. These differ by 0:03:59. Subtracting that from 12:14:42 LMT gives 12:10:43 LAT. (It's the same time, just stated differently.)

The time I use is, thus, 12:10:43 PM LAT, July 4, 1776, at Independence Hall, 39N56'56", 75W09'00". Notice that 12:10 PM sounds more like "shortly past noon" than 12:15 would sound. (Europeans were long used to stating times in quarters of an hour.)

The final step in this came from Ken Bowser. In 2015 he found the Harper's article I mentioned above. He then rectified the chart with primary directions, individually testing each minute from 12:00 to 12:15 PM LAT and found that 12:12 PM LAT was the perfect time. (As he wrote, he "hit the mother lode." This time is one minute later than the (rounded to the minute) 12:11 PM LAT (12:10:43) of the Hazelrigg-George rectification. He wrote a book detailing all of this: Primary directions and the Horoscope of the United States.

You might want to use what LG and Bradley used (and I routinely use) or one minute later at 12:12 PM LAT that Ken uses.

BTW, I have posted on this site several Bradley articles on this chart from the Llewellyn magazine. They are interesting if for no other reason than that they show his gradual change from Tropical to Sidereal.

1948: viewtopic.php?f=28&t=624
1949: viewtopic.php?f=28&t=625
1950: viewtopic.php?f=28&t=626
1951: viewtopic.php?f=28&t=627

They're all interesting to me, but you may find the 1950 article particularly interesting. In part of the article he showed how major events across the country were tracked by relocating this U.S. chart to the spot of the event. Here is the direct link to that section: viewtopic.php?f=28&t=626#p3989

Speaking of relocation, relocate this chart to Washington, DC. Though Sun and Saturn were already quite strong in the original chart, these symbols of government (leadership and control) become MORE angular (I think it's by square to the angles - I'd have to check) when the country moved it's capital to Washington.
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Re: Solar arcs to Declaration of Independence chart

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Jim for your knowledge and feedback on this “shortly past noon” Hazelrigg USA Chart. One thing I am very sure of: If this is a true Radical Chart, we will stand witness to the worst Mars-Uranus-Pluto event in the entire history of the USA sometime during its 2024 solar year, combined with its d MC-ASC r Mars-Neptune 90 year cycle action. One good thing--I don't see any real nasty SMA Solar Ingresses during the 2024 solar year for this Radical Chart.
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Re: Solar arcs to Declaration of Independence chart

Post by Arena »

And the country is going through its Pluto return as well. We know that Pluto breaks and transforms and the process may take a few years to unfold. Many difficult things are already unfolding on the world stage these years. It seems like the power the US has held is coming to an end. The oligarchy and the power hungry cabal/cliques are now waging wars all over the place, destroying our peace in and around Europe. The world power may be moving more towards Russia and China after these stupid proxy wars by the USA. Your military industrial complex is a terribly destructive force in this world. However, even though the power will shift and America may crumble in the coming years, the military complex will still be thriving. The US created a monster that we might never get rid of ever.
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Re: Solar arcs to Declaration of Independence chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Obviously we expect significant shifts with Pluto conjunct natal Pluto. OTOH, since 1066 England has been through three complete Pluto cycles without those points in its history showing seismic shifts (at least, none that I could find). It will, therefore, be interesting to watch.
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Re: Solar arcs to Declaration of Independence chart

Post by SteveS »

Is there a timed radical chart for the 1066 UK chart? Been watching the new episodes of the Crown and want to take a look at the synbolism when Diana tragedy died.
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Re: Solar arcs to Declaration of Independence chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 7:59 am Is there a timed radical chart for the 1066 UK chart? Been watching the new episodes of the Crown and want to take a look at the symbolism when Diana tragedy died.
Yes. Well known and well documented. William of Normandy ("William the Conqueror") consolidated all the local British fiefdoms into a single nation under his rule, climaxing when he marched on London in December, 1066. He was crowned at precisely noon (sundial time) at Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day, 1066.

December 25 (OS), 1066, 12:00 PM LAT, Westminster Abbey, London 51N29'58" 0W07'36"
12:00 PM LAT (you can put it in that way in Solar Fire) was 12:05:17 PM LMT. In the chart below, you might miss that Pluto is 2°17' below Ascendant, with Sun, of course, exactly at MC.
Great Britain.png
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Re: Solar arcs to Declaration of Independence chart

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
If we are to trust Solar Arc directions for this purpose, 2022-2028 is an unusually dangerous time for the United States. For the Declaration of Independence chart (July 4, 1776, 12:10:42 PM LAT, Independence Hall 39N56'56" 75W09'00") directed Sun, Saturn, Midheaven, and Ascendant are crossing our natal Mars-Neptune square during that time (allowing a year's lead and a year's lag for a 1° orb).
Only if Trump is elected Prez in 2024, I think there will be high % these “dangerous” Solar Arc cycles with the National Chart will have a lot to do with internal political strife.
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