Where should I move? I’m desperate to feel better.

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Where should I move? I’m desperate to feel better.

Post by Nolia »

Born : Valencia California, USA on March 19, 2001 at 11:44 am.

I’m new to astrocartography and after doing research I’ve found I’ve only ever lived on my Pluto line and from what I learn that’s not good.

Reason why I think it’s not good is because I’m always exhausted, lazy and don’t want to work. Which sucks because I currently live and grew up most of my life (since 12 years old) in South Lake Tahoe California. I love this town and don’t want to move. I love the outdoors and Tahoe is amazing for everything outdoors. I find I am most happy outdoors. But still I am always too exhausted and can’t find enough energy to get up and go outdoors.

I’m currently in college too and will be for at most four more years. I have found happiness in school and learning but struggling to balance that with work and doing things for fun. So I usually end up missing days of work which makes me struggle financially here.

I’ve been thinking about moving for YEARS, but just struggle to find a decision on where. I’ve visited Eugene Oregon and Loved it, but that’s also close to my Pluto line. So I’m thinking now of moving to Missoula Montana, which is right on my sun line.

Any advice, I just want to feel energized to do the things I love while not conflicting with work and school.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Where should I move? I’m desperate to feel better.

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Welcome to Solunars. - Pluto is not on an angle where you live now or where you were born. (Sun on Midheaven is closest to an angle.

If I were to pick a place for pleasure and happiness for your chart, I'd take a serious look at one of your Venus lines. You have Venus on Midheaven at the longitude of approximately Odessa, Texas, which runs through mostly obscure western edges of Plains states but does cross into the eastern edge of Colorado, which is beautiful. You also have Venus on the Zenith (upper square to Midheaven) on a curve farter west: It cuts just south of Phoenix, barely north of Las Vegas, across Nevada and much of Oregon, passes almost exactly through Portland, then a little west of Seattle at the most northwest corner of Washington. Perhaps you can find something appealing to you along those lines?

If you want to expand beyond the U.S. or consider a major planetary energy besides Venus, let me know. For "best spots in the U.S." for you, I think those nail it astrologically.
Jim Eshelman
Patrick Machado
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Re: Where should I move? I’m desperate to feel better.

Post by Patrick Machado »

Regarding the discrepancy, my best guess is that 11:44 PM was meant instead of AM. That chart does have Pluto foreground at all of the locations Nolia mentioned.
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Re: Where should I move? I’m desperate to feel better.

Post by Veronica »

Happy Solar Return Nolia! Cheers to a wonderful new year for you🙂
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