First Time Trade Chart for Comex Gold and a look into the future with an “outstanding incident” May 14 2024 SLR.

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First Time Trade Chart for Comex Gold and a look into the future with an “outstanding incident” May 14 2024 SLR.

Post by SteveS »

Most of all, I believe that “things,” like markets, events, and companies, resonate to their natal birth horoscope charts just like people do. To understand a market, event, or company from when it first started via the horoscope for that day, time, and place is to understand it at its core.
When I got the idea to write this book in 2016, I thought getting first-trade data would be a breeze. Finding the time a contract first trade? OK, maybe somewhat difficult, but that’s what exchange records are for, right? Wrong. All wrong. Exchange records have grievous errors when it comes to first trade market charts. It takes a lot of research digging to find true first time trade charts.
Susan Abbott Gidel; “Trading In Sync With Commodities”
I am still learning about First Time Trade Charts with Sidereal Astrology. My main problem up till now was finding realible First Time Trade Charts (FTTC). I am pretty sure I have found a reliable source with Susan's book for FTTC. Back in the 70s-80s when I was doing intense research with WD Gann's Commodity Course, I verified with his own words he was using First Time Trade Charts (FTTC) with stocks and commodities. But, at this time in my life I knew absolutely nothing about astrology. In the last couple of years I started doing some exploration/research with Jim’s definition for “outstanding incident” (OI) return charts with the NYSE FTTD, but only for a couple of OI Sidereal Lunar Returns and was quite amazed with its accurate symbolism for the market event which manifested. What I am about to write is not a forecast or prediction, it’s an experiment. I welcome any one’s input with their astrological thoughts.

FTTC for Comex Gold Futures: Dec 31, 1974; 9:45 AM EST; New York, NY; 40N42,51; 074W00,23. Source: Susan Abbott Gidel: "Trading In Sync With Commodities."
I will be analyzing the OI May 14 2024 Sidereal Lunar Return (SLR) in detail with its OI symbolism just like this FTTC was a person. Also, I will be analyzing this FTTC current 2023 Sidereal Solar Return (SSR). Please feel free to disagree with my interpretations and offer your astrological opinions just as if these charts were a person. Unless I overlooked all the SLRs for 2024, the May 14 SLR is the only OI return chart for the entire calendar year. Remember--this is an experiment for possibble Sidereal Astrology learning purposes for the return charts.
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Re: First Time Trade Chart for Comex Gold and a look into the future with an “outstanding incident” May 14 2024 SLR.

Post by SteveS »

Before I go further into this thread, I would like to state something which I found very interesting pertaining to transits and my current SLR involving Susan's book. Back in Nov 2023 I recognized an “outstanding incident” Mars-Jupiter NYSE SLR which sent the market into a bullish frenzy. This is when I made-up my mind to pursue (internet) a reliable source for some other First Time Trade Charts to research for possible “outstanding incident” market events using "outstanding incident" return charts. But, after weeks of searching I could not find an affordable source; all sources demanded ridiculous high prices without a list of what I would be buying. No way was I going to commit to these sources with t Neptune dancing off/on partile 180 my Natal Sun. The main manifestations this Neptune transit has been affecting me is by greatly weakening my body with a severe back injury and with a really bad case of the flu, all happening in the last 5 weeks.

Then, this past Sunday Feb 4 at 10:14 AM I did an internet search with the words “First Time Trade Astrological Charts and discovered Susan’s book with several “First Time Trade Charts.” I was delighted by the review contents for her book and decided to check my transits for the time. Transiting Sun in my 3rd house was partile within 2 minutes of arc 180 my Natal Pluto in the 9th house of publishing/higher learning. This intrigued me greatly! I noted Susan’s book would arrive on Feb 6 from Amazon---so I decided to look at my nearest SLR which set-up a few hours later after 10:14 AM Feb 4th, link below showing how the SLR Vertex was lite-up with mundane SLR Sun-Mercury-Pluto conjunct SLR Vertex 180 my Natal Pluto sitting on the anti-vertex---(thanks Jim for teaching me your astronomical intellect on how to see the true mundane position involving Vertex sponsored symbolism.) Hoping this Vertex symbolism is a true fruitful fated event for my market objectives. Here are SF’s AZI positions showing the true mundane SLR positions:

SLR Sun 269 35 partile cnj SLR Vx
SLR Pluto 270 26 partile cnj SLR Vx
SLR Mercury 272 34 cnj SLR Vx
Natal Pluto (I think) partile cnj anti-Vx

As we can see my current SLR chimes a strong echo to the partile 180 transit of Sun to my Natal Pluto. I don’t believe I have ever seen this type set-up in my life for an incident in my life which I hope turns out to be important for my market studies with Sidereal Astrology.

As we see a very strong Sun-Pluto theme here—I want to quote you some Ebertin (COSI) symbolism for Sun-Pluto:
Attainment, consciousness of aim or objective, an appreciation of innovations, life advancement, realization of new innovated ideas.
AFAIC, for Susan’s book to take on special meaning for my life, I will need to see a major incident in the Gold Market with the FTTC May 14 2024 SLR; otherwise t Neptune all over my Natal Sun just set me up for an illusion with this Comex Gold FTTC. But, for now it at least has good entertainment value for me :) .

My current SLR only showing Vertex symbolism.
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Re: First Time Trade Chart for Comex Gold and a look into the future with an “outstanding incident” May 14 2024 SLR.

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Fri Feb 09, 2024 8:59 am SLR Sun 269 35 partile cnj SLR Vx
SLR Pluto 270 26 partile cnj SLR Vx
SLR Mercury 272 34 cnj SLR Vx
Natal Pluto (I think) partile cnj anti-Vx
Natal Pluto has an azimuth of 81°52' in this SLR, so it isn't near the others. But your natal Saturn is involved! Confirming your calculations, here are the azimuth positions of natal and transiting planets in the SLR (which TMSA calculates for the slightly different time of 1:39:25 UT, i.e., 7:39:25 CST).

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi  
                           Transiting Planets                           
Mo 15Sc22'23"  4S 3 +13°15' 248°12' 26S 1  30° 0'
Su 20Cp39' 5"  0S 0 + 1° 1' 318°11' 16S 7 269°37'
Me  4Cp42' 0"  1S26 + 1°32' 302°16' 21S36 272°36'
Ve 20Sg35' 0"  0N26 + 1°14' 286°56' 22S 5 282°36'
Ma 28Sg39'11"  0S52 +45'51" 295°46' 22S13 275°51'
Ju 12Ar38'46"  1S 1 + 6'50"  35°42' 13N 8 247°48'
Sa 11Aq50' 6"  1S37 + 7' 0" 339°15' 10S28 263°21'
Ur 24Ar 2'47"  0S18 + 0'28"  46°45' 17N13 241°33'
Ne  0Pi48'51"  1S13 + 1'50" 356°43'  2S45 260° 2'
Pl  5Cp24'31"  2S49 + 1'54" 303°20' 22S48 270°28'
                            Radical Planets                             
Mo 15Sc22'23"  1S15 +12°16' 248°39' 23S15  21°32'
Su  2Vi50' 9"  0S 0 +58'39" 178° 5'  0N50  80°50'
Me 20Vi10' 9"  0S19 + 1°32' 193°55'  6S17  77°19'
Ve  7Vi26'45"  1N19 + 1°15' 182°50'  0N13  78°32'
Ma 29Ge50' 2"  0N49 +36' 1" 117° 0' 21N57  95°24'
Ju 29Li42'26"  0N44 + 9'52" 232°37' 18S16  54°51'
Sa 24Cn 2'47"  0N49 + 6'35" 141°49' 15N52  87°53'
Ur  2Ge 6'20"  0N 8 + 0'38"  86°56' 23N32 126°39'
Ne 16Vi 1'30"  1N29 + 2'11" 190°47'  3S 2  76°24'
Pl 20Cn13'48"  6N54 + 1'24" 139°58' 22N49  81°52'
Those within a few degrees of 90°/270° are:

87°53' - r Saturn
269°37' t Sun
270°28' - t Pluto
272°36' - t Mercury

(Natal Moon, moderately close to IC, isn't close enough in azimuth to square into them.) I don't think their "angularity" matters at all, but there's a good chance their aspects matter a great deal - and it will be valuable to find out. Those within 3°, in order of orb, are;

0°51' - t Sun-Pluto co
1°44' - t Sun op r Saturn
2°08' - t Mercury-Pluto co [0°43' ecliptically]
2°35' - t Pluto op r Saturn
2°59' - t Sun-Mercury co
Jim Eshelman
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Re: First Time Trade Chart for Comex Gold and a look into the future with an “outstanding incident” May 14 2024 SLR.

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Jim for his additional info--I always learns new astronomical things from your keen insight.
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Re: First Time Trade Chart for Comex Gold and a look into the future with an “outstanding incident” May 14 2024 SLR.

Post by SteveS »

Jim, I now realize my current SLR with all the Vertex sponsored symbolism along with the partile 180 of t Sun to my Pluto is manifesting serious research into the possibilities I have come into possession of some true Radical Charts for markets. Nothing more I like to do at this point in my life than research markets using Sidereal Astrology.
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Re: First Time Trade Chart for Comex Gold and a look into the future with an “outstanding incident” May 14 2024 SLR.

Post by SteveS »

I have decided to wait and report the symbolic details for the “outstanding incident” May 14 2024 SLR for this First Time Trade Chart, only if this SLR time frame catches the beginning of an “outstanding incident.” I will say this: Its current Sidereal Solar Return is very bearish IMO. If a major bearish incident happens to the Gold market within its solar year it should clearly be seen with its time frame for the May 14 SLR, maybe an exact Gann Date. But remember—I am new to this “outstanding incident” return charts research for First Time Trade Charts, I am researching in an experimental manner to try and get a better feel for their possibilities.

But last night I did find two more “outstanding incident” SLRs for this First Time Trade Gold chart and it nailed the bearish symbolism for Gann’s March 8 2022 major top date when the market began a 400 $ drop in prices. Check out the “outstanding incident” Feb 15 2022 SLR angular Venus-Mars partile cnj falling partile on the Natal partile Mercury 180 Saturn :shock: ! Then check out the “outstanding incident” Feb 28 Demi SLR where the natal partile Mercury-Saturn 180 fell partile on this Demi’s Horizon!!
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Re: First Time Trade Chart for Comex Gold and a look into the future with an “outstanding incident” May 14 2024 SLR.

Post by SteveS »

I wrote on Feb 11:
I have decided to wait and report the symbolic details for the “outstanding incident” May 14, 2024, SLR for this First Time Trade Chart, only if this SLR time frame catches the beginning of an “outstanding incident.” I will say this: Its current Sidereal Solar Return is very bearish IMO. If a major bearish incident happens to the Gold market within its solar year it should clearly be seen with its time frame for the May 14 SLR, maybe an exact Gann Date. But remember—I am new to this “outstanding incident” return charts research for First Time Trade Charts, I am researching in an experimental manner to try and get a better feel for their possibilities.
The Gold Market appears to be quietly in a run-away bull market with constant all time new daily highs being made. So far, my analysis of this first-time trade chart for a bearish solar year with its current SSR chart has been wrong, but we have till Dec to finish out the solar year.

What I want to do now is start paying close attention to next month’s malefic “outstanding incident” May 14, 2024, SLR with Gann’s Sun Dates to see if it will calculate a possible major top.
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Re: First Time Trade Chart for Comex Gold and a look into the future with an “outstanding incident” May 14 2024 SLR.

Post by SteveS »

This run-away bull market in gold appears to be discounting some bad geopolitical news with the Mideast problems, war related. This could be Biden’s malefic SLR coming up in April which Jim has posted about...
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Re: First Time Trade Chart for Comex Gold and a look into the future with an “outstanding incident” May 14 2024 SLR.

Post by SteveS »

I wrote Feb 9 2024:
FTTC (first time trade chart) for Comex Gold Futures: Dec 31, 1974; 9:45 AM EST; New York, NY; 40N42,51; 074W00,23. Source: Susan Abbott Gidel: "Trading In Sync With Commodities."
I will be analyzing the OI (“outstanding incident”) May 14 2024 Sidereal Lunar Return (SLR) in detail with its OI symbolism just like this FTTC was a person. Also, I will be analyzing this FTTC current 2023 Sidereal Solar Return (SSR). Please feel free to disagree with my interpretations and offer your astrological opinions just as if these charts were a person. Unless I overlooked all the SLRs for 2024, the May 14 SLR is the only OI return chart for the entire calendar year. Remember--this is an experiment for possible Sidereal Astrology learning purposes for the return charts.
A Gann Sun Date occurred today May 20 with Gold making new all-time highs (2454 on June futures contract this morning) with prices sharply falling (for now-8:26 AM at 2414-down 40 $ from its daily high today at 2454). I will be looking at this Gann Date with particular interest since there was an “outstanding-out of the ordinary” SLR (Mars-Sun-Pluto) for this timed natal chart for the beginning of futures trade in gold on Dec 31 1974, 9:45 AM, New York. For this Gann Date to become more interesting to me I would want to see a weekly reversal take place by the end of trading this week, with Gold not closing over today’s high on the June futures contract for the rest of the calendar year. I will post charts next week if a weekly reversal occurs this Friday.
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Re: First Time Trade Chart for Comex Gold and a look into the future with an “outstanding incident” May 14 2024 SLR.

Post by SteveS »

The Gold futures market definitely confirmed an important weekly reversal in prices to the downside from a very important Seasonal Gann Sun Date of May 20 2024 in the Tropical Seasonal system or the the so-labeled Tropical Zodiac. This Gann Sun Date comes from Gann's all important Master Chart Square of 4 Chart showing 24 Dates beginning from the Vernal Point, which are Dates which I absolutely proved to my mind back in the 70's were involved reversing the price trend of certain markets. In other words: Calculating Dates for important markets tops and bottoms involving wide price swings. Below is a link of a daily chart for June 2024 Gold Futures on the New York Come x exchange, the birth location in the world for futures trading for the commodity of Gold. Below is a link for the daily price of June Gold showing this massive weekly reversal in prices from the exact date of May 20 when June Gold made a high at 2454 $ and closesd Friday at the end of the week at 2334, down 120 $. Put you cursor on the DATE of May 20th and you will note the market turned on a dime and reversed price from a new all-time daily high. The Dates by moving your cursor are seen by looking in the upper left side of this daily bar chart. ... tive-chart

Gann was a serious student of the Bible and repeatedly said the Bible is full of natural laws if one understands how to interpret what one is studying from the Bible. IMO, it was Ecclesiastes 3:1 Gann was studying for his Master timing charts which states there is:
A Time for Everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.
The key words from the above biblical passage is “ a season.” and for a market “a season” represent the time involved for calculating the beginning of a major top or bottom to the exact DAY, and Gann was using the Tropical Seasons beginning with the Vernal Equinox and dividing this 360 degree Tropical circle by 15 degrees to compute 24 yearly dates through an entire Season. Why a division by 15 degrees, I haven't a clue, I only know for sure these 24 Gann Sun Dates from his Master Chart of Price & Time will prove markets are making major tops & bottoms to the exact DAY in the market place. These same dates are also calculating to the exact date major historical events in the World, but that is another story.

But, the main purpose of this thread was an “experiment” to test if a Sidereal Lunar Return could possibly prove-out at times under certain market conditions if Jim's teachings for an “outstanding incident” Sidereal Solar Return could help clue which Gann Seasonal Sun Date during a given calendar year would activate a major top or bottom to the exact day. Jim's axiom for an “outstanding incident” Sidereal return chart is when: “ partile aspects are angular-- outstanding incidents come about.” I have proven to myself relative to my life with over 30 years of serious study that Jim's above “axiom” is true, so I wanted to test this axiom with a market, and my recent discovery of a first time trade chart, the timed birth of NY Comex futures gold was a good time to put this gold market to the test with an “outstanding incident” Sidereal Lunar Return for possibly timing a true Seasonal Gann Sun Date for a major top or bottom, in this case it was a major top, so far. But remember—this is only one test. More later...
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Re: First Time Trade Chart for Comex Gold and a look into the future with an “outstanding incident” May 14 2024 SLR.

Post by SteveS »

IMO, the most important radical aspect for this First Time Trade Chart for NY Comex Gold futures is:

Sun 15Sag08 partile 90 Pluto 14Vir49.

This one very important aspect is suggestive the birth of this NY futures gold market will be importantly affected in an intense Pluto manner with the individuality of the Sun, which rules Gold, to the greater market world.

How was I clued-in last Feb there may be high % for an important Top or Bottom in the Gold Market with its May 14 Sidereal Lunar Return (SLR)?

Because Jim’s book “Interpreting Solar Returns” taught me that when we see “partile aspects in a return chart that are angular, outstanding incidents are most likely to come about.” I have proven this to be true relative to my own life after more than 30 years or research. So, I thought to myself: let’s experiment with this principle with a First Time Trade Chart (Radical Chart) for NY Comex Gold.

Here was the “outstanding incident” aspect for May 14 SLR:
t SLR Mars 15Pi36 partile 180 r Pluto 14Vir49 and t SLR Mars partile 90 r Sun 15Sag08, SLR MC 14Pi32. This transiting SLR Mars in this SLR strongly suggest we will see some kind of “out of the ordinary” price action in gold market for this First Time Trade Chart. When we use the words “outstanding incident” for a market it will in most case symbolize a MAJOR Top or Bottom. Also, it is very important IMH0 Gann stated that when we see SLR planets partile 0, 90, 180 Radical planets, these type aspects no matter where they fall in the SLR can dominate the symbolism for the SLR time frame.

On an important Gann Date May 20 the gold futures market made a major important technical reversal from an exact all-time high daily top on May 20. Friday May 24 the gold futures market close down 120 $ from its exact top made on May 20. Now, only TIME knows for sure how important this May 20 Top will become for gold futures. I strongly suspect this Top may hold the market for at least several months if not several years.
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Re: First Time Trade Chart for Comex Gold and a look into the future with an “outstanding incident” May 14 2024 SLR.

Post by SteveS »

With my serious research into Gann’s Master Charts with their exact dates, I know for sure the Gold Market is, for lack of better words, vibrating to Gann’s Master Square of 4 Chart, or the even numbers. This means the 24 Dates surrounding this chart beginning with 0 at the yearly Spring Vernal Point, producing a new date every 15 degrees of the Sun's movement are the Master Dates to track for possible major tops & bottoms, but only when the market is making all-time highs or lows on the yearly price charts, this is a key to clearly understand when tracking these Gann Sun Dates. In the rare case when the gold market makes a new all-time historical high these Gann Dates become even more important to track for possible major Tops or Bottoms; this happened in the gold market on the exact Gann Date, Monday May 20th 2024. This means there is high probability the gold market has made a major Top which will not be violated on the weekly charts for many months or years. For the nearest futures contact, this Top was made at a price of 2454 on the June 2024 contact, so the price of 2454 with the nearest NY Comex futures contract should be watched closely. If soon, within a few weeks, if we see a close above 2354 only on the weekly nearest future contract in NY, gold prices will be primed to go much higher, if not, then prices will be primed to go much lower over the coming months. Normally, when we see a major historical all-time high TOP on an exact Gann Date, price action becomes very volatile. A monthly reversal on the price charts happens if the June contract closes below 2291 by the close on Friday May 31.

What could this highly possible major Gann Sun Date Top mean? My best guess is either or both, inflation is going lower or interest rates are going higher over the long term. Or, the gold market sees a Recession on the horizon with lower demand for gold.
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Re: First Time Trade Chart for Comex Gold and a look into the future with an “outstanding incident” May 14 2024 SLR.

Post by SteveS »

Before the Gann Date Top in Gold on May 20 2024, the last Gann Date Top made on the yearly charts with all-time highs was made on Aug 7 2020 with a 2061 price. It was not until Nov 2023 that the Aug 7 2020 Gann Date Top was taken out with a new all-time closing high on the yearly charts. It will be very interesting to see if the recent Gann Date Top on May 20 2024 will hold its price highs for months or years.

The June 2024 futures NY Comex contract is nearing expiration and has been replaced with the Aug futures contract. The Aug high price made on the recent Gann Date Top on May 20 2024 was 2477. So, until we see a close on the weekly price charts above 2477 on the Aug Contract, the May 20 Gann Date Top will still be valid for a possible most important Gann Date Top.
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Re: First Time Trade Chart for Comex Gold and a look into the future with an “outstanding incident” May 14 2024 SLR.

Post by SteveS »

The actual Scorpio ingress of the Tropical Sun occurred in New York at 5:51:58 PM Oct 22. A high in Dec Gold occurred in overnight trading at 3:40 AM today at 2,772.60, close enough to Gann's exact Oct 22 Sun Date. Lets see if this Sun Date will produce a fast price correction in the fast run-up of Gold prices which has happened recently. I have not been doing any astrological market work since my bout with my poor kidneys which I have recovered from for now. I need to get back looking at some market charts. I do remember we have an "outstanding incident" SLR NYSE chart coming-up right after the election, which I beleive I will focus in on for possibilities for a significent corrective top.

Dec Gold Chart (day/hourly chart). You can change the time increments to any you chose: ... tive-chart
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