Libsolars & U.S. Presidental Elections

Analyses of distinct mundane events, using the methods of Sidereal mundane astrology
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Libsolars & U.S. Presidental Elections

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(October 2015)

Just playing around with this to see what I get. Libsolars immediately before U.S. Presidential elections (since these always come a few weeks before and are always the immediate solar ingress - unless dormant. Obviously, until we get a handle on whether there is anything here and what it looks like, I'm making up the interpretations as I go.

No incumbent running.
Sun on Dsc (0°18')
Mars on MC (0°24')
Uranus on Asc (1°00')
Pluto on MC (1°04')
Mercury on Dsc (2°17')
Jupiter on Dsc (7°20')
-- Sun-Mars sq. (0°06' in mundo)
-- Mars-Uranus sq. (0°36' in mundo)
-- Sun-Uranus op. (0°42' in mundo)
-- Mercury-Uranus op. (1°17' in mundo)
-- Sun-Pluto sq. (1°22' in mundo)
-- Mars-Pluto conj. (1°04')
-- Mercury-Mars sq. (1°53' in mundo)
-- Sun-Mercury (1°59' in mundo)
-- Uranus-Pluto sq. (2°04' in mundo)
Moon-Venus op. (1°38' in mundo)

Incumbent Barack Obama (D) re-elected
Uranus on Asc (0°34')
Pluto sq. Asc (1°16')
-- Uranus-Pluto sq. (1°24')
Sun, Venus distantly foreground
Moon-Neptune sq. (2°13')
Impressions: Uranus-Pluto did not mean an overthrow, reversal, or beating the odds. It's unclear what this chart means, if anything. We are just beginning to look at these (first example), and gathering impressions.

No incumbent running. Sen. Barack Obama (D) won. Election distinctive for electing first black president.
Pluto on MC (1°46')
Uranus on Asc (2°32')
Saturn on Dsc (2°44')
-- Saturn-Uranus op. (0°12')
Mercury more widely foreground
Impressions: Many consider that this was a radical election, which would mean that 2012 simply continued the same trend. I most remember the acute Saturn-Uranus impact, the intense polarization between different extremes well represented by this pair.

Incumbent George W. Bush (R) re-elected.
Uranus on Asc (1°09')
Venus sq. MC (0°23')
Pluto on MC (6°36')
-- Venus-Pluto sq. 0°55' in mundo)
Moon on MC (7°44')
Moon-Venus sq. (2°35')
Impression: I will be interested to see if re-elections show signs of satisfaction or complacency. The years-long Uranus-Pluto effect is very strong here, but Venus stands out remarkably for this election - remarkable because the more peace-directed candidate lost, while the one who had brought, and continued to bring, war won.

Incumbent VP Al Gore (D) won the popular vote and lost the electoral vote to Gov. George W. Bush (R) in one of the most historic of elections due to Supreme Court intervention in the vote counting.
Jupiter on IC (0°22')
Pluto on MC (2°23')
-- Jupiter-Pluto op. (0°22')
Venus sq. Asc (1°25')
Uranus on Asc (4°26')
Moon-Mars sq. (2°42')
Impression: The main thrust of this is unquestionably the very close Jupiter-Pluto opposition right on the angles. This clearly shows the process of the election being the main subject, not the issue of who won. At the very least, Jupiter-Pluto is "landmark court intervention," and one more extreme perspective shows it as as a peaceful coup d'etat. The main point to observe is that the topic of this chart is not VP Gore vs. Gov. Bush in the election, but Bush v. Gore in the courts. (Moon-Mars is the battle, but every election is some sort of battle.)

Incumbent Bill Clinton (D) re-elected.
The Liblunar is dormant. I will examine the Cansolar.
Moon sq. MC (0°15')
Uranus on EP (1°05')
-- Moon-Uranus op. (0°31' in mundo)
-- Moon-Mercury conj. (0°27') [Mercury-Uranus 0°02']
Jupiter on Asc (3°18')
Sun, Neptune more widely angular
-- Sun-Neptune op. (0°43' in mundo)
Impression: An unusual situation because, not using the Libsolar, we do not get the recurrent Pluto. I'm surprised more of Clinton's later scandals didn't come out, given Sun-Neptune and Moon-Mercury-Uranus, but they did not. Overall, this is a satisfaction chart, the quadrennial "coup" quality gone, Uranus meaning more "freshness" than "change."

Gov. Bill Clinton (D) defeated incumbent Pres. George H.W. Bush (R).
The Libsolar is dormant. I will examine the Cansolar.
Moon-Saturn conj. (1°48')
Moon-Mercury op. (0°15' in munbdo)
Mercury-Saturn op. (0°25')
Sun on WP (1°53')
Uranus-Neptune conj. (0°14' in mundo)
-- Uranus & Neptune more distantly foreground
Impressions: The Moon aspects show extreme dissatisfaction, and the one close angular planet, Sun, says "It's all about the [current] President." The economy sucked and that hit Bush hard, so unhappiness prevailed. It is difficult to tag exactly what the Uranus-Neptune meant at this exact juncture, although we have both Clinton's tone as something totally fresh, the first Boomer president embodying the spirit of the 1960s, and the almost surrealistic presence of Ross Perot. - I think on re-elections we might end up seeing a happiness/unhappiness index as a major contributor to the outcome.

Incumbent VP George H.W. Bush (R) won.
Moon on Asc (0°50')
Pluto on MC more widely
Neptune on Asc very widely
Impressions: I can't say I'm sure what the exactly rising Moon means, but I have some ideas. Generally, it would have a populist effect; and, while Pres. Bush is hardly an "ordinary guy" image overall, he leaned much more that way in the campaign than his opponent. Dukakis was successfully portrayed as an elitist intellectual who was alienated from ordinary people and their needs and values. In contrast, Bush's Taurus showed, and Quayle's youth and looks prevailed. I think this is what we're being shown.

Incumbent Ronald Regan (R) won.
Mars on Asc (1°16')
Pluto on MC (1°58')
Jupiter on Asc (4°48')
Mercury distantly foreground
Moon-Sun sq. (1°52')
Impression: So much for the idea that 'satisfaction' is the key to re-election! The one thing that seems clear (in the sense of "likely") to me is that the Moon-Sun aspect says, "It's about the (current) President!" The rest is explosive, hard on authority, power-driven, etc. So I have no clue what is happening here.

Incumbent Jimmy Carter (D) lost to Gov. Ronald Reagan (R).This election is especially noted for a massive sweep, clearing long-standing liberal Democrats out of Congress and replacing them with a wave of new Republicans.
Sun-Pluto conj. (2°40')
-- Sun on MC (2°57')
-- Pluto on MC (6°36')
Jupiter-Saturn conj. (0°10')
-- Jupiter sq. Asc (2°52')
-- Saturn sq. Asc (3°02')
Impression: The message here is pretty clear! "Get rid of the President!" It was all about an overthrow of the existing regime, centered on that Sun-Pluto. (Ken Irving told me once that he considered Jupiter-Saturn an aspect, in mundane astrology, of removals. I haven't been able to confirm that, but it's worth mentioning here.) The pronounced Sun goes with Regan's message of renewal of dignity and "morning in America," and the rest is intense focus on the state of the economy and overthrowing the old regime.

Incumbent Gerald Ford lost to Gov. Jimmy Carter (D). This was one of the lowest key, most milquetoast elections in history with Gemini running against a Virgo.
The Liblunar is dormant (with Moon-Mars-Uranus), so I'll consult the Cansolar.
Mars sq. Asc (1°04')
Moon & Neptune more widely foreground
Moon-Neptune sq. (2°29')
Impressions: The tone of the chart is dissatisfied. It's angry and covert. Perhaps some of the Nixon scandal was hanging in the air, and Carter's professed faith certainly played in (especially in the immediate aftermath of first Watergate and then Roe v. Wade.) It's a very uncomfortable chart, like a lunar return where one is ashamed, and I think that angry festering is what hit Pres. Ford.

Incumbent Richard Nixon (R) won. Watergate was in the works.
Venus on MC (1°04')
Jupiter on EP (0°51')
Pluto on MC (5°37')
-- Jupiter-Pluto sq. (0°06')
Saturn on Dsc (3°24')
Mars on MC (8°48')
-- Mars-Saturn sq. (2°13')
Impressions: A complicated chart with mixed messages; but the two benefics are the closest to the angles. Against this, we see the conflict of Mars-Saturn and the political overthrow elements of Jupiter-Pluto. Are these the seeds of how the Nixon-Agnew second term would go? It seems hard to credit this ingress with being a radix for what came after, though the seeds seem to be there. For dirty tricks I'd want to see more Neptune, but there is certainly a lot of power-playing. Bottom line, for all the conflict, we have another case where benefics being strongest is good for the incumbent come election time.

Incumbent VP Hubert Humphrey (D) lost to former VP Richard Nixon (R)
Jupiter on MC (0°28')
Mars, Uranus, and Pluto more widely foreground
-- Uranus-Pluto conj. (2°26' in mundo)
Impressions: Jupiter did not help the seated VP (Humphrey). I think the tone was most anger at Johnson, especially concerning the war and other rampant violence, and the radical elements flowering in the late '60s. We have to weigh in the flamboyant ego of Gov. George Wallace as well (he uprooted traditional Democratic holds in the South). Humphrey and Nixon each got 43% of the vote, but Nixon's slight edge tipped the Electoral College lines in his favor.

Incumbent Lyndon Johnson (D) won.
Uranus on MC (0°02')
Venus on MC (0°43')
-- Venus-Uranus conj. (0°44')
Moon on IC (2°56')
-- Moon-Uranus op. (2°55' in mundo)
Saturn sq. Asc (1°11')
Jupiter & Pluto more widely foreground.
Impressions: Despite the strong Saturn, the Venus-Uranus conjunction at top is the strongest factor. Uranus clearly did not mean "change" - it seems that the powerful Venus carried the day for the incumbent, and the rest is the social revolution tone of the times aligned with the more liberal party. The ferociously strong Uranus is absolutely not in alignment with Goldwater's extreme conservatism (and didn't even play well in his own party).

Incumbent VP Richard Nixon (R) lost to Sen. John F. Kennedy (D). Both got over 49% of the popular vote.
Uranus sq. Asc (0°57')
Venus on Asc (1°19')
-- Venus-Uranus sq. (0°02')
Mercury on Asc (3°41')
Pluto more widely foreground
Impressions: Notice how Venus (e.g.) assist incumbent presidents get reelected, but is not particularly helpful to incumbent vice presidents intent on moving up a notch. Instead, this 0°02' Venus-Uranus square right on the angles marked the striking youthful charm of Sen. Kennedy and his family.

Incumbent Dwight Eisenhower (R) was re-elected.
As the Libsolar is dormant, I'll consult the Cansolar.
Neptune on Asc (1°41').
Uranus on MC (1°20')
-- Uranus-Neptune sq. (0°21' in mundo)
Sun distantly foreground.
Impression: I am unclear why Eisenhower won if this chart is its basis. It wasn't a heavily disputed election to begin with.

No incumbent ran. Gen. Dwight Eisenhower (R) won.
Mercury on Asc (0°29')
Jupiter & Pluto distantly foreground
-- Jupiter-Pluto sq. (0°38' in mundo)
Impression: I doubt that the rising Mercury meant that the Virgo would win. Instead, the Jupiter-Pluto square seems to be the main force, and would normally suggest regime change. After 20 years of Democrats in office, this came about with a Republican victory.

Incumbent Harry Truman (D) won.
Mercury on Asc (1°02')
Sun more widely foreground
Impression: It's a rather boring chart in what was a seemingly close three-way race. It seems the only relevant factor is the widely foreground Sun. (It was certainly a campaign where statistics and polling grabbed popular attention.)

Incumbent Franklin Roosevelt (D) won his fourth term.
Moon sq. MC (0°17')
Sun conj. Asc (0°39')
Mercury on Asc (2°01')
Mars on WP (1°38')
Moon-Sun conj. (1°00' in mundo)
Sun-Mercury conj. (2°40')
Impressions: It's hard for me to imagine those time, and still in the depths of a horrible war. I don't think there was any significant doubt about the outcome, and the chart is basically saying, "It's all about the President," and a showing of great strength.

Incumbent Franklin Roosevelt (D) won his third term.
Sun on EP (1°46')
Moon-Pluto sq. (1°37' in mundo)
Mars distantly foreground
Impressions: "It's all about the President," seems the message of the angular Sun. The Moon-Pluto may actually refer to Roosevelt seeking an unprecedented third term.

Incumbent Franklin Roosevelt (D) won.
As the Libsolar is dormant, I check the Cansolar.
Saturn on Dsc (1°04')
Moon, Jupiter, & Neptune more widely foreground.
-- Jupiter-Neptune sq. (0°55')
Impressions: This chart is not a good argument that malefic-benefic balance determines the fate of the incumbent. However, the chart, in its simplest way, shows unhappy people with unreasonable optimism and a prevailing populist focus. Roosevelt won by a huge margin.

Incumbent Herbert Hoover (R) lost to Gov. Franklin Roosevelt (D).
As the Libsolar & Cansolar are dormant, I check the Arisolar.
Pluto on MC (0°48')
Mercury on Dsc (*1°18')
Uranus on Dsc (2°29')
Moon on MC (3°07')
Sun & Mars more widely foreground
Mercury-Pluto sq. (0°28')
Mercury-Uranus conj. (1°13')
Moon-Mercury sq. (1°51' in mundo)
Moon-Sun sq. (2°05')
Moon-Uranus sq. (2°07')
Moon-Pluto conj. (2°19' in mundo)
Moon-Uranus sq. (0°38' in mundo)
Impressions: It was all about "time for a change" out with the old, etc. - getting rid of Hoover for the new guy with the fresh ideas.






































Jim Eshelman
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Re: Libsolars & U.S. Presidental Elections

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SteveS wrote:I know this: If the 2016 Libsolar manifests with anything to do with Election 2016—it is going to be very harsh.
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Re: Libsolars & U.S. Presidental Elections

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Yes. And remember what the winner is greeted with on inauguration day, and everybody get in December.
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Re: Libsolars & U.S. Presidental Elections

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SteveS wrote:Yes, I have not forgotten. And if Trump happens to win check out his Saturn transit on his Moon-Sun 180.
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Re: Libsolars & U.S. Presidental Elections

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When does that occur? I know inauguration day has a Mars-Saturn square that falls on Hillary's Moon & Jeb's angles.
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Re: Libsolars & U.S. Presidental Elections

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote:Yes, now we are looking at 3 of the top running candidates-- Hillary, Jeb, & Trump with the partile Mars-Saturn 90 wired into their personal points on Inauguration Day. Somewhat ominous considering the 2016 Libsolar and Dec 30 2016 Caplunar, regardless which one of the above 3 may become Prez.
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