Looking ahead... eye on the Supreme Court

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Jim Eshelman
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Looking ahead... eye on the Supreme Court

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Having just finished the U.S. forecast through May 27, I'm now especially interested in the month and a half following that: The Supreme Court has several pivotal things on their plate that we'll probably hear at the end of June. This is pretty big deal stuff, including a possible redefining of the historic definition of U.S. President (or not). What can we expect?

My fuller interpretations will come in a month, but for now here are some thumbnails.

Caplunar May 27
Saturn on MC 0°32'
Moon-Neptune sq 0°35' M
What a terrible month! Hard to read this as anything other than grief and despair.

Arisolar June 2
Dormant but with Moon-Mars conjunction (0°14') worldwide and Moon-Pluto square (0°33') mundo for the U.S. Possible domestic violence but more likely general warring intensified worldwide.

Canlunar June 9
Jupiter on EP 0°06'
Venus and Sun moderately foreground
-- Sun-Venus co 0°53' M
-- Sun sq non-foreground Saturn 0°01'
-- Venus sq non-foreground Saturn 1°17'
Dang, what do we make of this!? I'm going to be positive: the foreground planets are all benefic and upbeat, and the only all-foreground aspect is Sun conjunct Venus. People are happy!

But we have to consider Saturn's square to the foreground Sun-Venus. Since matters of abortion rights and presidential immunity and other rights are on the docket, these aspects seem relevant; in which case, the exactly angular Jupiter may mean only that the main news is about the courts! We won't get the announcements at this time - the news won't break - but decisions are made in the court and the final published decisions are being written. I'm inclined to think that this means the presidency is restricted by anything that overtly happens at this time. - Still, I have to conclude that during this week things seem to be going really well in Washington and the people of the nation are genuinely happy.

Liblunar June 16
Uranus on WP-a 1°27'
Mars moderately foreground
Moon-Pluto sq 0°11' M
Probably (hopefully!) unrelated to the courts. Things take us by surprise, and they are probably violent, disruptive things.

Caplunar June 23
Moon on IC 0°22'
-- Moon-Uranus sq 1°17' PVP
Pluto more widely foreground
Based on history, this is surely the Caplunar under which the burst of major court decisions will issue. Unfortunately, the Caplunar is utterly neutral. It's strongest message is that the People - mass-mind - is powerfully mobilized. It might be some sort of populist uprising implying outrage, but there are no clear indications of outrage (so we shouldn't assume it). These are aspects consistent in the past with popular activism and protests, though, so something of this sort is likely to be a central feature of this month.

Arilunar June 30
Dormant with Moon-Mercury square 0°42'. This doesn't add anything too important. The Caplunar persists. - Supreme Court decisions will likely all come out in these first two weeks of the Caplunar.

Canlunar July 6
Pluto on Nadir 0°06'
Mercury on MC 0°46'
-- Moon-Venus co 1°06'
It isn't likely the Court will stay in session past the July 4 weekend. Nonetheless, Mercury and Pluto on angles is consistent with previous major decisions, such as Bush v. Gore. Moon-Venus suggests people are having a good time. I doubt it's from the Court, though.

Remarkably good feelings are reinforced for a week by the July 14 Liblunar. Again, I think we're past the point of issuing SCOTUS decisions.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Looking ahead... eye on the Supreme Court

Post by Jim Eshelman »

All of this is happening against a backdrop of very significant happenings in the U.S. natal chart.

The U.S. Pluto Return (t Pluto conjunct r Pluto) first came into partile orb March 23, 2023 and will last leave that orb December 6, 2025. It's nearly a three year process. All exact conjunctions, though, are this year: February 22, July 16, and December 30.

Additionally, we get a kind of "reboot" - at least a new cycle - from the progressed New Moon June 8. Other important lunar progressions occur this year, including Moon to natal Mars-Neptune (July and August) and Moon opposite progressed Neptune (November!) - none of those are good. Nonetheless, the progressed New Moon is surely the most important factor. It occurs at 27°49' Aquarius. I am uncomfortable that this falls within 1° of square Donald Trump's Moon and nearly within 1° of square his Sun.
Jim Eshelman
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Ember Nyx
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Re: Looking ahead... eye on the Supreme Court

Post by Ember Nyx »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 11:48 am Caplunar June 23
Moon on IC 0°22'
-- Moon-Uranus sq 1°17' PVP
Pluto more widely foreground
Based on history, this is surely the Caplunar under which the burst of major court decisions will issue. Unfortunately, the Caplunar is utterly neutral. It's strongest message is that the People - mass-mind - is powerfully mobilized. It might be some sort of populist uprising implying outrage, but there are no clear indications of outrage (so we shouldn't assume it). These are aspects consistent in the past with popular activism and protests, though, so something of this sort is likely to be a central feature of this month.
Everyone on both sides of the aisle have been galvanizing their supporters whenever the other party gets a win (or even seems to hint at a course of action that might lead to a win). I could see essentially nothing actually happening, and the talking heads still riling people up, smashing some windows, etc.
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