Bubble Bursting Return

Q&A and discussion on Sidereal Lunar Returns.
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Bubble Bursting Return

Post by Lyse »

This has not been a good month so far, with Mercury and Pluto angular. Since my last birthday, I’ve been holding onto the hope that five people’s lives would magically align and we’d all up and move closer to Toronto. Totally unrealistic on my part but probably in keeping with the SSR that took place in Ottawa with natal Neptune angular, a fantasy. Our lease had to be renewed at the end of this month and it all came to a head, in my own head, with the current LR on May 15, 2024.

To say I’m upset would be an understatement but it was a decision that, unfortunately, I have to live with.

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                           Transiting Planets                           
Mo  5Le 1' 0"  3N40 +11°56' 153°31' 14N52 134°31' +51°50' 299°16'  43%   
Su  0Ta27'24"  0N 0 +57'51"  53°12' 19N 9 272°14' +25°10' 205°11'  50%   
Me  5Ar 9'44"  3S 9 + 1°15'  29°15'  8N37 281° 6' + 1°11' 181°12' 100% D 
Ve 25Ar 8'46"  0S48 + 1°14'  48° 0' 17N 2 274°10' +20° 6' 200° 9'  58%   
Ma 16Pi37'22"  1S14 +45'44"  11°15'  3N29 290°54' -14°43' 164°17'  46%   
Ju  2Ta32'55"  0S44 +14' 9"  55°32' 18N55 270°24' +26°39' 206°39'  47%   
Sa 22Aq43'50"  1S48 + 4' 9" 349°30'  6S28 302°50' -36° 6' 139° 3'   8%  b
Ur 28Ar10'14"  0S16 + 3'29"  50°56' 18N20 273°10' +23° 2' 203° 4'  53%   
Ne  4Pi15'21"  1S15 + 1'27" 359°53'  1S24 296°51' -25°46' 151°35'   1%  b
Pl  6Cp59' 3"  3S 4 - 0'22" 305° 4' 22S41   3° 9' -67°13'  88°41' 100% I 
Er  0Ar 3'36" 10S47 + 0'34"  27°13'  0S19 276°21' - 6°39' 173°18'  88% D 
                            Radical Planets                             
Mo  5Le 1' 0"  4S39 +14° 2' 150°32'  7N 5 144° 1' +46°19' 299°18'  43%   
Su  4Cn 5'37"  0S 0 +57'18" 121°19' 20N19 191° 7' +64°31' 264°45'  98% Z 
Me 18Ge16'54"  0S13 + 1°47' 104°29' 22N33 225°14' +60°59' 248°30'  19%  b
Ve 22Ge43'13"  0N22 + 1°14' 109°20' 22N37 217° 0' +63°16' 253° 8'  40%   
Ma 12Cn31'20"  1N 9 +38'21" 130°19' 19N28 171°35' +63°49' 274° 7'  95% M 
Ju 13Cn59'33"  0N33 +13' 8" 131°39' 18N31 169° 4' +62°42' 275°36'  92% M 
Sa 20Li22'52"  2N18 + 0'14" 223°41' 14S16  95° 4' -15°11'  15°15'  67%   
Ur  3Cn52' 5"  0N31 + 3'40" 121°12' 20N52 191°34' +65° 3' 264°40'  99% Z 
Ne  1Li23'33"  1N43 + 0'27" 205°11'  8S36 104° 0' + 1°37' 358°20'  99% A 
Pl  1Le25'30" 10N10 + 1'45" 152°27' 22N12 128°51' +58°31' 295°30'  49%   
Er 14Pi55' 1" 23S42 - 0'10"  18°44' 17S48 269°28' -24°52' 155° 8'   7%  b
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Bubble Bursting Return

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I'm sorry things didn't go the way you really wanted them to go :(

Thank for the example. I continue to be surprised anew every time the interpretations from Solar and Lunar Returns land like they were custom-crafted for a modern occasion. Written by a man in his early 20s when everybody else had a different idea about that "new" planet Pluto, they still startle me with how squarely they land. The mere fact that (as written in the late '40s) Mercury-Pluto meant you had to sign your name and felt you had no choice about it is a very specific example, along with the rest. Here is my current effort to update and refresh what might not need much updating:
Mercury-Pluto wrote:Collision of divergent ideas, information, or communication. Circumstances cause great nervous tension, tax one's patience, and force one to face the music and take a stand. Consequences of events stun the intellect, shifting an underlying paradigm, significantly reframing how one thinks. Despite an underlying disrespect for the law, one may be backed up against a wall of convention or law and have to fight one's way out of the predicament. Under terrific nervous pressure, may be forced to sign one's name, as with a loyalty-oath or answer tough questions ("being given the third degree"). (Seems to show in SLRs for deaths of loved ones.)
With your natal Mars and Neptune being next most angular, you're probably being harder on yourself than you need to be, btw. Time to schedule some indulgent pleasure for yourself.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Bubble Bursting Return

Post by Lyse »

With your natal Mars and Neptune being next most angular, you're probably being harder on yourself than you need to be, btw.
Thanks, Jim. This is correct, it’s magical thinking and I’m annoyed with myself for going there!
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