Joe Biden 2024 SSR
- Jim Eshelman
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Joe Biden 2024 SSR
I've been saying for, oh, maybe a year that Pres. Biden's current SSR sucks (two Neptunes foreground and Moon square natal Saturn) and his next one is worse. I don't think I've itemized that, though. If so, it's buried somewhere in the long Joe thread. I thought I should create a separate place here for the Biden November 20, 2024 SSR.
Here is the breakdown. Sure, there's some Jupiter; but it's joined by two Saturns and two Neptunes. Also see the Moon aspects, among other aspects.
t Mercury on Asc -8°16'
t Jupiter on Dsc -4°23'
r Neptune on MC -2°20'
t Saturn on N +0°27'
r Saturn on Dsc +3°13'
t Neptune on IC +3°57'
r Uranus on Dsc +9°12'
t Moon-Pluto op 0°22'
t Moon sq r Moon 0°22'
t Moon-Mars co 1°38' M
-- t Mars sq r Moon 0°09' M
t Moon co r Jupiter 3°22'
t Neptune sq r Saturn 0°44' M
t Saturn sq r Saturn 1°37'
t Mercury-Jupiter op 2°00'
t Jupiter sq r Neptune 2°03' M
t Saturn-Uranus sq 0°33' M
We can simplify - get a tighter sense of the chart's essence - by dropping out Class 3 angularities. In that case, we basically lose the Mercury-Jupiter transit.
Here is the breakdown. Sure, there's some Jupiter; but it's joined by two Saturns and two Neptunes. Also see the Moon aspects, among other aspects.
t Mercury on Asc -8°16'
t Jupiter on Dsc -4°23'
r Neptune on MC -2°20'
t Saturn on N +0°27'
r Saturn on Dsc +3°13'
t Neptune on IC +3°57'
r Uranus on Dsc +9°12'
t Moon-Pluto op 0°22'
t Moon sq r Moon 0°22'
t Moon-Mars co 1°38' M
-- t Mars sq r Moon 0°09' M
t Moon co r Jupiter 3°22'
t Neptune sq r Saturn 0°44' M
t Saturn sq r Saturn 1°37'
t Mercury-Jupiter op 2°00'
t Jupiter sq r Neptune 2°03' M
t Saturn-Uranus sq 0°33' M
We can simplify - get a tighter sense of the chart's essence - by dropping out Class 3 angularities. In that case, we basically lose the Mercury-Jupiter transit.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Joe Biden 2024 SSR
That's not all, though. There is a long slate of PVP aspects. If these are valid in return charts, we get way more complexity. Here are the possible additional aspects identified (in addition to Moon-Jupiter becoming a 0°07' aspect):
t Jupiter sq r Jupiter 1°10'
t Jupiter-Pluto sq 1°27'
t Moon sq r Saturn 1°37'
t Moon-Mercury sq 1°46'
r Jupiter-Saturn sq 2°20'
t Mercury sq r Jupiter 2°49'
t Pluto sq r Saturn 2°57'
t Jupiter sq r Jupiter 1°10'
t Jupiter-Pluto sq 1°27'
t Moon sq r Saturn 1°37'
t Moon-Mercury sq 1°46'
r Jupiter-Saturn sq 2°20'
t Mercury sq r Jupiter 2°49'
t Pluto sq r Saturn 2°57'
Jim Eshelman
Re: Joe Biden 2024 SSR
Not good! He will need his loving wife Jill more-so.
- Jim Eshelman
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- Posts: 19572
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Re: Joe Biden 2024 SSR
I believe he will be grieving the outcome of the election. It's not clear if he will live long after this chart sets up.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Joe Biden 2024 SSR
It's still hard to imagine Trump winning the election. Republicans have been getting annihilated in most races off the back of Roe being overturned, and Trump is now a felon to boot.
Re: Joe Biden 2024 SSR
Trump certainly did not score any points in the debate, but the mental/physical condition Joe displayed....
Re: Joe Biden 2024 SSR
Ya know, I was totally ignorant of Joe's life and career as a civil servant , as I feel the majority of Americans are in regards to who our elected officials are, the news doesnt educate us or inform us very well and it is only when a citizen takes initiative to find out for themselves by reading outside of the media mogul box that we learn who people really are.SteveS wrote: Sun Jun 30, 2024 4:33 am Trump certainly did not score any points in the debate, but the mental/physical condition Joe displayed....
I am very sad to be reading this thread and others about Mr. President Biden and his yucky charts and poor health. I know Jim you write this to inform and explore and prepare and reflect and learn, and you do so with love and kindness and sensitivity. President Biden has been an active aggressive champion for America amidst troubles after troubles after troubles inside our Republic and out. It will be a very sad day in Washington and the USA as a whole when Mr. Biden does not come to work. His positivity and optimism is what the world needs more of, IMO.
Re: Joe Biden 2024 SSR
Jim Eshelman wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2024 5:00 pm It's not clear if he will live long after this chart sets up.
... is there a more perfect time to do something Outrageous (good), than when the environment considers you practically a dead-man already?!SteveS wrote: Sun Jun 30, 2024 4:33 am Trump certainly did not score any points in the debate, but the mental/physical condition Joe displayed....

Amate Se Mutuo Cum Corda Ardentia
Re: Joe Biden 2024 SSR
The two party political system gives the voters a choice for voting for a dead man dying of dementia (Biden) or a mad man (Trump). But this doesn’t matter—1/3 the voters will vote for Trump and 1/3 for Biden. Again, I say the US Political World has put my mind trapped into a “Twilight Zone”. I will stay home with the rest of the 1/3 and not vote, my conscious will not allow me to vote, and the system will not allow a 3rd party candidate for at least a choice for me voting for someone else. 

Re: Joe Biden 2024 SSR
Given the choice between a man who is old and possibly on the way out, and a man who explicitly wants to bring fascism to the US, the choice seems pretty clear to me. I strongly urge you to vote. Not participating is still choosing, and it's choosing the person who is favored to win already (in this case, the madman who explicitly wants to bring fascism to the US). There are ripple effects of such a choice that last for decades.SteveS wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2024 9:44 am I will stay home with the rest of the 1/3 and not vote, my conscious will not allow me to vote
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Joe Biden 2024 SSR
Without being a doctor or having examined him directly, I think diagnosing Biden with dementia is inaccurate and unfair - especially because it trivializes actual dementia.
He is aging. He has gaps. It's somewhat more than the tendency most people have from age 40 to start forgetting nouns or names. He seems to have other age-related factors such as tiring far more easily, and this can affect how the mind operates.
I think labelling him as having dementia - or as I've seen a lot of people do on social media, claim (as if they could know) that he has Alzheimer's - trivializes the scope of the problem for people who clearly have this disease.
BTW - since this is an astrology forum - I should mention that he doesn't have any of the astrological indicators I found over 90% of dementia cases have (I published this here recently), which starts with a closely afflicted Mercury. Since 100% of cases don't have this, absence of the aspect isn't definitive - but nearly every case I could find has it.
On the political side, I echo Mike's sentiment for the same reason.
He is aging. He has gaps. It's somewhat more than the tendency most people have from age 40 to start forgetting nouns or names. He seems to have other age-related factors such as tiring far more easily, and this can affect how the mind operates.
I think labelling him as having dementia - or as I've seen a lot of people do on social media, claim (as if they could know) that he has Alzheimer's - trivializes the scope of the problem for people who clearly have this disease.
BTW - since this is an astrology forum - I should mention that he doesn't have any of the astrological indicators I found over 90% of dementia cases have (I published this here recently), which starts with a closely afflicted Mercury. Since 100% of cases don't have this, absence of the aspect isn't definitive - but nearly every case I could find has it.
On the political side, I echo Mike's sentiment for the same reason.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Joe Biden 2024 SSR
In The Big Book, examining the nativity of Margaret Millard who died of Alzheimer's I went on:
As I write this, the causes of Alzheimer’s remain unclear. Effective treatment barely exists. Nothing can currently halt or reverse it, though some treatments can ease symptoms or slow its progress. The most effective medical intervention today is to anticipate or catch its symptoms early when its development can still be delayed or reduced. If astrology can assist in anticipating the chance of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, it will be a great boon.
Astrological profiles for dementia are tentative, though we may be close to finding a pattern sufficient to give realistic warnings of someone’s increased vulnerability. Cases I have seen nearly always feature a clear affliction to Mercury. This makes sense for a disease group that compromises cognitive abilities like reasoning and remembering.
Dr. Millard’s nativity has other close background aspects suggesting possible health concerns, including Moon opposite Pluto (she tragically lost a daughter) and a Venus-Saturn conjunction square Mars (she wrote that she had a hyperactive thyroid). Regarding her Alzheimer’s disease, the relevant aspect seems to be a close mundane Mercury-Pluto square (1°20') as a variation of the “irregular brain formations” interpretation of that planet combination. Other chart factors may reflect quality of life details.
However, though dementia does seem to center on an afflicted Mercury, we cannot limit its emerging profile to Mercury-Pluto aspects specifically. Glen Campbell, Estelle Getty, Peter Falk, Joanne Woodward, Sean Connery, Burgess Meredith, and Elizabeth Claire Prophet had close Mercury-Mars aspects. Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater, and Aaron Spelling had close Mercury-Neptune. Tony Bennett had Mercury square Saturn. All these people had Alzheimer’s disease. Each had a closely afflicted Mercury.
Other (less common) cases can be found, of course, that do not fit this pattern. Nor will everyone with an afflicted Mercury develop dementia: For example, Mercury-Mars aspects are common for people who live and remain active and productive in their 80s and 90s. However, most who do develop dementia will have Mercury closely aspecting a malefic or Pluto. This seems a solid initial pointer toward a more sophisticated, reliable astrological profile.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Joe Biden 2024 SSR
My dear Mother was diagnosed with dementia, and I had to care for her for 3 years with some part-time help from two PRO independent “sitters”, who were able to give me a break 3 days a week. Without this help I would have gone insane. But what I could never understand was 70% of the time my Mother’s mind was normal, but she knew her mind was very unstable, she had to quit her lifelong passion of playing bridge with her best friends, it was so sad. The Pro sitters told me they were sure she did not have dementia but was going through a cycle of mini strokes. And believe me there was times when my Mother would completely lose her ability to think clearly and exhibit very bizarre thinking/talking episodes which I understand could easily be labeled dementia. What I saw with Biden in the Debate reminded me so much of the same type thinking/talking bizarre episodes with my Mother. Its really a sad situation realized more so if you have any experience of living with someone exhibiting these type thinking/talking episodes. No matter what the cause for em when they happen they cannot function normally when the episode is happening. I had my Mother's brain scanned when these episodes were happening and took-em to my doctor and he told me it was not a scan of someone who had dementia and agreed with my sitters that my Mother was experiencing mini strokes which in lot of cases can happen to senior people when they are asleep. Regardless, Biden certainly lost the election with the mental episode he had in the debate. 

- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Joe Biden 2024 SSR
I'd forgotten this was part of what you went through with your mother.
BTW on the issue of mini-strokes, Joe's chart IS prone to that sort of thing - looking at some of his charts in the coming months, I found myself thinking several times about his having a full stroke. (There are some charts that bring his Mercury-Mars together in close conjunction mundanely for a couple of weeks.)
I guess part of labelling depends on whether one is speaking of dementia as a specific disease medically diagnosable (I was) or whether one means a broader, more casual group of behaviors (it's often treated as a syndrome of many possible causes.)
And, of course, since I define myself - worth, importance, nature, etc. - so much in terms of my mind, I've had a lot of time to think about it from the inside point of view. Life is too short and busy to dwell and "what ifs" too much, but I do occasionally worry that my Mercury-Saturn conjunction could go down that path. (Not that it did for Einstein, Kepler, Newton, Copernicus, Brahe, or several dozen others I could dig out.)
But, yes, history will probably refer to public perception of inflation plus the debate.
BTW on the issue of mini-strokes, Joe's chart IS prone to that sort of thing - looking at some of his charts in the coming months, I found myself thinking several times about his having a full stroke. (There are some charts that bring his Mercury-Mars together in close conjunction mundanely for a couple of weeks.)
Especially because of the time of day, I momentarily thought the same - there are similarities. But there are also similar behaviors that come simply from aging.What I saw with Biden in the Debate reminded me so much of the same type thinking/talking bizarre episodes with my Mother.
I guess part of labelling depends on whether one is speaking of dementia as a specific disease medically diagnosable (I was) or whether one means a broader, more casual group of behaviors (it's often treated as a syndrome of many possible causes.)
As I think you know, I've been on the caretaker / companion side of that, too.Its really a sad situation realized more so if you have any experience of living with someone exhibiting these type thinking/talking episodes. No matter what the cause for em when they happen they cannot function normally when the episode is happening.
And, of course, since I define myself - worth, importance, nature, etc. - so much in terms of my mind, I've had a lot of time to think about it from the inside point of view. Life is too short and busy to dwell and "what ifs" too much, but I do occasionally worry that my Mercury-Saturn conjunction could go down that path. (Not that it did for Einstein, Kepler, Newton, Copernicus, Brahe, or several dozen others I could dig out.)
And if dementia is used more casually, as a syndrome (a collection of behaviors), such mini-strokes could indeed be one cause.I had my Mother's brain scanned when these episodes were happening and took-em to my doctor and he told me it was not a scan of someone who had dementia and agreed with my sitters that my Mother was experiencing mini strokes which in lot of cases can happen to senior people when they are asleep.
I would have said he lost the election because he didn't go to Rio de Janeiro for his last birthday. From that point on, it was lost.Regardless, Biden certainly lost the election with the mental episode he had in the debate.
But, yes, history will probably refer to public perception of inflation plus the debate.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Joe Biden 2024 SSR
I believe that if President Biden was diagnosed with dementia that Vice President Harris would fully do her sworn duty, no matter to her personal feelings. She would have to assert no confidence from my understanding. Until she does, I too have confidence and fully support the President. I dont even like people talking ill about our President one little bit, it's not nice or empathetic, but I realize everybody's got there own synastry chart with everybody else and their own natal on top of everything, and theres nothing I can do about that.
Re: Joe Biden 2024 SSR
I think she would take up the mantle and run for president if that were to happen. However, I think our chances would be even worse in that case. Harris's campaign was a total dud when she did run on her own, and she is deeply, deeply unpopular among pretty much everyone I know on the left, due to her track record as a prosecutor (which, to many of us, reads as: ruining young peoples' lives over often minor things, and enforcing unconscionable laws). Many of us (including myself) would still unhesitatingly vote for her, but many also would not - and we need every vote we can get.
I would be utterly shocked if she ran and won.
I will vote for whoever is on that ticket though. The situation is dire.
I would be utterly shocked if she ran and won.
I will vote for whoever is on that ticket though. The situation is dire.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Joe Biden 2024 SSR
I'm a fan, which isn't the same as saying I think she'd win. To offer a different point of view: I'd say that she never ran for president, only for the nomination, i.e., she had a really hard time distinguishing herself from the other Dem aspirants to the nomination (when they all agreed on 98% of everything and only differed on messaging styles and priorities). That's not the same as running against a true opponent with whom you disagree on almost everything.Mike V wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2024 3:52 pm Harris's campaign was a total dud when she did run on her own, and she is deeply, deeply unpopular among pretty much everyone I know on the left, due to her track record as a prosecutor (which, to many of us, reads as: ruining young peoples' lives over often minor things, and enforcing unconscionable laws).
And I can't think of anything that would fry Trump's nervous system more than having an aggressive, skilled prosecutor drill down on the bum's bum - especially a woman of color! (Can you imagine her against him in the September debate? Hamburger through a meat grinder!)
Regarding her tenure as District Attorney, I suppose we see things differently. I saw several things I admired and - even with a little looking online right now - I can't find mention of the far left's issues. In fact, on some minor things you and I probably agree on - like marijuana possession when it was still a crime - she prosecuted very few and I think always as no-jail misdemeanors. (But I can't claim to have a thorough familiarity with her time as SF DA.)
Using only non-astrological political sense, I agree. Looking at her upcoming SSR if she happens to be in Washington the morning after her birthday... well, that makes me wonder if non-astrological political sense is correct this time.I would be utterly shocked if she ran and won.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Joe Biden 2024 SSR
Oh yeah, I'd absolutely relish seeing her picking Trump apart in a debate, and I think she would be perfect for it. I just don't think it'll be enough to actually make enough people in enough states vote for her and not vote for him.
(On the flip side, I think we all know how the right would spin that after the debate, so it would galvanize them too.)
(On the flip side, I think we all know how the right would spin that after the debate, so it would galvanize them too.)
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Joe Biden 2024 SSR
Yeah. Trump's campaign has an ad out with her standing somewhat behind Biden and a caption something like, "You know who's waiting to come next."
Here's a similar one: ... r-BB1pmj7v
Here's a similar one: ... r-BB1pmj7v
Jim Eshelman
Re: Joe Biden 2024 SSR
My mother, a diehard Trumper, texted me after the last election telling me that “they” clearly intended Biden to die or step down in office, and KAMALA the COMMUNIST was intended to take power.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Joe Biden 2024 SSR
It’s simply the right thing to do for Biden to step down, the quicker-the better for the Party, and the Dem Party with their media outlets get behind Harris as their candidate. In other words---back to political normalcy. If Biden with his inner Circle does not throw in the towel, the final Prez election results will be a complete disaster for Biden & his Party!