Anlunars and kinetic Anlunars

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Ember Nyx
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Anlunars and kinetic Anlunars

Post by Ember Nyx »

I'm starting to analyze my solunars from the last 6ish months - I'm doing basically all of the non-converse charts I can think of.

For Anlunars, are natal planets included in the analysis? (So effectively, you have a triwheel with the natal, the SSR, and the transiting planets?)

Similarly, and it's probably the same question... do you end up with a quad-wheel for the kinetic Anlunar, with natal, SSR, secondary progressed SSR, and transiting planets?
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Anlunars and kinetic Anlunars

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Mike V wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2024 12:39 am For Anlunars, are natal planets included in the analysis? (So effectively, you have a triwheel with the natal, the SSR, and the transiting planets?)
Yes. Three-ring circus.
Similarly, and it's probably the same question... do you end up with a quad-wheel for the kinetic Anlunar, with natal, SSR, secondary progressed SSR, and transiting planets?
In theory, yes. In practice, one can probably drop out the SSR ring since only Moon has moved enough to matter. I suspect, though, that (where there is any distance worth noting) transits to the SSR are more relevant than transits to the SQ (secondary progressed SSR) planets. (I run into this when working with quotidians of the solar ingresses and always have to do two-step processes.
Jim Eshelman
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