Last year you suggested Tbilisi in Georgia for my 2023 SSR and it was truly awesome. One of the best holidays ever. My year so far has been going well despite having lost my mother last december. Sadness took over during many months. It's getting better knowing there is relief for her, she is at a better place now. The strong factors of Moon-Neptune in the SSR were highy felt which I accepted. Being aware of SSR aspects makes the year a lot easier to navigate I find. And my exposure to long term Pluto transit to natal Sun let me be more on my own which I preferred.
So far so good.

Today I was looking at my next SSR and it shows t. Sun and t. Moon angular. In Bergen op Zoom Sun becomes exact. This is not very far.
Do you think I can stay here? Or home? Mars and Pluto are widely angular. Do you think these need to be moved further away from the angles? T Moon is aspecting r. Neptune quite close and this cannot be avoided I reckon.
Natally, nothing comes to the fore apart from r. Sun.
Unfortunately t. Venus is far away and aspects t. Saturn. T Jupiter is slicing through India, for example New Dehli. Before I make any decisions, would you mind having a look when you have time? Thank you so much Jim. Regards, Flo