LA vulnerability to threat

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Jim Eshelman
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LA vulnerability to threat

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Just looking ahead... The LA region has had three moderate and noticeable earthquakes in recent weeks, the last one right in the midst of the strongest fault line for the whole area. Is the risk heightened?

California always has Capsolars that could be interchangeably indicative of fires and earthquakes (and, for that matter, floods and landslides). This year's Capsolar has been unusually indicative and, conswquently, we've had more of the "making people nervous" sort of quakes.

But looking ahead (past the 9/24-9/3 vulnerability that is more the whole world than LA specifically), the Libsolar is especially bad for the area. I've identified a peak that might be noteworthy: Look at the Capsolar, Libsolar, CapQ, and CanQ for November 13-14, 2024.

This is also interesting - contemplating the maybe of a serious disaster - as one interpretation of the U.S. Caplunar November 7.

Not saying it's going to happen... Just saying the highest risk seems to concentrate there.
Jim Eshelman
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Ember Nyx
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Re: LA vulnerability to threat

Post by Ember Nyx »

Thanks for the heads up. I added this to my calendar. I had a dream the other day, during a nap, that I was in an earthquake - it's possible that we had one and I was asleep for it. (Or maybe there was a physiological explanation for the symbolism, like being really exhausted :lol: )
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