Potential SSR relocation considerations

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Potential SSR relocation considerations

Post by Stef »

I am considering relocating my 2024 SSR (December 23, 2024) to Raleigh, North Carolina again. As I understand the Time Matters chart, my SSR in New Jersey has transiting Saturn/Neptune on Ascendant, with a wider transiting Moon on Descendant and a close Moon square natal Neptune aspect. Moving this to Raleigh moves Saturn to 100% but gives me transiting Jupiter also close on Ascendant and removes Moon. I believe this would highlight the Jupiter square Saturn aspect.

The last time I relocated to Raleigh, I ignored Jim's suggestion to travel a further hour south to Fayetteville to remove the t Neptune to r Neptune on the outskirts of the chart. I figured it wouldn't be too powerful and I wanted to test that. This chart factor ended up being much more impactful than I expected, and I believe I underestimated the power of Uranus (as a person with Uranus foreground and aspecting my Sun, I usually find change fun and exciting!) as "psychological shock" which it certainly was (in a mystical sense), to an overwhelming degree that affected my mental and physical health that year. So now I am paying much more attention to these little tweaks.

Adding to this, on September 19, 2024, in the afternoon, my husband and I decided (as amicably as it could be, I suppose) to divorce. While I accept the ongoing Saturn/Neptune lessons, I think adding Jupiter to the mix might help to lighten the load and set me up for a more solid year.

Appreciate any insights this forum might have on this. Raleigh seems an obvious choice for me because it is easy and cheap for me, but if there are other really good options, I'd consider those.
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Re: Potential SSR relocation considerations

Post by Ember Nyx »

Hey. I’m very sorry to hear about your divorce, and hope you’re okay.

Let’s take a look…

Your base SSR for NJ is pretty bad, as you say, with Moon plus Saturn-Neptune closely on angles. Traveling to pick a different trajectory for the year is a great idea.

I’ll put down the Raleigh info here so we can compare it to other examples:
T. Saturn Asc -0°28’ (100%)
T. Neptune Asc -6°42’ (91%)
T. Jupiter N +2°05’ (85%)

T. Jupiter sq r. Saturn 0°14’ (this will be true anywhere in the world)
T. Saturn sq t. Neptune 0°19’ PVP (this is experimental)
T. Moon sq r. Neptune 1°41’

This is definitely better than New Jersey. However, transiting Jupiter is the weakest element in the chart - it is still overwhelmingly harsh and depressing. If it was purely between Raleigh or NJ, I would pick Raleigh, but I think we can do better (at least on paper).

There are a few challenges to this one, just based on what is happening in the sky in late December.

Transiting Jupiter and Saturn will be closely square for your birthday, so it seems impossible to get one without the other.

Transiting Venus seems to get a PVP square to transiting Saturn in all of the locations I tested where it was on a major angle, plus other miscellaneous factors that made it much less attractive as an option.

Natal Sun and Jupiter don’t appear to be foreground anywhere in the continental US, and natal Venus is seemingly mundanely conjoined by transiting Pluto whenever we put it on an angle. (This may or may not be something you’re willing to explore. I can definitely understand not wanting any more Pluto-Venus type stuff for the next year.)
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Re: Potential SSR relocation considerations

Post by Ember Nyx »

So with all of that said, here’s what I’m thinking, if you want to stay within the continental US.

1. Try to get transiting Jupiter-Saturn, but without Neptune.
2. Try for transiting Venus, and just accept the other less pleasant parts (which vary).
3. Try to get transiting Pluto and natal Venus, and go for a ride.

I do think that transiting Jupiter-Saturn is probably your best option, but let’s explore the others first.

For example, here’s Dallas, TX, which gets transiting Venus exactly rising, but closely joined by natal Mars:
T. Venus Asc +0°06’ (100%)
R. Mars MC +1°18’ (100%)
T. Mars Dsc +8°43’ (81%)
T. Mercury MC -9°17’ (83%)
T. Uranus N -2°34’ (80%)

Plus natal Moon-Saturn-Neptune acutely background, in addition to other things.

T. Venus sq t. Saturn 0°03’ PVP
T. Saturn sq r. Mars 0°55’ PVP (this is not fun to see)
T. Moon sq r. Neptune 1°41’
T. Venus sq r. Mars 1°12’ M

T. Uranus op r. Pluto 0°23’ M

This looks like a passionate chart, probably mostly fun, but if PVP aspects do turn out to be valid in SSRs (and I suspect that they are), then this is heavily soured by Venus-Saturn and Saturn-Mars. This could arguably be almost as bad as the NJ chart if that is the case.

Going much further north, Oskaloosa, Iowa is similar, but with a different twist:
T. Venus Asc + 0°02’ (100%)
T. Mercury MC -3°37’ (97%)
T. Mars Dsc +6°27’ (90%)
R. Venus Asc +8°50’ (81%)
T. Pluto Asc +9°03’ (80%)
R. Mars MC +9°56’ (76%)

T. Venus sq t. Saturn 0°07’ PVP
T. Pluto co r. Venus 0°13’ M
T. Pluto sq r. Mars 0°53’ M
R. Venus sq r. Mars 1°06’ M
T. Moon sq r. Neptune 1°41’
T. Mars op r. Venus 2°02’
T. Mercury sq t. Saturn 2°30 PVP
T. Mars op t. Pluto 3°26’

This is a much more intense chart, I would say, plus you get Pluto-Venus. I think this is worse (more likely to be painful) than Dallas, but I’m including it for the sake of comparison.

Here’s focusing directly on natal Venus, which also gets us transiting Pluto.

Colorado City, CO:
R. Venus As +0°52’ (100%)
T. Mars Ds -1°05’ (100%)
T. Pluto As +1°28’ (99%)
T. Uranus IC +6°08’ (91%)
T. Venus As -8°02’ (87%)
R. Pluto MC +7°52’ (85%)
R. Mercury As +9°24’ (78%)

Unfortunately, natal Sun is in the exact background of the chart.

T. Pluto co r. Venus 0°36’ M
T. Venus sq r. Pluto 1°19’
T. Mars op r. Venus 2°02’
R. Mercury sq r. Pluto 1°32’ M
T. Moon sq r. Neptune 1°41’
T. Uranus op r. Pluto 1°44’ M
T. Mars op t. Pluto 3°26’

Also: r. Jupiter op r. Uranus 0°51’ M

This is really intense, and despite the Venus presence, is probably not going to be pleasant due to those aspects with transiting Mars-Pluto.
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Re: Potential SSR relocation considerations

Post by Ember Nyx »

Okay, we tried everything else. What about transiting Jupiter-Saturn? (I couldn’t find just Jupiter on some minor angle without Saturn included.)

Indianapolis, IN
T. Jupiter IC +1°47’ (99%)
T. Saturn EP -1°19’ (96%)
R. Mars Z +1°11’ (95%)
T. Venus Asc +5°46’ (92%)
T. Mercury MC +8°34’ (82%)

(t. Uranus, r. Mercury, r. Saturn, r. Neptune, r. Pluto acutely background)

T. Jupiter sq t. Saturn 0°14’
T. Moon sq r. Neptune 1°41’
T. Mercury sq t. Venus 2°47’ M
T. Mercury op t. Jupiter 3°43’

T. Eris sq r. Sun 0°16’ M (whatever that means)
T. Pluto co r. Venus 0°40’ M

This is mixed, but Jupiter is stronger. It looks like a busy year of hard work and some degree of sacrifice, but probably with concrete accomplishment, or at least heavy investment in the future that is very likely to pay off. Mercury-Venus in the foreground bodes well for business and academic pursuits, and can really help take the edge off Saturn. Plus, we dodge transiting Neptune.

Pluto still conjoins natal Venus for the duration of the chart, but it’s not in the foreground. Having checked a bunch of charts, I’m starting to think we’re gonna get in a lot of locations.

If you want a year that’s definitely less irritating and busy (less natal Mars), you could pick the nearby Crawfordsville, IN:

T. Jupiter IC +0°20’ (100%)
T. Saturn EP -0°28’ (99%)
T. Venus Asc +5°03’ (94%)
T. Mercury MC +7°15’ (87%)
R. Mars Z +2°29’ (82%)

Plus basically the same aspects. (In addition to a bunch of Sun-Eris combinations that I can’t interpret.)

This seems like a strictly better version of the chart, with the possible exception of less concrete accomplishment or competitive success in exchange for much less irritation, drive, fire, injury, conflict, busyness, etc. I would probably choose this variant if it were me. (But I seem to recall you like Mars on angles, so you may prefer the probably better odds that come with the Indianapolis chart.)

These were the best examples I could find. I wouldn't characterize any of these as "easy," but I do think they are worth it, to focus hard on Jupiter and remove Neptune. You have other city options you can explore if you are interested in this line of thought; Jupiter is on IC at a longitude around 87° west, and also goes right next to such cities as Nashville, TN and Birmingham, AL.
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Re: Potential SSR relocation considerations

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Good-morning, Stef. I haven't carefully read Mike's path through this, so this is a de novo look rather than a disagreement.

First, since this seems a life-transition moment, I want to pause and look at the larger picture. There is broad reason to think that the next year will be advantageous no matter where you have your solar return because this is the year solar arc Jupiter-Ascendant crosses your Moon (which also means that it's about a year before directed Uranus reaches your Moon. This tells me that you well look back on this year and next year as a time opportunity, expanded horizons, and freedom. The worst nearby solar arc directions are behind you (a couple of years of Mars to an angle, for example) and the only other ones in play are secondary, introspective, not defining major trends by themselves (like directed Neptune to natal Pluto).

The goal, then, would be to frame the solar return to support this and not detract from it.

It's also a year of more Neptune than might be comfortable because your progressions have a Mercury-Neptune conjunction. Progressions show natural unfoldings, more like innage developmental points (in contrast to interactions with the outside world). Mercury-Neptune can take a lot of forms and perhaps mostly a little introverted and introspective. You've already been through a near of progressed Mercury to natal Neptune, so you probably already have a feel of what this is like. As you make a big life transition I think it might especially have the sense that a lot of stuff no longer feels sorted out or "for sure," boundaries and terrain aren't just unfamiliar (in the Uranus sense of discovery) but more indistinct, like walking a field in fog. This may be less crisp and defined that you usually like, though it's a natural process when moving away from various "givens" and seeming certainties. The brain just hasn't bothered to draw new lines. (Hopefully this is clear enough. I'm trying to write it in a way that speaks to a Mercury-Neptune state of mind.)

Finally (in this larger look preamble), there are NO transits of great moment. None of the five outer planets is making a major hard aspect to anything in your nativity. This is rare, and would seem to give a lot of space for life itself out. In a year or two you'll have plenty of transiting adventures, but right now there is a bit of vacuum where you get to sit with less decided things and let your life talk to you for a while.

With that meandering travelog, we look to see what solar return is available to you that would serve you best.
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Re: Potential SSR relocation considerations

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Stef wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2024 3:37 pm I am considering relocating my 2024 SSR (December 23, 2024) to Raleigh, North Carolina again. As I understand the Time Matters chart, my SSR in New Jersey has transiting Saturn/Neptune on Ascendant, with a wider transiting Moon on Descendant and a close Moon square natal Neptune aspect. Moving this to Raleigh moves Saturn to 100% but gives me transiting Jupiter also close on Ascendant and removes Moon. I believe this would highlight the Jupiter square Saturn aspect.
Yes, Neptune is a big factor this year. Besides the progressions already mentioned, you will have SSR Moon exactly square natal Neptune wherever you go - and then it will progress square your Saturn three months later.

This will be an introspective year regardless. It stands to be a year of significant opportunity, though directed Asc-Jupiter to natal Moon doesn't guarantee happiness and prospering itself (it just gives a damn fine opportunity for it). In particular, with the amount of Neptune already active - and with your natal Neptune and Saturn-Neptune coming up - and with the impact you said life has had on your mind and body the next year - I think it important not to accept any more Saturn or Neptune in any form to the extent realistically possible. Any more added to the mix starts to get morbid. While the path through morbid depression and dark alleys of the psyche can be healing in its own dismantling way, adding any angular Saturn or Jupiter to the SSR angles seems like too much. (Your choice, of course, though I'm giving my honest reaction to how it looks from outside your psyche.)

If we can find it, I encourage putting an unafflicted benefic as precisely on an angle as possible.

When I put your natal and next SSR on a 90° wheel we get a few clues on what to look for. Obviously we want t avoid putting solar Moon and natal Saturn-Neptune angular. Transiting Jupiter is compromised by the partile Saturn aspect. I start to look at Venus and these become interesting - for example, transiting Venus squares natal Pluto (which describes what you're going through: We don't have to worry about vulnerability of your marriage, and this simply means closing old doors and opening new ones in your Venus life). Transiting Mars is near natal Venus, which is mostly a lot of sex along with powerful, surging feelings and probably some friction and sense of discomfort in new relationships - we'd want the natal Venus stronger than the transiting Mars.

But I'm really drawn to that transiting Venus that happens to square natal Pluto. I wonder if we can make that work...

First, then: Yes, get the hell out of New Jersey for your birthday :)

Second, I don't like Raleigh for you. As you mention, Saturn is at 100% (half a degree from Ascendant) and Neptune is the only other thing in the one. Jupiter is barely foreground. f we drop out the very widest angularities (a tactic I use to let weak stuff fall away and get more to the heart of the chart), it all boils down to a 100% strong angular Saturn and Moon's square to natal Neptune. Not good.

Third, can we do anything with that Venus? Looking at astromaps of the U.S. for this chart, we don't have a lot to play with. However, there is a Venus square Ascendant line that curves northwest from central Louisiana almost exactly through Kansas City. It doesn't quite hit New Orleans, but the Venus IC line goes through Birmingham. This gives us something to work with.

Kansas City, MO puts Venus at 100% with modest amounts of Mercury and Mars. Natal Mars is strongest. Natal Venu and Mars are also foreground. Pluto is partile conjunct natal Venus in the wider foreground, though there are some unpleasant foreground aspects like Mars-Pluto. On balance it's not horrible, does have one decisively angular Venus outstripping everything else, and then has some emotionally uncomfortable stuff with it.

New Orleans doesn't have it as strong. Mercury is t. he main signal. Foreground aspects are mixed. Strangely, I can't find a place in Louisiana that's quite right.

Birmingham brings up the Jupiter-Saturn square I was trying to avoid - with Jupiter just a little stronger than Saturn. Its best virtue is that it throws Mercury aspects to both Venus and Jupiter in the foreground. These are good for state of mind and getting advantage in practical affairs like business, although Saturn's affliction to Jupiter means (at best) a slow start on Jupiter things.

None of these seems fully satisfactory, though they are the best I see near the Venus lines. Despite the sense of turmoil, I personally lean a little toward Kansas City, but I wouldn't recommend it if you want a peaceful year. (I wouldn't call it bad. I just wouldn't call it calm and peaceful.)

Since I have to get on with my work day, I'll leave it at here for now and give you the chance to react to any of the roads I've run down.

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Re: Potential SSR relocation considerations

Post by Stef »

To speak to Mike's points:

"Congratulations" is also an appropriate sentiment. We both believe this is for the better, as much as it sucks emotionally right now.

I want to add that I haven't experienced Saturn-Neptune this year as too much depression, more like disappointing outcomes of things turning out not as I expected, and accepting the reality of the situations of my life as a result, which has been a good learning experience. I think my mental health has improved a lot over the past year. Maybe I am just comparing it to rock bottom and this certainly isn’t rock bottom. With Moon and Mars present, I've experienced a lot of anger expression I am not used to that has hurt people I love, but also is likely the result of previously intensely repressed anger. It has also taught me how to better advocate for myself without fear, something I needed to learn.

I think leaning into the Pluto-Venus might be good? To thoroughly clean out this cycle and allow freshness to come through.

To Jim's points:

I generally dislike Mercury-Neptune. Utter confusion about my inner desires and life path is a good description of this year. I have been drawn to smoke weed a lot more than I ever have in my life, which might be a fine way to deal with it, haven’t decided yet.

A vacuum is a good way to describe how I currently feel and hope to feel over the next few months, as I will have time to process and meditate on what next step to take.

"While the path through morbid depression and dark alleys of the psyche can be healing in its own dismantling way" - I have a tendency to equate this level of suffering with transformation and I am trying to be kinder to myself.

I am curious - what does Europe look like? London or Brussels would be easy, as I could travel there for work, but I'd look at anywhere in western Europe. I would also look at the Caribbean and maybe Central America, if that's much different from the South.

The first half of the year, I will likely still have my current lease but by summer I will have to move and I'm as yet unsure where that will be. I would like it to be a good, refreshing, transformative year to set me on a new path. An adventure would be great.
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Re: Potential SSR relocation considerations

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Western Europe - especially Belgium - plays up the Jupiter-Saturn.

Mexico is interesting. The Venus rising line cuts diagonally across the middle, on a line including, say, Leon and Monterrey. This exactly angular Venus includes its aspect to natal Pluto (both are foreground, Pluto barely). If the PVP aspects we're experimenting with are valid, there is Venus-Saturn as well - maybe more of the same, maybe something harder.

But nearby... Acapulco is really interesting. I wouldn't have planned this, but it came up nicely: Venus is slightly secondary and transiting Uranus is primary, being exactly on Nadir. Natal Pluto isn't foreground, so the Venus-Pluto doesn't exist as a foreground aspect. But the "something fresh, new start" theme with two benefics is quite interesting.
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Re: Potential SSR relocation considerations

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Thank you, Jim and Mike. I will meditate on these options.
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Re: Potential SSR relocation considerations

Post by Stef »

What do we think about Austin or Corpus Christi, Texas? Austin is double Mars and Venus. Corpus Christi area gives me Mercury-Venus-Uranus and natal Mars, removing the transiting Mars. I tend to like natal Mars, transiting Mars could be too much. Double Mars can be tiring.
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Re: Potential SSR relocation considerations

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Stef wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2024 5:08 pm What do we think about Austin or Corpus Christi, Texas? Austin is double Mars and Venus. Corpus Christi area gives me Mercury-Venus-Uranus and natal Mars, removing the transiting Mars. I tend to like natal Mars, transiting Mars could be too much. Double Mars can be tiring.
Austin is natal Mars 0°11' from MC and transiting Venus 0°13' from Asc, the two in 0°24' mundane square. It's a powerful aspect that, since Venus is the transiting planet, is probably more positive than negative.

I know you said you like natal Mars. I'm skeptical, especially when it's this close. If it weren't for the Venus (fictitious situation) I'd have told you the natal Mars is great if you really want to spend the year getting all the rage out of your system by living in a state of intolerance and short fuse that gives you every excuse to blast the stress out of your system while inventing unnecessary problems just so you have something to fight against to handle the increased need of your muscles to lash out.

As I said, that's fictitious because of the Venus. Venus brings soothing, some chance for calm, or at least some chance to direct everything I just said into Venus matters (a whole range of things from finding completion in your departing marriage to a whole lotta sex. It's daring (and you're a daring person) so if the combination feels right, it's probably a good go for you.

As with most charts we're seeing, there is an exact Saturn PVP square to the Venus (0°08' for Austin) which, in this case, is Saturn to the Venus-Mars. For returns, this is still an experimental method. I'm unwilling to say if PVP aspects are relevant in return charts: There are several single cases that are striking, and the amount of evidence is still very much in the "we aren't even close to being able to authenticate this" level. If this type of aspect is valid - meaning, a Venus-Mars-Saturn very tight trio dominating the chart this closely - my recommendation would change. It surely would result in several kinds of hurt (emotional and likely physical). Given the Moon-Neptune square that you have everywhere, and the progressed Moon aspects to Neptune and Saturn, I might actually question your safety.

That's the gap created "we don't know if this recently discovered possibility is a valid technique for solar returns." It swings between an enthusiastic "Sure, go for it, this will probably be good for you in a not-for-the-timid sense" and "I fear for your well-being."

Corpus Christi is similar, with your Mars 0°19' from MC, but the Venus is a little wider. (Not much, but a little.) That means that, if anything, the Mars edges out the Venus in strength. (And Uranus gains strength.) All the same aspects are in place. There's not a LOT of difference.
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Re: Potential SSR relocation considerations

Post by Stef »

I am leaning towards somewhere in the south. I'm torn by the passion and excitement Venus-Mars can offer compared with the probably more sobering Jupiter-Saturn. Revisiting New Orleans (just because I really do love that city), it would center Mercury-Jupiter more than Venus and Saturn, correct? With a very wide natal Mars that seems barely present. Also, Jupiter-Saturn doesn't have to be "bad" per se? From reading the aspect description, it sounds like it can also be about tightening finances and building security.

My main understanding of how I react to Mars is from Colorado. I have Mars foreground there, which energizes me. I almost moved there because I liked it so much. I hiked both the Manitou Incline and the Flatirons while there, 1,400-2,000 feet in around an hour. Got caught in a lightning storm on the Flatirons. Hmm, maybe that was dangerous. But I was hiking with a group, knew how to handle myself in that situation, and I was fine. Really enjoyed those experiences. If I have the opportunity to throw myself into a sufficient exercise program (and yeah, if I can have a lot of sex), that's my preferred method of handling it. If I don't have those outlets, then, yeah, I can see how the energy would be directed elsewhere. Recently, that has meant upping my weightlifting routine this year.

The Saturn PVP square to Venus seems unavoidable, which is fitting given the situation. There is a contraction and a decrease, but it also feels calming and necessary. Saturn to Venus/Mars sounds like it would have some sort of diminishing power of the Venus/Mars foreground planets? Not sure if I'm understanding that correctly.
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Re: Potential SSR relocation considerations

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Actually, some divination work recently might mean I should emphasize Mercury next year (as long as it's not in aspect to Saturn - which usually manifests as migraines for me).
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Re: Potential SSR relocation considerations

Post by Ember Nyx »

Stef wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2024 7:02 pm Revisiting New Orleans (just because I really do love that city), it would center Mercury-Jupiter more than Venus and Saturn, correct?
That's what I see, yes. Transiting Mercury is by far the strongest individual planet, and Mercury doesn't have any aspect with Saturn, so that's very good to see. The Mercury-Jupiter opposition is wide, but it's still a good aspect, weak or not. This is one of the locations that doesn't pick up the potential Venus-Saturn PVP square (that is, transiting Saturn isn't on Vertex or Antivertex as measured in azimuth, which is a requirement for this aspect type).

Jupiter-Saturn is still an important feature in the chart... but Saturn is significantly weaker than Jupiter. You also pick up transiting Venus somewhat widely, and the barest hint of natal Mars square Ascendant.

IMO, this is a very reasonable choice of chart that dodges any of the severe stuff. It looks like... mentally busy, active, communicative, business-oriented, all of that stuff; generally positive luck and expansion, but a decent amount of it is either frustrated, or only increment gains. Venus is hanging out on the side, softening and sweetening things generally.
Also, Jupiter-Saturn doesn't have to be "bad" per se? From reading the aspect description, it sounds like it can also be about tightening finances and building security.
I don't think it has to be "bad," and I agree with your phrasing. Saturn transiting your natal Jupiter would be expected to be much more unpleasant, but a transit-to-transit aspect has a different character than that.
The Saturn PVP square to Venus seems unavoidable, which is fitting given the situation. There is a contraction and a decrease, but it also feels calming and necessary. Saturn to Venus/Mars sounds like it would have some sort of diminishing power of the Venus/Mars foreground planets? Not sure if I'm understanding that correctly.
It has been present in most of the charts I checked for you, but since this is one that dodges it entirely, we get to skip caring about their legitimacy for now. "Diminishing of Venus" is one way to see it, although I think specifically restricting or souring it is an important idea to throw into the mix. I think of it as inviting sorrow.
Actually, some divination work recently might mean I should emphasize Mercury next year (as long as it's not in aspect to Saturn - which usually manifests as migraines for me).
Nope, transiting Mercury and Saturn aren't in aspect. Natal Mercury is profoundly background, though - that polarity between the transiting Mercury strongly foreground and natal Mercury strongly background suggests to me "needing to communicate to/with/for/about others" as opposed to Mercury self-expression, or, "people won't shut up long enough to let me speak!"
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Re: Potential SSR relocation considerations

Post by Stef »

I think New Orleans it is. Thank you, both!
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