All times of posting are in MYT/UTC+8
On the upcoming 9th of May, an astronomical transit will occur where Mercury will move across the face of the Sun, sort of like a solar eclipse but with Mercury instead of the Moon. Venus also (astronomically) transits the Sun too, lastly during 5th-6th June, 2012.
Both Mercury and Venus transits tend to occur at a short interval followed by a longer interval, with Venus's intervals longer than Mercury's because of Venus's larger orbit.
For example, see Venus's past and future transit dates:
If I'm correct the chart of this event would be when both Mercury and Sun and on the same degree, which in Solar Fire it shows as 24°16' Aries. 11.12 pm in Malaysia, so it's not visible here.9 Dec 1874
6 Dec 1882
8 June 2004
5-6 June 2012 (Arghh how I regret missing it! It was visible in Malaysia on that day!)
10-11 Dec 2117 (Very unlikely for anyone of us here to view this event, even me haha)
8 Dec 2125
The next astronomical Mercury transit is at 11 Nov 2019, with Mer-Sun on 23°55' Libra, followed by a longer interval till 13 Nov 2032.
Since astronomical transits of Mercury can only happen in May or November (with May transits being about half as frequent as November transits), they happen when Mer-Sun is in Aries or Libra.
For Venus transits they only occur in June or November, so Sun-Venus would be in Taurus or Scorpio.
Would you guys think this as astrologically important, like eclipses? There might be too few examples to prove its significance, but it should have something into it.
For example, this upcoming Mercury transit at May will partile oppose my Mercury (24°44' Libra) and partile square my Moon (25°08' Capricorn). The same goes to Arena's but with different hard aspects I think, because I remember her saying that our Moon-Mercury squares form a partile grand square.
In a normal solar/lunar eclipse if it aspects a natal planet one would say that its effects last till the next eclipse (6 months), but I'm not sure I don't think that the effects of a Mercury transit will last a few years, i.e. the next Mercury transit.
For me and Arena, this means till the next Mercury transit at 11 Nov 2019.
If you include astronomical Venus transits, it would be crazy because even the short interval ones last (if one follows the same rules like in solar/lunar eclipses) about 8 years, and the long term ones last more than a hundred!
What do you fellow Solunars users think of astronomical Mercury and Venus transits?
Are they at least strong enough to produce significant effects that last about a day or two?