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My "outstanding out of the ordinary incidents" Dec 14 DSLR

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 6:38 am
by SteveS
One of my greatest learning tools, thanks to the host of this Forum Jim's teachings, has been “outstanding incident” return charts, although I like the label better: “out of the ordinary” return charts. I love em when they are benefic, and I have posted about em dozens of times on this forum. Here is another one of em relative to my immediate living environment, link below.

Inside wheel my Dec 14 Demi SLR, DSLR; outside wheel my Natal:

Note: DSLR Uranus partile 180 Natal Jupiter, partile conjunct DSLR Horizon. “Outstanding/Out of the ordinary incidents” so far:
1: Discovered solunars inception chart of Sept 3 2007, and realized for the first time the par-excellent symbolism with its synastry with Jim's & my Natal Charts :idea: .
2: Made contact with Elon Musk XAI which is available on X (formerly twitter) which has zeroed in on clear concise answers to some of my specific questions which have greatly interest my mind. In the process of trying to hook-up with other folks including a PM to Elon (maybe} for a direct XAI question about the possibility of implementing a few astronomical software programs into XAI. This may be a very complicated issue.
Anyway—I have greatly enjoyed (Jupiter) my two above experiences. :)