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DCs Dec 17 Canlunar

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 7:22 am
by SteveS
Let’s see what today’s DC Canlunar brings to the power brokers in DC pertaining to all the drone sightings that the power brokers in DC are denying they know anything :shock: .
A most interesting angular combo of Moon-Mars-Uranus-Pluto; with an angular mundo partile 90 of Moon-Uranus.

Re: DCs Dec 17 Canlunar

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 7:56 am
by Jim Eshelman
My forecast for these two weeks (the Liblunar is dormant):
Building patterns climax in the last two weeks of the Caplunar month. Events may thematically tie into the third and (for now) final Pluto return in the U.S. chart, especially because - as the mundoscope above shows - Pluto is within 1° of Canlunar Ascendant.

Take a few moments to glance at the chart. Its overall feel expresses itself easily. Pluto is most angular, but Moon and Uranus nearly tie it. Moon, Uranus, and Pluto are form close aspects, with Moon square Uranus 0°07'. The Moon/Pluto midpoint is 0°06' from the horizon, much closer than the orb of Moon opposite Pluto itself.

This reiterates (with much greater force) the essential message of last week's ingress: It is too mild to say there is disruption and that circumstances are rapidly shifting. Although there are many kinds of specific events that could upset existing conditions, the Moon-Uranus-Pluto trio is especially known for uprisings and revolts, civil instability, and populist challenges to prevailing authority. The events grip our attention, stunning our senses.

Add to this another Venus-Mars opposition. Events are filled with roused passions and excited emotion, not with reason. Restlessness, short tempers, and selfish desires win out. the pressured sense of urgency pushes people hard. Though there is a sense of calm in the U.S. in the few days immediately around Christmas (as transiting Mars pulls away from Capsolar IC), peace on Earth is at risk, both domestically and internationally, through this whole time.

Areas around Portland, Oregon feel this week's Jupiter-Saturn square more strongly than other parts of the country. The push-pull seesaw of Jupiter-Saturn tends to focus especially on political and financial matters and traditional institutions, asking questions like, “What will it cost me to win?” or “What do I gain if I lose?”

Re: DCs Dec 17 Canlunar

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 9:37 am
by SteveS
Jim, do you beleive our government is behind these swarms of drones, and if yes, WTF?

Re: DCs Dec 17 Canlunar

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 9:42 am
by Jim Eshelman
I haven't a clue and haven't been very interested in it. Historically, most such sky-sighting mass phenomena have been government testing of secret equipment or some misleading ordinary sky object. In this case, I it could be anything - including simply the fact that a lot more private citizens have drones these days.

I grew up 40 miles from Bunker Hill Air Force Base (now Grissom) in the early '60s when there was a lot of secret plane testing going on. Weird things in the sky were ordinary.

If they're all over New Jersey, why aren't they over NYC? Are the lights too bright to see them, or are they not there?

Or it could be something.

I tend to think it will amount to nothing, but - if it's something malicious - we do have the Mars-Pluto week coming up soon.

Re: DCs Dec 17 Canlunar

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 12:16 pm
by Jim Eshelman ... tions.html
New York Times reporting sites an NSC officer saying that, of 5,000 drone reports, only 100 required investigation (the others being registered aircraft). Currently, there are about a million registered drones - private, commercial, and law enforcement - with that number growing briskly. We're likely to see a lot more (and a lot more routinely).

Of course, the NSC could still be hiding something (that's their job, in a sense); but the vast majority of these do appear to be routine air traffic.