Friend's physically brutal SLR

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Friend's physically brutal SLR

Post by Ember Nyx »

I have a close friend who is just over a week into this SLR:

r. Pluto MC +0°34'
t. Mars Ds +0°47'
t. Pluto As +3°18'
t. Venus As -3°45'
r. Mars Ds -4°04'
r. Uranus As +6°15'

t. Pluto co r. Uranus 0°05'
t. Mars sq r. Pluto 0°13' M
t. Venus op r. Mars 0°19' M
t. Mars op t. Pluto 2°32'
t. Pluto sq r. Pluto 2°45' M

This chart occurs shortly after a very harsh breakup which has kicked up a long history of trauma (emotional and deeply visceral) in its wake. Besides this larger-scale confrontation, my friend had major back pain, food poisoning, and a UTI occur in the less than 2 weeks that this chart has been active.

There are a great number of personal details (which I will withhold) that also clearly relate to the aspects in this chart.

This is one of those mind-blowers that clearly sets lunar returns out from all the other categories of return charts.

There are very good transits too (I'm omitting some that are not related to this... but not that many, honestly) -
t. Moon oc r. Mars (roughly during the period in which they disclosed the UTI to me)
t. Pluto oc r. Moon 06'
d. Mars oc r. Sun 06'
t. Pluto oc s. Mars 17'
t. Saturn co s. Saturn 26' (the SSR was many months ago, so this is returning to orb)
t. Mars op s. Pluto 28'
t. Mars sq r. MC 32'

But the SLR is what really seals the deal for me.
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Re: Friend's physically brutal SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »


Yeah, they're good. They keep showing us that.

But still... wow.
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Minor charts

Post by Ember Nyx »

I wasn’t planning to do this, but let’s take a quick look through the minor charts just to see how close they can get to the SLR in terms of relevance here.

Spoiler alert: they basically match my past findings on these minor solunars.

Planetary Periods
Mars-Venus-Saturn-(mostly Saturn; just transitioned to Mercury on 12/27)

Pretty good!

I’m not entirely sure how to score something so broad, but just by virtue of the planets involved, I would be inclined to give this a solid +2.

I have been casually tracking these for events, and I have continually found that the 2nd layer, the first sub (if I’m using the proper terminology), is the most confusing to relate to events. The span of time that it usually covers is kind of awkward and difficult to relate to matters, whether broad or specific.

In this case, I could maybe see Venus as decent for friendship-related things, but it is relatively new (it only dates from March 2024) and as such it doesn’t really cover the newer friendships that developed in recent years for my friend. I don’t really see it as commentary on the larger Mars period surrounding it, like Venus-of-Mars, though I am far less certain about that assessment.

KLR 12/24/24

T. Mars Z -0°26’
R. Mars MC -5°30’
P. Venus Ds +9°11’

Simple, solid. It shows a harsh, unpleasant, irritated period. +2.

SAR 12/14/24

T. Mars MC -1°58’
S. Pluto IC +1°59’
T. Pluto IC +3°25’
R. Uranus IC +4°04’
T. Venus IC -4°12’
S. Mercury Ds +5°10’
R. Sun Ds +5°38’
R. Uranus N +1°57’
R. Mercury Ds +7°56’
R. Neptune IC +9°20’

T. Mars/s. Pluto = Angle 0°01’ (!!)
T. Pluto co r. Uranus 0°07’
S. Mercury co r. Sun 0°22’
S. Mercury sq r. Uranus 1°06’ M
R. Mercury sq r. Neptune 1°24’ M
S. Mercury co r. Mercury 1°36’

Well, I have to admit, this one is really good. It’s not as clear as the SLR is, but it’s darn close, and that mundane Mars-Pluto midpoint exactly on a PVL angle (if I’m reading this right) is stellar.

This gets a +2 for sure. No higher, but also no lower.

Kinetic SAR 12/14/24

P. Mercury Z +1°31’
R. Eris Z -1°50’
S. Neptune MC +4°00’
R. Neptune Ds -4°14’
T. Neptune MC +5°20’
S. Pluto Ds -7°56’
T. Pluto Ds -7°58’
R. Uranus Ds -8°14’
S. Venus MC -8°53’

I don’t know why I continue to torture myself with these.

I really don’t feel like writing out all of the aspects. (Doing quad-wheel aspects by hand is absolutely miserable.) Hopefully you can see that this is pretty poor besides maybe the presence of Neptune.

I am unhappy to give this a +1 on the back of double/triple Neptune being a core part of the chart (and possibly with that mundane natal/solar Neptune midpoint 7' from the angles, if I'm reading that right). It definitely gives the impression of an unpleasant chart, but it’s not at all clear about what's going on.

Demi-SAR 12/28/24

T. Pluto EP-a 0°29’
T. Sun As -2°10’
S. Venus N +1°31’
T. Mars WP-a 1°47’

As usual, a decent bunch of planets, but the weighting/priority seems kind of random.
This one did only just come into being a day ago, to be fair. (And the kinetic just came into orb today, so I'm skipping that one.)

This gets a grudging +1 from me, and if you ask me later, I may downgrade it to +0.

LS 12/10/24 (base)

T. Mercury IC -2°18’
T. Saturn Ds -2°26’
R. Pluto IC +4°10’
R. Moon As -7°06’
R. Venus Ds -8°20’
R. Saturn Ds -9°00’
R. Jupiter IC -9°26’
T. Jupiter MC -9°36’

T. Mercury sq t. Saturn 0°08’ M
T. Moon co t. Eris 0°13’ M
R. Saturn sq r. Jupiter 0°26’ M
R. Moon sq r. Jupiter 0°30’
R. Venus co r. Saturn 0°40’ M
R. Venus sq r. Jupiter 1°06’ M
R. Moon op r. Venus 1°14’ M
R. Moon op r. Saturn 1°54’ M

(And then all of those natal Jupiter aspects repeated with t. Jupiter)

While this chart doesn’t seem to say much about the severity of physical pain and emotional trauma going on, I do think it’s actually relevant for professional matters: on the surface, these were pleasant and celebratory, but they ended up being kind of a disappointing waste of time.

I’ll be neutral and give this a +0 overall, but with the caveat that I do think it’s probably much more descriptive of other areas of life. I’m trying to keep these analyses short and focused primarily on the immediate crises.

LS 12/10/24 (relocated to home)

R. Pluto IC +0°06’
T. Saturn Ds -4°25’
T. Mercury IC -5°50’
R. Moon As -9°19’

T. Moon co t. Eris 0°13’ M
T. Mercury sq t. Saturn 1°25’ M

This chart only rotates the angles by a bit, but it’s enough to rotate out basically all of the natal planets. Again, the planets are actually fairly reasonable for some emotional matters, but I don’t think they describe this acute period of physical hardship at all.

Once again, +0, but with that same caveat that this probably gets a positive score if I knew a great deal more about what happened in my friend’s life during this period.

18-Hour Lunar Return/NLR/Whatever we’re calling these (4:00pm on 12/29)

T. Sun Ds -2°24’
R. Moon IC -4°08’
R. Jupiter WP-a 1°45’
T. Saturn MC -5°46’

T. Moon co t. Mercury 0°40’ M
T. Moon sq t. Neptune 1°09’
T. Saturn sq r. Jupiter 1°13’
T. Sun sq r. Moon 1°42’ M
T. Saturn op r. Moon 1°44’
T. Sun sq t. Saturn 3°22’ M
T. Moon op t. Jupiter 3°47’ M

Not terrible, but also really complex and unclear, at least as far as I can tell. I keep oscillating around +0 and +/-1. I think the only thing really saving it from being -1 is that just visually scanning the aspects calls mostly unpleasant impressions to mind, which is accurate - but the foreground planets don't really describe anything coherent to me.

Demi-LS 12/24/24

T. Moon Ds -2°06’
R. Sun As -3°47’
R. Mercury As -3°52’
T. Neptune As +5°30’
R. Saturn As +8°02’
T. Sun MC +8°49’
R. Venus As +8°54’

T. Sun = r. Venus/Saturn 0°23’ M
T. Neptune co r. Saturn 2°32’ M
T. Sun sq t. Neptune 3°19’ M
T. Neptune co r. Venus 3°24’ M

I remain unimpressed by Demi Luni-Solars. Again, the aspects are mostly unpleasant, but they also are not descriptive of the severity of the physical trauma. They perhaps describe things related to the emotional trauma, but I have to squint really hard to see that. -1 or -2.


Well, this is more or less the same rankings that I got in my year-long study of my own solunars, so I am not surprised.
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Re: Friend's physically brutal SLR

Post by Arena »

Ember Nyx (Mike V) wrote: Sun Dec 29, 2024 9:47 pm I have a close friend who is just over a week into this SLR:

r. Pluto MC +0°34'
t. Mars Ds +0°47'
t. Pluto As +3°18'
t. Venus As -3°45'
r. Mars Ds -4°04'
r. Uranus As +6°15'

t. Pluto co r. Uranus 0°05'
t. Mars sq r. Pluto 0°13' M
t. Venus op r. Mars 0°19' M
t. Mars op t. Pluto 2°32'
t. Pluto sq r. Pluto 2°45' M

This chart occurs shortly after a very harsh breakup which has kicked up a long history of trauma (emotional and deeply visceral) in its wake. Besides this larger-scale confrontation, my friend had major back pain, food poisoning, and a UTI occur in the less than 2 weeks that this chart has been active.

There are a great number of personal details (which I will withhold) that also clearly relate to the aspects in this chart.

This is one of those mind-blowers that clearly sets lunar returns out from all the other categories of return charts.

There are very good transits too (I'm omitting some that are not related to this... but not that many, honestly) -
t. Moon oc r. Mars (roughly during the period in which they disclosed the UTI to me)
t. Pluto oc r. Moon 06'
d. Mars oc r. Sun 06'
t. Pluto oc s. Mars 17'
t. Saturn co s. Saturn 26' (the SSR was many months ago, so this is returning to orb)
t. Mars op s. Pluto 28'
t. Mars sq r. MC 32'

But the SLR is what really seals the deal for me.
Is there a Pluto-Mars and Pluto-Venus indication in the SSR for this person?
I wonder if this lunar return is more about how the person is feeling. R. Pluto is her own need to separate and transform while t. Mars-t. Pluto can be about an argument and aggression as well as inner anger and the t.Ven-Pluto about transformation/separation of love. Not food-poisoning.
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Re: Friend's physically brutal SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

What's most obvious to me from the SLR positions is the aftermath - the aftershock effects - of the "harsh breakup." That's all over the chart, partly from the high (and negative) impact shown (shock) to the explicitly separative planets most closely foreground. Pluto to natal Uranus shows fundamental life changes. Mars to Pluto commonly creates a range of physical ailments (the aspect most involved for when someone is hospitalized, for any reason, according to one astrologer who has been tracking patient patterns as an RN for years).

Mars-Pluto related illnesses, besides elements associated with anger, are especially centered on "stress and strain" matters, whether repetitive injury or accumulated stress taking itself out on the body. (In this case it was Mars-Pluto to Pluto, so two different Mars-Pluto aspects.) While we might want overt signs of infection (like Mars-Neptune) for the UTI, the "emotional deeply visceral" reigniting of old trauma and back pain fit Mars-Pluto. I guess I took the UTI (and whatever got labelled "food poisoning," which often isn't actual food poisoning but other lower GI instability) was just a reaction to extreme stress.
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Re: Friend's physically brutal SLR

Post by Ember Nyx »

Arena wrote: Mon Dec 30, 2024 10:49 am Is there a Pluto-Mars and Pluto-Venus indication in the SSR for this person?
I wonder if this lunar return is more about how the person is feeling. R. Pluto is her own need to separate and transform while t. Mars-t. Pluto can be about an argument and aggression as well as inner anger and the t.Ven-Pluto about transformation/separation of love. Not food-poisoning.
Good callout that I totally forgot to include SSR information.

The answer to your initial question is no - but here's the chart:

T. Jupiter on Dsc 0°00’
T. Moon on WP-a 0°39’
R. Pluto on Asc -1°40’
T. Uranus on Dsc -1°44’

T. Uranus op. Pluto 0°04’ M
T. Moon sq r. Saturn 0°15’ M
T. Moon sq. r. Venus 0°56’ M
T. Jupiter co. t. Uranus 1°33’
T. Moon op. r. Jupiter 1°59’ M
T. Jupiter op r. Pluto 1°40’ M

Transits to natal:
T. Saturn opposing r. Moon 0°03’ M
T. Uranus opposing r. Pluto 0°04’ M
T. Mars square r. Jupiter 0°07’
T. Mercury conjunct r. Sun 0°22’ (in acute background)
T. Mars opposing r. Moon 0°24’
T. Saturn square r. Jupiter 0°46’

The chart obviously has separative transformation in it as a theme, but with transiting Jupiter in the mix - this was a separation that has left my friend clearly and demonstrably better than before, though they are now confronting just how bad everything had been up to this point, leading to short-term anguish over that.

There's also the double Moon-Saturn involvement. That was regrettable, but this was the best relocated chart I could find for them.

It's worth saying that I don't necessarily disagree with your line of thought, Arena - that the chart, in a vacuum, may be interpreted as argumentative and not necessarily physical.

However, in this case, it has been acutely physical. The breakup happened several weeks ago under different charts, and the physical issues did not show up until this SLR activated.
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Re: Friend's physically brutal SLR

Post by Ember Nyx »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Mon Dec 30, 2024 11:14 am Mars-Pluto related illnesses, besides elements associated with anger, are especially centered on "stress and strain" matters, whether repetitive injury or accumulated stress taking itself out on the body. (In this case it was Mars-Pluto to Pluto, so two different Mars-Pluto aspects.) While we might want overt signs of infection (like Mars-Neptune) for the UTI, the "emotional deeply visceral" reigniting of old trauma and back pain fit Mars-Pluto. I guess I took the UTI (and whatever got labelled "food poisoning," which often isn't actual food poisoning but other lower GI instability) was just a reaction to extreme stress.
Some of this is absolutely repetitive injury, so that tracks. The UTI could absolutely be stress-related, or it may not be, though I'm inclined to think it is.

In this case, the food poisoning is legit: it came from a specific batch of cookies a neighbor made with their children, and my friend ate a bunch of them and immediately got viciously sick.
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Re: Friend's physically brutal SLR

Post by Arena »

Agreed, there's a separative theme in the SSR, and your friend might look back at this SSR when it's over and feel a 'thank you lord' gratitude for having separated.
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