February 6, 2025, 3:18 PM YST, Nome, Alaska
Ten people aboard. Flying from Unalakleet to Nome in Alaska. Lost tracking or communication when twelve miles off shore. An official said the plane "experienced some kind of event which caused them to experience a rapid loss in elevation and a rapid loss in speed" about 3:18 PM.
Wikipedia gives the coordinates of Norton Sound (presumably the geographic center) as 63.9° N, 163.3° W (it's about 125 miles wide). Since the plane was only twelve miles offshore, I'm going to interpret that as meaning "almost at Nome" and use Nome's coordinates.
If this was a Mars event that took down the plane, the charts show it very well, from beginning to end.
Year: Capsolar {+2}
Mars Asc 0°36'
Mercury more widely foreground
-- Mercury-Mars op 3°06' M
Mars op middleground Sun 1°34'
[Also a lot of Eris aspects in the mix, though it was widely foreground]
Bridge (None.)
Month: Caplunar {+2 or +3}
Pluto IC 1°44'
Mars Z 0°54'
Moon, Sun, & Mercury more widely foreground
-- Mercury-Pluto co 1°24'
Moon-Mars 3°31'
Week: Arilunar {+1}
[An enormous list of aspects. I give it only +1 because it says so much that it's hard to say what it says. I give it at least +1 because the majority of its aspects describe the event, including its closest aspect (and then there is a bit too much unafflicted Venus).]
Venus Asc 2°52'
Saturn EP 1°07'
Moon, Sun, Mercury, Mars, Neptune, & Pluto more widely foreground
-- Saturn-Neptune co 0°11' M
-- Sun-Venus co 0°14' M
-- Saturn-Pluto co 0°18' M
-- Neptune-Pluto co 0°29' M
-- Moon-Sun co 0°38' M
-- Moon-Venus co 0°52' M
-- Mercury-Neptune co 1°02' M
-- Mercury-Saturn co 1°13' M
-- Mercury-Pluto co 1°31' M
-- Venus-Neptune co 1°33'
-- Moon-Mercury co 1°43' M
-- Mars-Uranus op 1°45' M
-- Mars-Pluto op 1°51' M
-- Mars-Saturn op 2°09' M
-- Mars-Neptune op 2°19' M
-- Sun-Mercury co 2°20' M
-- Moon-Neptune co 2°45' M
-- Mercury-Venus co 2°35' M
-- Moon-Saturn co 2°56' M
-- Moon-Pluto co 3°13' M
-- Mercury-Mars op 3°21' M
-- Sun-Neptune 3°22' M
-- Sun-Saturn co 3°33' M
-- Uranus-Pluto co 3°36' M
-- Venus-Saturn co 3°48' M
-- Sun-Pluto co 3°51' M
-- Saturn-Uranus co 3°54' M
To make this easier to see, here are all the mundoscope positions except Jupiter (which is the only planet not in the mix). All are in H1 except Mars in H7.
2°52' Venus
3°07' Sun
3°44' Moon
5°27' Mercury
6°29' Neptune
6°40' Saturn
6°58' Pluto
8°48' Mars
10°33' Uranus
Day: Capsolar Quotidian {+2}
The event angles were nearly identical to the CapQ angles.]
p Asc to
p Mars 0°00', s Mars 0°02', s Sun 1°32'
Day: Cansolar Quotidian {+3}
p Asc co p Mars 0°06', s Mars 0°29', s Uranus 1°32'
p EP-a op s Pluto 0°51'