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U.S. Ingresses Feb 24 - Mar 24, 2025

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2024 7:13 am
by Jim Eshelman
USA Mundane Forecast
for the four weeks beginning FEBRUARY 24, 2025

2025 CAPSOLAR (Jan 14)
Effective Jan 14, 2025 to Jan 14, 2026. For a full interpretation of the 2024 "year chart," click here.

MEDIUM-TERM (The Bridge)
The only Bridge factor this month is the end of transiting Mars conjunct Cansolar Nadir through February 26. Following its Feb 23 station, Mars continues to transit sensitive areas of the U.S. natal chart with its 3/10 square to natal Saturn and 3/14 crossing of the U.S. Midheaven. This last transit feels like a significant climax of this highly martial post-inauguration period.

Mars' periodic passes through Sun-Saturn-angles of the Declaration of Independence chart has corresponded to numerous crises historically, often involving war and other violence and also often involving the welfare of the U.S. president. This time, the duration of the transits (with Mars' station at its center) has been February 5 to March 15. I have already forecast greater hostility, volatility, antagonism, and conflict in this country, especially centered around the president.

Mars continues through Gemini. Historically, with Trump as president, this has marked trade wars which likely will repeat. Last month I wrote that it would signal the threatened unleashing of new tariffs (as it did, to nobody's surprise).
  • Mar 2: t Jupiter co USA Uranus
  • Mar 10: t Mars sq USA Saturn
  • Mar 14: t Mars co USA Midheaven

LIBLUNAR (Feb 17) Effective Feb 17-Mar 2
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This Liblunar lasts another week because the new Caplunar is dormant. Venus effects persist, but with an encroaching uneasiness that comfort and pleasure will not last. As transiting Mars continues in its aspects to the U.S. nativity, the Liblunar provides a closely angular Moon in strong aspect to Venus. (Technical explanation of this square between the horizon and prime vertical was provided last month.)

Angular Moon means that the voice and spirit of the people - the masses, or collective herd - are strong and find loud expression. With Sun background, the "voice of the people" rings louder than the voice of the nation's leaders. People collectively feel and respond more powerfully about things. Human-interest stories grip our attention and move the public emotionally. Maternal instincts surge in a high-tide wave of mass mind. With Moon square Venus, this commonly brings peace, celebration, and other forms of public happiness, as well as nurturing, protective, and soothing behavior. Alliances appeal to us more than antipathies.

At the same time, Mars is also angular. It's not closely angular (7°), but it has a voice. This is the "encroaching uneasiness" mentioned above. In a positive expression, it is the passion that fuels the surge of public emotion.

The Caplunar is dormant. There is no Month chart for the whole U.S. this month. However, it does occur 19 hours after Mars' station at 21°55' Gemini, precisely (0°00') conjunct U.S. Sun, so we expect concurrent fiery volatility.

This will be especially true where Mars is angular in the Caplunar. In the U.S., Mars rises on a curve arcing northwest from southeast Arizona through Seattle, passing across the SW corner of Utah, upper Nevada, eastern Oregon, and most of Washington. In particular, a Mars-Neptune crossing in central Arizona is an especially noxious, toxic signal of panic. Mars rising intersects Saturn culminating in eastern Oregon. Another Mars line (square MC) passes due north-south through the longitude of Kansas City. Odds are greatest that these are the "hot spot" centers of the nation for the four weeks beginning February 24, with greater risk of fire, violence (including violent weather), inflammatory illnesses, property destruction, and general hurt.

In the rest of the world, Mars lines fall near London, Brussels, Paris, eastern Spain, Nepal, and near Beijing, among other places. Warring-threats may rumble, therefore, involving China or (especially) NATO and the EU.

ARILUNAR (Mar 2) Effective Mar 2-9
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Moon exactly sets (0°37') with Pluto near IC. Additionally, the ongoing Moon-Eris conjunction (0°29') is closely angular. All of this speaks of continued instability and unpredictability coming out of Washington and a stirring of the cauldron of collective emotion, with greater than usual chance of popular uprising.

Most important is that exactly angular Moon, which means that the voice and spirit of the masses are strong, overpowering the voices of official leaders. Collectively, the herd feels and responds to things more powerfully and is more passionately moved emotionally. Watch carefully this week to see how and where the people find their voice.

Experimentally, we may have the chance to learn something new. In this Arilunar's foreground, the planet Haumea - essentially the same size as Pluto and just a little more distant - squares Pluto within 0°03'. (Moon also aspects Haumea mundanely.) We frankly have no idea what a Pluto-Haumea aspect might mean (though recent research suggests Haumea's nature has little in common with its maternal, even Gaea-like mythology). Possibly this week's headlines will give clues.

Elsewhere in the U.S., Mars culminates on that line from near New Orleans straight north to western Wisconsin, mostly west of the Mississippi. We've seen several malefic lines pile up here, stirring concern. Another Mars line crosses from New Orleans northeast to Chicago-Milwaukee. Kindlier, Venus on Descendant stretches from the Texas gulf coast northeast to about Minneapolis. The West Coast has a bad week with a Saturn line especially in the north Central Coast and Bay Area. Snaring the south Central Coast, another Saturn line goes due north-south near Santa Barbara, then north through east-central Oregon and Washington.

CANLUNAR (Mar 9) Effective Mar 9-24
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With next week's Liblunar dormant, this Canlunar gets a two-week lifespan. It's much like last week's Arilunar: As the above mundoscope shows, Moon is closely angular in partile aspect with Eris. Instead of Pluto joining them, Uranus is in the mix, a few degrees below Ascendant.

See last week's forecast. Things for the nation as a whole will be about the same.

Many U.S. areas have distinctive expressions under this Canlunar. Jupiter touches the Oregon and Washington coasts, probably bringing unseasonably great amounts of rain (even for Seattle!) but also signaling other abundance and prosperity. Something tragic seems likely near the "four corners" area where AZ-NM-UT-CO converge because of a Venus-Saturn crossing. Otherwise, the Saturn line crosses from near Tucson along westernmost Colorado and toward Billings, with Venus crossing from New Mexico to western Montana. Another Saturn line is at the longitude of Las Vegas. Mars on IC ignites something painful at Indianapolis' longitude, which includes the Florida panhandle, Louisville, and several other states on the same line. Another Mars line curves from Texarkana through Kansas City and Fargo.

LIBLUNAR (Mar 16) Effective Mar 16-24
The Liblunar is dormant for Washington. The Canlunar flows through for another week.

Some U.S. areas are highlighted, though. A Pluto lines slices up the middle of California including Sacramento, suggesting significant, unexpected interruption for the state as a whole. It crosses a Mars line at the longitude shared by Santa Barbara and Fresno, portraying this interruption as fiery or violent and perhaps centered in the central valley. The longitude of Indianapolis (Florida panhandle up through western Michigan) remains in the news another week, this time due to a Uranus line. Uranus also passes through New Orleans and then northwest toward Fargo. All these lines disrupt normal or conventional conditions for these areas.

Pres. Trump's Lunar Returns

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2024 7:14 am
by Jim Eshelman
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Effective Feb 21-Mar 21. This lunar return is hard to summarize concisely. It has contradictory messages that, however, must somehow co-exist. All important themes of the period arise from within Pres. Trump, i.e., involve his natal planets instead of transits, so little in the chart especially shows something outright happening to him except that his environment is in flux with rapid changes that require constant adaptions: He will experience a flurry of changing conditions around him, since transiting Moon is much closer to Ascendant (5°09') than natal Moon (9°32').

Besides that detail, he has one strong indication that he is dismally unhappy with his life and feeling pessimistic, and another strong indication that could suggest the opposite. We have to sort through this simple view to get at the meat of the chart.

First, natal Venus conjunct Saturn is strongest. Midheaven squares his Venus-Saturn, exactly as in the prior two weeks' demi-lunar. This means unhappiness, remorse, and feeling lonely and unpopular. We could analyze this endlessly, but its main elements are generally understood: It leads one to place business above pleasure and practical considerations over emotional ones. Some people express this as devotion, sacrifice, and willing to go the extra yard, although I haven't observed these traits in Donald Trump. Others express it as resentment at their unpopularity, wanting to prove they are better than their neglectors and maligners and willing to pragmatically sell out whatever they must for something they want more.

Contradicting this (at least superficially) is a second major component that we can't easily see on the ecliptical chart above. By the particular rotation of this lunar return, Trump acquires a temporary Moon-Sun-Jupiter mundane T-square. Observe that natal Jupiter is about the same proportionate distance into the 9th house that natal Sun and Moon are into the 6th and 12th houses, respectively. Calculating more exactly, we find that Sun squares Jupiter mundanely within 0°27' and Moon squares Jupiter within 1°11'. For two weeks, he will have "pop-up" versions of these aspects as if they existed in his natal chart.

This can be quite lucky. Under the best circumstances, a person with this combination could be royal, dignified, generous, and commanding. If I am entirely misreading Donald Trump's basic character, these Moon-Sun-Jupiter and Venus-Saturn combinations could mean a time of personal sacrifice and dedicated hard work to make others' lives better. However, I have never seen any of these traits or motives in Donald Trump.

Instead - especially because the closely angular Venus-Saturn conjunction sets the main emotional tone of the chart - this will mostly be an unhappy period for him. Venus-Saturn and Sun-Jupiter share a deep emotional need to be liked, admired, and included. I read this chart as showing poignant recognition that he is deeply disliked and then overcompensating with imperious behavior. He is likely to get a lot done because his deepest motive is to highlight his own importance and demand others' respect (but settle for his opponents' fear).

This won't be easy. The distant planet Eris is heavily involved, including a 0°23' square to natal Saturn. We still have too few records of Eris' behavior to be sure what this means; however, if it means something like we think, Eris to Saturn will signal unmanageable conditions disrupting his stability (whatever he considers a sure, reliable thing), so that he tries to exercise even more control to tame the chaotic beast. Saturn's slow square to his Uranus means he feels blocked from making changes, a preliminary to the stronger encroachment by Saturn square his Sun and Moon next month.

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Effective Mar 6-21. For these three weeks, the most common question about Donald Trump might well be, "Hey, where did he go?"

In fact, he might literally have gone somewhere else for this demi-lunar (in which case I'll reinterpret it for the new location). Or, he may need to take off somewhere once it sets up. Or he may just withdraw.

This is because the only things having any voice in this chart (using the ten familiar planets) are the two Plutos: Natal Pluto is conjunct Midheaven. Transiting Pluto is a skinny half degree from square Ascendant. Two Plutos may also means fundamental disruption (a major life shift with irreversible changes). This is less likely in a two-week chart, though he does have Pluto building to a climax in other predictive methods.

Mostly, though, I think what will be noticed is that he withdraws or departs in some less literal sense. It also means that his need rises to a full boil to do things his own way, by his own inner rules, without concern for the exact consequences.

We also have an experimental opportunity in this chart: Transiting Pluto has been in ongoing square with the similarly sized, slightly more distant planet Haumea. In this demi-lunar, Pluto square Haumea is angular and only 0°06' wide. (Haumea is 1°21' from Eastpoint in RA.) The March 2 Arilunar has Pluto-Haumea even closer to exact square and near angles for the entire country. Whatever happens now - especially before the Arilunar expires March 9 - may teach us something about Pluto-Haumea.

Transiting Saturn is within 1° of square his Moon and nearly as close to square his Sun (mundanely, Saturn-Sun is partile). These planets are not strongly placed. Nonetheless, background circumstances are starting to limit him in ways that won't become obvious to most people for two more weeks.

Re: U.S. Ingresses Feb 24 - Mar 24, 2025

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2025 10:11 am
by Jim Eshelman
This is now complete.