I am curious to hear your own experiences or experiences of people you personally know when you've had Pluto angular in your SSR's.
I know the general symbolism of Pluto, transformative, disruptive, can mean great success but also great tragedy.
I have Pluto coming exact to MC this SSR. But I also have Uranus angular this SSR - and both of them mean changes and can be disruptive.
I read this:
Would you consider Pluto angular on MC in SSR a sign of success in career/work ...or just changes in that area of life?PLUTO conj. MIDHEAVEN or ZENITH
Transformation. Life-purpose gains new clarity. You assume more power over your life. May feel alienated from an irrational society. Reputation, rank, career and other outer tokens of identity change. Capable of unprecedented contribution.
I guess it can influence both work and home since it touches the MC/IC axis. People say sometimes that Pluto in transit to angles will change your entire life.
I would like to hear your real life experiences if you would please share?