Al-Rawda Mosque slaughter

Analyses of distinct mundane events, using the methods of Sidereal mundane astrology
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Jim Eshelman
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Al-Rawda Mosque slaughter

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2017 9:52 am Extremists attacked a Sufi mosque in Bir al-Abed in North Sinai, Egypt about 40km west of El Arish, capital of North Sinai. Attackers in 4 vehicles planted and detonated explosives, and shot people as they ran. 235 dead, at least 135 wounded. The timing was described as midday, during the sermon after Friday Prayers.

The attackers are believed to be the same extremists who have been attacking Coptic Christians in the area. They consider the Sufis infidels.
November 24, 2017, mid-day prayers, Bir al-Abed, Egypt (specifically 31N02'22", 33E20'52".
Midday prayers are timed to the Sun at zenith (which I think actually means due south, rather than zenith). Sundial noon at Bir al-Abed was 11:35 PM (Zone -2). UPDATE: We have a firm time of 1:50 PM EET.

Three bombs were set off inside the packed Al-Rawda Mosque, with about 40 gunners outside, armed with grenade launchers and guns, waiting to shoot down people as they fled. Though no group formally took credit for the slaughter, the attackers bore the Islamic State's flag.

Here is the Wikipedia article tracking the evolving story:

It's sobriquet is "the deadliest attack in Egypt's modern history." As JSAD reported, NYT reported initially at least 235 dead [update: 311] and 109 wounded [update: 128]. This article helps convey the feel: ... egypt.html

Notice, in the charts below, that without knowledge of PVP squares, the Libsolar would have appeared to be very inappropriate, with an effectively exact Mercury-Jupiter conjunction exactly rising. However, Saturn on PV (mundanely on Antivertex) forms a mundane square with them, which gives a dour turn to whatever we might otherwise have expected from Mercury-Jupiter. Neptune's 0°01' contact in the Liblunar is startlingly exact.

Year: Capsolar (Dormant.)

Year: Cansolar {+2}
Jupiter on EP (0°51'), on Asc (1°48')
Pluto on IC (3°45')
-- Jupiter-Pluto sq. (1°58' in mundo)
Moon-Uranus conj. (3°10' in mundo)
Moon-Jupiter PVP sq. (0°06')

Bridge {-1}
t Jupiter sq. Capsolar MC (0°06')

Quarter: Libsolar {+1}
Mercury on Asc (0°04')
Jupiter on Asc (0°09')
-- Mercury-Jupiter conj. (0°05' in mundo)
-- Mercury-Saturn PVP sq. (1°08')
-- Jupiter-Saturn PVP sq. (1°03')
Sun-Uranus op. (1°31' in mundo)
-- Sun & Uranus more widely foreground
Moon-Venus conj. (1°07' in mundo)

Month: Caplunar (Dormant.) Moon-Uranus conj. (0°14'), Moon-Venus sq. (0°10' in mundo)

Week: Liblunar
Neptune on Dsc (0°01')
Mercury on IC (3°46')
-- Mercury-Neptune sq. (2°40')
Moon-Uranus op. (0°29')

Day: Capsolar Quotidian & Transits {+3/+2 = +3}
p MC op. s Saturn (0°25'), op. t Mercury (1°39')
p EP op. p Mars (0°07'), s Mars (0°43')
t Jupiter sq. s MC (0°06')
t Moon sq. s Asc (0°34')

Day: Cansolar Quotidian & Transits {+2}
p Asc sq. t Jupiter (0°42')
p EP op. p Mercury (0°21')

NOTE: I've been watching the Capsolar PSSI for several months, primarily looking to see if PSSI Moon became involved during long stretches of similar events. So far, I hadn't found a single instance where this was so; I'm pessimistic that it's effective. For today, however, PSSI Moon is opposite transiting Neptune 0°06'. If I calculated the angles carefully, this might also be on the angles for the attack (my way of estimating is good enough for Moon but not for angles - it was at least close).

NOTE: The Jupiter dominance is acceptable enough (in a limited way) because of the religious setting, ideological conflict, etc. More so, though, this event follows the catalogued patterns for Massacres (with an ethnic, religious, or similar motive to wipe out entire segments of the population) rather than the mass shooting events. (The numbers are about triple those for the Wounded Knee Massacre, so the numbers don't limit this.) For those events, Jupiter is quite expected, especially in daily timing, which would raise a couple of these scores significantly.

We might also have to reassess Mercury-Jupiter aspects (which at least is afflicted here). This is one of the lowest occurring aspects in our tragic events catalogue overall, but consider where else we have seen it: Red Lake shootings (week), Virginia Tech shootings (quarter), 1979 Grand Mosque seizure (week, day), Romanov executions for Moscow (month), Kragujevac massacre (year), L’Innovation Department Store fire (month), Westgate Shopping Mall shooting (quarter), and the 2016 Dhaka attack (month). Most of these re well-executed terrorist activities; in fact, the Red Lake shootings are probably the only one that doesn't fit that category.

Year (Capsolar): (Dormant.)
Year (Cansolar, +2): Jupiter (Pluto). Moon-Jupiter Moon-Uranus Jupiter-Pluto.
Bridge (+2): Jupiter (Cap).
Quarter (+1): Mercury Jupiter (Sun Jupiter). Moon-Venus Sun-Uranus Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn.
Month: (Dormant.)
Week: Neptune (Mercury). Moon-Uranus Mercury-Neptune.
Day (Capsolar, +3): Mercury Mars Saturn (CapQ, +3). Moon Jupiter (transits, +2).
Day (CanQ, +2): Mercury Jupiter.
Jim Eshelman
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Jupiter Sets at Dawn
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Re: Al Rawda Mosque slaughter

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

The whole point of terrorist attacks is getting headlines and getting widely talked about. Mercury-Jupiter sounds right for terror attacks in the sense of making noise.
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