Mars in the Constellations - interpretation resources
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
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Mars in the Constellations - interpretation resources
Mars-sign impact is nearly comparable to that of Sun and Moon, according to the statistical strength of the Gauquelin character trait data for these placements.
Mars in TAURUS Artistic, Romantic, Pensive
Mars in GEMINI Bright, Wrangling, Inquiring
Mars in CANCER Imagining, Gestating, Producing
Mars in LEO Strong, Ardent, Audacious
Mars in VIRGO Cunning, Smart, Executing
Mars in LIBRA Self-sufficient, Provocative, Righting
Mars in SCORPIO Fearless, Fun-loving, Naughty
Mars in SAGITTARIUS Zealous, Ambitious, World-expanding
Mars in CAPRICORN Animal, Resentment, Shadow
Mars in AQUARIUS Experimental, Ingenious, Gregarious
Mars in PISCES Surging, Artistic, Delving
Mars in ARIES Enterprising, Controlling, Unyielding
Mars in TAURUS Artistic, Romantic, Pensive
Mars in GEMINI Bright, Wrangling, Inquiring
Mars in CANCER Imagining, Gestating, Producing
Mars in LEO Strong, Ardent, Audacious
Mars in VIRGO Cunning, Smart, Executing
Mars in LIBRA Self-sufficient, Provocative, Righting
Mars in SCORPIO Fearless, Fun-loving, Naughty
Mars in SAGITTARIUS Zealous, Ambitious, World-expanding
Mars in CAPRICORN Animal, Resentment, Shadow
Mars in AQUARIUS Experimental, Ingenious, Gregarious
Mars in PISCES Surging, Artistic, Delving
Mars in ARIES Enterprising, Controlling, Unyielding
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Mars in Taurus (Artistic, Romantic, Pensive)
SUMMARY: Artists, musicians. Tender, responsive, humane, honest, forthright. Pensive (brooding). Powerful emotions. Romantic soul, affectionate, sensual (sexually popular, flirtatious). Mystic instincts attuned to love. Women often are tough, competitive, comfortable with assertiveness. Men may second-guess themselves (ambivalent about aggression) or war for peace.
Notebook #93 observations: Most known to me are artists by profession or near-profession (primarily, but not exclusively, musical). Women with this tend to be tough, competitive, comfortable with their own assertiveness, without compromising their tenderness. (In contrast, the men seem more likely to doubt or second-guess themselves, though they prove markedly sexually attractive, often with a remarkable diversity of partners. Famous men with Mars in Taurus exude sexuality.)
Solunars members' input: ... 199#p23890
Significantly high: Mystic, Traveler, Sensual, Active, Humane
Significantly low: Poetical, Powerful, Reserved, Romantic
8.61% of population (~1/12)
NOTE: Lowest in 33 race car drivers (all Indy 500 drivers one year). Low for heads of states (Scorpio was lower).
- Artists by profession or near-profession, especially music and visual arts.
- Tender, intellectually and emotionally responsive, humane. [Gauquelin: humane]
- Romantic soul, affectionate, sexually attractive, sensual (sexually popular, flirtatious). [Gauquelin: sensual, not romantic]
- Mystic instincts are attuned to love. [Gauquelin: mystical]
- Impulsively honest. Forthright, can be insensitively blunt. Values honesty, prefers not to lie.
- Contemplative, pensive (can become brooding).
- Strong emotional response to perceived abuse, unfair treatment, or personal injustice. (May rage or battle over the treatment; may feel a victim.)
- Women tend to be tough, competitive, comfortable with assertiveness, without compromising their tenderness or kindness.
- Men may doubt or second-guess them-selves, perhaps seem a little lost (ambivalent about aggression) or weld a warrior spirit to a demand for peace. [Gauquelin: not powerful]
- Male celebrities with Mars in Taurus exude sexuality.
Notebook #93 observations: Most known to me are artists by profession or near-profession (primarily, but not exclusively, musical). Women with this tend to be tough, competitive, comfortable with their own assertiveness, without compromising their tenderness. (In contrast, the men seem more likely to doubt or second-guess themselves, though they prove markedly sexually attractive, often with a remarkable diversity of partners. Famous men with Mars in Taurus exude sexuality.)
Solunars members' input: ... 199#p23890
Significantly high: Mystic, Traveler, Sensual, Active, Humane
Significantly low: Poetical, Powerful, Reserved, Romantic
8.61% of population (~1/12)
NOTE: Lowest in 33 race car drivers (all Indy 500 drivers one year). Low for heads of states (Scorpio was lower).
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Mars in Gemini (Bright, Wrangling, Inquiring)
SUMMARY: Bright, curious, forthright, strong opinions, speaks to inform (needs to be right). Stirs conversation (debate, argument). More pragmatic than idealistic. Methodical scientific mind hones facts: can commit energy to inquiry (scientists). Strengthened by being heard; otherwise over-compensates. Humane, sides with equity and fair treatment. Substance abuse (then ingenious deceptions).
OBSERVATIONS: Among female musical celebrities, there's a remarkable pattern of power - Barbra Streisand, Diana Ross, Dolly Parton, and Patsy Cline share this placement. Many public examples are eloquent, often with piercing minds (this shows in politics, business, science, etc. - not so much profession-specific as trait-specific).
Notebook #93 observations: No sense of urgency or immediacy on committing to a final decision. Substance abuse and related post-abuse behavior can be significant part of the problem. (Not true of all examples, though!)
Significantly high: Poetical, Methodical, Humane
Significantly low: Idealist, Active, Charming, Ambitious
Significantly high: Scientists, Popes
Significantly low: Military musicians
More typical of U.S. vice presidents than presidents.
9.40% of population (~1/11)
OTHER STATISTICS: Highest for 59 Sidereal astrologers (much more Siderealist than Tropicalist in inclination; contrast Mars in Cancer). High for alcoholics (Bradley).
- Bright, curious, inquiring. Forthright, decisive, strong opinions.
- Speaks well, though usually plainly, without airs. (Their intent is to inform, not entertain.) Public figures often are eloquent (in politics, business, science).
- Engaging debate stirs conversation on a topic (argumentative, need to be proven right). Often eager for their ideas to receive official sanction.[Gauquelin: not charming]
- More pragmatic than idealistic. [Gauquelin: not idealist]
- Piercing scientific mind hones facts. Methodical, can commit energy to inquiry. Several work in (or at least train in) the sciences. [Gauquelin: methodical] [Statistically common for Gauquelin scientists.]
- Feels or gains strength from being heard by others; otherwise, over-compensates.
- Humane. Sides with equity and fair (non-preferential) treatment. [Gauquelin: humane]
- Substance abuse (especially alcohol, smoking). Consequent post-abuse behavior (e.g., ingenious deception). [Statistically common for alcoholics (Bradley).]
- Female musical celebrities show remarkable power in both voice and presence (Barbra Streisand, Diana Ross, Liza Minelli, Dolly Parton, Patsy Cline).
OBSERVATIONS: Among female musical celebrities, there's a remarkable pattern of power - Barbra Streisand, Diana Ross, Dolly Parton, and Patsy Cline share this placement. Many public examples are eloquent, often with piercing minds (this shows in politics, business, science, etc. - not so much profession-specific as trait-specific).
Notebook #93 observations: No sense of urgency or immediacy on committing to a final decision. Substance abuse and related post-abuse behavior can be significant part of the problem. (Not true of all examples, though!)
Significantly high: Poetical, Methodical, Humane
Significantly low: Idealist, Active, Charming, Ambitious
Significantly high: Scientists, Popes
Significantly low: Military musicians
More typical of U.S. vice presidents than presidents.
9.40% of population (~1/11)
OTHER STATISTICS: Highest for 59 Sidereal astrologers (much more Siderealist than Tropicalist in inclination; contrast Mars in Cancer). High for alcoholics (Bradley).
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Mars in Cancer (Imagining, Gestating, Producing)
SUMMARY: Breeds confidence, makes things happen (production, organization). Loyal, supportive advisor, serves effectively behind the scenes (wants to lead). Inner strength (imagination, fantasy) usually holds demons at bay; yet clings to old wounds (angry, reactive, selfish, retaliatory). Deep connection to shadow (drama, horror). Magnetic (may draw enthusiastic following), needs adoration sexually. Theater, film, literature.
Notebook #93 observations: They have a real inner strength. They seem to hold onto demons from their past that they continue to battle.
GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: In popular music, men are usually the gigantic figures - Brian Wilson, Bruce Springsteen, Buddy Holly, two of the Beatles - though the smaller number of eminent female singers tend to be real powerhouses with legendary "belt" power - Bette Midler and Cher, for example. - More broadly (but including many of the music figures), Mars in Cancer seems to be able to draw serious passionate cult followings, whether in religion, the arts, or politics - e.g., add Jim Jones, Al Gore, Himmler, and Bardot; and lesser examples like Don Imus and Alex Haley in entertainment or John McCain and Hillary Clinton in politics (and several of the U.S. "founding fathers"). More than simple "popularity," all of these deserve at least the label "passionate following." - Many seem to be "empire builders," whether in business or politics (with the U.S. Presidents and other modern 'cult' politicians being joined by several historic dictators + business figures like Rupert Murdoch and Merv Griffin).
Significantly high: Devoted, Sincere, Courageous, Romantic, Powerful
Significantly low: Authority, Precise
Significantly high: Sports Champions
Significantly low: (Aviators)
9.98% of population (1/10)
- Executive temperament: production, organization, project management. Breeds confidence. Makes things happen (especially on others' behalf).
- Deep connection to shadow and often drama and horror. Often prodigious power of imagination and fantasy.
- Private demons: Clings to old wounds (angry, acting out, selfish, retaliatory from old mistreatment, battling old demons). Holds grudges, may betray (usually only after they feel betrayed). [STATS: sincere]
- Inner strength usually holds their demons at bay, often with imagination and fantasy. [STATS: powerful, courageous]
- A sizeable minority of the women are visibly agitated, angry, volatile, acting out, selfish, retaliatory - behaviors that infer a perception of prior mistreatment. The men usually mask or bury it. [NOTE: Many of these traits, of course, boil down to "holds onto old wounds."]
- Magnetic, interacts well with an impersonal public. Many draw an enthusiastic cult following (in religion, the arts, politics, popular culture). Need not be liked to excite a following.
- Personally loyal, supportive. [STATS: devoted] Naturally serves behind the scenes, speaks truth to power.
- Wants a chance to lead (or be taken seriously as a leader). May feel deprived of their chance, not given a fair shot to show what they can do. [STATS: NOT authority]
- Sexually needs adoration. Absent this, usually is efficient or business-like in sex. (A literal business element my exist in their sex lives.)
- The eminent often are empire builders (business, politics: most U.S. Presidents, other modern 'cult' politicians, historic dictators, business empire builders).
- In popular music, men are usually the gigantic figures [Brian Wilson, two Beatles, Springsteen, Buddy Holly]. (The few eminent female singers are often real powerhouses [e.g., Cher, Bette Midler, Melissa Etheridge, Bernadette Peters].)
- A powerful relationship to theater, film, and literature often entwined with deep connection to shadow or horror. [Stephen King, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Bulwer-Lytton, Gene Roddenberry, George Lucas, William Blake, Coleridge, Bernadette Peters, Elvira, Marsha Norman, Mata Hari, Amy Winehouse, Krafft-Ebing, and numerous other significant fiction writers.] (Many of the famous examples are way weird. Most are deep into the shadow realms, perhaps all of them.)
- Mars in Cancer murderers include Henri Desire Landru, Hera Myrtel, Edward Gein (the "Plainfield Ghoul"), Angelo Buono Jr. ("Hillside Strangler"), and Rev. Jim Jones, to which we can add Heinrich Himmler. They aren't many, but I mention them specifically because of the raw horror and often drama attached to their memories.
- Most common Mars placement for U.S. Presidents (10 out of 44, whereas 4 would be expected), but none in the last 50 years. Far more inclined to the presidency than the vice presidency.
Notebook #93 observations: They have a real inner strength. They seem to hold onto demons from their past that they continue to battle.
GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: In popular music, men are usually the gigantic figures - Brian Wilson, Bruce Springsteen, Buddy Holly, two of the Beatles - though the smaller number of eminent female singers tend to be real powerhouses with legendary "belt" power - Bette Midler and Cher, for example. - More broadly (but including many of the music figures), Mars in Cancer seems to be able to draw serious passionate cult followings, whether in religion, the arts, or politics - e.g., add Jim Jones, Al Gore, Himmler, and Bardot; and lesser examples like Don Imus and Alex Haley in entertainment or John McCain and Hillary Clinton in politics (and several of the U.S. "founding fathers"). More than simple "popularity," all of these deserve at least the label "passionate following." - Many seem to be "empire builders," whether in business or politics (with the U.S. Presidents and other modern 'cult' politicians being joined by several historic dictators + business figures like Rupert Murdoch and Merv Griffin).
Significantly high: Devoted, Sincere, Courageous, Romantic, Powerful
Significantly low: Authority, Precise
Significantly high: Sports Champions
Significantly low: (Aviators)
9.98% of population (1/10)
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Mars in Leo (Strong, Ardent, Audacious)
SUMMARY: Strong, daring, confident (chutzpah). Refuses to be dominated or intimidated (imperious). Upbeat energy, audacious. Leaps in to help or lead (whatever is needed, including combat). Charismatic, attracts a following. Practical idealist. Observant, reads situations, acts effectively. Sexually ardent, bold, forthright (often, but not always, the aggressor).
Notebook #93 observations: Strong, bright, self-confident people with many admirable traits which they are generously willing to share.
Significantly high: Innovator, Idealist, Active, Courageous
Significantly low: Charming
Significantly high: Musicians, (Physicians)
9.97% of population (1/10)
- Great strength, courage, daring, decisiveness, and self-confident leadership (chutzpah, naturally takes the lead).
- Possibly domineering or imperious. Refuses to be dominated or intimidated.
- Upbeat energy. Leaps in to help or take charge as required (whatever is needed).
- Charismatic, attracts a following.
- Willing to try audacious new approaches. Takes naturally to combat. Robust in argument. [Gauquelin: courageous, innovator, not charming]
- Observant, knows what is going on, reads situations well, takes effective action.
- Pragmatic idealist. Effective in handling what is “here-and-now” in front of them.[Gauquelin: idealist]
- Sexually ardent, bold, and forthright (often, but not always, the aggressor).
- Many historically significant national leaders that were powerful, commanding, brazen, willful, daring, audacious, and (sometimes) autocratic. - Also, a surprising frequency of First Ladies (U.S. and internationally) in recent decades.[Examples include Ivan the Terrible, Chiang Kai-Shek, Indira Gandhi, King James I, and U.S. presidents Grant, B. Harrison, L. Johnson, G.W. Bush, Obama, and Trump. In addition to the "near president" Edith Wilson, other modern First Ladies have had Mars in Leo, including Jaqueline Kennedy, Betty Ford, and Rosalyn Carter, and, in a similar vein, Princess Diana and Imelda Marcos.]
Notebook #93 observations: Strong, bright, self-confident people with many admirable traits which they are generously willing to share.
Cyril Fagan, AA 10/63 wrote:Repeatedly it has been noticed that Mars in the constellation Leo is a wholesale slaughterer... [Obviously this doesn't generalize to the majority of the population; but as a rare Fagan observation on a Mars-sign, I wanted to record it. - JAE]
CHARACTER TRAITS:Jupiter Sets at Dawn wrote:Every one I know... has a fluid idea of what marriage means, every one has cheated, every one has either broken or has nearly broken their marriage because of their cheating goes and cheats again. They all seem to enjoy flirting, and make small talk by expressing interest in other people sexually and don't understand how their behavior could ever be inappropriate.
Mars in Leo people seem to be very interested in looks, their own and others, and judge people on how they look, including how much work they put into keeping themselves physically attractive. Moreover they all think everyone else should be interested in their opinions. These are the people who are personally and vocally insulted when a heavy person dares eat at Cheesecake Factory a table away from them and do it loud enough to be heard. Even if they themselves are heavy.
They all feel smarmy to me. One is a close relative. I avoid his company at any social gathering. He hit on a friend of mine in front of his wife and me at my mother's funeral. Ick. He also thinks catcalling women he drives by is flattering them. He is a half century out of high school. He's not unusually forward for this group.
Significantly high: Innovator, Idealist, Active, Courageous
Significantly low: Charming
Significantly high: Musicians, (Physicians)
9.97% of population (1/10)
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Mars in Virgo (Cunning, Smart, Executing)
SUMMARY: Strategic, analytic, logical, calculating the odds (can be covert, manipulative, deceitful, cunning, game-playing). Very smart, curious, powerful minds (intelligence is more accessible than feelings). Easy wit and humor. Service-minded: ready to assist, help, support. Substance abuse (alcoholics). Rises to excellence in emergencies: keen instinct for correct action, sees a larger view.
Lance observations ... 485#p26336 :
Significantly low: Traveler, Courageous, Powerful
Significantly high: Actors. U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justices (6 out of 17). This is by far the leading Mars-sign for Vice Presidents. High for alcoholics (Bradley).
Significantly low: Sports Champions
9.61% of population (~1/10)
- Strategic, analytic, logical, calculating (including calculating odds).
- Can be covert, manipulative, deceitful, cunning, game-playing, from "playing an angle" to treachery. [STATS: actors)
- Intelligent (including very smart, unusually powerful minds). Curious, astute, effective, sees things for what they are.
- Intelligence is more accessible than feelings.
- Quick minds give easy wit: easy sense of humor (though most look deadly serious). Includes major comedians and humor writers.
- Service-minded: Ready to assist, help, support. [This is by far the leading Mars-sign for Vice Presidents.]
- Substance abuse (alcoholics).
- Political leaders are iron-willed executives who thrive in times of crisis. (Their gift is seeing a larger view and fixing things that seem broken.)
- Their analytic minds extend to legal judgment: Over one-third of U.S. Supreme Court chief justices have had Mars in Virgo.
Lance observations ... 485#p26336 :
Hakim input: ... file&u=254Lance wrote:Strategic: I mean, I actually aspire to this. I wish I was better at it. I'm embarrassed to share anecdotes though. The times when it was most notable in my life were when I was most angry and obsessed with something.
Addiction: Yeah, I used to smoke a LOT of cigarettes. When I was stressed, I smoked up to three packs a day. It was like this thing I could do that could help me think more focusedly and clearly - revving-up the whole Mars in Virgo (Mercury) mental processes to help deal with the anxiety and figure out whatever problem. I always smoked when I needed to go think about something.
I never really drank until after we decided to get a divorce. But the impulse here is to turn off the thought-machine. I still see Mars in Virgo (Mercury) in that as well. There this constant desire to fix the situation (analyze, strategize), solve the problem, or at least solve the problem that is the painful thoughts themselves. Definitely, the desire here is to turn off the Mars in Virgo (Mercury) mechanism: to NOT think.
Significantly low: Traveler, Courageous, Powerful
Significantly high: Actors. U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justices (6 out of 17). This is by far the leading Mars-sign for Vice Presidents. High for alcoholics (Bradley).
Significantly low: Sports Champions
9.61% of population (~1/10)
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Mars in Libra (Self-sufficient, Provocative, Righting)
SUMMARY: Independent, self-sufficient survivors (slow to ask for help). Sociable, likable, interesting, yet odd (disreputable). Persistent, determined, serious. Wants marriage without "losing" oneself (marital conflicts). Passion for social justice. Feminine thrives better than masculine. Women aggressively protect families, friends, others. Men struggle with gender expectations (some bullies). Substance abuse (poor impulse control, ego swings, self-justification).
NOTE: Low for 100 murderers (Davis data). Very high among activist lesbian feminists (King-Eshelman data).
Significantly high: Authority, Precise
Significantly low: Mystic
Significantly high:
Significantly low: Military, (Aviators)
8.91% of population (1/11)
- Independent, self-sufficient survivors. Persistent, determined, serious, intent.
- Slow to ask for help: Does not want to impose on others or be in someone’s debt.
- Likable, interesting, sociable, yet somehow socially odd (even disreputable): socially included without exactly fitting. (Several murderers, a few scoundrels; but also some saints.)
- Usually wants marriage. Tends not to lose oneself in it (retains strong ego-distinction). Marital conflicts are common. Women report severe experiences (conflict, betrayal, sometimes violence) and usually do not tolerate it. Men either experience this less or do not talk about it.
- Passion for social justice, taking a stand against the prevailing injustice or suppression of their time. (Both sexes tend to strong feminism.)
- Women especially don't feel they need a man to survive or thrive.
- Overall, the feminine thrives better than the masculine. Women are unusually powerful and may make significant impact on the world (especially as activists reclaiming power). Women aggressively protect their cubs, other family, and others in need. Men may struggle with social gender expectations (some become bullies). [Can there be a better example of emasculation than John Wayne Bobbitt? He had Mars in Libra.]
- Substance abuse problems. A surprising number of drug addicts and (wet and dry) alcoholics (incl. famous examples like Charlie Sheen, Mel Gibson, Philip Seymour Hoffman), commonly with poor impulse control, sharp ego swings, strong self-justification, slow to accept help.
- Many of the famous are connected with personal tragedy. (Do not expect this typically.) This includes five U.S. presidents who died in office, plus murderers, drug deaths, other violent deaths or maiming, and people close to violence (e.g., Robert and Caroline Kennedy).
NOTE: Low for 100 murderers (Davis data). Very high among activist lesbian feminists (King-Eshelman data).
Significantly high: Authority, Precise
Significantly low: Mystic
Significantly high:
Significantly low: Military, (Aviators)
8.91% of population (1/11)
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Mars in Scorpio (Fearless, Fun-loving, Naughty)
SUMMARY: Determined, persevering, hardworking, resourceful, passion to succeed, hard to intimidate. Loves fun, enjoys life. Sharp humor, willing to be outlandish. Most prefer some “bad boy/girl” in their character, feel it their moral duty to misbehave on schedule and stay “a little rough around the edges.” Willing to challenge control or authority. Highly sexed (high-demand sex locomotives).
Notebook #93 observations: I like this group of people from an organizational p.o.v.
GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: Competitive, hardworking. In general, I'd say their drive and persistence is fierce in whatever they pick. - Those who excel at their craft have gotten there by applying very hard work to their dream and proceeding with maximum clarity of direction. Mars in Scorpio includes both Placido Domingo and Luciano Pavarotti; actors like Dustin Hoffman and Jack Nicholson; athletes like Steffi Graf (and a non-stop marathon running triathelete entertainment attorney I know); numerous comedians of whom George Carlin is probably best representative; and that exemplar of "never give up," Christopher Reeve. (There are many more, but these are representative.) - Most that I know personally prefer a little persistent "bad boy/girl" in their character, feel it their moral duty to misbehave on schedule, and stay "a little rough around the edges." - Most of the women I've known with Mars in Scorpio have been high-demand sexual locomotives.
Significantly low: "New Champions"
8.05% of population (~1/12)
NOTE: Highest for 44 comedians. 2nd highest for 30 great composers. Lowest (with Taurus) for heads of states. Lowest for 59 Sidereal astrologers and 108 astrologers overall. Lowest for all Popes since 1000 AD (only one instance).
Significantly high: Ambitious
Significantly low: Sensitive
- Determined, persevering, hardworking, resourceful, with a passion to succeed (ambitious).
- Those who excel at their craft have gotten there by applying fierce hard work to a dream.
- Hard to intimidate: has courage, dares much. Willing to challenge outside control or authority.
- Most prefer some “bad boy” or “bad girl” in their character, feeling it their moral duty to misbehave on schedule and stay “a little rough around the edges.”
- Wit, sharp humor, willing to be outlandish. Loves fun, enjoys life.
- Highly sexed: Most are high-demand sexual locomotives.
- Powerful (often gifted) in the performing arts, especially vocal music. Among great storytellers, count the names Chekhov, Verne, Stevenson, Lovecraft, and Wilde, among others.
- Examples: Mars in Scorpio includes both Placido Domingo and Luciano Pavarotti; actors like Dustin Hoffman and Jack Nicholson; athletes like Steffi Graf (and a non-stop marathon running triathelete entertainment attorney I know); numerous comedians of whom George Carlin is probably best representative; and that exemplar of "never give up," Christopher Reeve. (There are many more, but these are representative.)
Notebook #93 observations: I like this group of people from an organizational p.o.v.
GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: Competitive, hardworking. In general, I'd say their drive and persistence is fierce in whatever they pick. - Those who excel at their craft have gotten there by applying very hard work to their dream and proceeding with maximum clarity of direction. Mars in Scorpio includes both Placido Domingo and Luciano Pavarotti; actors like Dustin Hoffman and Jack Nicholson; athletes like Steffi Graf (and a non-stop marathon running triathelete entertainment attorney I know); numerous comedians of whom George Carlin is probably best representative; and that exemplar of "never give up," Christopher Reeve. (There are many more, but these are representative.) - Most that I know personally prefer a little persistent "bad boy/girl" in their character, feel it their moral duty to misbehave on schedule, and stay "a little rough around the edges." - Most of the women I've known with Mars in Scorpio have been high-demand sexual locomotives.
Significantly low: "New Champions"
8.05% of population (~1/12)
NOTE: Highest for 44 comedians. 2nd highest for 30 great composers. Lowest (with Taurus) for heads of states. Lowest for 59 Sidereal astrologers and 108 astrologers overall. Lowest for all Popes since 1000 AD (only one instance).
Significantly high: Ambitious
Significantly low: Sensitive
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Mars in Sagittarius (Zealous, Ambitious, World-expanding)
SUMMARY: Passionate beliefs and interests (moral courage, persuasive). Idealist foremost (yet pragmatic). Sincere, devoted, studious (seeming diligence is love or zeal). Innovative, ambitious, strategic, exacting. Generous and encouraging expanding others' worlds. Thrives in vintage styles. Branded social identities (air of mystery or fantasy). Often identified with ideologies, -ists, & -isms.
Significantly high: Reserved, Profound, Precise
Significantly low: Imaginative, Hardworking, Innovator
Significantly high: Military musicians, Writers
NOTE: Highest for 33 race drivers (all Indy 500 drivers one year); highest for heads of states
7.27% of population (1/14)
- Passion and energy for beliefs, principles, and interests. Moral courage, persuasive fervor, evangelical for their interests and causes. (Includes religious enthusiasts and missionaries [Aimee Simple MacPherson, Billy Graham, Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh, Aleister Crowley; one could include Timothy Leary and George Harrison].)
- Ambitious, pouring themselves into their passions (likely to succeed).
- Sincere, devoted, studious. What seems diligence is really love or zeal for an interest. (Not hardworking for the sake of work.)
- Ideological foremost, yet pragmatic. [Gauquelin: reserved, profound; NOT hardworking]
- Strategic, calculating (with an almost military eye). Precise, exacting. measured (pedantic). [Gauquelin: precise]
- Generous and encouraging expanding the scope of others' worlds. (Reality-expanding scientists, culture-bridging musicians, worldly and otherworldly authors, world-forging filmmakers) [Goethe, Heisenberg, Bell, Leary, Crowley, Disney, Spielberg, Coppola, Bob Marley, George Harrison]. [Gauquelin: writers]
- Branded social identities: Many exude an air of mystery or fantasy, live undercover or behind a staged public persona (e.g., occultists, fantasy creators, celebrities, spies) [Aleister Crowley, Edgar Cayce, Lewis Carroll, Steven Spielberg, Vladimir Putin, Richard Nixon, Agatha Christie, Marjorie Cameron, Ghislaine Maxwell, Timothy Leary, many classical actors, closeted gays, many pseudonyms].
- Commonly identified with ideologies, -ists, and -isms (from political nationalists and "Red-busting" politicians, founders or propagators of philosophical movements, evangelists, a musician who mostly introduced Eastern music to the mainstream West).
- Innovative in technology or the arts [Bell, Edison, Krupp, Disney, Ernest Gallo, Coppola, Crowley, Harrison, Legend among many others].
- Mars in Sagittarius thrives in old school ways or vintage (classic) styles that once were innovative. Their commitment to heritage and timeless fashions does not always play well to a 21st century audience. [Gauquelin: NOT imaginative]
Significantly high: Reserved, Profound, Precise
Significantly low: Imaginative, Hardworking, Innovator
Significantly high: Military musicians, Writers
NOTE: Highest for 33 race drivers (all Indy 500 drivers one year); highest for heads of states
7.27% of population (1/14)
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Mars in Capricorn (Animal, Resentment, Shadow)
SUMMARY: Courage, strength, discontent, resistance (prefers action to complaint, combative, creates unnecessary struggle and conflict). Early resentments (over control, authority, parent issues). Sexual forthright, earthy, animal (incites others' arousal; humor raunchy and charming). Unresolved shadow, dark moods, carries past darkness. Secrets form a large role in their lives.
OTHER PERSONAL OBSERVATIONS: Among people I personally know, this is one of the most secretive group I know. Some are outright deceptive about who they are; most are only extremely withholding concerning facts they think will get them negatively judged (usually asserting it is "none of anybody's business," or that they are simply private). I speculate about the amount of unresolved shadow content, because they often seem to be carrying a lot of their past around as something that makes them uncomfortable and they don't want disclosed. - Women with this position are extremely forthright in their sexuality, a mix of practicality with unusually strong sexual needs.
This "secretive" and "insincere" reflects a trait that is easy to see among people with the Sun and Moon in Capricorn: They don't like to be self-disclosing. I suppose there is a "safety first" feel to this. People I know who have Mars in Capricorn have variations of this - secretive, sometimes mysterious, putting on a facade so people won't really see them. "Wanting to look good" and "not wanting to be found out" are frequent forms.
Significantly low: Actors
6.78% of population (1/15)
NOTE: High for heads of states.
Significantly high: Secretive, Ambitious
Significantly low: Sincere
- Courage, strength, speaks up, stands their ground (confrontational).
- Natural leaders, therefore, but rarely wants titles or office: freedom (and a free voice) matter more to them than rank. [Gauquelin: ambitious]
- Prefers action to complaining: Rises to overcome whatever “one down” feelings they retain from formative years.
- Strong sexual needs: the forthright, earthy, honest, animal (lascivious) libido of the satyr and nymph. Sexually attractive: their presence incites animal arousal in others. (Several celebrity names are nearly synonymous with sex, sultry sexuality, and some-times sex-work.)
- Father issues (parent issues) as part of wider authority and control issues. Conflict most often is from striving for independence and self-sufficiency. – May create unnecessary struggle and conflict fighting their way out of early resentments over control (combative, discontent).
- Vulnerable to dark moods (unresolved past darkness). Most carry old skeletons in a portable closet (something that makes them uncomfortable, or they do not want disclosed).
- Secrets form a large role in their lives (for various reasons from simple privacy to un-resolved early struggles, hiding from someone in their past, or avoidance of the law). [Gauquelin: secretive, insincere]
- Love of humor, often gifted sense of humor (typically raunchy mixed with charm). Some of the greatest comedic talents have this position [Harpo Marx, Jerry Lewis, Lily Tomlin, Woody Allen, John Cleese, Eric Idle, John Belushi, Andy Kaufman, Chelsea Handler].
OTHER PERSONAL OBSERVATIONS: Among people I personally know, this is one of the most secretive group I know. Some are outright deceptive about who they are; most are only extremely withholding concerning facts they think will get them negatively judged (usually asserting it is "none of anybody's business," or that they are simply private). I speculate about the amount of unresolved shadow content, because they often seem to be carrying a lot of their past around as something that makes them uncomfortable and they don't want disclosed. - Women with this position are extremely forthright in their sexuality, a mix of practicality with unusually strong sexual needs.
This "secretive" and "insincere" reflects a trait that is easy to see among people with the Sun and Moon in Capricorn: They don't like to be self-disclosing. I suppose there is a "safety first" feel to this. People I know who have Mars in Capricorn have variations of this - secretive, sometimes mysterious, putting on a facade so people won't really see them. "Wanting to look good" and "not wanting to be found out" are frequent forms.
Significantly low: Actors
6.78% of population (1/15)
NOTE: High for heads of states.
Significantly high: Secretive, Ambitious
Significantly low: Sincere
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Mars in Aquarius (Experimental, Ingenious, Gregarious)
SUMMARY: Powerful, practical, resourceful mind free of settled thinking, most interested in what works. Easy-going “think for themselves” rebels who sidestep automatic herd compliance. Follows own instincts more than others’ advice. Strong ideals but their “perfect” is not the foe of their “possible.” Gregarious, friendship is easy, understands people. Honest, good-hearted, reaches out. Sexually uninhibited, enthusiastic.
Significantly high: Powerful (powerful mind), Authority, Innovator
Significantly low: Sensitive, Sensual, Imaginative, Precise, Romantic
Significantly high: Sports Champions, "New Champions"
6.70% of population (1/15)
- Powerful, practical, resourceful mind tends to be free of preconception or settled thinking (as if always brainstorming). More interested in what works, curious to see “what would happen if…”
- Thus, their actions may seem to challenge accepted thinking. Most, though, are easy-going “think for themselves” rebels (rarely confrontational) who sidestep automatic herd compliance.
- Follows own instincts more than others’ advice. Quietly makes their own decisions despite others’ rules (innovative).
- Ideals are strong but (without abandoning them) amenable to what is realistic: Their “perfect” is not the foe of their “possible.” (Apolitical, conciliatory.)
- Gregarious, friendship is easy (understands people). Makes a strong (usually positive) impression. Honest, good-hearted, reaches out to others (helpful, offering what is needed). Confident, forward (not shy).
- Sexually uninhibited, enthusiastic, generous.
Significantly high: Powerful (powerful mind), Authority, Innovator
Significantly low: Sensitive, Sensual, Imaginative, Precise, Romantic
Significantly high: Sports Champions, "New Champions"
6.70% of population (1/15)
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Mars in Pisces (Surging, Artistic, Delving)
SUMMARY: Artistic temperament more than scientific. Sensitive, broodingly moody, inflamed imagination, surging into temptation, pursing depths and heights. Vivid drama, vibrant fantasy, socially engaging, entertaining. On a mission (advocate, enthusiast, rouses others, moves minds). Rarely caught feeling helpless (speaks up, strikes back, plans or plots). Looks under the covers at things most people prefer to leave hidden (death, atypical or abnormal sexuality, occultism, psychological mysteries).
GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: The Gauquelin character trait predominances reflect what is often called "the artist's temperament" (perhaps in a particularly 19th Century style); and a couple cases like Orson Welles and Baudelaire make the point. I don't have a lot of personal examples to analyze, but they do seem to share a trait that they don't hesitate to "look under the covers" at things most people prefer to leave hidden (e.g., death or abnormal sexuality, as well as more general occultism, "life mysteries," "psychological mysteries," etc.).
Significantly low: Scientists
7.06% of population (1/14)
Significantly high: Traveler, Pessimistic, Sensitive, Imaginative
Significantly low: Sincere, Hardworking, Devoted, Profound, Active
NOTE: Lowest for U.S. Presidents (none; 2 would be expected). Highest in a small study of great composers.
- Artistic temperament more than scientific: Sensitive, broodingly moody, inflamed imagination and emotion, surging into temptation, pursing both the depths and the heights. (Creative; reality-weaving more than reality-discovering.) [Gauquelin: Low for scientists].
- Imaginative, fervent; vivid drama, vibrant fantasy. Impatient with frustrated gratification.
- On a mission. Advocate, enthusiast, rouses others to an issue or project, moves minds. (Socially engaging, entertaining. Weaves stories and narratives about themselves and circumstances.)
- Rarely caught feeling helpless. Speaks up, strikes back, rouses passion, plans or plots. (Self-righteous if pushed aside or under-served.)
- Looks under the covers at things most people prefer to leave hidden (death, atypical or abnormal sexuality, occultism, psychological mysteries).
- Computer scientists including significant theorists. (This and other Pisces-computing examples seem tied to the Neptunian idea of coding and decoding.)
- Statistically common in a study of 79 infamous murderers (e.g., Jeffrey Dahmer, Richard Speck, Charles Whitman, Phil Spector). – Most people with Mars in Pisces are not murderers.
GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: The Gauquelin character trait predominances reflect what is often called "the artist's temperament" (perhaps in a particularly 19th Century style); and a couple cases like Orson Welles and Baudelaire make the point. I don't have a lot of personal examples to analyze, but they do seem to share a trait that they don't hesitate to "look under the covers" at things most people prefer to leave hidden (e.g., death or abnormal sexuality, as well as more general occultism, "life mysteries," "psychological mysteries," etc.).
Significantly low: Scientists
7.06% of population (1/14)
Significantly high: Traveler, Pessimistic, Sensitive, Imaginative
Significantly low: Sincere, Hardworking, Devoted, Profound, Active
NOTE: Lowest for U.S. Presidents (none; 2 would be expected). Highest in a small study of great composers.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Mars in Aries (Enterprising, Controlling, Unyielding)
SUMMARY: Strong-willed, independent, tough, confident, ambitious, enterprising, industrious, accomplishing. Drive and persistence, often with great energy. Knack for building or expanding in business, flair for promotion. Controlling, bossy. Unyielding opinions, no backing down. Hits "enough is enough" limit (needs release or to strike back). A few have too much energy pumping through their bodies for their well-being.
Much input begins here: ... 082#p23622
GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: Music industry (and sometimes film) figures who are eminently business people to the point of industry-building (Madonna, Michael Jackson, Carole King; Clint Eastwood, Charles Chaplin). Other industry-builders like Steve Jobs. The expected power politicians (many of whom also have Aries Suns), including Hitler, Eichman, Catherine II, Eva Peron (if born in 1919), and Ian Smith. A few examples of people who just seemed to have too much energy pumping through their nervous systems (David Helfgott, Michael Jackson and, for that matter, probably Hitler). - Among those I've known personally, there are also numerous examples of those who build organizations, have a flair for promotion and industrious expansion, etc.).
NOTE: Astrologers with Mars in Aries are much more likely to be Siderealists than Tropicalists.
Significantly low: Active
7.76% of population (1/13)
- Strong-willed, independent, tough, confident, enterprising (often industrious, accomplishing).
- Drive, endurance, and persistence, often with enormous physical energy and animation. [In music, consider Chuck Berry, Mick Jagger, Carole King, Celine Dion, Madonna, Chaka Khan, Paula Abdul among many others.]
- Imperious, bossy, controlling, dominating (often with grace). Knack for building/expanding organizations or industries, a flair for promotion.
- Political ambition and success common, including power politicians and dictators.
- Unyielding opinions, no backing down, intractable, driving forward indifferent to persuasion or dissuasion. – Often, it is simply not worth engaging their bullying ways (just let them go their own way).
- Hits a limit, feeling enough is enough: needs release from it (or to strike back or lash out).
- A few simply have too much energy pumping through their bodies (especially nervous system) for their well-being.
- Strength and toughness are indifferent to gender, though women often still need to compensate against resistance or suppression. Men are more often confident, not feeling they have anything to prove. Women with comparable ability often fight to prove themselves. [Ginger Rogers, who provides the common “backwards and heels” metaphor for this, had Mars in Aries.]
- May show their genius better in emergency situations or recovering (rebounding) than from initial planning and design: Prefers to leap first and look on the way across (or down!).
- Many entertainment figures are as eminent for enterprising business leadership as for talent
Much input begins here: ... 082#p23622
GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: Music industry (and sometimes film) figures who are eminently business people to the point of industry-building (Madonna, Michael Jackson, Carole King; Clint Eastwood, Charles Chaplin). Other industry-builders like Steve Jobs. The expected power politicians (many of whom also have Aries Suns), including Hitler, Eichman, Catherine II, Eva Peron (if born in 1919), and Ian Smith. A few examples of people who just seemed to have too much energy pumping through their nervous systems (David Helfgott, Michael Jackson and, for that matter, probably Hitler). - Among those I've known personally, there are also numerous examples of those who build organizations, have a flair for promotion and industrious expansion, etc.).
NOTE: Astrologers with Mars in Aries are much more likely to be Siderealists than Tropicalists.
Significantly low: Active
7.76% of population (1/13)
Jim Eshelman