Moon in the Constellations - interpretation resources

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Moon in the Constellations - interpretation resources

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Garth Allen once wrote a concise distinction between Sun-sign and Moon-sign. When I found it, I was surprised that it so resembled my basic distinction between Sun and Moon - that Sun is the core "who you are" center of identity and Moon the adaptive mechanism (socially, biologically, psychologically) that manages ones interface with the environment to support, protect, and express Sun. (Lately I've begun expressing this as "[Sun-sign] with a [Moon-sign] style.") -- GA's is just different enough, though, that it is worth reposting here.
Garth Allen wrote:The Sun-containing constellation throws light on behaviorism and psychological orientation in the world. The Moon-containing constellation, on the other hand, gives clues about how the basic pattern of individuality has been modified and conditioned by one's glandular and chemical history since birth. The Sun is what you really are; the Moon is what the flux and pressures of continued living have tried to make you into [emphasis added]. Other interpretations of the difference between solar and lunar components of the personality are possible, of course, but we believe that this distinction is the primary one in everyday circumstances.
Moon in TAURUS Reflective, Tender, Sensual
Moon in GEMINI Curious, Playmate, Multiplicity
Moon in CANCER Imagery, Feeling, Expression
Moon in LEO Strong, Stately, Entertaining
Moon in VIRGO Curiosity, Service, Analysis
Moon in LIBRA Magnetism, Justice, Design
Moon in SCORPIO Tough, Volcanic, Independent
Moon in SAGITTARIUS Rank, Rightness, Community
Moon in CAPRICORN Playful, Primitive, Dark
Moon in AQUARIUS Holistic, Futuristic, Eccentric
Moon in PISCES Imagination, Actor, Explorer
Moon in ARIES Bold, Independent, Pragmatic
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Moon in Taurus (Reflective, Tender, Sensual)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SUMMARY: Driven most by how they feel about things (follows the heart). Charming, affectionate, sensual, cuddly, romantically exploring. Tender, vulnerable (touchy, moody). Values harmlessness, simplicity. Brave, impassioned. Groping quest for emotional truth. Thoughtful, reflective, learns rapidly (relearns slowly). Beauty, art, entertainment.
  • Charming, cordial, accommodating.
  • Affectionate, friendly. Responsive to friendship, affection, and sexual suggestion.
  • Receptive, tender, vulnerable. Strongly affected by surrounding conditions. (Touchy, moody, vulnerable to judgment.)
  • Flirtatious, cuddly, sensual, romantically exploring, sexual charisma. ("Sex kitten" style of models including Ann-Margaret, Brigitte Bardot, Brook Shields, Claudia Schiffer.)
  • Driven most by how they feel about things. - Can be blindsided by strong feelings or become emotionally unhinged when others persistently misunderstand or try to shut down their feelings. - Driven to an often groping QUEST for understanding the depths of their feelings and connection to life (especially when young).
  • Romantic Ideal. Will follow their heart in the moment, then slow to recognize bad choices (often ending in heartbreak and plaintive aftermath). [Gauquelin: dreamer]
  • Their sexuality shapes much about their lives (especially as a way to explore themselves).
  • Brave, especially in defense of emotional truth.
  • Passionate about issues and causes that matter to them.
  • Honest in the moment, yet malleable and adaptive to changing circumstances. (May give a false impression of insincerity.) [Gauquelin: secretive]
  • Instinctive understanding of others (natural psychologists).
  • Values harmlessness and simplicity. (Some are willing to be obnoxious or offensive but rarely harmful.)
  • Thoughtful, reflective, resistant to others' easy answers. Questioning, inquiring, intensely curious of what makes Nature "tick," probing Life's mysteries (e.g., Ashmole, Kepler, Pasteur, Freud). [STATS: High for Nobel-winning physicists.]
  • Learns rapidly (absorbs a topic) and can quickly expound it. (Many teachers.)
  • Relearns slowly, with more difficulty (settled in how they first learned something, creatures of habit).
  • Prefers simple domestic setting over frenzied public life.
  • Devoted (doting) parents, "mothering" others, service-minded. (More daughters than sons.)
  • Love of beauty, heightened aesthetic sense (artistic, especially visual arts).
  • Writers, especially poetic writers relying in vivid imagery and senses-stirring language.[Gauquelin: poet.] [STATS: Common for Gauquelin writers sample]. (E.g., Dumas, Tennyson, Coward, Eliot, Le Guin.)
  • Entertainment: Most Best Actress Oscar winners. Statistically common in small samples of comedians and satirists. Celebrities with Moon in Taurus have abundant personal magnetism.
  • Longer lifespan than average (Hub Moons).

Gauquelin: High for WRITERS. Very high for character trait "poet." High for traits "secretive, dreamer."
Other stats: Longer life span. Men tend to have daughters. High for 44 comedians, 20 satirists, 33 auto racers (all in Indy 500 one year). Best Actor (female) Oscar winners. Most common for all Popes since 1000 AD. Tied (with Libra) for most major party Presidential nominees who lost.
Observed Professional Interests: Teaching in many forms.

U.S. PRESIDENTS: Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Rutherford B. Hayes, Barack Obama [2 inherited the Presidency due to the death of their predecessors; a third was elected through an elaborate Electoral College compromise; the fourth was decisively elected.]

OSCAR: Janet Gaynor (Seventh Heaven), Katharine Hepburn (Morning Glory; Gu3ss Who's Coming to Dinner; The Lion in Winter; On Golden Pond), Claudette Colbert (It Happened One Night), Bette Davis (The Great Ziegfeld; Jezebel {!}), Victor McLaglen (The Informer), Greer Garson (Mrs. Miniver), Jayne Wyman (Johnny Belinda), Alec Guinness (The Bridge on the River Kwai), Gwyneth Paltrow (Shakespeare in Love {!}), Jeff Bridges (Crazy Heart {!}), Jennifer Lawrence (Silver Linings Playbook {!}), Eddie Redmayne (The Theory of Everything), Julianne Moore (Still Alice)
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Moon in Gemini (Curious, Playmate, Multiplicity)

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SUMMARY: Curious, mentally quick, talkative (charming, engaging). Needs attention, approval, inclusion. Stability from companionship (does better paired). Playful, loves games. Versatile, needs diversity, restless. Interests shift, varied, multiple, driven by shifting passions. Sensitive (intuitive, psychic), cagey, touchy, withdraws, hides.
  • Intellect & the nervous system dominate the personality. (Nervous, high-strung, worrying.)
  • Curious, talkative, intellectual, mentally quick. Especially when young, presents as eager, bright, full of ideas (praised for intelligence, quick assessment, astuteness).
  • Charming, engaging. [Gauquelin: Very high for charming, high for nice.] Connection & companionship give psychological ballast. Functions best in partnership ("two" theme).
  • Childlike need for attention, approval, and inclusion.
  • Playful, loves games. [STATS: Gauquelin sports champions.] Needs to be "in on the game," "the smartest one in the room" (doesn't want to be caught not knowing).
  • Playful sense of humor. [STATS: High for one small study of satirists.]
  • Needs diversity & constant sensory input (or gets bored, looks for greener grass). Interests and attention are shifting, varied, mobile, multiple, driven by shifting passions. Transient curiosities. Subject to distraction & inattention. Poor on follow-up or follow-through.
  • Deflects conversation from personal matters, "keeps it light."
  • Versatile talents, expressive in the arts including music (songwriting, voice, production), poetry, mimicry, acting, painting. - As artists, have a gift for popularity and appealing to diverse audiences. (Stephen Foster, Peter Yarrow, Willie Nelson, Aretha Franklin, Janis Joplin, Liza Minelli, Taylor Swift, both Sir George Martin and Phil Spector, Aaron Spelling, Mindy Kaling, Durer, Rodin, Baudelaire, Rousseau, Stravinsky among many others.)
  • Intellect fused with emotions, especially subconscious patterns. Reason-driven (marked by a distinctive logic, justifications, and atypical modeling of facts: reasoning to sustain a conclusion).
  • Heightened perceptual sensitivity (responsiveness). Intuitive, strategic, cagey (deceptive); or touchy, irrational, withdrawn. (Psychics.) [Gauquelin: low for courageous]
  • Restless, hard to relax. Smoking, alcohol, or drugs to manage mental or physical acceleration. (Possible substance abuse, addiction.)
  • Experimental, playful sexual tastes, curiosities, acts; open to kink.
  • Professionally often involved in speaking, writing, teaching, science, astrology. (Both Sir Isaac Newton & Linus Pauling lead the long list of famous scientists, even though Moon in Gemini is uncommon for Nobel-winning physicists.) [STATS: Statistically uncommon for 86 Nobel physicists.] [Gauquelin: low for ambitious and powerful]

Gauquelin: High for PHYSICIANS. Very high for character trait "charming." Also high for: not courageous [a rare Mercury-sign placement that scored that way!], nice, not ambitious, not humane, not powerful, not a traveler.
Other stats: Low for 86 Nobel physicists. Low for 33 auto racers (all Indy 500 drivers one year; Eshelman). High for astrologers (Eshelman).
ACCIDENTS (Carter, 168 cases): Highest (i.e., Tropical Cancer; this effect may or may not translate to Sidereal Gemini)
A study of 40 supercentarians had the Moon in Gemini 6 times (about twice expectancy). The Sun was also in Gemini more than any other sign (8), although its companion high frequency in Taurus raises the question of whether there is a non-zodiacal artifact present. The Moon was only in Capricorn once.

U.S. PRESIDENTS: Theodore Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, Franklin D. Roosevelt [2 inherited the office due to the death of their predecessor; the third died in office after being elected 4 times]

OSCARS: Clark Gable (It Happened One Night {!}), Spencer Tracy (Captains Courageous; Boys Town {!}), Olivia De Havilland (To Each His Own; The Heiress), William Holden (Stalag 17), David Niven (The Moon is Blue), Maximilian Schell (Judgment at Nuremberg), Liza Minnelli (Cabaret), Emma Thompson (Howards End), Sean Penn (Mystic River; Milk)
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Moon in Cancer (Imagery, Feeling, Expression)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SUMMARY: Feelings close to surface, comfortably expressed (sometimes overwhelm). When safe: tender, openly sensitive; otherwise cocky arrogance, moody. Generous, hospitable, loves easily, draws affection. Sympathetic listener (trusted). Exudes optimism, outward confidence. Thrives within imagination. Expressive actor (treasures privacy). Conscientious shepherd.
  • Strongly driven by their feelings, which are close to the surface and comfortably expressed (or sometimes overwhelm).
  • When feeling emotionally safe: tender, gentle, humane, openly sensitive; otherwise, touchy, moody, with cocky, defensive arrogance. [Gauquelin: humane]
  • Empathic, senses others' motives instinctively. (Women do this more openly; many men suppress it protectively; both see through ruses or nonsense.)
  • Vulnerable to others' judgments, displeasure, and criticism (easier to offend inadvertently).
  • Responds to affection and friendship, nourished by attention. Demonstrative, loves easily and genuinely (including love for pets, other animals). Warm, generous, kind, accommodating, hospitable (natural host).
  • A trusted, sympathetic ear for others' problems.
  • Social graces (consistent with customs of their circles).
  • Exudes (contagious or comforting) optimism. Normally (outwardly) confident.
  • Conceives, develops, and delivers. Thrives within imagination and fantasy. [Gauquelin: poet] Success in life from rendering imagination into creativity and action. - This serves creators of fiction (image-rich writers, actors, storytellers, conspiracy mongers) and may undercut others in practical matters.
  • Smooth truth-embellishers, even when their motives are innocent, e.g., acting, persuading, telling tall-tales, or being a natural at phone sales.
  • While Cancer Moon itself stands out for few professions outside the arts, individuals with this placement who succeed in their chosen path often become standouts and celebrities before the public within their field. Others are celebrities first, something else second.
  • Art, theater, music, painting, design, literature. Instinct for presentation (delivery): can embellish, enhance, and adorn (usually settings, sometimes facts). They know how to weave illusion and create a character. [STATS - Highest for (male) Best Actor Oscar winners. Writers include Bulwer-Lytton, Bronte, Flaubert, London, Joyce, Byron, Wilde, Buck, and Emerson. Numerous stellar pop music celebrities.]
  • Shadow themes in diverse forms. Lives in mystery or its resolution, needs to uncover or disclose. (Examples include interest in the subversive, secretive, mystical, or occult.) [In addition to occultists, add Bulwer-Lytton, Joyce, Byron, Wilde, Joseph McCarthy, Allen Dulles, Louis Braille, and Ansel Adams. Many visually played with the contrast of darkness and light (literally or figuratively), others with closeted, concealed conduct "in the shadows" (including top spies and several early gay activist writers).] [Gauquelin: secret]
  • Though expressive actors, they treasure privacy. Stage presence (natural before an audience): Many perform with color and flair. - Cancer Moons I know best personally flourish with one-on-one attention and shy from public disclosure to the point of being secretive and avoiding the camera or limelight. Among celebrities, the likes of Barbra Streisand and Clint Eastwood can play to the camera and lights, but personally treasure their privacy, retiring within their shell. [I find no significant comedians with this placement.]
  • Effective project managers and team leaders, terrific organizers. Careful, conscientious, wants to “get it right.” Somehow “make things move” when they take charge.
  • Shorter lifespan than average (Rim Moon). More sons than daughters (Rim Moon).
Gauquelin: High for traits "poet, secret, humane;" low for traits "witty, devoted."
Other stats: Best Actor (male) Oscar winners. Shorter life-span (Rim, Bradley). Common (with Capricorn) for convicted murders (Davis-Eshelman). Men have sons (Rim, Bradley). With Libra, most common for U.S. Secretaries of the Treasury.
Observed Professional Interests: Counseling/therapy (bias of my files?). Food prep and entertainment! Writer (novelist). Actor.

U.S. PRESIDENTS: James K. Polk, U.S. Grant, Grover Cleveland, Herbert Hoover

OSCARS: Emil Jannings (The Way of All Flesh), Robert Donat (Goodbye, Mr. Chips), Bing Crosby (Going My Way), Ray Milland (The Lost Weekend), Broderick Crawford (All the King's Men), Charlton Heston (Ben Hur), Lee Marvin (Cat Ballou), George C. Scott (Patton), Jane Fonda (Klute; Julia {!}), Jack Lemmon (Avanti!), Faye Dunaway (Network {!}), Robert Duvall (Tender Mercies), Marlee Matlin (Children of a Lesser God {!}), Tom Hanks (Philadelphia; Forrest Gump), Geoffrey Rush (Shine {!}), Halle Berry (Monster's Ball), Charlize Theron (Monster), Marion Cotillard (La Vie En Rose)
Eshelman, TNIA wrote:At one time or another, this sign has been characterized by a crab, two turtles, and a scarabeus beetle. The one common denominator of all of these is the hard shell worn on the outside, behind which Testudo, the Turtle, as one facet of this constellation, can conveniently withdraw when the going gets rough, and there remain impervious to attack.
NOTEBOOK #93 OBSERVATION: Skilled {bs} artists, even when their motives are essentially innocent, e.g., the kind of person that is a natural at phone sales, for example.
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Moon in Leo (Strong, Stately, Entertaining)

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SUMMARY: Emotions intertwined with pride. Strong, stately, courageous. Instinctive leader or mentor. Confident, pragmatic, hard to intimidate. Dramatic but seldom pretentious. Entertaining, gregarious, delights in things. Genuinely warm but with a cool demeanor. Loyal, generous friend. Lusty, forthright, and pragmatic in love and sex.
  • Emotions intertwined with pride.
  • Strong, proud, courageous: a dominating personality. Unconscious air of confidence, certainty, & authority. Not easily dominated or intimidated. Conscientious, pragmatic, usually effective.
  • Genuinely warm, but with a cool demeanor.
  • Desire for power (positioned to make a meaningful difference).
  • Instinctive leadership (mentorship, management, command, dominion). Wants to improve people's lives, develop others' promise (take talent under wing). Ambivalent or uncomfortable toward adulation or hero worship (dislikes smallness in others or in themselves).
  • In teaching (which can be in a conversation on the street!), will interrupt to explain something in agonizing detail for your own good because Leo is certain you can't understand what they really mean without a full explanation.
  • Dignified, stately bearing, even statuesque. Dislikes feeling common. (Grand, not petty.)
  • Often tall and imposing. One type is physically tiny yet with a large, bold personality ("the mouse that roared"). [Statistically common for professional basketball players.] Significant leaders, commanders, war heroes, & powerful heads of state include Lord Horatio Nelson, King Louis XV of France, Oliver Cromwell, William Penn, Emperor Nero, Emperor Hirohito, Emperor Franz Josef, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson (and three other U.S. presidents), Willy Brandt, Margaret Thatcher, Sec. Melvin Laird, Sec. Casper Weinberger, Sec. Ashton Carter, Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas, Sen. Edward Kennedy, Sen. Everett Dirksen, Gov. George Wallace.
  • Dramatic but seldom pretentious (values dignity & humility).
  • Slow to volunteer details that would lower their esteem, though usually (ultimately) truthful about themselves.
  • Entertaining, can "own the stage" as needed, with a particular emphasis on people in music, acting, and public presentation. Among the many great actors with Moon in Leo, we find Lionel Barrymore, Sir Laurence Olivier, Jose Ferrer, Dustin Hoffman, Harry Dean Stanton, Forest Whitaker, Peter Fonda, and Mark Harmon; and Jodie Foster, Julia Roberts, Candice Bergen, Gina Lollabrigida, Patty Duke, Natalie Portman, and Rene Russo.
  • Artists with Moon in Leo often have a signature trait of working with light as their medium or theme. This is literally true in the large number of photographers and film makers. [Statistically rare (lowest) for Gauquelin painters.]
  • Takes child-like delight (wonder) in things.
  • Reflective, contemplative. [The typical Hub luminary traits of contemplation and depth of thought are evident in the current Dalai Lama, Alan Watts, Arthur Schopenhauer, Immanuel Kant, and Robert Graves, all with Moon in Leo.]
  • Gregarious. Loyal, generous, fun friends who attract playmates and admirers (their "court"). Needs affectionate interaction.
  • Lusty, forthright, often playful sex drives. Pragmatic and realistic about love and sex. (Practicality and opportunity prevail over sentiment.)
  • Longer lifespan than average (Hub Moon). Has more daughters than sons (Hub Moon); few children.
Gauquelin: Statistically high for character traits "sensitive, witty, traveler." Low for PAINTERS.
Other stats: High for professional basketball players (Bradley), bus drivers (Paige). Longer life-span (Bradley). Men have daughters (Bradley).
Observation: Particular emphasis in my files on people in music and public appearance.

U.S. PRESIDENTS: William Henry Harrison, Franklin Pierce, William Howard Taft, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson (All but Harrison and Taft were Democrats. Two died in office.)

OSCARS: Mary Pickford (Coquette), Lionel Barrymore (A Free Soul), Marie Dressler (Min & Bill), Laurence Olivier (Hamlet), Jose Ferrer (Cyrano de Bergerac), Cliff Robertson (Charly), Dustin Hoffman (Kramer vs. Kramer; Tootsie), Shirley MacLaine (Terms of Endearment), Jodie Foster (The Accused; The Silence of the Lambs), Julia Roberts (Erin Brokovich), Adrien Brody (The Pianist), Forest Whitaker (The Last King of Scotland {!}), Natalie Portman (Black Swan), Matthew McConaughey (Dallas Buyers Club)
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Moon in Virgo (Curiosity, Service, Analysis)

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SUMMARY: Mentally sharp, observant, curious, fact-driven, analytical, erudite, strategic (too serious). Intuitive. Service (devoted, contributing). Respectful, expects respect. Reason wrestles with emotion (stubborn, moody, nervous, touchy, worrying). Innocent, naïve (subservient). Victimized (abuse, ridicule, betrayal). Courageous, bold (brazen).
  • [Cyril Fagan called Virgo the "Cinderella of the Zodiac," integrating numerous themes including the image of the young maiden, service or servant themes, vulnerability to abuse, and adolescent princess fantasies.]
  • Observant, hyper-attentive, keenly alert, concentrated on details (absorbed, obsessive); may miss the forest for the trees.
  • Curious, inquiring, gets the facts. Absorbs knowledge easily. At ease with references, compiles lists, collates news, "in the loop" on what is happening (gossip?).
  • Usually looks serious (may takes life too seriously). - Easy laughter is their psychological balance.
  • Mentally sharp, analytical, erudite, good memory. Love of history, antiquity, and origins. Mindful of language (fluency with written or spoken words, "speaks well," apt at languages). [Among the famous, a stream of scientists, inventors, and thinkers of great erudition include no less than Alexander Graham Bell, Stephen Hawking, Tycho Brahe, Bertrand Russell, Werner Heisenberg, Nikola Tesla, Martin Heidegger, and other historic figures of comparable depth and breadth of knowledge and expression, such as Sir Richard Burton, Oliver Wendall Holmes, Cyril Fagan, Frances Yates, Henry Kissinger, and Athanasius Kircher.]
  • Often abundant mental, creative output (literary talents, journalists, broadcasters, song writers, other writers). [Numerous notable writers including Shakespeare, Jonathan Swift, Sir Richard Burton, Agatha Christie, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Erich Segal, Sylvia Plath, Maya Angelou, H.P. Lovecraft, William Faulkner, J.K. Rowling, Jean Cocteau, and the pseudo-Shakespeare William Henry Ireland. Song writers who are primarily storytellers include Judy Collins, Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen, and Leon Russell.]
  • Strategic, tactical (cagey, plotting, perhaps deceptive).
  • Interweaving intellect and subconsciousness forges a personal symbolic or fantasy realm spawned in subconsciousness. "Live in their heads" or "in another world."
  • Quick, intuitive assessment: Rapidly assimilates countless details (of a new person, idea, or situation) then leaps at a flash assessment. (Judges others on first sight.)
  • When stressed: Stubborn, moody, and unreasoning. (Reasonableness competes with reactive emotion.) [Gauquelin: stubborn.] Vocal (whiny, complaining), some act as a spoiled child; nonetheless, they are responsive ("shows up") when action is required.
  • Nervous, high strung (worrying, touchy). [Gauquelin: nervous.]
  • Service or servant motif. Strong on service and contribution (devoted, eager to help). Work best in service to others. (Most at ease in office, informational, administrative, uniformed, or other white-collar careers.) [Statistically common (highest) for all senior U.S. Presidential cabinet appointments (State, War/Defense, Treasury, Attorney General).]
  • Respectful and expects respect from others.
  • Practical in most things, yet often resents the distraction of survival details.
  • Vulnerable to abuse or victimizing mostly rooted in naivety, innocence, or indifference to their own practical affairs, or letting others manage their survival (e.g., picking a "take charge" spouse or partner). [Representative examples include Patty Hearst, Nicole Brown Simpson, Beatrice Cenci, Joan of Arc ("La Pucelle d'Orleans"), and, in a different sense, Karen Silkwood. Virgo and Pisces have reciprocal “bondage” themes, in Virgo symbolized by the subjugated servant and in Pisces by the adjacent constellation imagery of Andromeda bound in chains. This unfolds in diverse character traits of each plus a greater tending toward bondage themes in Virgo and Pisces sexual practices.]
  • Often tormented childhoods including ridicule, insults, rebuffs, abuse, humiliation, or bullying. As children they seem ready targets, tending to "fit in" poorly, disconnected from typical childhood interests. (They come into their own better as adults.)
  • Sensitive to criticism, yet courageous, bold (even brazen) in word and action. [Gauquelin trait courageous.]
  • Technically skilled sexually as in most other serious interests. (Most are hypersexual, lean toward masochism.)
  • Attentive partners. Companionable (sociable) without being social. (Cf. Firmicus, "persistent need for companions"). Intellect may get between them and emotional connection.
Notebook #93 observations: Strong on service and contribution.

Gauquelin: Low for SPORTS CHAMPIONS ("New Champions" data set). High for CHAMPIONS (original set). [Whattaya make out of that?] Extremely high for traits "stubborn, courageous." Also high for "nervous, active, family ties, tenacious, leader," and low for "secretive."
Other Stats: Second most common for all Popes since 1000 AD. Highest (significant > .05) for U.S. Secretaries of War & Defense and easily high for major U.S. cabinet appointments overall (State, War/Defense, Treasury, Attorney General), likely reflecting the high level of public service. Tied with Aries for least number in 109 "Art & Design" charts in SF8 (but not significant).
Garth Allen on Sir Richard Burton wrote:Moon in the constellation Virgo, further enlivened by an opposition to Mercury, was his Open-sesame to languages. Burton mastered a new language in six weeks and could pass as a native in that many months, or less. The Moon in Virgo imparts a razor-keen memory in addition to a way with words, a cleverness with phrases.

U.S. PRESIDENTS: Andrew Jackson, John Tyler, George Bush, George W. Bush

OSCARS: Fredric March (Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde; Death of a Salesman), Humphrey Bogart (The African Queen), Simone Signoret (Room at the Top), Sidney Poitier (Lilies of the Field {!}), Maggie Smith (The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie {!}), Jack Nicholson (Chinatown; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest), Peter Finch (Network), Geraldine Page (The Trip to Bountiful), Kate Winslet (The Reader {!}), Jean Dujardin (The Artist), Leonardo DiCaprio (Wolf of Wall Street)
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Moon in Libra (Magnetism, Justice, Design)

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SUMMARY: Popular, polite, friendly, attractive. Passionate, determined. Emotionally efficient (private, controlling). Defiantly self-sufficient. Sexual magnetism, seductive personality. Justice (righting wrongs) cares deeply about human rights and social wrongs. Seeks agreement. Aesthetic (fine art, design). (Morbid expressions: alienation, breakdown of social adjustment.)

MOON IN LIBRA, the Balance
  • Popular ("in fashion"), gracious, mannered, friendly, tender, tactfully agreeable, cultured (seeks culture). Wins people to their side. Usually maintains tact despite irritation.
  • Either instinctively well-groomed and turned out or "cleans up" really well. Physically, some are classic beauties [Venus], others are rough-hewn [Saturn]. (Body art is common.)
  • Passionate, even driven. Intentional (intense), purposeful, determined, persevering, practical. Succeeds by hard work and own efforts. [Gauquelin trait passionate, ambitious]
  • Seems hardened, controlling, shrewd. Defiantly self-sufficient (effective survivor), emotionally efficient, careful, or cautious (private, withholding). [Gauquelin trait cold]
  • Aesthetic, loves beauty. Often fine art and, especially, design talents.
  • Sexual magnetism, easily entices lovers. Seductive personality (in sex, sales, entertainment): Draws people in, "gets them wanting more" (an artful cycle of entice, then withhold, then satisfy).
  • Venus-Saturn pendulum swings between gratify and deny (to self or other), indulging a desire or fancy then shutting it down. (Loves food, comfort, attractive home.)
  • Aura of celebrity: Actors, actresses, singers, sports figures, and authors (plus people in ordinary walks of life) often known for charisma, physical attractiveness, or simply drawing popular affection within their field. [Libra Moons Henry Miller, Harper Lee, and Harlan Ellison are aptly called “celebrity authors.” In law, celebrity status reaches from Ruth Bader Ginsburg to Daniel Petrocelli and the likes of Michael Avenatti. Other Libra Moons who have leveraged celebrity status in their fields include Tammy Faye Bakker, Steven Spielberg, and Mark Zuckerberg, or Nikola Tesla who became a “cult favorite,” and even celebrity astrologers. With Taurus, Libra Moon is tied for the most major party U.S. presidential candidates who have lost, which perhaps means they were popular without having other traits needed to be elected.]
  • Looks for compromise or points on which all stakeholders or factions can agree. Seeks agreement or consensus, whether focused on resolving conflict or stirring it (to protect their own interests).
  • Justice. Passionately needs wrongs be made right (often demanding punishment if their own interests are involved: may "collect injustices"). - Common for significant legal figures. [Recent examples include Chief Justice William Rehnquist, both Ruther Bader Ginsburg and Antonio Scalia, and celebrity attorneys.]
  • Cares deeply about human rights and social wrongs. (Many are activists.)
  • Troubled examples show problem levels of alienation, disconnection from shared values and practices, or other breakdown of social adjustment. [Each sign has a morbid expression that is an extreme or a breakdown of what is normally its basic principle. This is the form it takes for Libra Moon.]
  • Other observed areas of vocational success include diverse forms of design, aesthetic or artistic pursuits, human grooming, modelling or display. Good at meeting and engaging the public and benefiting from celebrity status or popularity. [With Cancer, statistically common (most common) for U.S. Secretaries of the Treasury.]
  • Shorter lifespan than average (Rim Moon). More sons than daughters (Rim Moon).
Gauquelin: Extremely high for character trait "passionate." Also quite high for traits "cold" and "ambitious." Also low for "witty, devoted, active."
Other Stats: Shorter life-span (Bradley). Auto racers (Eshelman; all 33 drivers in Indy 500 one year). Men have sons (Bradley). Tied (with Taurus) for most major party Presidential nominees who lost. With Cancer, most common for U.S. Secretaries of the Treasury.
Observed Vocational Interests: Artists, hair stylists, good at meeting the public, model, clothing designer, commercial artist, interior designer.

Notebook #93 observations: Dynamic, enthusiastic participants, but often biting off more than they can chew; i.e., eager to take something on, but not always coming through (perhaps because of how much they take on). I believe what is true here is that the Libra Moon makes them enthusiastic to take things on, and the rest of the chart determines whether (or how frequently) they come through on it.

U.S. PRESIDENTS: Benjamin Harrison, Harry S Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter

OSCARS: Paul Muni (The Story of Louis Pasteur), James Cagney (Yankee Doodle Dandy), Susan Hayward (With a Song in My Heart), Elizabeth Taylor (Suddenly Last Summer; Butterfield 8), Julie Andrews (Mary Poppins), Paul Scofield (A Man for All Seasons), John Wayne (True Grit), Art Carney (Harry & Tonto), Henry Fonda (On Golden Pond), Nicolas Cage (Leaving Las Vegas), Brie Larson (Room)
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Moon in Scorpio (Tough, Volcanic, Independent)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SUMMARY: Active, diligent, tough, original, pragmatic. Fun-loving (loves parties, raucous, "try anything"). Humor (often wicked), storytellers. Independent (rebellious). Beliefs unorthodox. Factually forthright, frank, bold; but cautious (non-disclosing) in private matters. Volcanic sexual needs: built pressure needs explosive release. Frequent relationship drama. Easy to anger (it passes). Gossip (sometimes vindictive).

MOON IN SCORPIO, the Scorpion
  • Strong physical drive (for business, sex, a mission). Active, diligent (driven, rarely idle).
  • Powerful, persevering, determined, resolute, pragmatic (wants praxis, not theory). Tough men and women (often of enormous power and consequence). Daring, moral courage (leadership). [Gauquelin trait leader (very high)]
  • Original, innovative, finds novel approaches and creative solutions. More insightful than analytical.
  • Fun-loving. Socially curious, active, and adventurous. (Loves parties, often raucous, "will try anything once or twice.")
  • Sense of humor (often wicked), entertaining storytellers (including as songwriters).
  • Needs mental and emotional “room to breathe.” Free-spirited, independent, unrestrained by convention. Mind often transcends genres (syncretic, interdisciplinary).
  • Intellectually rebellious, curious, inquiring, defiant. Unbowed by authority, challenges orthodoxy (iconoclast). Beliefs unorthodox (often metaphysical).
  • Factually forthright, candid, frank, bold (blunt). Not inclined to airs or pretense. [Statistically uncommon for Best Actor Oscar winners (both sexes).]
  • However, is cautious (untrusting, suspicious) in private matters (non-disclosing, "not showing all their cards") until someone has firmly proven themselves trustworthy - or when self-disclosing purposefully, strategically (calculating).
  • Often experiences others as uncompassionate because Scorpio does not let others see the impact of words or events on them.
  • Assesses people pragmatically (i.e., whether they are useful and can be relied on) more than by their character.
  • Volcano is a top metaphor for Scorpio: Pressure builds down deep (gestationally), then bursts out almost frighteningly in sexual force, anger, or new action or ideas.
  • Strong, heated sexual needs. Sexual pressure builds then requires explosive release. Sexually practical, rarely worried about taboos or social conventions. Turbulent passions stir frequent relationship drama (combative). [Gauquelin trait combative (very high)]
  • Easy to anger (it passes). Forgives but does not forget. – Scorpio usually hides from others the slow-built pressure that eventually erupts, so this can come as a surprise.
  • Prone to gossip (sometimes vindictively).
  • Potentially enormous creative force, innovation, and impact. Art itself is not a theme, but Scorpio can have consequential, original, genius impact in the arts like any other field. [Consider, in their respective fields, Mozart and Beethoven; Picasso and Van Gogh; Einstein, Copernicus, Alexander Fleming, Sir Humphrey Davy, and Jane Goodall; Nietzsche, Lewis Carroll, and Stephen King; Ram Dass and Werner Erhard; or Arnold Palmer, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, and Shaquille O'Neal.] [Statistically uncommon for Gauquelin trait poet.]
  • Music is their signature art form (women more than men, with a string of powerhouse female songwriters and vocalists). Actors thrive in roles founded on strength and toughness or in comedy.
  • Murderers with Moon in Scorpio are unusually gruesome and horrifying in their crimes. This connects to a broader Scorpio theme of ghastly, horror-stirring symbolism especially centered on snakes, death, and moral darkness, even when appearing through innocent artistic expressions, e.g., singer Alice Cooper or author Lewis Carroll. [Second highest (after Sagittarius) in a study of 72 murderers. Moon in Scorpio murderers include the unusually gruesome Edward Gein, Ted Bundy, Robert Strack, Thomas Walt Hamilton, Winnie Ruth Judd, and Charles Ray Hatcher. This does not mean Moon in Scorpio signifies murder, but that crimes, like every life area, take on a character of the sign’s symbolism.]
  • Longer lifespan than average (Hub Moon). Has more daughters than sons (Hub Moon).
Gauquelin: Very high for character traits "combative" and "leader." Also significantly low for "poet" and high for "active."
Other Stats: Longer life-span (Bradley). Men have daughters (Bradley). High for 91 heads of states (Eshelman). Low for satirists. Low for Best Actor (male, & combined sexes) Oscar winners. Second highest (after Sagittarius) in a study of 72 murderers.

NOTEBOOK #93: Ongoing relationship drama.

U.S. PRESIDENTS: James Madison, Gerald Ford

OSCARS: George Arliss (Disraeli), Anne Bancroft (The Miracle Worker), Julie Christie (Darling), Glenda Jackson (Women in Love; A Touch of Class), Louise Fletcher (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest {!}), Al Pacino (Serpico {!}; Scent of a Woman {!}), Nicole Kidman (Moulan Rouge, The Hours, To Die For)
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Moon in Sagittarius (Rank, Rightness, Community)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SUMMARY: Higher and higher (ambition, aspiring, climbing, flight). Seeks rank, leadership, respect. Gracious host, hospitality. Personal code (moral, religious, social, or rational "rightness"). Right and wrong, reward-punishment (judgmental). Enjoys civilization's fruits. Dramatic (actors). Family ties, loyal to their society (community, church, team, class, nation, race).

  • Higher & higher. A climbing, soaring arrow is the root symbol or metaphor underlying most Sagittarian traits, reflecting ambition, material or spiritual aspiration, flying, and self-betterment. - In contrast, their most vulnerable dark emotions arise from self-judgements of inadequacy ("not good enough").
  • Pursues success: Ambitious, aspiring, climbing, seeks respect through elevation, wants to impress (by achievement, title, expertise, contribution, power, wealth, connections, inclusion in a privileged group, or other distinction).
  • Sometimes feigned status, class, airs, condescension. Feels (or needs to feel) superior.
  • Gracious, hospitable hostesses and hosts. Genial social presence, socially inclusive (likes to be liked and included). Sense of humor usually wacky. [High for Gauquelin trait courteous.] [Legendary TV hosts with Sagittarius Moon: Johnny Carson, David Letterman, Merv Griffin (who later owned the Beverly Hilton Hotel), and Larry King.]
  • Many have political aspirations, actively seeking power, rank, and leadership (or deeply committed to public service). [STATS: Most common Moon-sign for U.S. presidents and vice presidents (though only one president since the Civil War).] [Extremely high for Gauquelin trait powerful.]
  • If socially hampered, excluded, or disadvantaged, feels acutely the impact of neglect or disdain by what seems an oppressive or unfair society.
  • Adapts to difficulties with intentional optimism, becoming uncommonly upbeat and happy. More extreme examples are hypomanic (bubbly, unusually energetic, defiant, with a racing, creative mind, and confidence verging on grandiosity).
  • Judgmental (disapproving, condemning) and reactive to others' judgement (takes it personally).
  • Principled, lives by a personal code (moral, religious, social, or rational "rightness"). Drawn to religion, philosophy, or traditional cultural values for guidance and self-betterment (often intensely committed to their religion).
  • Conviction that some things are innately right and others wrong. - Expects strict consequences in terms of reward and punishment. (In extreme cases, purity needs express as obsessive-compulsive traits.)
  • Enjoys civilization's fruits (especially those popular with the leisure class): the arts, theater, religion, academic education (especially history), travel, foreign affairs. [Statistically common for Gauquelin collection of painters.]
  • Dramatic talent (actors, especially on stage). Entertaining, gifted at playing strong leading characters. (Also, an unusual number of media moguls, major entertainment industry corporate owners, and producers.) [Statistically common for Gauquelin actors collection.]
  • In music, legendary female singers (often powerhouses with soaring voices) often become culturally iconic (including leading gay icons). [Examples of female vocalists include Billie Holiday, Judy Garland, Patsy Cline, Cher, Nina Simone, Stevie Nicks, Adele, Helen Reddy, and operatic greats Lily Pons and Cecilia Bartoli among others.] - Few noteworthy male singers.
  • Strong family ties (blood-family). Also, shows great loyalty to expanded or surrogate families such as community, church, team, gang, class, nation, or race (which may express as patriotism or nationalism, classism, racism).
  • Enjoys traditional, courtly mating dance roles with gallantry and grace. Sexually, has sadistic fantasies or leanings often tied to role-playing. Many are hypersexual. [Statistically common for Gauquelin trait sensual.]
  • Flight, aviation (history-making pilots and astronauts). [Aviation "firsts" with Moon in Sagittarius include Charles Lindbergh (first to cross the Atlantic solo), Yuri Gagarin (first in space), John Glenn (first to orbit Earth), Frank Borman (first to orbit the moon), and Neil Armstrong (first to walk on the moon).]
  • Infatuation with weaponry, especially piercing or cutting weapons, particularly knives (military commanders, soldiers, murderers, sadists, surgeons). [Statistically common for Gauquelin physicians collection.] [Significant military leaders include Washington, Wallenstein, Bismarck, Hitler, Foch, Petain, Bradley, and Patton.]
  • Sagittarian murderers broadly divide into two types: One type becomes a permanent part of history because of the status and significance of the men they murder. Another type acquires a sobriquet, often actively engaging the press to gain notoriety. Most in both groups are sadistic and bloody with a fondness for blades and cutting. [Most common Moon sign in a study of 72 murderers. Moon in Sagittarius murderers include Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan B. Sirhan, Mark David Chapman, Peter Kurten ("The Vampire of Dusseldorf"), Arthur Leigh Allen ("Zodiac"), Dennis Rader ("BTK"), William Heirens ("The Lipstick Killer"), Ian Brady, Charles Cullen, Marc Dutroux, Florence Maybrick, and the trio of Nazi genocidists Hitler, Eichmann, and Goebbels.]

Gauquelin: High for actors, painters, physicians. Extremely high for trait "powerful." Also high for "sensual, courteous," and low for "stubborn."
Other Stats: High for U.S. Presidents & also Vice Presidents. Most common (< .05) in a study of 72 murderers. Superbillionaires (the only luminary sign to standout for people with > $50 billion in 2025.)

U.S. PRESIDENTS: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, John Q. Adams, Martin Van Buren, James Buchanan, Chester A. Arthur

OSCAR: Gary Cooper (Sergeant York; High Noon), Joan Fontaine (Suspicion), Loretta Young (The Farmer's Daughter), Judy Holliday (Born Yesterday), Burt Lancaster (Elmer Gantry), Rod Steiger (In the Heat of the Night), Cher (Moonstruck), Michael Douglas (Wall Street {!}), Anthony Hopkins (The Silence of the Lambs), Hilary Swank (Boys Don't Cry; Million Dollar Baby), Reese Witherspoon (Walk the Line)

Another thread with some notes on one side of Moon in Sagittarius:
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Moon in Capricorn (Playful, Primitive, Dark)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SUMMARY: Playful, mischievous. Identifies with the “bad boy/girl” uncultivated fringe (but innately wholesome). Restless, discontent. Resists authority and persuasion. Sharp insightful mind. Socially entertaining but private, hidden. Sexually attractive, satyr-like libido. Loves dark, grotesque imagery. Vulnerable to dark moods. Severe childhood or early loss (parent themes).

  • Playful, mischievous. Cultivates a “bad boy" or "bad girl” image (though usually is fundamentally wholesome). [The fundamental archetype of Capricorn is that of Pan, satyrs, the frolics of nature, and expressions of the primitive, often demonized by repression.]
  • Tries to disturb or shake up others, may act a grown-up juvenile delinquent. Lives on the uncultivated fringe of social convention. (A few cultivate an image of being a little crazy. [Vivien Leigh, Glenn Close, and Joan Crawford won Oscars playing outright crazy women.])
  • Restless, discontent, proud, requires independence and choice.
  • Pessimism fuels pensive, sober thought on weighty topics.
  • Wants to have and voice their own independent thoughts in a matter; therefore, not prone to agreeing, complying, or consensus. Resists authority or (overselling) persuasion especially in matters of opinion (by which they distinguish themselves). Can be confrontational.
  • Not averse to trouble (may welcome it). Often pushes things too hard (little instinct for backing off). [Most common Moon sign for 100 convicted murderers.]
  • Sharp mind, perceptive and insightful, catches much that others miss. - Perceptions are forthright but communications often are indirect or withholding.
  • Socially entertaining, usually much-liked (yet private, reticent, emotionally cautious).
  • Competent, conscientious, dutiful, accountable, self-driven, enjoys others' good opinion.
  • Sexually attractive, strong sexual needs: the steaming wild animal libido of the satyr and nymph.
  • Loves dark, grotesque, fanciful, or even monstrous imagery (often linked to darker forms of occultism, disturbing sexuality, or other taboo content). - Many musicians and visual artists use such shadow imagery to disturb and confront.
  • A few actual monsters and real-life demons (e.g., Charles Manson, Adolf Eichmann).
  • Vulnerable to dark, troubling moods (doubt, gloom, anxiety, depression, distrust). [Statistically very common for Gauquelin trait nervous.]
  • Severe (sometimes tragic) childhood struggles or early loss. (Overcomes tough emotional odds.) Important parent themed issues to work through: May involve either parent (or both); most often centers on absence (loss?) of mother or similar loss of nurturing.
  • Political power historically in emperors, U.S. presidents, significant monarchs including unusually powerful women, and other governing dignitaries, as well as political scientists and philosophers. However, great power often has brought infamy or tragedy (two of the U.S. presidents were murdered, [To political assassinations and executions, add Indira Gandhi, Gamal Abdul Nasser, Mary Queen of Scots, Robert Kennedy, George Lincoln Rockwell, and Adolf Eichmann.] one resigned, and one completed his term recovering from a stroke). - Though not invariably conservative, among modern American politicians we find a long list of conservative icons.
  • Business and finance giants. Fewer than Capricorn Sun, yet we find several significant entrepreneurs and financial industry figures. [Examples: Henry Ford, David Rockefeller, Michael Bloomberg, George Lucas, Ernest Gallo, Leona Helmsley, and Moses Annenberg, the last two infamous for their great falls.]
  • Actors: Women have fared better than men for Oscars [Capricorn ties Taurus for most common Moon sign. Ten Capricorn Moon women have won Best Actress Oscars Norma Shearer, Luise Rainer (twice, including The Good Earth), Vivien Leigh (twice, including A Streetcar Named Desire), Sophia Loren (for the mother-daughter tragedy, Two Women), Diane Keaton, Jessica Tandy, Jessica Lange, Susan Sarandon (Dead Man Walking), Helen Mirren (The Queen), and Sandra Bullock.].
  • Music: Strong professional music success centers especially on singing and songwriting or composition (as part of Capricorn's storytelling theme).
  • Statistically uncommon for Gauquelin journalists.
  • Shorter lifespan than average (Rim Moon). Has more sons than daughters (Rim Moon).

Notebook #93 observations: Often there is the strong Rim tendency to be in trouble with respect to their lives and circumstances, to "push it" and come up short.

Gauquelin: Statistically high for SPORTS CHAMPIONS (the "New Champions" data set). Low for JOURNALISTS. Very high for trait "nervous." Also high for "traveler" and low for "kind, secretive."
Other stats: Shorter life-spans (Bradley). Men have sons (Bradley). Low for 91 heads of state (Eshelman). Low for satirists. Highest for 100 convicted murders (Davis-Eshelman). With Taurus, one of two highest for Best Actor (female) Oscar winners (though Sun in Cap is significantly LOW).

A study of 40 supercentarians had the Moon in Gemini 6 times (about twice expectancy). The Sun was also in Gemini more than any other sign (8), although its companion high frequency in Taurus raises the question of whether there is a non-zodiacal artifact present. The Moon was only in Capricorn once.

U.S. PRESIDENTS: Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley, Woodrow Wilson, Richard Nixon [2 died in office, 1 resigned in disgrace] - (Three of the four were Republicans, just slightly more than expected. Of those three, two died in office and one was forced to resign - and Wilson came close to the same kind of pressure for entirely different reasons! Not a particularly good Moon-sign for U.S. Presidents; and only 1 VP has had this.)

OSCARS: Norma Shearer (The Divorcee), Luise Rainer (The Great Ziegfeld; The Good Earth {!}), Vivien Leigh (Gone With the Wind; A Streetcar Named Desire {!}), James Stewart (The Philadelphia Story), Paul Lukas (Watch on the Rhine), Sophia Loren (Two Women), Gene Hackman (French Connection), Diane Keaton (Annie Hall), Jessica Tandy (Driving Miss Daisy), Jessica Lange (Blue Sky), Susan Sarandon (Dead Man Walking), Robert Benigni (Life is Beautiful), Russell Crowe (Gladiator), Denzel Washington (Training Day), Helen Mirren (The Queen), Sandra Bullock (The Blind Side)
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Moon in Aquarius (Holistic, Futuristic, Eccentric)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SUMMARY: Intelligent, curious, exploring, discovery, futurist. Eccentric, nonconforming, original, innovative, creative. Social responsibility, progressive, reformer, humane, sympathetic to others’ troubles. Broad interests, instinct for the interconnection of all things (genius). Sexually liberal (unusual marital conditions). High-strung, needs solitude. Astrology.

MOON IN AQUARIUS, the Watercarrier
  • Intelligent, deeply curious, inquiring, avid student, reads voraciously. Absorbs concepts quickly. Quite talkative (bursting with things they want to say).
  • Science-minded, analytic. Enjoys investigating, exploring, discovery (researchers).
  • Futuristic, interest in outer space (astronomy, astrology, sci-fi). Also, occultism or metaphysics (to uncover hidden causes, usually retaining a scientific approach).
  • Knows (perceives or intuits) that all things are interconnected. Breadth of knowledge through diverse, cross-discipline interests, perspectives, and expertise. Aquarius knows things never studied that it seems they could not possibly know.
  • Many outright geniuses and "absent-minded professors." Renaissance Man men and women who know something about almost everything. [Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Goethe, Franklin and many more modern figures.]
  • Eccentric (rebellious or free spirit, often playfully childlike). Nonconforming to social or moral norms. Lives outside of convention on their own psychological terms. Expresses strong (often controversial) views freely, often ingeniously.
  • Their instinct of interconnection also forms their social views (a deeply personal social vision). Reformers, social or cultural change agents, futurists invested in progressive concepts, often passionate for ideas or causes. Humane [STATS: High for Gauquelin trait HUMANE., sympathetic to others' troubles or suffering, ready to lend an ear (generous with time).
  • Passionate for human rights and equality, desire for reform (sometimes politically active reformers) [e.g., Cesar Chavez, Martin Luther King Jr., Harvey Milk, Helen Keller]. Most (but not all) are socially progressive [Limbaugh, Cheney, Schlafly] (Aquarius follows his or her own conscience without excuse). [Aquarius Moon is more common for political activism than elected office. No U.S. president and almost no recent (losing) nominees have had the placement. The Aquarian anti-popular temperament is least likely to win popular votes.]
  • Insightful regarding human character, sees people as they are.
  • Shil-Ponde: "Their outlook... is national rather than provincial, international rather than patriotic, universal and cosmic rather than terrestrial, humanitarian rather than sectarian."
  • Keeps distance from “herd mind,” e.g., disinterested in latest trends or fads. (“Popular” and “trendy” seem offensive “sheep mentality.”) Aquarius (who is willing to appear odd) therefore often seems geeky, un-hip, and outdated on fashion.
  • Impatient with (even scornful of) stale conventions. Often considered pot-stirrers or radical, their ideas for reforming the world routinely draw resistance, criticism, or even condemnation.
  • Imaginative artists, creative thinkers, often with game-changing talent. Musical talent, especially vocal music. Original, innovative entertainers and thought leaders, often striking with shocking impact, e.g., a few electrifying male Aquarian performers of enormous magnetism and power have altered the cultural and musical landscape (Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Michael Jackson, Prince, and Billy Ray Cyrus, among others). For comparison outside of music, consider comedians Robin Williams and Woody Allen, painters Da Vinci and Michelangelo, or filmmaker Kenneth Anger.]
  • Weak ties to family of origin: Most likely type to be liberated or alienated from their family roots. (Humanity is their family.) [STATS: Gauquelin very significantly low for trait "likes family ties."]
  • Sexually curious, experimental, liberal, approachable. Often unusual marital conditions. Advocates for sexual liberty [Crowley, Hefner, and uncountable artists as voices of social liberalization, including music artists who rewrote the mass-mind sexual landscape.]. (Some are labelled sexually notorious.)
  • Often widely travelled (especially in connection to their work); the rest wander widely with their minds. [STATS: High for Gauquelin character trait "traveler."]
  • Excitable, high-strung. Needs solitude and disconnection to work and regenerate.
  • Careers are usually multi-faceted with many simultaneous parts. Writing and publishing, teachers, artists, antiquities, psychotherapy and other "helping professions," many astrologers, social activists, or progressive work with relationships, sexuality, human potential.
  • Longer lifespan than average (Hub Moon). Has more daughters than sons (Hub Moon).
  • [The Nile River Delta is a primary symbol of the Aquarius archetype, showing e.g. the civilizing force of nature and its interconnected breadth. Otherwise, ideas of sea, deep space, and maternity [regarded as variations of a single theme] round out Aquarius' symbolic themes.]

Gauquelin: Very significantly low for "likes family ties." High for trait "traveler."
Other statistics: High for 91 heads of states, but low for U.S. Presidents (none!). Similarly, fewest major party Presidential nominees who lost (i.e. overall the fewest nominated). Longer life-span (Bradley). Men have daughters (Bradley).

(from another thread mostly on Sun in Aquarius)
Jim Eshelman wrote:What I notice most about the scientists (besides their deep investment in science) is their versatility, their cross-discipline interests and expertise... I have long thought that Aquarius' particular genius is not just in the fact that they are, indeed, often geniuses, but especially in their wide interest in diverse, often seemingly unrelated, topics. Aquarians have breadth.

In fact, I think a general theme of Aquarius, which binds together so much else about the constellation, is this instinct for interconnection. Aquarians instinctively know just how vastly all things are interconnected. This informs their social views, integrates both the "sea" and "space" themes, and much more - especially in the idea space.

This is equally true of Aquarius Moon, BTW. In fact, this rounded, cross-discipline expertise is the quality usually called "Renaissance Man," and the figures that always top the list of "Renaissance Men" are all - all! - Aquarius Moons. Think Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Benjamin Franklin, Goethe, and others. You can count on them to know something (usually just enough to have the correct kernel of the subject) about almost anything and almost everything. (In a totally different way, I have to include J. Edgar Hoover in the same description, not as a Renaissance Man but as tending to know just enough about almost everyone and almost everything.) [...]

Notice that they aren't necessarily liberals... They are foremost their own person, following their own line of insight, their own path. It's just that their lines of thought (and especially that theme of interconnectivity) leads them to be liberals much more often.

And I really don't know whether to consider Aquarian Osama bin Laden as a conservative or a liberal in his own context - but, again, his instinct, his magic, was in understanding network and interconnectivity!
OBSERVATION: "INTEREST IN THE NEW." Aquarius Moons are known for being "interested in the new," the progressive, the innovative, the "ahead of the curve." But what exactly does this mean? For example, Aquarius Moon is usually (almost emphatically) not interested in the latest trends. They commonly seem geeky and unhip on fashions, don't have (surprise!) the latest popular electronics, tend to only adopt fashion and other trends when a fad has passed (and others have "moved on" to something else). - The explanation is that "current trends," "hip," and "fads" point to exactly the sort of thing Aquarius Moon distances himself or herself from, because they aren't truly innovative. They are "herd mind" behaviors. They may even be offensive to Aquarius. "Fad, popular, hip" are nearly pejoratives in the Aquarius lexicon. - OTOH there is profound interest and captivated curiosity in things that are beyond the horizon: molecular-level data storage, for example, and other things that would be pure science fiction if they didn't actually exist. Aquarius is invested in progressive thought, and has behaviors that are "outside of the box" - but that specifically means that they don't identify with the hip, popular, faddish, and trendy, which they consider the best example of being inside the box of sheep mentality.


OSCARS: Warner Baxter (Old Arizona), Wallace Beery (The Champ), Ginger Rogers (Kitty Foyle), Jennifer Jones (The Song of Bernadette), Joan Crawford (Mildred Pierce), Ronald Colman (A Double Life), Shirley Booth (Come Back Little Sheba), Audrey Hepburn (Roman Holiday), Grace Kelly (The Country Girl), Ernest Borgnine (Marty), Joanne Woodward (The Three Faces of Eve), Robert DeNiro (Raging Bull), Sissy Spacek (Coal Miner's Daughter), Ben Kingsley (Gandhi), F. Murray Abraham (Amadeus), Paul Newman (The Color of Money), Philip Seymour Hoffman (Capote)
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Moon in Pisces (Imagination, Actor, Explorer)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SUMMARY: Distinctive characters, actors in a personal legend, oriented and secure within its familiarity. Satiates senses, excites imagination, fascinated with the unknown and enchanting (explorers), relishes having a secret side. Seeks storybook relationships. Faith (spiritual), optimism, inspiring, motivating, yet haunted. Aesthetic, drawn to the fanciful. Music, artistic. Eros vs. morality.

MOON IN PISCES, the Fishes
  • Sharply defined distinctive characters intent on being taken seriously.
  • Committed (often passionately) to the reality-bubble world as they imagine it. Responds genuinely within it. Feels oriented, sane, and safe within their story of reality, most in control when it remains familiar and undisturbed, and personally affronted when reality turns out like nothing they imagined.
  • Actor metaphor: Most resembles an actor deeply invested in a role and story, always "in character" and needing others' buy-in, belief, and engagement. [Pisces Moon is never more truly themselves than when they are being somebody else.] There is no implication of dishonesty or deceit; they authentically respond to the character, setting, and tale to which they are committed.
  • Desires ideal (storybook) relationships. Feels thrown when someone important in their world acts "off script." Slow to leave bad relationships (to surrender a hopeful fantasy).
  • Natural dramatic actors. Divas (in both the literal and casual senses of the word). [As with Pisces Sun, Moon in Pisces boasts "divas" of both sexes, beginning with Pavarotti and Domingo and adding fabulous, powerful voices such as Della Reese and Whitney Houston.] May play "big shot" or "big fish" (many develop a fan base or following).
  • Fluid malleability (mutability) is their primary adaptive or protective mechanism.
  • Gracious, kind, often generous (but judgmental).
  • Faith, confidence, optimism (gamblers, religious devotees, social optimists, anyone "on a mission"). Persistent commitment to a passionate cause (but personal loyalties may be fluid). Zeal to teach (enlighten) others or enroll them in Pisces' current enthusiasms. (When others are not as invested in their enthusiasms, may wonder, "How can they be so blind? Don't they see it?") At best, idealists, visionaries, and evangelists, inspiring and motivating.
  • Fascination with the unknown or hidden, curiosity about what exists outside their reality-bubble. Explorers, wanderlust, love of travel (metaphysically if not physically). Attracted to the foreign, strange, wonderful, and enchanting. [Perhaps connected to this exploring theme, some Piscians report a strong connection to maps, whether for navigation, decoration, or entertainment.]
  • Relishes the thrill of having a "secret side." Many are deliciously scandalous. Cyril Fagan called this a "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" sort of existence.]
  • Often haunted by demons or emotional history. Compulsive (ritualized).
  • Religious, mystical, ceremonial interests. - Often a powerful religious or spiritual drive. The number of (often gigantic) religious figures is noteworthy. [In the Reformation, Pisces Moon included both Martin Luther and King Henry VIII, but also Thomas More. Other figures reach from Joan of Arc to Rev. Jim Jones, devotional figures like Mother Meera, mystics like Jack Parsons and Marjorie Cameron, and ceremonial magicians from Cornelius Agrippa to Israel Regardie. Foremost, Pisces was the most common Moon sign in Bradley's 1949 study of 2,492 eminent U.S. clergymen.]
  • Aesthetic sensibilities, often artistic. Drawn to the imaginative and fanciful. Painters, playwrights, poets, and especially music (instrumental, voice, composition).
  • Eros and morality are intimately tethered, the "two fishes" of the Piscian soul enmeshed by temptation. Exploring and satiating the senses comes naturally yet bound by repressive morality (depending on personal history).
  • Piscian sexuality commonly overflows conventional labels and enflames their imaginations. Vivid fetishes, costuming, and bondage rituals are not uncommon. However, Pisces finds celibacy or humdrum sex surprisingly easy (as reflected in the vast number of monastic and other religious celibates).
  • Numerous important figures connected with computers and the wider concept of code. The exact process of creating and empowering computers includes not only Bill Gates and Steve Jobs but also Ada Lovelace and John Forbes Nash. To join the coders, add decoders like Trithemius, Lucy Hutchinson, and Gesenius.

Gauquelin: Very low for "dreamer." Very high for "tenacious." Also significantly low for "powerful, charming, sensitive."
Somewhat common (third, after Sagittarius and Scorpio) for 72 murderers, including sensational media-entrancing murderers like Jim Jones, Jeffrey Dahmer, O.J. Simpson, John Wayne Gacy, Richard Ramirez (the "Night Stalker"), and others.

OBSERVATION: Like Pisces Suns (but less so), Pisces Moon boasts quite a collection of musical performers (especially pop music performers) who rightly deserve the designation "diva." Besides literal examples, such as Placido Domingo and Luciano Pavarotti, we find singers like Della Reese and charismatic business "divas" like Steve Jobs. Magnetic, compelling charisma is in no short demand - people falling short of the "diva" ranking but still boasting it include the likes of Jim Jones, Heinrich Himmler, and Antonio Banderas. Some of the entertainers rely heavily on masks, makeup, and costuming (Divine, Elvira, John Cleese).


OSCARS: Charles Laughton (The Private Life of Henry VIII [a Pisces Moon]), Marlon Brando (On the Waterfront {!}; The Godfather {!}), Patricia Neal (Hud), Rex Harrison (My Fair Lady [!]), Ellen Burstyn (Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore), John Voight (Coming Home), Sally Field (Norma Rae, Places in the Heart), William Hurt (Kiss of the Spider Woman), Jeremy Irons (Reversal of Fortune), Kathy Bates (Misery {!}), Holly Hunter (The Piano), Helen Hunt (As Good As It Gets [Lol!]), Kevin Spacey (American Beauty [!])
Jim Eshelman
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Jim Eshelman
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Moon in Aries (Bold, Independent, Pragmatic)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SUMMARY: Independent, self-sufficient, stoical emotions (sentiment yields to practicality). Bold, forthright, steps up to lead. Tough, aggressive, enduring (warm, giving, contributing). Political, authoritative, values control. Contrary, opinionated (takes risk, gets in trouble). Sexually eager, passionate, practical. Business instincts, opportunistic.

  • Bold, forthright, takes the lead, competitive. When necessary: tough, assertive, aggressive, enduring. - Warm, giving. Seeks to contribute and have a lasting impact.
  • Stoical or private with emotions but not secretive about them (treats them matter-of-factly).
  • Needs emotional independence and assurance they "run their own show," free to make their own choices. Slow with intimacy. (May live alone or aloof to ensure self-rule.)
  • Sentiment yields to practicality, even amidst personal tragedy.
  • Comfortable with power: Willing to step up, do what needs doing, say what needs saying, and set the agenda. (Will take point if someone must.)
  • Practical, analytical, seeks to provide useful things. Mathematical, mechanical, technical. [Pivotal creators or contributors to astrological software have had Aries Moons, including Sidereal pioneer and JPL programmer Gary Duncan (Neil Block) who wrote important Moon positioning algorithms for NASA; Michael Erlewine, who founded Matrix Software; and TMSA creator Mike Nelson, among others.]
  • Politically minded. Authoritative (possible self-exaltation ["Unhindered by modesty" (Manilius).]). Values control and opportunity to lead; otherwise, is indifferent to social advance. [Aries Moon is second most common for U.S. presidents, tied with Sagittarius as most common for U.S. vice presidents, and most common for U.S. secretaries of state. (The political cycles of moving in and out of power express the significant cyclicity or rhythmic rise and fall theme of Aries.) Though statistically uncommon overall for world heads of state, it appears for unusually powerful historic leaders such as Queen Elizabeth I, Chiang Kai-Shek, Konrad Adenauer, and Robespierre (and possibly Vladimir Putin).]
  • Willing to be challenging, contradictory, contrary, opinionated, “marching to a different drummer” indifferent to expectations or protocol. ["Bold in their opinions" (Firmicus).]
  • Sexually eager, forthright, passionate (bold, practical); "wants action" and usually gets it. Women are unusually energetic, often aggressive, needing frequent gratification.
  • Physically restless, not still for long. Energy, productivity, contribution, and strong sex drives persist late in life.
  • Fights without hold to get what they want, especially if a personal injustice is involved. (Cannot stand to lose!) [Aries is focused more on personal injustice, as Libra is attuned more to social injustice.]
  • Careers: Besides political and technical aptitudes and an instinct for business and entrepreneurship, common for military occupations [Statistically common for Gauquelin military collection], nursing, and related therapeutic fields. Few artists outside of acting [Aries Moon tied Virgo Moon (two non-Venus signs) for least common in one collection of 109 eminent art and design professionals.], but a remarkable list of historic authors and storytellers. [Among others, Hans Christian Andersen, Washington Irving, George Sand, Virginia Woolf, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and George R.R. Martin]. Comedians succeed with absurdity or going overboard. Others distinguish themselves by controversy or divergence from the usual. [Three psychological theorists with Aries Moon, each of whom revolutionized the field, stand in sharp, pronounced contrast to each other: Carl G. Jung, B.F. Skinner, and Fritz Perls have little in common (other than their gigantic presences) besides their divergence from each other and the mainstream of their time.]
  • Shorter lifespan than average (Rim Moon). Risk-taking, adventurous, gets in more trouble than most people. Though the vast majority of Aries Moons do not have disabling accidents or violent deaths, more of them do than in the population as a whole. [Of the five U.S. presidents with Moon in Aries (before the present incumbent), three died in office from violence or inflammatory illness and one was shot.] Statistically common for substance abuse problems.
  • Has more sons than daughters (Rim Moon).

Garth Allen articles on Aries:

Notebook #93 observations: Tend to be reclusive as a device for ensuring their autonomy. Often brooding and less than fully communicative (i.e. bad on self-disclosure on emotional issues, not inclined to be reflective with respect to their own motives, etc.). Many display a moderate (or worse) substance abuse problem.
(Said of Aries Moon C.G. Jung:) "Jung's friends will all agree that he was a man of most positive decision. He would weigh up a problem with care and without hurry; but when he did give his answer it was usually final."
  • GAUQUELIN: Significantly frequent for MILITARY. Very high for "witty." Also significantly high for "nice, kind, not sensual, not devoted."
  • Low for 91 heads of state (Eshelman). Tied with Virgo for least number in 109 "Art & Design" charts in SF8 (but not significant).
  • Highest for U.S. Secretaries of State (surpassing even Aries Suns).
  • Highest for U.S. Vice Presidents (ties with Sagittarius).
  • Poor showing for composers
  • Men have sons (Bradley)
  • Observed Professional Interests: Computers and other electronics technology (include Les Paul!). Nurses and related therapeutic emphasis.
U.S. PRESIDENTS: Zachary Taylor, James A. Garfield, Warren G. Harding, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton [3 died in office, 1 was shot but lived]
(All but one was a Republican or, in Whig Taylor's case, the closest thing of the day. The exception was fiscally conservative Clinton.)

OSCARS: Helen Hayes (The Sin of Madelon Claudet), Ingrid Bergman (Gaslight; The Bells of St. Mary's), Anna Magnani (The Rose Tattoo), Yul Brynner (The King & I {!}), Gregory Peck (To Kill a Mockingbird), Richard Dreyfus (The Goodbye Girl), Meryl Streep (The French Lieutenant's Woman; Sophie's Choice), Daniel Day-Lewis (My Left Foot; There Will Be Blood {!}; Lincoln {!}), Frances McDormand (Fargo), Jamie Foxx (Ray), Colin Firth (The King's Speech {!}), Cate Blanchett (Blue Jasmine)
Jim Eshelman