"Unveiling a New Tool" by Garth Allen
- Jim Eshelman
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"Unveiling a New Tool" by Garth Allen
A three-part article by Garth Allen, titled "Unveiling a New Tool," appeared in the May, June, and July 1957 issues of American Astrology Magazine. This article was historically momentous for two reasons:
First, and foremost: It documents how Garth Allen (Donald A. Bradley) "rectified" the Sidereal zodiac. Up to that point, the boundaries of the Sidereal zodiac were known to the nearest degre. By exploring the viability of Sidereal solar and lunar cardinal ingress charts, Garth Allen was able to demonstrate that a 0°06'05" adjustment was needed in the presumed boundaries. Ultimately, that is the gargantuan importance of the series.
Additionally, though, the article documented his earliest experiments with these ingresses, and what he learned. It is a rarely-tapped source. I had been thinking for a while that I should harvest his original findings and observations... and then Steve's question today pushed me to get to it.
First, and foremost: It documents how Garth Allen (Donald A. Bradley) "rectified" the Sidereal zodiac. Up to that point, the boundaries of the Sidereal zodiac were known to the nearest degre. By exploring the viability of Sidereal solar and lunar cardinal ingress charts, Garth Allen was able to demonstrate that a 0°06'05" adjustment was needed in the presumed boundaries. Ultimately, that is the gargantuan importance of the series.
Additionally, though, the article documented his earliest experiments with these ingresses, and what he learned. It is a rarely-tapped source. I had been thinking for a while that I should harvest his original findings and observations... and then Steve's question today pushed me to get to it.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: "Unveiling a New Tool" by Garth Allen
Unveiling a New Tool --
Entering a New Era in Mundane Forecasting
by Garth Allen
(excerpts and summaries)
At the time of Moon's Aries ingress August 6, Moon and Mars were 1°59' from square. At the Cancer ingress August 13, they were 0°48' from opposition. At the Libra ingress August 19, they were 0°10' from square. At Moon's Capricorn ingress August 26, they were 0°03' from conjunction. "Before this final lunar week was over," Bradley summarized, "World War II had flared into grim reality!"
Entering a New Era in Mundane Forecasting
by Garth Allen
(excerpts and summaries)
He calculated the times of Moon's entrance into Sidereal Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn during that month (but using the "best estimate" zodiac definitions of the time - which we now know were about 6' of arc off; so I've recalculated the slightly amended figures). Mars was stationary direct on August 23 at 0°01' Capricorn! (And Capricorn is Mars' exaltation.)...our notes regularly pointed out a peculiar sensitivity of the 23rd or 24th degrees of the [Tropical] signs, or, simply, the areas known to contain the dividing lines between the [Sidereal] constellations. The best example we observed was the fact that Mars was stationary around the 24th degree of the [Tropical] sign Capricorn during much of August 1939.
At the time of Moon's Aries ingress August 6, Moon and Mars were 1°59' from square. At the Cancer ingress August 13, they were 0°48' from opposition. At the Libra ingress August 19, they were 0°10' from square. At Moon's Capricorn ingress August 26, they were 0°03' from conjunction. "Before this final lunar week was over," Bradley summarized, "World War II had flared into grim reality!"
This was the start of a very fruitful exploration.But even this astonishing situation is not the whole story inasmuch as there had been a conjunction of the Moon and Mars within a degree of being exact [1°03' by today's calculations] at the time of the Sun's ingress of sidereal Capricorn earlier that year. And when one realizes that in the sidereal Cancer ingress, taking place in July 1939, there was a close opposition of the Moon and Mars [0°06'], the picture becomes fabulous...
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Six Minutes - To A Miracle!
By assuming (as they then did) that Spica marked 29°00'00" Virgo [working definition], "The ingresses... seemed to be occurring a few minutes of time later than they should be." The aspects and angular planets were right - but the angular planets were just a bit off, and always "off" in the same direction....we found that the Moon's entries into the cardinal constellations (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) produced charts which were often uncanny in their symbolic description of mundane affairs of the periods and places for which they were calculated. After having accumulated quite a batch of experimental lunar ingress maps, for momentuous events of every kind ranging from tornadoes to assassinations, from conflagrations to royal weddings, we could see that only a minor displacement [from the then-presumed boundaries of the zodiac) of a few minutes of arc in the Moon's longitude would yield awesomely perfect angular contacts in many cases, and improve the "symbolic pictures" in many other instances.
Though the famous 6' correction ultimately came from averaging the discrepancies of all the data he had at hand, he already knew it was going to be about that amount after looking at two charts.A correction was readily arrived at: all we had to do was push the Moon back about six minutes of arc, and, behold, the shoe immediately fitted. We've worn it comfortably ever since.
The clincher in making this discovery was the remarkable similarity between the lunar Capricorn ingresses covering the dates and places of the two most devastating volcanic eruptions of modern times.
KRAKATOA ERUPTION August 27, 1883, 3:00 AM GMT, 6s10, 105E26. Claimed at least 30,000 lives. Saturn was mundanely on Descendant within 0°14' for what we now know is the correct timing of the prior Capricorn lunar ingress on August 16. All it took was a 0°06' adjustment of the zodiac they were then using... to get this exact hit.
MT. PELEE ERUPTION May 8, 1902, 11:57 GMT, 14N51, 61W10. A smaller "destructive perimeter," but equally large (or larger) death toll: six minutes after the "monstrous blast," more than 30,000 residents of St. Pierre, Martinique were dead. (An aside: Pluto was mundanely 0°01' from Ascendant and Uranus 0°09' from Descendant at the time of the eruption.) At the prior Caplunar on April 29, Saturn was only 0°03' from setting, using what we now know to be the correct zodiac. Again, an identical 0°06' of adjustment in the old theoretical zodiacal boundaries, was what was required to make this result perfect like this.
The final correction eventually was realized to be another 5" of arc in the zodiac's boundaries. That brought the solar ingresses into alignment. Bradley remarked:
He went forth with what, then, was a bold assertion that, it seems to me, has held up over time:Angular cusps of the solar ingresses are very sensitive to malefic transits, as witness their synchronization with tragic happenings. Following this cue to correct our charts [after the initial 6' correction required by the lunar ingresses]..., we found from inspection of ephemeris positions for the hours of 27 major catastrophes of the past that an average displacement of ten minutes of time would yield the desired correction. But when it became conspicuous that the dating of events was a matter of progression via the "Quotidian rate," we were provided with a means to pinpoint [exact timing]... This process soon led to the realization that only a two-minute difference sufficed. In other words, only a 5" correction of the [previously obtained tentative value] was called for.
By rights, all mundane charts should be cast in the form of "mundoscopes" ...
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Stepping Up and Overlapping
COAL MINE DISASTERS. He "drew up all the pertinent ingresses" for the 126 worst coal mine disasters in U.S. history (from a list published by the government's Bureau of Mines). Even though about half of these occurred in weeks covered by lunar entries into Aries and Libra, there was a special "badness" about the preceding Capricorn and Cancer charts. Nevertheless, and this we want to emphasize, those mine disasters occurring after Aries and Libra ingresses hold their own, chartwise, without need for a supporting Capricorn or Cancer pattern.Early in our evaluations of a wide variety of charts we had noticed a persistent tendency for the Capricorn and Cancer lunar ingresses to carry more weight than the Aries and Libra charts. Getting down to brass tactics on this cue, we decided to calculate the four preceding ingresses for each date and place at which something of great moment had occurred. This confirmed the suspicion that the Capricorn and Cancer charts were stronger than the other two. Then a process of separation proved that the Capricorn charts had it all over the Cancer charts, implying that the Capricorn ingress stands out as a "master chart" for the whole year. It is as though the other ingresses are clinchers and timers [emphasis added], helping to narrow down the periods in which a series of stresses are most likely to precipitate as the event itself. Moreover, the cusps of the Capricorn charts are painfully sensitive to subsequent transits, often dating exactly the major event of the period in question. A rough rule we have derived in accord with the facts as we have found them is that there is a 4-1-2-1 ratio involved in estimating the power of the four cardinal points, Capricorn being twice as strong as Cancer and Cancer being about twice as significant as Aries and Libra.
Although weekly "stepping up" is characteristic of lunars, as witness the August 1939 series, do not get the impression that a single chart for a given week is not wholly self-contained, for there is sufficient proof that each wheel is radical in itself [emphasis added]. Our mass of data suggests that it is always worthwhile, in fact, advisable, to study a given event in the light of the "chain of charts" leading up to it, with emphasis on the Capricorn and Cancer charts, in that order. Still, the immediate lunar is usually so lucid, alone considered, that prior links in the chain may be thought of as auxiliaries or backdrops.
He gave the dates, places, and death tolls of these 14 charts. They included the Monongah, WV tragedy "which snuffed out 361 lives."Using the preceding lunar ingress no matter which cardinal point happened to be involved, a simple tally shows that 14 of the 126 mine disasters occurred with Saturn within 1°40' of the angular cusp by straight ecliptic reckoning. This means that if astrological influences are a grand delusion, according to probability theory there should be 4.71, or close to 5, rather than 14 of the 126 charts with Saturn so precariously mounted in the wheels. Since the standard deviation is 2.13 and the excess over mean expectancy is 9.29, the test ratio amounts to a boisterous 4.36, much too big to be dismissed as a mere coincident. Scientifically, a ratio only half this size would be enough to give a skeptic pause, since a ratio of 3.89 marks the 10,000 to 1 level of significance while 4.42 means that the odds are 100,000 to 1 against chance being an explanation for the high number. As our actual ratio is very close to the 100,000 to 1 level, it is safe to declare that the weekly Moon charts are radical in themselves.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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A History of "Worsts"
He next examined a series of "worsts" in various event categories.
Compare the Wikipedia map in the article "Western Front" to this map of Jupiter (above) and Pluto (below) lines for that Caplunar before the ending of World War I: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_F ... rld_War_I) He paused, at this point in the article, to coin the terms we have all happily used going forward: Caplunar, Arilunar, Canlunar, Liblunar, Capsolar, Arisolar, Cansolar, and Libsolar; and to name his new vernal point determination the Synetic Vernal Point (SVP) because the first word "has a flavor that hints grandly of the togetherness which is the very essence of astrology."
Now, his four examples of "worsts."
Liblunar for Monongah, WV for "the most terrible mine disaster on record." Going only by zodiacal placements, Saturn is 1°21' from the Midheaven (loss of life), Uranus 1°00' from the Descendant (explosion), Neptune 4°28' from the Ascendant (hysteria, probably gasses etc.). -- Mundanely, Saturn is 3°12' from the MC, Uranus 0°43' from the Descendant, Neptune 4°50' from the Ascendant.
Caplunar for worst railroad accident in American history, Nashville. 101 died. The positions speak for themselves:
Asc 7°37' Sagittarius
Mercury 8°41' Gemini
Mars 7°32' Virgo
He summarized,
Canlunar for the second worst theater fire in U.S. history, Conway Theater in Brooklyn (12/5/1876). I've recalculated the chart (Bradley had the Ascendant at 8°36' Libra).
Asc 9°02' Libra
Neptune 9°54' Aries (0°08' in mundo)
Mars 10°06' Libra (0°42' in mundo)
He summarized:
He had space for four specific examples.One has only to compute the ingress figures for such whopping big events as the Halifax explosion, the Texas City disaster, the Chicago fire, and the San Francisco catastrophe, to appreciate the clarity and unassailability of the sidereal system. Even more conclusive than single examples, of course, are groups of charts having something in common, such as a series we have compiled of the 40 worst railroad wrecks in our nation's history, or another, that of the most tragic fires on record... In actual practice, the play of the malefics typifies unfortunate events of any kind and the exercising of the benefics is typical of welcome developments, so the arenas of planetary action are really quite simple to identify.
Maybe he had to skip this, but I don't! <g> I calculate the Caplunar for 7:37:04 pm GMT. Even for London the chart is remarkable, with Pluto at 12°50' Gemini only 0°37' from Ascendant, while Jupiter at 22°09' Gemini is less than 2° below it and trine Sun at 23°00' Libra and Venus at 19°27' Libra. (I wouldn't emphasize the trines, especially with those orbs... but the Sun-Jupiter at least is partile.)"Historical worsts" are clearly our best bets, so we will by-pass examples of happier events even though it is a temptation to exhibit such superb charts as the Capricorn entry of November 9, 1918, 7:36 PM GMT, which draped Jupiter, trine the Sun and Venus, across the horizon of the Western Front.
Compare the Wikipedia map in the article "Western Front" to this map of Jupiter (above) and Pluto (below) lines for that Caplunar before the ending of World War I: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_F ... rld_War_I) He paused, at this point in the article, to coin the terms we have all happily used going forward: Caplunar, Arilunar, Canlunar, Liblunar, Capsolar, Arisolar, Cansolar, and Libsolar; and to name his new vernal point determination the Synetic Vernal Point (SVP) because the first word "has a flavor that hints grandly of the togetherness which is the very essence of astrology."
Now, his four examples of "worsts."
Liblunar for Monongah, WV for "the most terrible mine disaster on record." Going only by zodiacal placements, Saturn is 1°21' from the Midheaven (loss of life), Uranus 1°00' from the Descendant (explosion), Neptune 4°28' from the Ascendant (hysteria, probably gasses etc.). -- Mundanely, Saturn is 3°12' from the MC, Uranus 0°43' from the Descendant, Neptune 4°50' from the Ascendant.
Caplunar for worst railroad accident in American history, Nashville. 101 died. The positions speak for themselves:
Asc 7°37' Sagittarius
Mercury 8°41' Gemini
Mars 7°32' Virgo
He summarized,
Arilunar for the worst theater fire in U.S. history, Iroquois Theater in Chicago 12/30/1903. 602 died. Mars is 0°20' from the Ascendant in Bradley's calculation, but actually just over a degree per zodiac and only 0°31' when measured in mundo.Mercury prominent and afflicted is typical of travel tragedies of all kinds.
Canlunar for the second worst theater fire in U.S. history, Conway Theater in Brooklyn (12/5/1876). I've recalculated the chart (Bradley had the Ascendant at 8°36' Libra).
Asc 9°02' Libra
Neptune 9°54' Aries (0°08' in mundo)
Mars 10°06' Libra (0°42' in mundo)
He summarized:
He then summarized the findings that would be detailed in Part 2 of the article:Our collection of sidereal ingress charts for "worst fires" has Mars conjunct an angle so often that we are easily convinced that this discovery will rapidly become one of the basic tools of Mundane Astrology.
The secret of actual dating of events lies in the Sun's Capricorn ingress. Lucid as the lunars usually are by themselves, they cannot hold a candle to the effectiveness of the solar ingresses, as we shall prove.
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Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Parade of Proof
In a warm-up, he makes reference to the 1923 Capsolar for Tokyo, before the 9/1/1923 Tokyo quake (143,000 deaths). The chart shows Saturn (26°15' Virgo) in partile conjunction with the Midheaven (25°31' Virgo). Bradley misstated that Saturn moved to partile conjunction with the Midheaven the day of the quake - it was already there in the Capsolar, and had actually moved farther away. (But Saturn was on the Caplunar Westpoint within 7'.)
He also cited the 1914 Capsolar for Avezzano, Italy. An earthquake killing 39,000 people occurred on January 13, 1915, the very last day of the Capsolar year. Saturn was 0°13' in mundo from the 1914 Capsolar Ascendant. (On the day of the quake, the Quotidian Ascendant had returned to exactly touch this Saturn.)
He also cited the 1914 Capsolar for Avezzano, Italy. An earthquake killing 39,000 people occurred on January 13, 1915, the very last day of the Capsolar year. Saturn was 0°13' in mundo from the 1914 Capsolar Ascendant. (On the day of the quake, the Quotidian Ascendant had returned to exactly touch this Saturn.)
The [Capsolar], endless data proves to our astonishment, is the master chart of the entire year, just as the Caplunar is a master chart for the whole sidereal month. Why this should be so we do not know, but the facts are incontestable and must be reported, and acted upon, without adulteration by preconceptions we might have had. We are obligated to believe an impressive parade of prof that, so far as mundane affairs are concerned, the Capricorn ingresses wield the baton. [...]
What is surely one of the most incredible coincidences in astrological history is the situation involving the placements of Saturn in the Capricorn charts for the Krakatau and Mont Pelée catastrophes... At the very minute of the Moon's entry into sidereal Capricorn in both cases, Saturn was exactly on the western horizon of the volcanoes to the exact minute of arc. But the coincidence does not end there. The other half of the story is the Sun's Capricorn ingress charts for the years in question. Transiting Saturn, on the very dates of the eruptions, was on the angular cusp in the Capsolar maps - on the Ascendant of Mont Pelée and on the Midheaven of Krakatau! [sic] This is amazing only because such wonderful astrological performance is not commonly met with in systems previously used.
Jim Eshelman
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"All Hell Broke Loose"
HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA (December 6, 1917, 9:06 AM). In the November 19 Caplunar, Saturn was conjunct the MC (27' ecliptic, 29' RA). [Additionally, Neptune was square Ascendant 2° and Uranus was 6°off the IC.]...Saturn indeed denotes calamity, both the Solar and Lunar ingresses for calamitous events of all kinds testifying to this truth.
As an aside, note that Pluto set mundanely at 8:54 AM, so it was foreground both for the original collision and for the explosion, and was only a few minutes before the actual explosion. Mercury was also rising about that time; in fact, there was a reasonably close Mercury-Pluto paran-opposition across the horizon at the time all of this happened: at the time of the explosion, Pluto was 1°49' (in altitude) below Descendant, and Mercury was 1°16' below Ascendant. This is another example (though not so close on orbs) of Mercury's involvement in a "transportation incident."The bitter cold on the morning... was terrible even for a Nova Scotia winter. Out in the Narrows, a waterway linking Halifax Harbor and Bedford Basin, a freighter rammed into a munitions laden vessel at approximately 8:30 AM Atlantic Standard Time. Tanks of benzine stowed on the main deck of the Mont Blanc caught fire. At just 9:06 AM, occurred one of the worst man-blamed disasters on record. The gigantic explosion of the munitions ship killed a total of 1,2666 people on shore, injured more than 6,000, and left 25,000 homeless in frigid weather.
The Halifax disaster would have been worth citing had Saturn been a full five or even more degrees from the Caplunar Midheaven. But as you can see, the meridian conjunction was exact.
That's a badly written and misleading statement: There was a 4° Moon-Mars conjunction at the time of the explosion, 3°-7° off the Capsolar Midheaven, with the Sun squaring the Moon partile and Mars platic. Read "in the Midheaven" above to mean "in the 10th House" and it's correct - but sloppier than we're used to seeing from Bradley.There's more to the Halifax story story than this Moon ingress, for the Solar chart [Capsolar, 1/14/17] is also eloquent. On the day of the disaster the transiting Moon was conjunct Mars in the Capsolar Midheaven, both square the transiting Sun...
I'm very unhappy with this example because Bradley could be accused of misleading. That is, he either calculated sloppily (remember, this was all done by hand with an ephemeris and table of houses!) or he was fudging some facts - and it's unfortunate that he left out just exactly those details which show the imprecision of the result....the progressed Capsolar is one of the many examples of the way in which the quotidian rate of progression accurately dates the fulfillment of a radical indication. At the Capricorn ingress, Mars at 10°10' Capricorn opposed Neptune at 10°11' Cancer. On December 6th, almost eleven months later, progression brought this opposition to alignment with the meridian of Halifax itself With the Caplunar so perilous at the same time, "all hell broke loose."
Yes, the Capsolar had Mars at 10°10' Capricorn opposite Neptune at 10°11' Cancer. Additionally (he didn't mention this), Capsolar Mercury was 10°30' Capricorn, suggesting a transportation incident. (Furthermore, Neptune had progressed back to 10°10' Cancer, though I doubt closing the 1' gap was all that important.) [2021 note: I'm no longer sure it's unimportant. - JAE]
But we have to take "alignment with the meridian" in vague terms, because the Q2 of the Capsolar for Halifax had a Midheaven of 8°00' Cancer, more than 2° away. Additionally, Capsolar Jupiter at 2°51' Aries was on the Q2 Descendant, which was 2°09' Aries. (It was less than a quarter degree in mundo) which, in personal returns, is a mark of ameliorating the severity of the disaster, not making it "big" - so I don't find this to be a pleasing example. (Nor was this a case where the Neo-SQ, or apparent solar rate, would have proven better: The Neo-SQ MC was 2°51' Cancer.)
Bradley continued his comment to make his main point about the Capsolar quotidians, en route reviewing and summarizing some main principles:
Let's pause and examine this purportedly "spectacular" example. He is referring to a fire at Ohio State Penitentiary in Columbus, OH on April 21, 1930 where 322 inmates died and 150 more were seriously injured. To date, it remains the deadliest prison fire in U.S. history. The best time I can find for the fire is "on the night of the 21st," so let's assume 9:00 PM. [EDIT 9/12/15: I just learned this began 5:30 PM.]The Sun's entry into any of the four cardinal constellations produces a radical chart, but it appears that only the Capsolar wheel can be progressed. [This "only" view was modified later - JAE.] The reader will recall the rough rule we framed... to the effect that there seems to be a 4-1-2-1 ratio in the relative strengths of the four cardinal points, Capricorn being twice as potent as Cancer and Cancer having twice the impact of Aries and Libra. Moreover, we are certain that each chart is influential for the full cycle it inaugurates. This need not be viewed as a complication so far as the art of delineation is concerned, for we have reason to believe that for general purposes the work involved in religiously casting all possible charts in a sequence is often more bother than it is worth. Having all the minor charts available for detailed reference is, of course, desirable in every instance, and far be it from us to encourage slothfulness in study habits....
The Capricorn charts stand out head and shoulders over the others. For example, the horrible Ohio prison fire of 1930 was very clearly depicted in every ingress chart applying to the date and and locality, but the Capsolar chart does it so spectacularly, and dates the tragedy so exactly, the other maps seem to be but verification of the pattern.
The Capsolar itself didn't show anything on the angles for Columbus. The Arisolar a week before the event showed Saturn a few minutes from conjunct MC and Sun exactly rising. (Aside: Since many of the deaths were from guards and military reinforcement throwing the prison into lockdown, I think "administrative lockdown," or intervention of government action, is the meaning of the Sun-Saturn union. Foreground Sun in these charts is starting to emerge to me as "strong government.")
At the time of the fire, the only transit to the Capsolar angles was t. Jupiter square the Ascendant within 19'.
The Caplunar occurred the day before the fire, and had Mars half a degree from square the Midheaven. Good chart!
Which brings us to the quotidian of the Capsolar. Its Midheaven was 4°02' Pisces, with Mars at 4°11' Pisces. Spectacular hit! This, then, is what he meant when he wrote that the Capsolar chart [including its progression] depicts the event "so spectacularly, and dates the tragedy so exactly, the other maps seem to be but verification of the pattern." (Well, that Arisolar was pretty spectacular for loss of life.)
So... point made. A good example of the Capricorn ingresses (Capsolar, Caplunar, and quotidian progressions of Capsolar) handling the work load on their own.
Bradley continued:
He summarizes a basic practical finding:Experiment has shown this to be the usual state of affairs so that the degree of importance a student can attach to the individual links in the "chain of charts" is a matter of scholarship and thoroughness of approach.
Three things deserve comment here:The angular cusps of the Sun's Cancer ingress appear to be almost as sensitive to transits as the angles of the Capsolar chart, particularly where natural disasters, earthquakes, tidal waves, tornadoes, and the like, are concerned. But only the Capricorn charts are "progressable," or at least that is what we have concluded thus far in our study. Any chart that is radical remains sensitive to transiting influences until its cycle elapses. Overshadowing and overwhelming all the "static radicals," however, is the Capricorn ingress with its ceaseless dynamics.
1. The Cansolar angles
are nearly as responsive to transits as the Capsolar.
2. Only the Capsolar is progressable: Bradley later recanted this on discovering that the Arisolar had some amazing hits by the PSSR (redubbed "PSSI") rate. Most broadly, all four solar ingresses are likely progressable by both rates, but tracking them remains unmanageable and, in practice, the Q2 rate applied to the Capsolar is the best documented method.
3. He sees the quotidian angular hits as overshadowing the transits to the angles. This isn't what I'm used to seeing in personal charts, but it may be what's most true for mundane charts. (Something for us to watch and test.) An example of this in action would be the Ohio prison fire above, where Jupiter transiting a Capsolar angle, but Mars was on the Capsolar quotidian angle.
Making a point about the squares to the horizon and meridian:
GALVESTON, TX A hurricane whipped a tidal wave that hit Galveston the evening of September 8, 1900, "reaching its peak of fury at about 7:45 PM CST." At the time Bradley was writing, this was "the greatest single disaster ever to strike the United States." Over 6,000 people died, and twice that number were seriously injured.In the lunar ingresses for disastrous fires..., if Mars is not in the immediate foreground, chances are you'll find it exactly [square the Ascendant]. For events of colossal consequences like seismic upheavals, Saturn is apt to be exactly square the Meridian if it is not conjunct an angular cusp itself.
Bradley cited that Cansolar as "vivid enough, alone considered," with
Asc 3°10' Gemini
Neptune 4°23' Gemini
Saturn 6°48' Sagittarius
(Also, Pluto, seemingly 10° of the Asc, was less than 3°. And it was in very close square to a widely culminating Moon.)
He cited the Neptune and Saturn as "in mundo square to the Moon in Aquarius ("the Deluge") in the Midheaven" with "Moon in "the constellation of the waves" ...closely square Pluto" signifying "superlatives and unprecedented quantities." He concludes, "It is the symbolically perfect Saturn-Neptune opposition that rivets our curiosity most since nothing in astrology could better describe the vengeance of Poseidon!"
The mundo T-square is quite accurately described, since the Moon was 2°50' east of the MC, Neptune 1°52' below the Ascendant, and Saturn 4°01' above the Descendant. The Neptune and Saturn placements average to 2°56', just a tenth of a degree from the Moon position.
With the Saturn-Neptune in mind in the Cansolar, though, he turned back to the Capsolar and observed:
Capsolar MC 5°33' Pisces
Capsolar Saturn 5°51' Sagittarius
t. Saturn 5°07' Sagittarius
t. Neptune 5°45' Gemini
(Note that the Saturn-Neptune midpoint is 5°26' Pisces, only 7' from the mid-Galveston MC.)
An aside... this event was shown solely by the Capsolar (reiterated in the Cansolar) without intervention of the Caplunar a few days before the event. All factors aren't required to converge. Nor was the Capsolar quotidian involved, the transits to its angles ruling the day instead.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Unison of Forces
WALL STREET BOMB (September 16, 1920, 12:01 PM) An "unsolved msytery." 39 killed, 400 injured. Bradley continued:The actual date of an event is predetermined by the progression of the Capsolar chart via the quotidian rate... Outstanding events are mirrored in several ways, however, and it is often a question as to what particular configuration in a chorus of possbibilities actually screamed the loudest.
The NYC Capsolar had Saturn less than 2° from the Ascendant (but also Venus about 3° from the IC and only 12' from the Nadir). The Caplunar had Mars just over a degree from the Descendant (only 20' eclipto)....every chart concerned is pregnant with significance, and could be offered as the cause of the episode.
Bradley says that at the time of the explosion Mars had "moved up to the meridian of the Capsolar, squaring Saturn in the Ascendant," but this is not precise: Mars was almost 2° from the Capsolar IC and further from the square to Saturn. (Puzzling, his remark. Even in his Tropicalist days writing for Llewellyn a decade earlier, he was generally more precise.) He concludes,
By "every chart," he has so far included the charts that he tagged as the master charts: Capsolar per se, Caplunar per se, and transits to Capsolar angles. Let's check a few obvious others.Every chart pertinent to this event glitters with appropriate indications of the detonation and it would have been theoretically possible to have predicted a crisis of malefic influences for the New York area by any of a number of ways.
The Cansolar is not convincing per se. The Canlunar has an interesting aspect set - a partile Mars-Jupiter-Uranus T-square, which describes exactly the sort of "explosive assault on the financial district," but which is not near the angles. The only thing the Canlunar adds is Neptune less than 2° from the Zenith for hysteria. The immediately preceding Liblunar was a dead-note. The Capsolar quotidian has several appropriate hits in the broad vicinity of the angles, but not within the 1° I'd want to see for a whammo dead-on victory chip.
But the main charts - the one's he suggested are the basis of the system - showed the event.
Examples:Most events are precipitated by a similar unison of forces. Once in a while, however, you'll find what apparently is an astrological lone wolf - a sigle, acutely powerful circumstance synchronizing with a particular happening. A good example of "lonewolfery" of this type is the way in which Mars, quite free of qualifying or reinforcing aspects, will transit an anglar cusp for a locality and give every fireman in town a good workout. It akes more than this to provoke an event of the first magnitude, however.
COCONUT GROVE NIGHTCLUB FIRE (Boston, November 28, 1942, 9:30 PM.
The Capsolar had Saturn rising (less than 2° both eclipto and mundo). [Uranus was equally close, on the other side of the Asc.] Bradley alludes to "the transit of Mars to the horizon" as also being "a brutal opposition to the ingress Saturn;" but, again, he is using far wider orbs than I would consider either for the transits to the angles or to Saturn, for Mars was 3° shy of one and 5° shy of the other.
Something of an aside: He observed that the rising Saturn in the Capsolar was only 34' minutes from square Venus. Then, on the night of the fire, Venus and Saturn were in opposition (only 2' apart at 9:30 PM EWT) - with Venus in the 28th degree of Capricorn, the exaltation degree of Mars. He interpreted this as "misfortune for merrymakers." A study of fires I made years ago showed Venus-Saturn one of the two most common aspects at the time of big fires (the other geing Mars-Neptune), which I've tended to interpret in terms of disfigurement and loss of loved ones - several Venus-Saturn things can be captured in the present event.
Adjustment: Bradley gave 9:30 PM, and I've used that in the examples to match what he was seeing. However, Boston was on War Time, and he may not have considered that in his calculations, since the chart he describes doesn't fit the time. Modern reports (based on fire marshall reports) show 10:15 PM, so probably 9:30 EST / 10:30 EWT is what he used. For a 10:30 time, Mars does come very clsoe to the Nadir. I'm going to permanently record the 10:15 PM EWT time for the fire, for future work, wth a 4' Venus-Saturn opposition, the Moon closely rising in Cancer and widely square Mars, etc.
Bradley then went on to describe in precise terms what he had been vaguely calling the "Capsolar quotidian." He left no doubt that he meant the Q2 mean solar rate. This is the foundation of all of the work he did to refine the boundaries of the Sideral zodiac.
Before continuing, lets check some of the auxiliary charts that Bradley didn't include in his briefer example (with the goal of using these events to get a clear sense ofr what amount of layering or reinforcement is needed to trigger these big events). The Cansolar as not a contributor (and, in fact, put Mercury and Jupiter on the angles). Ditto the Libsolar.
So, in summary, here's what showed this particular fire:
Capsolar with Saturn and Uranus rising, the Saturn in partile square to Venus.
Transits to the Capsolar angles were too wide for my likes, though Bradley found it sufficiently threatening - and all the synmbolism was right.
Katarche had a 4' Venus-Saturn opposition, Moon rising in Class 2 square to Mars.
The intervening solar and lunar ingresses didn't enter the picture, and the CApsolar quotidian was either not involved or (if one goes up to 2° orbs) had the transiting Venus-Saturn opposition on the Zenith-Nadir.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Bombay's "Day To Remember"
BOMBAY (April 14, 1944, 4:04 PM) This "equalled if not rivaled the tragic devastation of the better-known Halifax explosion. In an extraordinarily busy wartime port in a strategic location, on a hot and unusually sultry afternoon, a fire broke out on one ship and spread quickly to other ships carrying cotten and highly explosive munitions. The fire department received the first alarm at 2:18 PM. Then, at 4:04 PM a "cataclysmic explosion... devastated the entire area," causing destruction and deaths probably never rightly calculated. (Nominal estimates today list 800 deaths. Contemporary estimates approached twice that number.) Windows were exploded over 7 miles away. - And then it got worse! Hundreds more people surged to the docks to see what was happening and, half an hour later, a second explosion occurred, dwarfing the first one. (This was roughly the minute that Uranus crossed the local Midheaven. During the whole "rush to the docks" period, there was a partile Moon-Neptune square - as usual, a mark of mass hysteria.) Property damage was in excess of a billion dollars (that's in 1944 dollars!), and fires continued for a week.
Bradley offered a single chart for this: the Capsolar quotidian which features
Asc 13°49' Gemini [he calculated 14°07' using tools of his day]
t. Mars 14°49' Gemini (rising mundanely at 14°14' Gemini)
MC 6°02' Pisces
t. Neptune 8°20' Virgo
t. Moon 7°31' Sagittarius
For completion, let's look at other charts besides the one he wanted to show for this event: Capsolar itself had Asc 7°10/ Pisces with Neptune setting. At the time of the fire, transits were minor but precise: t. Moon partile conjunct the MC and partile square t. Neptune. Caplunar had Saturn square the Midheaven within 0°05', in wide conjunction with Mars. Arisolar the very day of the event was frustratingly silent about the whole thing,showing only the Sun half a degree from the Ascendant. [For future research, I should mention that both Sedna and Eris were close to the horizon mundanely.] The Canlunar was completely noncontributory, and the Liblunar was a mix of conflicting factors.
Bradley offered a single chart for this: the Capsolar quotidian which features
Asc 13°49' Gemini [he calculated 14°07' using tools of his day]
t. Mars 14°49' Gemini (rising mundanely at 14°14' Gemini)
MC 6°02' Pisces
t. Neptune 8°20' Virgo
t. Moon 7°31' Sagittarius
For completion, let's look at other charts besides the one he wanted to show for this event: Capsolar itself had Asc 7°10/ Pisces with Neptune setting. At the time of the fire, transits were minor but precise: t. Moon partile conjunct the MC and partile square t. Neptune. Caplunar had Saturn square the Midheaven within 0°05', in wide conjunction with Mars. Arisolar the very day of the event was frustratingly silent about the whole thing,showing only the Sun half a degree from the Ascendant. [For future research, I should mention that both Sedna and Eris were close to the horizon mundanely.] The Canlunar was completely noncontributory, and the Liblunar was a mix of conflicting factors.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: "Unveiling a New Tool" by Garth Allen
He then gave the Capsolar quotidian example for the Ohio penitentiary fire that I already detailed above. It was a striking Q chart. The main point was that t.Mars was on the Q MC, and Pluto exactly rising.
NEW LONDON, TX (March 18, 1937, 3:05 PM) A natural gas explosion at the London School killed nearly 300 students and teachers. It's the deadliest school disaster in U.S. history.
CAPSOLAR was an accurate burt imprecise setup: The only planets anywhere near the angles were Saturn and Neptune, in partile opposition.
CAPLUNAR was per se noncontributory.
TRANSITS TO CAPSOLAR Capsolar MC 1°12' Virgo, t. Saturn 1°42' Pisces. Dead-on. (Deadly on!)
The Capsolar quotidian is the chart Bradley especially wanted to show.
MC 6°28' Scorpio [Bradley got 6°54' using tools of his day]
t. Mars 7°47' Scorpio
Asc 21°12' Capricorn
Capsolar Moon 21°00' Capricorn
(And the Asc at the time of the explosion was 21°33' Cancer.)
We can fill in the other charts for completion of the example (even though the main point, in the article, was to show the quotidian method).
There were no intervening solar ingresses since the Capsolar, which gives us an ideal occasion to assess the idea that all of the ingresses have a one-year life-cycle. In this case, the Cansolar showed nothing per se (except a too-wide foreground Neptune), or by transit (since Mars was still several degrees from crossing its IC), or by quotidian progression. The Arisolar from 11 months earlier had the Saturn-Neptune oppsite very broadly across the horizon (right message, not focussed tightly on the occasion), though it's hard to ignore t. Moon crossing its MC the hour of the event. The Libsolar was quite similar, though bringing Jupiter a bit more foreground than Saturn-Neptune - but it has the distinction that it's 1°15' Virgo Ascendant was opposed by Saturn at 1°42' Pisces for the event, replicating the Capsolar Midheaven.
So... there was a showing... maybe a building of things... but the Capsolar was really calling the charts sharply and effectively.
As far as the lunar ingresses, there had been an intervening Arilunar placing Neptune in the exact degree of the Ascendant. It certainly added its bit to the hysteria and gruesome grieving.
SAN FRANCISCO EARTHQUAKE (April 18, 1906, 5:13 AM PST) Bradley wanted to show one example illustrated by a mundoscope diagram. He emphasized that "all charts should be calcualted in their mundoscope frames of reference if the true geometric relatonships of the planets to a particular place on the Earth's surface are to be appreciated."
Bradley just wanted to show the Capsolar quotidian. Let's fill in the blanks with the other techniques while we have the opportunity.
CAPSOLAR Several things near theangles, most of them not too close. The very closest, though, are Saturn square the Ascendant (almost partile) and Mars on the IC (less than 2°). These make the point very clearly!
Asc 14°27' Gemini
Neptune 14°23' Genini (31' mundo)
Uranus 15°04' Sagittarius (18' mundo)
EP 26°37' Taurus
Pluto 27°35' Taurus (less than 2° in RA)
TRANSITS TO CAPSOLAR Nothing exact enough to mention except a symbollically correct but flitting Moon aspect.
ARISOLAR (less than a week before the quake) had Pluto < 4° below the Descendant mundo (or 61' eclipto), and Mercury exactly on the IC anchoring a T-square of the meridian with the Uranus-Neptune opposition. Again: Devastating.
CAPSOLAR QUOTIDIAN And now for the piece de resistance that Bradley wanted to show. In ecliptic longitude, the chart looks staggering enough:
Q2 Asc 19°41' Aquarius
Q2 Mars 20°28' Aquarius
Capsolar Mars 20°16' Aquarius
Q2 Moon 20°00' Leo
Q2 IC 27°01' Taurus
Q2 Pluto 27°43' Taurus
Capsolar Pluto 27°44' Taurus
But it gets worse! Saturn at 17°59' Aquarius at the time of the quake actually rose in San Francisco when the Ascendant was 20°52' Aquarius - puting it right in the middle of the Moon-Mars angular combination. The mundoscope Bradley published showed the precision mundane aspects between t. Saturn and ingress Mars within a degree of the angle, and the pair of Plutos just beyond 1° from the IC - still in partile square to the rising Saturn-on-Mars.
NEW LONDON, TX (March 18, 1937, 3:05 PM) A natural gas explosion at the London School killed nearly 300 students and teachers. It's the deadliest school disaster in U.S. history.
CAPSOLAR was an accurate burt imprecise setup: The only planets anywhere near the angles were Saturn and Neptune, in partile opposition.
CAPLUNAR was per se noncontributory.
TRANSITS TO CAPSOLAR Capsolar MC 1°12' Virgo, t. Saturn 1°42' Pisces. Dead-on. (Deadly on!)
The Capsolar quotidian is the chart Bradley especially wanted to show.
MC 6°28' Scorpio [Bradley got 6°54' using tools of his day]
t. Mars 7°47' Scorpio
Asc 21°12' Capricorn
Capsolar Moon 21°00' Capricorn
(And the Asc at the time of the explosion was 21°33' Cancer.)
We can fill in the other charts for completion of the example (even though the main point, in the article, was to show the quotidian method).
There were no intervening solar ingresses since the Capsolar, which gives us an ideal occasion to assess the idea that all of the ingresses have a one-year life-cycle. In this case, the Cansolar showed nothing per se (except a too-wide foreground Neptune), or by transit (since Mars was still several degrees from crossing its IC), or by quotidian progression. The Arisolar from 11 months earlier had the Saturn-Neptune oppsite very broadly across the horizon (right message, not focussed tightly on the occasion), though it's hard to ignore t. Moon crossing its MC the hour of the event. The Libsolar was quite similar, though bringing Jupiter a bit more foreground than Saturn-Neptune - but it has the distinction that it's 1°15' Virgo Ascendant was opposed by Saturn at 1°42' Pisces for the event, replicating the Capsolar Midheaven.
So... there was a showing... maybe a building of things... but the Capsolar was really calling the charts sharply and effectively.
As far as the lunar ingresses, there had been an intervening Arilunar placing Neptune in the exact degree of the Ascendant. It certainly added its bit to the hysteria and gruesome grieving.
SAN FRANCISCO EARTHQUAKE (April 18, 1906, 5:13 AM PST) Bradley wanted to show one example illustrated by a mundoscope diagram. He emphasized that "all charts should be calcualted in their mundoscope frames of reference if the true geometric relatonships of the planets to a particular place on the Earth's surface are to be appreciated."
Bradley just wanted to show the Capsolar quotidian. Let's fill in the blanks with the other techniques while we have the opportunity.
CAPSOLAR Several things near theangles, most of them not too close. The very closest, though, are Saturn square the Ascendant (almost partile) and Mars on the IC (less than 2°). These make the point very clearly!
Asc 14°27' Gemini
Neptune 14°23' Genini (31' mundo)
Uranus 15°04' Sagittarius (18' mundo)
EP 26°37' Taurus
Pluto 27°35' Taurus (less than 2° in RA)
TRANSITS TO CAPSOLAR Nothing exact enough to mention except a symbollically correct but flitting Moon aspect.
ARISOLAR (less than a week before the quake) had Pluto < 4° below the Descendant mundo (or 61' eclipto), and Mercury exactly on the IC anchoring a T-square of the meridian with the Uranus-Neptune opposition. Again: Devastating.
CAPSOLAR QUOTIDIAN And now for the piece de resistance that Bradley wanted to show. In ecliptic longitude, the chart looks staggering enough:
Q2 Asc 19°41' Aquarius
Q2 Mars 20°28' Aquarius
Capsolar Mars 20°16' Aquarius
Q2 Moon 20°00' Leo
Q2 IC 27°01' Taurus
Q2 Pluto 27°43' Taurus
Capsolar Pluto 27°44' Taurus
But it gets worse! Saturn at 17°59' Aquarius at the time of the quake actually rose in San Francisco when the Ascendant was 20°52' Aquarius - puting it right in the middle of the Moon-Mars angular combination. The mundoscope Bradley published showed the precision mundane aspects between t. Saturn and ingress Mars within a degree of the angle, and the pair of Plutos just beyond 1° from the IC - still in partile square to the rising Saturn-on-Mars.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Champion Earthquakes
In the mundoscope for the Capsolar quotidian of the San Francisco earthquake, t. Saturn was within a degree of the Ascendant (and tied Mars and Pluto). Bradley decided to spring off this observation to test the presence of Saturn on the Capsolar quotidian angles for other major earthquakes - to see whether this was just a coincidence.
He consulted the recently-released U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey of "what scientists consider to have been the greatest earthquakes in history." Fifteen had occurred in the prior 100 years. "These were only the whoppers, the world champion shakeups of all time." The list included Krakatau (already discussed - and critical to his original selection of the measuring point for 0 Capricorn - so he dropped it from the study). Four others were not geographically defined, so couldn't be charted. That left ten examples.
Of these (using ecliptical, rather than mundane, measurements), he calculated that for the San Francisco quake, Saturn was 1°41' from the Ascendant (but only 0°38' mundanely); the Erzingan, Turkey quake (12/27/39, as many as 50,000 dead) had Saturn 0°55' from the Descendant eclipto (or 2' mundo); and the Manila earthquake (6/3/1868, 10,000 dead) had Saturn 0°08' from the MC eclipto (he didn't give the mundo figure).
He didn't break out how significant these three instances out of 10 would be. Since they were apparently all partile, that means that there are 8° of the mundane circle (1° either side of four angles), with an expectancy of 8/360 for a single instance, or 10 times that for 10 examples.
With only 0.22 instances expected, these 3 hits are 5.96 standard deviations above expectancy. This is an enormous figure. Of course, it's a tiny amount of data, so it's of no probative value, just inferential and suggestive.
He consulted the recently-released U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey of "what scientists consider to have been the greatest earthquakes in history." Fifteen had occurred in the prior 100 years. "These were only the whoppers, the world champion shakeups of all time." The list included Krakatau (already discussed - and critical to his original selection of the measuring point for 0 Capricorn - so he dropped it from the study). Four others were not geographically defined, so couldn't be charted. That left ten examples.
Of these (using ecliptical, rather than mundane, measurements), he calculated that for the San Francisco quake, Saturn was 1°41' from the Ascendant (but only 0°38' mundanely); the Erzingan, Turkey quake (12/27/39, as many as 50,000 dead) had Saturn 0°55' from the Descendant eclipto (or 2' mundo); and the Manila earthquake (6/3/1868, 10,000 dead) had Saturn 0°08' from the MC eclipto (he didn't give the mundo figure).
He didn't break out how significant these three instances out of 10 would be. Since they were apparently all partile, that means that there are 8° of the mundane circle (1° either side of four angles), with an expectancy of 8/360 for a single instance, or 10 times that for 10 examples.
With only 0.22 instances expected, these 3 hits are 5.96 standard deviations above expectancy. This is an enormous figure. Of course, it's a tiny amount of data, so it's of no probative value, just inferential and suggestive.
(He missed the Neptune factor that has become so evident in recent years.)Naturally, in astrology a single factor is never sufficient by itself to spark a major event - hence the need for continous research, for continuous sorting, softing, weighing, and testing of all possible facdtors until the "certainties" come to light as codified precepts. In the study of earthquakes, the role of Saturn is unquestionable, a certainty of the first order. Uranus and Pluto also appear to puyll rank on the other planets where seismic disturbances are concerned, and we have many lunar ingress charts for earthquakes shoing Mars on an angle. The part played by Mars is probably more scenic than germane but we cannot besure until research isolates its chief duties in this regard. Mars symbolizes fire, fright, and pain, or in one word from the purely humanized point of view, adrenalin.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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On the Right Track
An earthquake "jiggled the Northwest," shaking Seattle April 13, 1949, 11:56 AM PST. Minor in effect by "big quake" standards, it was still a 7.1 magnitude quake and shook things up (and did enough small damage) enough to get attention. To date, it's the largest quake to hit the Puget Sound area since before Europeans started settling in the area. Bradley referred to it as a Seattle area phenomenon, and I've separately found the epicenter to be 47N06, 122W42.
CAPLUNAR Uranus was within 2° mundo of the Descendant
CANSOLAR The Cansolar then in force had no Uranus anywhere near the angles. I can't find a nearby Cansolar that has such a placement. (It's possible I've made a mistake. Someone feel free to correct me.)
CAPSOLAR Uranus was on the Westpoint within 2° and squared the M within 2°05'.
CAPSOLAR QUOTIDIAN Transiting and ingress Uranus were both about 3° from the IC in Seattle for the Capsolar quotidian.
This is either remarkably sloppy use of orbs, or a series of calculation errors. (I say this about someone I respect, admire, and called friend for a time. It's not meant as an attack, but as an example of the intellectual honesty he called for. If someone find's I've made the mistake, please let me know.)
Nonetheless, there was a strong Uranus presence, from Capsolar angularity and Caplunar angularity.
This example was meant to introduce a similar set of charts.
LONG BEACH QUAKE (March 10, 1933, 5:15 PM PST) Bradley wrote that this had "identical: Uranus and Saturn,and emphasized that all thecontacts were within one degree citing: For an epicenter just off Newport Beach, CA, Saturn transting the Cansolar Descendant and the Q angle conjoined transiting Uranus. On checking, I confirm the following:
CANSOLAR July 16, 1932. Quake t. Saturn 18°11' Capricorn had just left 1° orb of CAnsolar Descendant 17°08' Capricorn. However, it was mundanely partile, since that Saturn set when the Descendant was 17°58' Capricorn. (This is an important example of Cansolar angles surviving more than six months, i.e., for a whole year.)
CAPSOLAR QUOTIDIAN IC 26°21' Pisces, Capsolar Uranus 25°46' Pisces, t. Uranus 27°41'.
TEHACHAPI QUAKE (July 21, 1952, 3:52 AM PST, 10 mi. south) Saturn transited the Capsolar Ascendant, and Uranus conjoined the quotidian IC. (This reiterates the pattern he was observing of Saturn transiting some solar ingress' angle as Uranus hits the quotidian angle.) Confirming the calculations:
CAPSOLAR Has Uranus near the MC, and Jupiter exactly on the Descendant per se. At the time of the quake, Saturn wasn't as close to the Ascendant as he suggested (but less than 2° off), but it was exactly on the Eastpoint (just a few minutes away).
ARISOLAR intervening had Neptune about 2° above the Ascendant.
CAPSOLAR QUOTIDIAN Once more, the contact is close, but not as close as we'd like. The closest quotidian crossing, in fact, is ingress Neptune, a mere 18' from the Descendant. Ingress Uranus is 2°+ east of the Q IC, and transiting Uranus is just under 2° from the other side. (I'll accept the 2° based on history.)
For corroboration, he cited a quake that had just happened, SAN FRANCISCO March 22, 1957, 11:45 AM PST (with lead-up quakes further down the coast in the days preceding).
CAPSOLAR Several things broadly near the angles, of mixed message, including Venus widely rising, Mars widely on the IC, Moon less than 2° above the Descendant, and Mercury on the EP (and exactly square the MC). Not an indication of a quake per se.
CAPLUNAR Mars 0°40' from the Ascendant mundo. Neptune 0°01' (!!!) from the Westpoint in RA. Uranus and Moon widely on the angles.
The ARILUNAR helped build the pressures, with Neptune 0°50' from the Ascendant and Uranus broadly in the upper foreground. The CANLUNAR had Mars within 2° of the MC closely square a widely-rising Pluto. And the LIBLUNAR (the "immediate Lunar ingress" Bradley mentioned) had Saturn 0°53' from the IC in RA.
TRANSITS TO THE CAPSOLAR included only Venus-Jupiter square the Ascendant partile. (Remember, the previously observed rule was that, in case of conflict, the quotidian wins out over transits to the angle.)
CAPSOLAR QUOTIDIAN. Bradley said Pluto was on an angle in mundo. Indeed it was, but you weren't likely to see it with a glance at the horoscope. Transiting Pluto was at 4°18' Leo, with a latitude of 11°24' N. Therefore, in San Francisco, it set when the Descendant was 25°38' Leo. The quotidian Desendant was 21°44' Leo, which still seems a bit far, but more careful calculation shows this Pluto was within a 1° of altitude (and PV longitude) from the Descendant. Additionally, t. Saturn was 1°34' from square the Ascendant.
Let's check these numbers to make sure we are using the same meaning for "exactly" that Garth Allen was using at the time.Astrologically it was a Uranian affair through ahd through, for Uranus was exactly on the Descendant of the Caplunar chart for the period, exactly on the Ascendant of the Cansolar chart for the year, exactly square the Midheaven of the Capsolar chart for the year, and was exactly on the Nadir of the quotidian for the day of the event itself - in short, as astonishing a display of Uranian contacts as one could ever run across. Just the same, Saturn was really the ringmaster of the Uranian circus, transiting at the Nadir of the preceding Cancer ingress.
CAPLUNAR Uranus was within 2° mundo of the Descendant
CANSOLAR The Cansolar then in force had no Uranus anywhere near the angles. I can't find a nearby Cansolar that has such a placement. (It's possible I've made a mistake. Someone feel free to correct me.)
CAPSOLAR Uranus was on the Westpoint within 2° and squared the M within 2°05'.
CAPSOLAR QUOTIDIAN Transiting and ingress Uranus were both about 3° from the IC in Seattle for the Capsolar quotidian.
This is either remarkably sloppy use of orbs, or a series of calculation errors. (I say this about someone I respect, admire, and called friend for a time. It's not meant as an attack, but as an example of the intellectual honesty he called for. If someone find's I've made the mistake, please let me know.)
Nonetheless, there was a strong Uranus presence, from Capsolar angularity and Caplunar angularity.
This example was meant to introduce a similar set of charts.
These were the Long Beach earthquake in 1933, and the Tehachapi quake in 1952....a similar setup is known to have prevailed where other West Coast earthquakes were concerned. In fact, Southern California's two worst earthquakes of modern times... synchronized with identifal performances of Saturn and Uranus.
LONG BEACH QUAKE (March 10, 1933, 5:15 PM PST) Bradley wrote that this had "identical: Uranus and Saturn,and emphasized that all thecontacts were within one degree citing: For an epicenter just off Newport Beach, CA, Saturn transting the Cansolar Descendant and the Q angle conjoined transiting Uranus. On checking, I confirm the following:
CANSOLAR July 16, 1932. Quake t. Saturn 18°11' Capricorn had just left 1° orb of CAnsolar Descendant 17°08' Capricorn. However, it was mundanely partile, since that Saturn set when the Descendant was 17°58' Capricorn. (This is an important example of Cansolar angles surviving more than six months, i.e., for a whole year.)
CAPSOLAR QUOTIDIAN IC 26°21' Pisces, Capsolar Uranus 25°46' Pisces, t. Uranus 27°41'.
TEHACHAPI QUAKE (July 21, 1952, 3:52 AM PST, 10 mi. south) Saturn transited the Capsolar Ascendant, and Uranus conjoined the quotidian IC. (This reiterates the pattern he was observing of Saturn transiting some solar ingress' angle as Uranus hits the quotidian angle.) Confirming the calculations:
CAPSOLAR Has Uranus near the MC, and Jupiter exactly on the Descendant per se. At the time of the quake, Saturn wasn't as close to the Ascendant as he suggested (but less than 2° off), but it was exactly on the Eastpoint (just a few minutes away).
ARISOLAR intervening had Neptune about 2° above the Ascendant.
CAPSOLAR QUOTIDIAN Once more, the contact is close, but not as close as we'd like. The closest quotidian crossing, in fact, is ingress Neptune, a mere 18' from the Descendant. Ingress Uranus is 2°+ east of the Q IC, and transiting Uranus is just under 2° from the other side. (I'll accept the 2° based on history.)
For corroboration, he cited a quake that had just happened, SAN FRANCISCO March 22, 1957, 11:45 AM PST (with lead-up quakes further down the coast in the days preceding).
Let's review these charts.Uranus as usual was in the immediate foreground of California's Caplunar, with Mars in the exact degree of San Francisco's Ascendant where it guaranteed an overproduction of adrenalin in the population. The immediate Lunar ingress, however, spelled it out in the unmistakable language of astrology at its simplest: Saturn was exactly conjunct the Nadir [IC] of the great San Andreas fault. And what is more, the quotidian for the San Francisco area that day had Pluto on an angule in mundo, repeating a feature of the quotidian of the 1906 shock!
CAPSOLAR Several things broadly near the angles, of mixed message, including Venus widely rising, Mars widely on the IC, Moon less than 2° above the Descendant, and Mercury on the EP (and exactly square the MC). Not an indication of a quake per se.
CAPLUNAR Mars 0°40' from the Ascendant mundo. Neptune 0°01' (!!!) from the Westpoint in RA. Uranus and Moon widely on the angles.
The ARILUNAR helped build the pressures, with Neptune 0°50' from the Ascendant and Uranus broadly in the upper foreground. The CANLUNAR had Mars within 2° of the MC closely square a widely-rising Pluto. And the LIBLUNAR (the "immediate Lunar ingress" Bradley mentioned) had Saturn 0°53' from the IC in RA.
TRANSITS TO THE CAPSOLAR included only Venus-Jupiter square the Ascendant partile. (Remember, the previously observed rule was that, in case of conflict, the quotidian wins out over transits to the angle.)
CAPSOLAR QUOTIDIAN. Bradley said Pluto was on an angle in mundo. Indeed it was, but you weren't likely to see it with a glance at the horoscope. Transiting Pluto was at 4°18' Leo, with a latitude of 11°24' N. Therefore, in San Francisco, it set when the Descendant was 25°38' Leo. The quotidian Desendant was 21°44' Leo, which still seems a bit far, but more careful calculation shows this Pluto was within a 1° of altitude (and PV longitude) from the Descendant. Additionally, t. Saturn was 1°34' from square the Ascendant.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Mars, a Real Scorcher
Transiting Mars is only on quotidian angles rarely. As Bradley pointed out, this makes its "high incidence in disaster statistics even more prevocative." This is because its average daily motion is only a little slower than the average rate of quotidian angles.The transit of Mars in the immediate foreground of the Capsolar quotidian is undoubtedly one of the chief indicators of disasters, particularly of the fiery and explosive type. The record of past performance by rthis one configuration is so amzing that henceforth mundane forecasts published for advance periods will hardly be complete without a description of the geographical area to be affected by such influences. Our first three illustrations [above] ... were quotidians for three of the worst public tragedies in modern history, viz.. the Bombay waterfront holocaust of 1944, the Ohio prison fire of 1930, and the Texas school disaster of 1937. Because of the closeness of Mars to an angular point in each of these cases, the three examples alone would be justification for listing the circumstances as another astrological certainty.
For example, using more angles and crossings than Bradley used at the time, the current Capsolar for Los Angeles has transiting Mars cross angles on the following dates (ecliptical calculations for convenience of the example). Notice how they all occur within the same month. Will October 2013 see ban unusual raging of fire in or near LA?
t. Mars square Q2 MC 10/6/2013
t. Mars on Q2 WP 10/17/2013
t. Mars on Q2 Dsc 10/30/2013
Bradley then gave some examples of t. Mars conjunct quotidian angles for "famous fires and fiery blasts."Subsequently, for most localities, Mars can make only two contacts with the anglular cusps in a year's time. In some regions, it is possible to have three actual contacts with the angles before the sidereal year expires. When Mars is within orb of such cuspal conjunctions, the general area is dangerously exposed to the likelihood of serious fires and appalling public tragedies. The closer the contact, the greater the danger. And if malefics hound the angles of the current Lunar ingress figures, or the quotidian transit is reinforcedby a similar adverse pattern in the static framework of the Solar ingresses, the possibility of a conflagration of some sort becomes a virtual inevitability.
May 19, 1950, South Amboy. "Nearly every home and building [in the town of 9,000] was wrecked or damaged... when 4 barges loaded with 467 tons of ammunition blew up at the Pennsylvania Railroad docks, showering the town with thousands of antipersonnel bombs." 30 killed, 350 injured, but onluy 4 bodies recovered. Then, two days later, "fire in a chemical plant 100 yards away set off 100 dfrums of phosphorus which again rocked the blast area and detonated100 minutes floating in Raritan bay." Mars partile conjunct quotidian Ascendant.
October 21, 1944, Cleveland. "...a series of liquid gas tank explosions killed at least 135 persons, the exact number having never been ascertained because the incineration was so complete." Mars transited within a degree of the quotidian IC. [NOTE 9/20/14: All sources I can find give this as October 20. I'll be reworking the event for 10/20 in SMA v8.]
March 25, 1911, NYC. Triangle Shirtwaist Co. factory flash fire. "Though not the worst in American history, [this] is surely one of the most notorious. (Signfiicant labor reform laws grew out of it.) "No less than 145 employees, most of them women, men their deaths in this inferno." Transitting Mars was within a degree of the quotidian Descendant.
December 7, 1946, Atlanta. "...the most disastrous hotel fire in our country's history engulfed the 15-story Winecoff Hotel, killing 121 guests trapped on upper floors." The 1945 Capsolar had Mars and Saturn closely conjunct, opposite the Sun, and in the immediate foreground. The quotidian MC was partile conjunct transiting Mars, aided and abetted by an obviously fire-prone Lunar ingress."
These are extraordinary examples. Let's examine each more exactly to see what else was in the picture besides the Mars quotidian crossing.
May 19, 1950, 8:21 PM, South Amboy, NJ. Capsolar Venus op. Pluto along the Meridian, Moon setting, all platic. Arisolar non-contributory. Prior Cansolar had Uranus 5' from the Descendant, and Mars about 4° lower.
Caplunar barely contributory (Uranus two and a half degrees below the Dsc). Arilunar noncontributory.
Transits to Capsolar angles included Pluto 11' from IC eclipto (but over 2° mundo). Capsolar quotidian t. Mars 21' from Asc eclipto, 43' mundo.
Katarche Saturn just past the MC, Mars just approaching the MC, Sun had just a quarter hour earlier.
October 21, 1944, 2:30 PM, Cleveland, OH. Capsolar Sun on IC is insufficiently causative, but my eyes are caught by the 9' Mars-Uranus conjunction in the background. Will we see this again? Arisolar noncontributory. Cansolar Saturn 1°22' from the MC mundo, square Neptune 2°30' above Ascendant. Immediate Libsolar had Mercury rising but unafflicted, so I'd best call it noncontributory.
Caplunar Uranus widely rising but exactly squared by Jupiter. (Insufficient to cause the event.) Canlunar has Sun exactly at MC, noncontributory. Immediate Liblunar did bring Mars wtihin 5° of the IC, but I'm not going to claim that as a hit.
Transits to Capsolar angles none. Capsolar quotidian t. Mars 61' from IC eclipto, 54' mundo. Transits to Cansolar t. Neptune 53' from Asc eclipto, 26' mundo. Canlunar quotidian t. Saturn on WP 39' mundo.
Katarche Pluto 4° above the horion. (But the start of the leak wasn't the whole event. Half an hour later, a second explosion cascaded the effect, and Pluto was half a degree from the horizon mundo.
March 25, 1911, 4:40 PM, NYC. Capsolar Mars less than 6° above Dsc mundo (right symbolism, weak showing by itself). Prior Cansolar unclear showing, probably noncontributory.
Caplunar Noncontributory.
Transits to Capsolar angles none. Capsolar quotidian t. Mars conjunct Dsc 20' eclipto, 55' mundo. Transits to Cansolar angles none. Cansolar quotidian nothing.
KatarcheNOTE: What is extraordinary here is that the Mars transit to the quotidian angle was ALONE sufficient to ignite the fire. The Capsolar had the barest indication (right symbolism, very weak showing), and nothing else contributed until the quotidian hit.
December 7, 1946, 3:15 AM Atlanta, GA. Capsolar Had Mars conjunct Saturn within 2°, opposite the Sun (Mars-Sun was partile) near the Meridian (Sun 0°50', Mars 1°07', Saturn 3°46', all in RA). Jupiter and Venus seemed to offset it just a little, but the malefics were closer. Cansolar noncontributory. Libsolar noncontributory (and the foreground Jupiter was a counter-indication).
Caplunar Non-contributory. Arilunar two days before was apparently the "obviously fire-prone lunar ingress" Bradley mentioned. Mars and Suh straddled the IC, with Mars partile opposite a culminating Uranus.
Transits to Capsolar angles none. Capsolar quotidian I get a wider orb than Bradley did - Mars 2°03' from the MC eclipto, or 2°00' mundo. Sun was exactly square the Asc. (BTW the many Sun crossings for this fire - a lot! - are consistent with what I've seen in big arson fires, i.e., human intervention in the origin.) Transits to Cansolar angles t. Neptune 14' eclipto from Dsc (but much wider mundo). Cansolar quotidian ingress Venus half a degree from the Ascendant.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Socio-Political Effects
Bradley next addressed the question of whether these charts predict socio-political events such as "wars, revolutions, deaths of public leaders, economic crises, and the like."
After a warning to those who rushed into print on such matters with lazy research based on isolated cases, he promised "complete reports on the ingress statistics pertaining to such subjects as outbreaks of war, assassinations, changes of administration and governmental coups, and financial panics."The answer is an unqualified, resounding Yes.
The Sun is extremely emblematic of authority and political figureheads. So it is no surprise that Sun-Saturn angular formations in the ingresses, often supported by an ominous Neptune, are characteristic of charts spanning periods marked by the deaths of national leaders. It is startling to observe how effectively the planet Mars becomes intertwined in the pattern in cases of assassinations as contrasted with natural demise.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Persoal Overtones?
In brief, he examined the question of how mundane charts affect personal matters - and whether planetary effects for an individual are first filtered thrtough the strength-screen of mundane charts. He proposed obvious tests to assess this (which he called "just dreamy theory").
He then anticipated the use of astro-mapping:
He then anticipated the use of astro-mapping:
{The End}In winding this report up, the thought also occurs that a most effective means of using the Sidereal charats as predictive instruments for published mundane forecasts would be through simplified geographical maps showing the zones on the Earth's surface where planetary impulses are heavily concentrated during any given period. For the ingresses themselves as radical epochs, the zones of such maps would be "fixed" for the period in question. Special maps forcontinental or national regions could easily be designed so that the paths of moving bodies, particularly that of transiting Mars in relation to the quotidian angles, can be represented on a time scale given the dates when the planet passes over the hrizons and meridians of critics and places of particular interest like fault lines and defense installations!
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: "Unveiling a New Tool" by Garth Allen
SteveS wrote:The more I absorb Bradley’s ‘Unveiling a New Tool’ and Jim’s mundane forum interpretations with this tool, the more I realize we astrologers are looking at a profound mundane tool; which, for the first time in our modern astrological history allows our mind to see Ancient Egypt’s Maxim in Hermetic Philosophy at work:
“As Above, So Below”
It is an astrological honor and privilege for me to be allowed a part of this sight.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: "Unveiling a New Tool" by Garth Allen
DDonovanKinsolving wrote:I have had cause to go back and examine this instance. The date is a misprint; the quake was 6/3/1863, and I have discovered a source that puts it at 11:20 UT.Jim Eshelman wrote:Bradley wrote:... the Manila earthquake (6/3/1868, 10,000 dead) had Saturn 0°08' from the MC
http://earthquakes.findthebest.com/l/19 ... al-Bulacan
As we can see, Bradley was correct about transiting Saturn being on the MC of the Capsolar Q2. Using modern information, it's not as precise as Bradley had it, but very tolerable. The epicenter can only be regarded as approximate.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: "Unveiling a New Tool" by Garth Allen
Very cool. Thanks. With the data correction I can now add this event to the book. More complete.
PS 2017 - The source I found is very close in time. It gives a local time for the quake that converts to 11:27 AM. See SMA.
PS 2017 - The source I found is very close in time. It gives a local time for the quake that converts to 11:27 AM. See SMA.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: "Unveiling a New Tool" by Garth Allen
SteveS wrote:Jim, when you introduced Bradley’s teaching for this thread, my D. Solar Arc Uranus was partile cnj my Natal MC. My Natal partile Sun 90 Uranus is a life full of discoveries and this Bradley’s new tool is indeed a very important astrological discovery in my life. Thank you again for your teachings.
Jim Eshelman