All times of posting are in MYT/UTC+8.
What's up with this aspect? Most of the top scorers at my school seem to have this aspect in some way:
- LA—21/04/99—Mercury partile sextile Neptune
BM—30/06/99—Mercury partile opposite Neptune (If I could recall his birth time which he told me years ago, he has it with only 1 minute separating it! Though I doubt my memory cuz he has Venus tightly angular which is so not him!)
They two are the two best students in our school in terms of grades—really tough competition between them! At one time LA will be the 1st ranker, and at another time BM will be it, with a slightly higher tendency for BM.
MR—26/05/99—Mercury partile trine Neptune (depends on when she was born)
Two other students named KC & PD (born a day before MR) also have this but in a moderate orb, depending when they were born. They're not a top-scorers but are definitely better than me.
DB—09/09/99—Mercury partile sesquisquare Neptune
NR, TS, TK, KL—24–31/07/99—all have this moderately, but KL might have it partile. However she's not that much of a top-scorer (gets lower grades than me, but not the worst in my class), might have to take more looks into her chart.
HH—03/10/99—Mercury moderately squares Neptune—not a top scorer, but definitely has the potential, and he's improving.
RN—04/12/99—interestingly she has a Mercury-Neptune quintile but it's more than 1 degree. She scores well occasionally.
(Sorry for the long [and rather messy] list though)
From Jim's interpretations in this forum he says that people with adapt readily to the systematized modes of thought found in mathematics and science and have a photographic memory, but that puzzles me. A typical interpretation for this aspect would be that the mind is easily clouded and wandered off, and a liking to drama, art, occult, having a hard time learning maths, and stuff like that . I agree with many other parts of Jim's interpretation, though.
How does Neptune bless one's Mercury to adapt readily to the systematized modes of thought found in mathematics and science, instead of the reverse of it? (No offence to them and their adaptability)
P.S. My schoolmates are gonna be freaked out if they see their names here. They're gonna think that they are my guinea pigs or something.
Edit: Changed their names to initials for my mates' sake.