Mars and dignity

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Soft Alpaca
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Mars and dignity

Post by Soft Alpaca »

In anyone's experience or opinion does a Mars give any dignity in a chart? Ie if Mars is in Taurus is Venus elevated in that individual?

Pure curiosity. I'd love to see theoretical vs experimental in this particular idea.
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Re: Mars and dignity

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I don't place any confidence in "chrt ruler" theories.

But if you are asking if there are Venus traits pronounced in the person, yes, there are. Here is more information on that:
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Re: Mars and dignity

Post by Soft Alpaca »

Jim you hit the nail exactly. I'm saying does Mars in a sign bring out a general planetary quality of that sign into the individual. Not the chart ruler theory (to which there are many and none of them are consistantly conclusive).

That leads to the question of how Mars effects Capricorn, Scorpio, and Aries Mars sign people. Does Mars just seem more dynamic or louder than those who have a non-Mars associated Mars sign? It may seem like a stupid question If so I apologize, however I don't really see much on it [in terms of work done].
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Re: Mars and dignity

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Raksasa wrote: Sat Dec 29, 2018 5:07 pm That leads to the question of how Mars effects Capricorn, Scorpio, and Aries Mars sign people. Does Mars just seem more dynamic or louder than those who have a non-Mars associated Mars sign? It may seem like a stupid question If so I apologize, however I don't really see much on it [in terms of work done].
Here are character traits that I've observed from Mars in those three signs. I think you're familiar with them.

Determined, hardworking, strong desire to succeed, hard to intimidate. Sharp humor, willing to be outlandish. Loves to party. Most prefer some "bad boy/girl" in their character, feel it their moral duty to misbehave on schedule, and stay "a little rough around the edges." Most of the women are high-demand sexual locomotives.

Courage, stands own ground (prefers action to complaining). Confrontational, discontent: creates unnecessary struggle & conflict (over authority, control, father issues). Private, secretive, self-veiling. (Mysterious façade, or deceptive; to avoid control, look good, or not be found out). Much unresolved shadow; vulnerable to dark moods; carries past darkness around. Sexually forthright (strong needs + practicality).

Mars in ARIES
Strong-willed, independent, confident. Firm in their own opinions, don't back down. Accomplishing, industrious. Knack for business, promotion, making things move. (Building & expanding organizations or industries.) Imperial (bossy?). Some have too much energy pumping through their bodies for their comfort & health.
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Re: Mars and dignity

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Yes I am. I'm more so saying that in those people Kars traits itself are elevated.
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Re: Mars and dignity

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Raksasa wrote: Sat Dec 29, 2018 5:17 pm Yes I am. I'm more so saying that in those people Kars traits itself are elevated.
I'm trying not to generalize to that specific thing, especially so we don't have to get into the "Does Mars really anything to do with Aries?" question. Rather than coming from theory and labels, I gave you what I can confirm is usually seen.

I see a risk that the "rule" the way you are articulating it would turn into something like think Mars was another angle, e.g., "Mars in Aquarius makes someone a Uranus person." We then have to distinguish how this kind of "Uranus person" is different from Uranus on an angle, or Uranus aspecting Sun or Moon etc.

I think that you can find a number of traits consistent with Mars in all of the above descriptions. However, it's more complicated. Sign symbolism links a constellation to more than one planet (including those dignified in the opposite sign). Mars in Scorpio is a lot like Mars in general, but it also has some things easier to describe as un-Venus, e.g., "needing to be a little rough and unpolished" (e.g., the "tomboy" girl that is uncomfortable getting "prettied up"). Mars in Capricorn has a lot of Mars traits, but also quite a lot of Saturn. With Mars in Aries you can see much of Sun and Pluto, and again a shortage of Venus.
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Re: Mars and dignity

Post by Soft Alpaca »

I see what your saying. You don't want to generalize because you can't in this situation. I'm not saying Mars is another angle at all, it's just louder than some other planets. I was just trying to see of Mars in a Mars sign makes a person more Martial due to it being both loud and in house. (and in two out of the 3 arguable Mars related signs less venusian).< I would have thought that capricorn has some anti-venus nature too btw>.
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Re: Mars and dignity

Post by James Condor »

You would think so but looking to the opposite first. Opposite of Capricorn is Cancer. Capricorn then can be seen as both +Saturn/Mars and -Moon/Jupiter (Cancer).
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Re: Mars and dignity

Post by Soft Alpaca »

See I also see Venusian traits in the sign of cancer. These are not nearly as prevalent in my observations a the Moon or Jupiter however I still come across them.

However and perhaps why I feel closer to the sign of Capricorn than that of my is my chart has a strong lunar anti-thesis [being angular dignified sun, Mars in capricorn, and Moon sq Pluto]. Meaning I could be misinterpreting some of cancers energy for Venus when it could just be stemming from the Moon.
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Re: Mars and dignity

Post by James Condor »

The Cancer(s) you know may have strong/expressive Venus in their chart. I wrote on the forum before about dignities and theoritized how each sign has a connection because they are connected, like nature. Its a circle and much like yin-yang. But, Jim and others are pros. The communication can be an obstacle. It'll come to you. And plus, we all have different ways of learning and such.
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Re: Mars and dignity

Post by Soft Alpaca »

You'd think with my slightly angular Mercury I'd have less trouble communicating. I get what Jim and most of the Pros are saying, however it's the responding back in a not confusing manor that gets me.
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Re: Mars and dignity

Post by Jim Eshelman »

So are we going back to 7:29 AM as your birth time? Or is that not settled yet?
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Re: Mars and dignity

Post by Soft Alpaca »

Yes. In more recent checks its making more sense. In an unrelated thought I noticed that my Novien Pluto sits close to Jupiter and the IC angle would that make Pluto more pronuced [woukd the IC that close make an angular Jupiter-Pluto aspect?].
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Re: Mars and dignity

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Raksasa wrote: Sun Jan 06, 2019 2:41 am Yes. In more recent checks its making more sense. In an unrelated thought I noticed that my Novien Pluto sits close to Jupiter and the IC angle would that make Pluto more pronuced [woukd the IC that close make an angular Jupiter-Pluto aspect?].
Novien planet to natal angle? No. - But why do you need Pluto any stronger since you have the close Mon-Pluto square? I'm not even sure how we would be able to discern even more Pluto than that.

OK, I'll delete the other charts I have for you and store the 7:29 AM chart.
Jim Eshelman
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