(originally posted April 14, 2011 on the old site)
I am happy to announce the recent publication of my first astrology book since Interpreting Solar Returns 25 years ago. Although all charts are given in both the Tropical and Sidereal zodiacs, I guarantee that Sidereal astrologers won't be disappointed!
Visions & Voices
Aleister Crowley’s Enochian Visions
with Astrological & Qabalistic Commentary
by James A. Eshelman
Cloth, 600 pp., US$49.00
Release date: January 2011
Published by College of Thelema
ISBN 0-9704496-4-X
“The Æon of Wonder is come!”
In 1909, Aleister Crowley and his protégé Victor Neuburg obtained a series of 33 mystical visions. At once beautiful, horrible, and inspiring, these inner world explorations (and two earlier ones) were published in 1911 as The Vision & the Voice. A classic, both of the Enochian magick of Elizabethan wizard John Dee and of Crowley’s then-emerging Thelemic magick, The Vision & the Voice remains a living work, its value increasing with each generation.
Astrologers also will find a previously unexploited treasure in this collection: Most of the visions include exact dates, times, and places they were received, providing a unique opportunity to study astrology’s relationship to magical vision. This research bonanza lay untapped for nearly a century.
Visions & Voices will be of considerable interest to astrologers, ceremonial magicians, devotees of mythology and comparative religion, and all who are interested in the operation of symbols (and the archetypes that engender them) in the workings of the human psyche and in crises of transformation.
You can find this on Amazon.com, or order directly from http://www.thelema.org/publications
Visions & Voices
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- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
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