Here are Mars in Cancer interpretive resources on the forum:
Primary section: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=32#p118
Garth Allen: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=33#p133
Mars in Cancer has similarities to and differences from Sun in Cancer. To help discern these similarities and differences, here is a link to the earlier Sun in Cancer viewtopic.php?f=14&t=1547
My current concise summary of Mars in Cancer (always subject to change) reads:
Here on Solunars, Mars in Cancer is in the birth charts of Arena, sotonye, Lunar9, Tina, and Spiritus Sanctus XCIII, in addition to Lance's wifeInner strength (prodigious imagination & fantasy) usually holds private demons at bay; but clings to old wounds (angry, acting out, selfish, retaliatory from old mistreatment). Breeds confidence, makes things happen; loyal, speaks truth to power; but wants a chance to lead. Magnetic (passionate following?). Wants adoration sexually (otherwise business-like in sex).
To this we can add Sidereal pioneer Brigadier R.C. Firebrace. Of figures currently in public awareness or recently discussed here, consider Hillary Clinton, Mike Pence, Kamala Harris, and Ram Dass.