SF Tri-wheel for dynamic quotidians

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Jim Eshelman
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SF Tri-wheel for dynamic quotidians

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I think I've built a better mousetrap.

The file you can download from the link below is a Solar Fire Tri-Wheel specifically to show only the quotidian angles sweeping around the zodiac as natal, progressed, and transiting planets collide with them. I wanted to put the progressed planets on the inmost ring, and that was a problem. This one (which took several hours of trial and error) leaves progressed in the middle ring (Ring 2), but has everything as intended.


Extract the wheel from the zip file, and put it in the wheel folder of your SF user area. (This location differs with different versions of SF.) What follows doesn't work unless you then set it as your default tri-wheel.


1. Select the natal chart CALCULATED FOR LOCALITY.

2. Click Dynamic | Animate Triwheel.

3. In the upper right corner, be sure Animation is selected (it should be) and either use the top row of blue arrows to advance by a specified increment (days, or whatever), or use the second row of blue arrows just to set the wheel in motion.

4. I normally want proportional houses turned off. However, for this one purpose, you might want to turn proportional houses ON before you start the process, because then you can (with practice) sight-read squares to the MC and Asc.

Since I never do things this way (I just don't trust myself to get anything like this visually - I only trust myself with a calculated list), I may have missed something important to users. Please let me know.

Otherwise: Enjoy!
Jim Eshelman
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