Solar Fire has different Pages that can be called upon for any chart. Just open the chart and click the Pages button.SteveS wrote: Mon Nov 15, 2021 2:15 am I know of no astrological program that easily distinguishes this [MC/Asc] Midpoint if occupying a Natal Planet, I think it should be
Steve, if you do this for your chart and click the + next to Cosmobiology, you'll see a page called Midpoint Tree & Modulus Sort Strip that gives much more on the standard chart page, including a list of all midpoint trees. (Do this for your chart and look on the Neptune tree.) If you like it well enough, you can set Solar Fire to always use that as the default page for your charts.
This is, however, just a warm-up to what's possible. You can design your own pages with just the information you want using the page editor.
You can also add the A/M midpoint to any chart, right on the face of the chart, as a User-Defined Point. However, at least in SF8 an earlier (I don't know about SF9), this opens new charts with a much smaller wheel because it inserts a box off to the side showing all user selected points in addition to putting them on the chart. The solution for this is to use the Page Designer utility to edit page uniupd.pag by deleting the side box and expanding the side of the wheel.
To place a midpoint as a User Defined Point, open a chart (any chart), right click on empty space, and select Display User-Defined points. First time you do this, you have to create the definition: Click Create, give it a name like Asc-MC midpoint, click Edit, click the Midpoint bubble at the right, then scroll down the list to Asc/MC and add it to the left. This sets it up permanently. Thereafter, you just have to pop open Display User-Defined points and pick "Asc-MC midpoint. (To get rid of it, switch User Defined Points back to None.)
Here's what your 11th house looks like with that turned on.