Vertex/Anti-Vertex Synastry
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Vertex/Anti-Vertex Synastry
Should we consider the Vertex and Anti-Vertex important in a Synastry chart as a sensitive point? For example when someone's Sun is exactly on my Vertex, would this aspect play a role at all?
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Re: Vertex/Anti-Vertex Synastry
SteveS wrote:Florence, I have very little experience with Synastry Charts but know they offer Valid symbolism, and we know the Vx axis is a sensitive chart point.
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Re: Vertex/Anti-Vertex Synastry
Jim Eshelman wrote:I'd say in theory, yes; but in practice, we probably don't have enough information to say for sure what it means. By no means is the Vertex just another Descendant!
So, let's see, what can I check quickly. Ah, here we go. I have timed birth data on 41 women that were important to me, and times for all but a couple of them. Let's see what planets of mine contact their Vertex-series. (It's not practical to go the other way, since my Vertex is barely a degree from my Moon and the two would be confused.)
In a given chart, a 3° orb for Vertex and Antivertex, and a 2° orb for NP and SP, comes to 10°, which we double since the orb is on two sides. So, I'm going to be looking for planetary hits in 20° of the zodiac, or 5.5% of the time. For 41 examples, we would expect, on average, just a bit more than 2 for each planet.
Su - 2
Mo - 1
Me - 2
Ve - 2
Ma - 3
Ju - 6
Sa - 2
Ur - 6
Ne - 5
Pl - 0
There are some discrepancies of note. In particular, my Jupiter and Uranus contacted one of these women's V-angles about three times as often as expected. It's also interesting that for connection there were no Pluto contacts. On the other hand, the most common intimate relationship indicators - luminaries and Venus - were quite average.
So... it's hard for me to get excited about this.
I also noted that there seemed no correspondence between these V-angle contacts and which of the 41 relationships were most important. (By no means were they all equally important.) The half dozen most important of these relationships (the only ones that conceivably could have been considered spouse-like or spouse-tending), I had planets contacting Vertex-series angles in three of them, and not in the other three.