Mundane Data Large

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Jim Eshelman
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Mundane Data Large

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Matthew Quellas first gave me my first version of the following: It's a page file, called mund.pag, that appears under the title Mundane Data Large. While it has a great deal of information, the most useful things - the thing that makes it especially valuable given other limitations in Solar Fire - is that it lists the longitude with which a given planet mundanely crosses each of the angles.

Download this file and put it in the Pages folder of the SF user files location on your computer. Like all other pages, you can then find it, when you have a given chart open, by clicking on the Pages button.!Ansnmu2xbktakbYh-akMbPk-ddrn9g
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Re: Mundane Data Large

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Example of use: I was born October 10, 1954, 4:13 AM, Rochester, IN. My Venus, at 1°53'Scorpio, has latitude 5S48, so it isn't going to rise, set, or culminate when 1°53' Scorpio is on the angle.

This Page shows that, for my birth place, my Venus rose when the Ascendant is 5°31' Scorpio, sets when the Descendant is 21°42' Libra, and crosses MC and IC (and for that matter EP an WP) when they are 0°25'.

Since SF has no means of adjusting natal planets for precession when calculating equatorial coordinates for a later point in time, this is the most efficient way to tell when the natal planets are exactly angular in mundo in some other chart, such as a lunar return. (For that, though, you need to run this Page for your natal relocated to the place of the return chart.) It still isn't exactlyright - it could still be a few minutes off from the results we would get if we did the detailed calculations manually (which I used to do with a calculator in the'70s and early '80s) - but it will be very close.

Relocating my chart to my current home, 34N03'46" 118W18'47", I find that my Venus at this latitude still crosses MC/IC at 0°25' Scorpio (that won't change for location), but now rises at 4°27' Scorpio and sets at 24°25' Libra.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Mundane Data Large

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote:Thanks Jim, if anyone who uses solarfire and needs more detailed instructions for installation, let me know and I will post Matthew's install instructions.
Jim Eshelman
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