Charles - until today the Crown Prince of England - today became King Charles III upon the death of his mother. Long live the king!
This dual event - loss of his mother and being elevated to perhaps the most respected monarchy on Earth - surely is astrologically significant.
Charles was born November 14, 1948, 9:14 PM GMT, at Buckingham Palace. He became king sometime in the afternoon of September 8, 2022, while at Balmoral Castle, 57N02'27", 3W13'48".
Several transits were broadly present, and may turn out important in his solunars, though no transits were exact for the event. Of his secondary progressions, the one fascinating detail is that his progressed Moon at 27°20' Sagittarius fell upon his mother's Ascendant (27°41' Sag) and Great Britain's natal Sun (28°11' Sagittarius), surely the most important degree in the modern British monarchy.
He likely was in London for his birthday - the SSR then having natal Jupiter-Uranus most angular (Jupiter in Sagittarius on MC) but with many secondary foreground planets.
His most recent SLR occurred August 17. For Balmoral, the most angular planet is Sun, ensign of royalty, 2°00' from Ascendant with Venus 0°29' from EP-a. Its most important foreground aspect, though, is the Sun-Saturn opposition across the horizon (2°49'). It shows both his becoming king and the sad route to doing so.
His demi-lunar August 31 is enormously complicated with 15 foreground planets (8 natal, 7 transiting). The closest, though, are transiting Jupiter 0°21' from Ascendant in near-partile opposition to natal Pluto 0°50' from Descendant. There are so many Jupiter-to-Pluto themes in this event, from his sudden elevation to his personal loss to the very distinct signature characteristic of Jupiter-to-Pluto, which is "gain from loss," as in inheritance etc. Both Neptunes are next most angular.
The demi-lunar has eight foreground transit-to-transit aspects, 15 transit-to-natal aspects, and five natal aspects. (Most of these are mundane aspects.) It's described primarily by Jupiter exactly rising opposite natal Pluto exactly setting, plus the two Neptunes; but what of all these aspects? Of the eight foreground transit-to-transit aspects, the closest (therefore, setting the tone) is Venus opposite Saturn for loss and grief. Transiting Sun opposes transiting Saturn 2°35' on one side and conjoins natal Saturn 1°10' on the other side. (Transiting Sun and Venus both aspect both Saturns.) There's a lot more if you dig, but way too much to detail.
King Charles III
- Jim Eshelman
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King Charles III
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: King Charles III
The PSSR is the best quotidian, with transiting Jupiter exactly square MC.
Solar Arcs have some symbolically apt aspects, except that they're all a little late. For example, d Pluto opposed his Moon just over a year ago, d Sun crossed his Descendant two years ago, d MC doesn't get to his Jupiter-Uranus for over a year in the future, d Saturn hits his Sun in two years. The one thing hitting right now is d Neptune to natal Jupiter-Uranus which, at best, is strange. The solar arcs seem a lost opportunity.
Solar Arcs have some symbolically apt aspects, except that they're all a little late. For example, d Pluto opposed his Moon just over a year ago, d Sun crossed his Descendant two years ago, d MC doesn't get to his Jupiter-Uranus for over a year in the future, d Saturn hits his Sun in two years. The one thing hitting right now is d Neptune to natal Jupiter-Uranus which, at best, is strange. The solar arcs seem a lost opportunity.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: King Charles III
The two secondaries that are within orb seem correct...
Ascendant semisquare Pluto (0° 1' orb)
Jupiter square Venus (0° 7' orb)
Re: "The PSSR is the best quotidian, with transiting Jupiter exactly square MC."
In Janus, I get Venus exactly on the MC in the progressed sidereal solar return "PSSR Mean" version. Jupiter semisquares MC and squares natal Sun. I had written many mails back and forth with Mark Griffin (Janus support), relating to some calculation problems in the PSSR module (and to ask why only 1 of the 4 versions was supported). Therefore, I am trying to see if there is a problem here, in said calculations. I don't have Astro (Marr's old DOS program) here on this computer or I would check against that, as well.
Ascendant semisquare Pluto (0° 1' orb)
Jupiter square Venus (0° 7' orb)
Re: "The PSSR is the best quotidian, with transiting Jupiter exactly square MC."
In Janus, I get Venus exactly on the MC in the progressed sidereal solar return "PSSR Mean" version. Jupiter semisquares MC and squares natal Sun. I had written many mails back and forth with Mark Griffin (Janus support), relating to some calculation problems in the PSSR module (and to ask why only 1 of the 4 versions was supported). Therefore, I am trying to see if there is a problem here, in said calculations. I don't have Astro (Marr's old DOS program) here on this computer or I would check against that, as well.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: King Charles III
Maybe I'll have time to check later. Until Mike gets PSSRs in TMSA, I'm only calculating them with a crude average that will be accurate to the degree (which, for PSSR, is good enough for most work). I'll post here if I get time to do the longer workup.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: King Charles III
Careful calculation of Charles' PSSR. He was born November 14, 1948, 9:14 PM GMT, at Buckingham Palace (51N30'03", 0W08'31"). He became king September 8, 2022 while at Balmoral Castle, 57N02'27", 3W13'48". One reported exact time was 2:37 PM BST (though I consider that we don't yet have that fully confirmed).
His current SSR occurred November 15, 2021, 14:27:26 UT. If calculated for Balmoral (for the sake of getting the PSSR), it had RAMC 268°31'18" (17:54:05) and Sun's RA 231°03' (15:24:12).
His next SSR will occur November 15, 2022, 20:39:51 UT. If calculated for Balmoral, it will have RAMC 1°38'39" (0:06:35) and Sun's RA 231°04' (15:24:16).
The difference of the two RAMCs gives the SSRY: 30:08:30.
The event is September 8, 2022, 13:37:00 UT, with Sun's RA 167°01' (11:08:04).
Calculating Mean Sun Rate (believed to be correct)
By a straight proportioning of time, the PSSR occurs November 16, 2021, 14:49:43 UT.
MC 9°38' Sag, Asc 21°26' Pis, EP-a 10°31' Pis, Moon 29°10' Pis
t Jupiter 10°59' (RA 1°05' after EP, which would catch up almost a day later)
r Neptune 20°06' Vir (Asc op +1°20')
r Venus 22°22' Vir (Asc op -0°56') [r Ve/Ne = PSSR Asc 0°12']
Calculating Apparent Sun Rate
Tasking the increase in Sun RA, multiplying by the SSR Constant, and decrementing the ST at 9.86 sec/hr gives the PSSR epoch of November 16, 2021, 15:13:25 UT.
MC 15°06' Sag, Asc 8°40' Ari, EP-a 16°58' Pis, Moon 29°22' Pis
PSSR Venus 15°01' Sag (MC 0°05' past)
[r Moon is more than 2° from Asc, much o wide to consider]
While either version of the PSSR could reasonably show a day of celebration and personal uplifting, only the first (mean rate) makes allowances for the concurrent death of his mother (and speaks directly to elevation = Jupiter rather than partying and happy = Venus).
His current SSR occurred November 15, 2021, 14:27:26 UT. If calculated for Balmoral (for the sake of getting the PSSR), it had RAMC 268°31'18" (17:54:05) and Sun's RA 231°03' (15:24:12).
His next SSR will occur November 15, 2022, 20:39:51 UT. If calculated for Balmoral, it will have RAMC 1°38'39" (0:06:35) and Sun's RA 231°04' (15:24:16).
The difference of the two RAMCs gives the SSRY: 30:08:30.
The event is September 8, 2022, 13:37:00 UT, with Sun's RA 167°01' (11:08:04).
Calculating Mean Sun Rate (believed to be correct)
By a straight proportioning of time, the PSSR occurs November 16, 2021, 14:49:43 UT.
MC 9°38' Sag, Asc 21°26' Pis, EP-a 10°31' Pis, Moon 29°10' Pis
t Jupiter 10°59' (RA 1°05' after EP, which would catch up almost a day later)
r Neptune 20°06' Vir (Asc op +1°20')
r Venus 22°22' Vir (Asc op -0°56') [r Ve/Ne = PSSR Asc 0°12']
Calculating Apparent Sun Rate
Tasking the increase in Sun RA, multiplying by the SSR Constant, and decrementing the ST at 9.86 sec/hr gives the PSSR epoch of November 16, 2021, 15:13:25 UT.
MC 15°06' Sag, Asc 8°40' Ari, EP-a 16°58' Pis, Moon 29°22' Pis
PSSR Venus 15°01' Sag (MC 0°05' past)
[r Moon is more than 2° from Asc, much o wide to consider]
While either version of the PSSR could reasonably show a day of celebration and personal uplifting, only the first (mean rate) makes allowances for the concurrent death of his mother (and speaks directly to elevation = Jupiter rather than partying and happy = Venus).
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: King Charles III
This sojourn gave me the chance to update minor calculation details and check a couple of extra charts. If this is indeed the moment Queen Elizabeth II died and King Charles III was born, his reign commenced with Venus 0°05' from Zenith in Leo and a 0°07' Mercury-Jupiter mundane opposition. These are portents of a happy, prosperous reign.
King Charles III was born with Sun in Libra, Moon in Aries, with his chart perhaps best known over the years for its 2°16' Venus-Neptune conjunction (in Virgo, where each is debilited) on IC. His Jupiter is 4° off the 6th cusp, i.e., under the earth and in the immediate background. Mercury squares Asc. The chart is overall mild, of no particular royal stature, but the Aries Moon trying to rise to match his mothers Aries Sun stature in a chart that otherwise wouldn't care for such things.
His distant predecessor and namesake, King Charles I, also had Moon in Aries (but with a Scorpio Sun), He was deemed a tyrant and led to the greatest crisis in the British monarchy. Let's hope Charles III keeps his head squarely on his shoulders unlike Charles I.
What is usually missed about King Charles' nativity is that (correctly so) it isn't all storybook romance that was painted around his wedding with Diana. Perhaps the strongest feature in his chart is a mark of relationship crisis and quite potent political intrigue: Pluto is 4°13' below Asc with Venus 4°39' west of IC. This gives a 0°26' Venus-Pluto mundane square on angles. (Actually, his ecliptical Venus-Pluto sextile 0°11' is even closer!) The angles have:
1°28' 4H - Neptune 20°06' Vir
4°13' 1H - Pluto 22°32' Can
4°39' 4H - Venus 22°22' Vir
King Charles III was born with Sun in Libra, Moon in Aries, with his chart perhaps best known over the years for its 2°16' Venus-Neptune conjunction (in Virgo, where each is debilited) on IC. His Jupiter is 4° off the 6th cusp, i.e., under the earth and in the immediate background. Mercury squares Asc. The chart is overall mild, of no particular royal stature, but the Aries Moon trying to rise to match his mothers Aries Sun stature in a chart that otherwise wouldn't care for such things.
His distant predecessor and namesake, King Charles I, also had Moon in Aries (but with a Scorpio Sun), He was deemed a tyrant and led to the greatest crisis in the British monarchy. Let's hope Charles III keeps his head squarely on his shoulders unlike Charles I.
What is usually missed about King Charles' nativity is that (correctly so) it isn't all storybook romance that was painted around his wedding with Diana. Perhaps the strongest feature in his chart is a mark of relationship crisis and quite potent political intrigue: Pluto is 4°13' below Asc with Venus 4°39' west of IC. This gives a 0°26' Venus-Pluto mundane square on angles. (Actually, his ecliptical Venus-Pluto sextile 0°11' is even closer!) The angles have:
1°28' 4H - Neptune 20°06' Vir
4°13' 1H - Pluto 22°32' Can
4°39' 4H - Venus 22°22' Vir
Jim Eshelman