Venus in the Constellations - interpretation resources

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Venus in the Constellations - interpretation resources

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Here follow notes I've accumulated over the years on Venus in each of the Sidereal constellations and recently (2022) vetted against public and private examples. Specific statistical findings usually are based on the Gauquelin character trait data.

Writing about Venus in the constellations is tricky. I need to develop particular language for discussing these. Here are the considerations:

(1) Venus-sign placements aren't all that important in and of themselves. Even in statistical examinations, the "significant" findings have lower scores than, say, Sun, Moon, or Mars.

(2) In particular, they are not part of the "character core" of an individual. In the notes following, I may use the same kind of language I would use in, say, Sun sign or Moon sign notes, but the words don't mean the same things.

(3) Where they ARE of value is in characterizing the particular Venus expressions - relationship patterns, affections, esthetics, pleasuring, etc. Looked at in this specialized way, they convey quite useful information. There is also statistical support for the idea that the Venus-sign can be a key to successful vocation, probably in the sense of "showing what one loves."

Fagan and Firebrace wrote the following in the Primer. I've neither confirmed nor disproven it:
The types of humanity which win the affection of the native may be deduced from the constellation occupied by Venus at birth. For instance, in Aries, the affections may be lavished on those who wield power, the politician, or military world. In Sagittarius, clergymen, doctors, and the titled. In Aquarius, those interested in out of the way subjects. The constellation often describes the fetishes of the frustrated.
Some of the statistical results can be traced to reflections from adjacent Sun signs - some stand on their own - I've just listed everything indiscriminately until a more complete treatment can be prepared.

Venus in TAURUS
Venus in GEMINI
Venus in CANCER
Venus in LEO
Venus in VIRGO
Venus in LIBRA
Venus in SCORPIO
Venus in PISCES
Venus in ARIES
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Venus in Taurus (home)

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SUMMARY: Intense feeling life, passionate about things important to them (sometimes moody, glum). Driven by issues important to them: ardent, dedicated. Deep involvement in the arts (creators, patrons, supporters). Gentle, friendly, affectionate, desires and gives tenderness. Socially engaging, good-humored. Kind and generous spirits.
  • Intense feeling life. Feels passionately about things important to them. (Moody, can sometimes swing to deep gloom.)
  • Issues driven. Most take up issues important to them and pursue them with great passion and dedication. [Gauquelin: high for hardworking]
  • Arden political views can fall anywhere on the social and political spectrum (e.g., both Malcolm X and David Duke).
  • Most are gentle, friendly, socially engaging, affectionate, flirtatious, good-humored, with kind and generous spirits.
  • Desires and gives tenderness. [Gauquelin high for generous.]
  • Deep involvement in the arts, whether as painters, fashion designers, music and theater, other creators, art patrons and collectors, or raising the visibility and public profile of the arts. [Gauquelin: statistically common for painters and uncommon for writers.]

Gauquelin: High for PAINTERS, low for WRITERS (aesthetic, not mental?). High for traits "generous, hardworking." Low for trait "mystical." (Low for trait "sensual," but I suspect this is a secondary effect of Sun in Aries since it doesn't fit most of them.)

Notebook #93 observations: All are gentle, kindly people.
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Venus in Gemini

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SUMMARY: Playful, good-humored, fun (music, rhythm). Charm of immaturity, a child’s curiosity. Partnership strengthens them. Seeks playmates to share curiosities and explorations. Broadly, playfully open to sexual opportunities. Loves to teach: people learn easily from them, enjoy reading and hearing their words.
  • Playful, good-humored, fun. (Play is a primary theme: even the hardest working of them gain a reputation of foregoing work for play.) [Gauquelin: statistically uncommon for trait hardworking. Statistically common for actors (Gauquelin).]
  • Retains the charm of immaturity and a child’s curiosity.
  • Innocent candor (often judged as courageous).
  • “Playing” theme extends to music and rhythm. Many are performing musicians, including an unusual number of gifted popular musicians.
  • Partnership visibly strengthens them. Gemini thrives best as part of a well-formed pair: Their pairing may be a major part of their social identity. (Most often monogamous once paired.)
  • More generally, seeks playmates, especially to share their curiosities and explorations.
  • Broadly, playfully open to sexual opportunities. Most approachable by engaging their minds and sense of fun.
  • Loves to teach, especially the young. People learn easily from them.
  • People enjoy reading and hearing their words, e.g., numerous great novelists, storytellers (and songwriters that are primarily storytellers), and some of the most-read astrological authors. [Melville, Hesse, Hemingway, Heinlein, Garrison Keillor, Gene Roddenberry, Lorraine Hansberry, Alan Leo, Llewellyn George, and numerous songwriters.] [Most common Venus sign for both U.S. presidents and vice presidents.]

Notebook #93 observations: All are fun.

Gauquelin: High for ACTORS. Low for MILITARY MUSICIANS. Extremely high for character trait "courageous." High for traits "mystical, traveler, witty." Low for traits "hardworking, authority."
Other Stats: Most common Venus placement for both U.S. Presidents and Vice Presidents.
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Venus in Cancer

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SUMMARY: Affectionate, tender, nurturing, maternal. Driven by hungers and interests (indulgent). Needs to be or have a mother in relationships. Empathetic (sensitive, moody, feelings may overwhelm). Social graces (hospitality, gracious, ingratiating). Nourished by positive regard (appreciation, being liked; friendship important). Sexually needs adoration, holding.
  • Affectionate, warm, tender, nurturing, maternal (often literally feeding others).
  • Strongly driven by their hungers and interests. (Hungers to give birth or voice to something.)
  • Mother themes and early nurturing (parent-child dynamics) have unusual presence in their adult love relationships. Needs to be or have a mother in relationships.
  • Empathetic (sensitive, moody). Feelings sometimes overwhelm.
  • Social graces: hospitality, comfort with social niceties, gracious, ingratiating. – Native social skill pronounced even when seeming at odds with the underlying character.
  • A little indulgent in their pleasures. (Plans how they can indulge or spoil themselves.)
  • Desires genuine friendship. Friendly, giving (generous temperament). Rewarded by positive attention, appreciation, being liked (nourished by positive regard).
  • Needs adoration from mate to be satisfied romantically. Holding and being held are important to them sexually.
  • Reflective, contemplative, meditative. [Gauquelin: statistically very common for mystic]
  • Statistically common for eminent politicians. [Gauquelin]

Gauquelin: High for POLITICIANS. Low for ATHLETES. Very high for trait mystic. High for combative, low for nervous.
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Venus in Leo

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SUMMARY: Warm, gracious, generous, listens attentively. Child-like delight in wonderful things. Aloof, vain (unpretentious but needs to “look good”). Bold in romance but often happier single (older bachelors). Self-surrender is hard. “Comparison shops” for “right” partner. Early sexual mismatches (unhealthy early relationships). Patrons supporting the arts.
  • Genuinely warm, gracious, generous friend. [Gauquelin: statistically common for generous.]
  • Takes child-like delight in wonderful things.
  • Proud, aloof, perhaps vain but unpretentious. Intent on “looking good” (retaining dignity and others’ respect and high regard). – Women often display usual beauty and dignity of bearing.
  • Daring in romance if it captures their fancy, but often happier single. Many do not marry, favor more casual relationships, or marry later in life. [Statistically common among those who wrote to American Astrology's "lonely hearts club" column.] (Sometimes seems to be “comparison shopping” for a “right” partner.)
  • My files show a much higher divorce rate than average, including serial divorces, often following early mismatches (unhealthy early love and sex relationships).
  • In close relationship, self-surrender (willingness to let go of being “the strong one”) can be difficult, especially for the men.
  • Can be self-righteous about their pairing (sometimes sounding defensive or justifying).
  • Listens to others well (attentively). – Therefore, often instinctive diplomats bridging divisions or bringing disparate parties together.
  • Patrons supporting the arts and other good works.
  • Statistically uncommon for musicians but boasts hard-driving A-list rockers (e.g., Jerry Lee Lewis, Mick Jagger, John Lennon, Joan Jett) and commanding performers (e.g., Pavarotti, Coltrane, Marion Cotillard, Leonard Cohen).

Gauquelin: High for CHAMPIONS. Low for MUSICIANS. Very high for trait active. High for tenacious, generous, hardworking. Low for dreamer.
Other Stats: Low for 59 Sidereal astrologers - much more of a Tropicalist placement in contrast (Eshelman).
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Venus in Virgo (fall)

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SUMMARY: Conventional relationships based on honest affection and friendship. Can be smitten in an instant (strong fantasy or daydreaming when attracted). Demure (discloses interest slowly, may seem shy). Usually monogamous, devoted. Conscientious with responsibilities. Takes life seriously (play is not a priority). Delights in learning (learns easily). Service-minded, helpful.
  • Service-minded, inclined to help others.
  • Companionship and intellectual attraction are as important as physical attraction in their eros. (All three are important to them.)
  • Can be smitten in an instant. Strong fantasy or daydreaming element regarding people to whom they are attracted.
  • Demure when sexually attracted, slow to disclose their interest, may seem shy (undemonstrative).
  • Usually monogamous, few wander. Inclined to conventional relationships centered on honest affection and friendship.
  • In romance, more devoted than dutiful.
  • With work and responsibilities, dutiful and conscientious. Play is not a priority (takes life too seriously). [Gauquelin: uncommon for witty]
  • Delights in learning (learns easily).
  • Politics and public service. Many (across a wide ideological spectrum) pursue and hold public service positions at every level. – Statistically common for heads of state. Five U.S. presidents, many significant monarchs, and other national, state, and local officials.
  • Literary figures, journalists, and other story-telling notables, including a strong vein of horror stories (e.g., Mary Shelley, Oscar Wilde, H.P. Lovecraft, Stephen King, Roman Polanski). [Statistically common for journalists (Gauquelin)]
  • Statistically uncommon for astrologers. (Astrologers with this placement are notably adept at mathematics and other technical matters.)
  • Statistically uncommon for athletes [Gauquelin].

Notebook #93 observations: Especially the men seem very socially maladjusted or "antisocial" (in the technical sense of the word). (Cf. Venus in Scorpio.)

Gauquelin: High for JOURNALISTS, low for ATHLETES. High for trait sensual, low for witty, steadfast, powerful, courageous.
Other Stats: High for 91 world heads of states (Eshelman). Rated lowest among 59 Sidereal astrologers, 54 Tropical astrologers, and 108 combined; not an astrologer's placement.
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Venus in Libra (home)

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SUMMARY: Social graces (courteous, polite, approachable, entertaining). Desires romantic partnership (its absence is a wound hard to heal). Requires and gets loyalty and faithfulness. Sexual extremes of indulge-gratify or deny-withhold. Secretive (closeted) about sex life except in an established relationship. Acclimates to imperfect circumstances, can “make things work.”

  • Social graces come easily (even if not innate to their core character) as a tool at their disposal: Courteous, polite, well-mannered, likable, approachable, entertaining. [Gauquelin: not warm]
  • Desires marriage or romantic partnership. (It gives the sense that “their world is right.”) – If secured: becomes a centerpiece of their social identity; if not: leaves a wound or incompletion (hard to heal).
  • Requires and gets loyalty and faithfulness. (Naturally monogamous.)
  • Sexual polar extremes of indulge-gratify or deny-withhold (Venus vs. Saturn) with little middleground. – A No commonly links to specific circumstances or conditions, or (more often with men) feeling awkward. A Yes is usually unconditional, free of evident constraint.
  • Well-dressed (“well turned out”): The men often are dandies, the women especially fond of makeup and perfume.
  • Usually secretive (private, discreet, closeted) about sexual activities except in an established public relationship.
  • Acclimates to imperfect circumstances, can make them work. Finds their pleasures whatever their circumstances. – Many mothers (and others) that “just make it work” despite conditions. [Gauquelin: high for hardworking; low for dreamer, idealist.] [Statistically common for world heads of state.]

Notebook #93 observations: They're all very likable people. Even the several famous murderers in the group often had this likability.

Gauquelin: High for ATHLETES ("New Champions" set). High for traits witty, hardworking, authority and low for traveler, warm, combative, dreamer, courageous, idealist.
Other Stats: High for 91 heads of states.
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Venus in Scorpio (detriment)

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SUMMARY: Passionate, highly sexed, propelled by strong emotions and enthusiasms (moody). Friendly, outgoing likeable (though often awkward). Affections impulsive, adventurous. Enters intimate relationships easily (suddenly). Needs feeling of freedom in romance (not inherently monogamous). Loves adventure (new experiences). Unequal power theme in relationships. Gives impression of sizeable secrets.

  • Passionate: Highly sexed, animated, propelled into action by strong emotions (moody, anxious). Feels powerfully about things.
  • Friendly, outgoing, usually kind, engages others. Strangely likeable even though many are also socially awkward or anomalous.
  • Strong enthusiasms, passionate interests: Asking them about these interests awakens or unleashes the person.
  • Affections are impulsive, adventurous. Enters intimate relationships easily (suddenly).
  • Progressive social visionaries.
  • Needs a feeling of freedom in romance (not inherently monogamous: liaisons rarely encumbered by too many conditions).
  • Loves adventure (new experiences) in general.
  • Unequal power is a common theme in their friendships and intimate relationships. (Willingly wields political or governing power.)
  • Gives impression they have sizeable secrets.
  • Statistically common for athletes.

Gauquelin: High for ATHLETES. High for traits passionate, reserved, kind, dreamer, nervous. Low for traits tenacious, mystical.

Notebook #93 observations: They are generally quite likeable, but somewhat "outside" in a social setting, and giving the impression that they have sizeable unspoken secrets.
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Venus in Sagittarius

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SUMMARY: Values friendship (sees it ennobling, honoring). Eager to be liked, accepted (usually is) and bring value to friendship. Expects reliable friends (returns the same). Needs affection openly declared: dislikes guessing. Idealist, committed to vision of a better world. Gracious, welcoming, generous, kind. Zealous, generous lovers. Much in their lives is defined by legacy.
  • Values friendship, sees it as an ennobling and honoring institution.
  • Social creature eager to be liked and accepted (nearly always is), to make friends, and bring value to a friendship or other connection.
  • Expects friends on whom they can rely: Is reliable to them in turn. – Needs affection openly declared (dislikes guessing games). [Gauquelin: High for tenacious, low for devoted.]
  • Venus in all three Imperial signs has an unconscious “don’t tarnish the brass” aloofness.
  • Idealist and dreamer committed to their own vision of a better world. (Tends to stand for something.) – Many actively raise their voices in support of these ideals. [Gauquelin: High for Idealist, imaginative, dreamer, impassioned.]
  • Gracious, hospitable, welcoming, opening their homes, generous, kind.
  • Zealous, generous lovers who ensure their own pleasure needs are met (then equally giving to their partners).
  • Legacy, heritage, or inheritance often much in their lives. [e.g., Caroline, John (Jr.), and Robert Kennedy; Christine Onassis, Lisa Marie Presley, Miley Cyrus, Jayj Jacobs, and other private cases].
  • Statistically common for aviators [Gauquelin]

Gauquelin: High for AVIATORS. Very high for traits "idealist, imaginative." High for traits "nervous, dreamer, impassioned, tenacious." Low for traits "devoted, kind."
Other Stats: Quite low for 91 heads of states. Quite low (next to Virgo, tied with Leo) for 59 Sidereal astrologers but highest for 54 Tropical astrologers.

Notebook #93 observations: Many show a passionate idealism and commitment to ideals of the group. In group dynamics, those with Sagittarian Venus seem most likely to remain the group if
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Venus in Capricorn

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SUMMARY: Beasts in bed, passions strong (continue late). Picks relationships for ferocity. Needs to BE or HAVE a father in love relationships. Dutiful, devoted to families. Seeks to dedicate self to something or someone. Tenacious once committed. Wants partnership (though self-sufficient without it). Sociable, loves to “let loose,” have fun. Secure stability is key to their satisfaction.
  • Beasts in bed. Sexual passions are strong and continue late in life (rarely burdened by many conditions). Relationships are picked for ferocity.
  • Father themes in love relationships (parent-child dynamics). Early paternal dynamics may continue into adult life and, in any case, strongly impact adult love relationships. (Needs either to be or have a father role.) [Gauquelin: statistically common for authority]
  • Dutiful, responsible. Seeks something (or someone) to give their dedication (then takes that responsibility most seriously).
  • Particularly dutiful and devoted to their families. Tenacious and committed in marriage. (Many seem solitary or alone within their marriage.) [As if they lived in an old house by themselves.]
  • Wants partnership, though emotionally self-sufficient and comfortable without it.
  • Sociable. Loves to “let loose” socially with others and have fun. (Often tries to direct or control the course of activities.)
  • Secure stability is like a secret ingredient for their life satisfaction. [Gauquelin: statistically uncommon for dreamer.]
  • NOTE: Significant feminist voices supporting women’s autonomy and sexual freedom have Venus in Capricorn, including Simone de Beauvoir, Gloria Steinem, Erica Jong, and Gertrude Stein. Significant female singers and songwriters who brought women’s visceral emotions into popular music include Aretha Franklin, Janis Joplin, Carole King, and Dolly Parton.

Gauquelin: High for JOURNALISTS, ATHLETES. Low for PHYSICIANS. High for traits active, authority. Low for dreamer.
Other Stats: Nearly absent for U.S. Vice Presidents. - Highest for 59 Sidereal astrologers and 108 astrologers overall; but low (ties with Taurus and Virgo) for 54 Tropical astrologers. (Contrast Venus in Sagittarius.)
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Venus in Aquarius

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SUMMARY: Pleasure drives free of social convention (accepts or desires variation in pleasure, romance, sex). Private about their personal lives. Impersonal realists in affection (aloof, indifferent), rarely “gets lost in someone.” Many never marry (prone to separations). Many identify with purposeful community (often idealistic). Music brings great pleasure.
  • Variation or variety desired or accepted in pleasure, friendship, romance, and sex. Enjoyment from diverse social-sexual experiences. Pleasure drives are free of social convention.
  • Impersonal affection, aloof, cool (can seem indifferent, disinterested), which strains conventional pairings). Rarely “gets lost in someone.”
  • Unusually private (non-disclosing) about their personal lives (often to sidestep judgement).
  • Realists in personal relationships: Accepts others as they find them.
  • Marriage: Many never marry. Spouses are rarely part of their social identity. Separation-prone (divorce, other interruptions); less likely to remarry.
  • Identifies with purposeful community, often socially idealistic and futuristic (e.g., one that will take humanity forward).
  • Music brings great pleasure. Among celebrities, women singers often have enormous ability and standing (Barbra Streisand, Celine Dion, Diana Ross, Billie Holliday) but with few giants among male singers. In my personal files, men are usually deeply absorbed in music (less commonly the women).

Notebook #93 observations: It seems to me that these people assimilate into a larger sense of community, perhaps of a near-Utopian flavor, i.e., the idea of creating or participating in community that will take humanity forward overall.

Gauquelin: High for PHYSICIANS, PAINTERS, WRITERS. High for traits steadfast, courageous, traveler, powerful.
Other Stats:
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Venus in Pisces (exalted)

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SUMMARY: Passions torrential. Easily enticed, aroused, seducible. Led by instinct or emotion. Fond of strong erotic imagery and stimuli. Longs to be enchanted (blind spots, unreasoned choices). Wants true friend who will not betray. Covert or secretive about their sex live (or secrecy itself is a fetish). Mystic, devotional, God-connection. Receptive to beauty, art, music.
  • Passions are torrential and easily aroused.
  • Navigates life more by instinct or emotion than by reasoning. (A few seem plain crazy.)
  • Fond of strong erotic imagery and sensory stimuli plus a strong fantasy element in their eros.
  • Seducible, easily enticed, highly suggestible, tender. Longs to be enchanted. (Has blind spots in romance, routinely makes unreasoned choices.)
  • Wants a true friend who will not betray them. Values loyalty (does not always give it).
  • Open to exploring the unknown, whether a sexual adventure or the mystery of another person.
  • Much is secretive, covert, or undisclosed about their sex lives. Often secrecy itself is a fetish. [Fagan’s opinion of Pisces Moon, that “Craving and concealment go hand in hand,” usually rings true for Venus in Pisces.]
  • Mystic: Instinctively devotional, often with a strong God-connection entwined with their love expression. [Gauquelin: statistically very common for mystic]
  • Receptive to beauty, art, music. Artistic interests (sometimes developed ability).
  • Public figures (leaders, scientists) are dreamers and often visionaries of future possibilities. [Seven early U.S. presidents including both Washington and Lincoln, plus examples like Robespierre, Petain, Queen Isabella I, Sen. Edward Kennedy; and scientists including Einstein, Linnaeus, and Bell.] [Gauquelin: statistically common for dreamer]

Notebook #93 observations: Very much a dreamer, sometimes visionary, sometimes just out-of-proportion wild ideas. Strongly hopes-and-dreams-driven in their personal lives.

Gauquelin: Very high for trait mystic. High for dreamer. Low for active, warm, witty.
Other Stats: Quite low for world heads of states, and yet relatively high for U.S. Presidents (especially in contrast to VPs).
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Venus in Aries (detriment)

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SUMMARY: Affections fire easily. Warm, affectionate friends. Pragmatic in love and sex, indifferent to social conventions. Tender while independent (undemonstrative but bold). Weighs the practical before sentiment. Needs focus of partner’s attention. Will stand up, assume leadership roles. Recreations independent and adventurous (travelling).
  • Quick to arouse passions. Affection fires easily.
  • Many are commandingly magnetic.
  • As friends, warm, affectionate, friendly, engaging. [Gauquelin: high for warm, devoted]
  • In romance, tender while acting pointedly independent. In public, rarely outwardly affectionate or demonstrative. In private, their ease and speed of emotional intimacy is bold and forthright. [Gauquelin: very high for secretive]
  • Pragmatic in love and sex. May seem impersonal. (Venus in all three Imperial signs has an unconscious “don’t tarnish the brass” aloofness.)
  • Indifference to social convention or others’ expectations, so may seem a bit socially anomalous (especially the men).
  • Weighs practical considerations before sentiment (but needs to be the central focus of their partner’s attention).
  • Willing to stand up and speak up when they see a need.
  • Naturally assumes leadership roles or offers to take increased responsibilities within social and professional groups. (Political leaders comfortably assume unusual, even imperial, authority.) [Statistically common (high) for 91 heads of state.]
  • Independent and adventurous in their recreations, e.g., love of travelling. [Gauquelin: very high for traveler]
  • “Sex bombshell” celebrities include Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Russell, Jayne Mansfield, Ann-Margaret.
  • Artists display unusual and innovative esthetics. [Michelangelo, Dali, Frank Lloyd Wright]

One deep dive into peculiarities of Venus in Aries symbolism:

Notebook #93 observations: They tend to be socially anomalous or isolated (at least a little socially stilted). There is a natural tendency to take on leadership roles (or at least increased responsibility) within social groups and other similar organizations.

Gauquelin: Low for MILITARY MUSICIANS and MILITARY (though Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Aries were HIGH). Very high for character traits devoted, secretive, traveler. High for character trait warm.
Other Stats: High for 91 world heads of states (Eshelman).
Jim Eshelman