Elvis' well-known chart is remarkable in several respects. First though, to Sidereal astrologers, he's a fantastic embodiment of his Sun-sign and Moon-sign. I don't need to repeat all the fine points here, but people can read the sign details here:
Sun in Sagittarius:
Moon in Aquarius:
As a Sagittarius-Aquarius he was fundamentally a Jupiter-Uranus type - someone potentially extraordinary. Besides his Sag Sun describing him in fine detail - not to mention giving him the stature that won him the nickname The King - it is the consistent with the stature of other Sagittarians like Bowie and Page. For Sagittarius also consider the name Graceland, and his love of gospel that nobody wanted him to record (but he finally did). The truly remarkable thing, though, is the Aquarius Moon which includes nearly every culture-altering sex-infused male music figure that has hit the public attentuon in the last 80 years. Besides Elvis add Sinatra and Chuck Berry before hm and Michael Jackson and Prince after him. (Add Billy Ray to that list if you want.)
Even his Scorpio Ascendant sign is relevant: On the principle that the rising sign is your facade, how you're superficially seen, Scorpio certainly describes this about Elvis. He was (as my little formula goes) a Sagittarius with an Aquarian style, dressed up like a Scorpio.
His one angular planet is Neptune on the Zenith. This fit him in more ways than I could quickly summarize. I'm only this week starting to reassess my Neptune Foreground section, bug - aside from the generalization that it's great for popular performers and enhances the enchantment and magic of performance - the most characteristic traits might be that they live in their own bubble reality, often shielded as if in a womb, absorbed in the (often fictionalized) details of their own story. In music, this takes many forms - two Beatles, Alice Cooper, Stevie Nicks, and more - but these basic traits remain. The raw power to entertain, to wield the tower if image, shows in other Neptunians like Steven Spielberg, Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, and more, plus the long string of genius painters (Da Vinci, Cezanne, Raphael, Dali, etc.).
His closest and most dynamic aspects also declare obvious truths about him. His strongest aspect (0°18') is Uranus square Pluto. Mercury and Venus both join them, Venus opposite Pluto being far more commanding
in mundo with an orb of less than 3° (and Venus-Uranus even closer). We can't miss his 12' Moon-Sun aspect or 0°50' mundane Moon-Jupiter square.
There is also, though, his close Moon-Saturn conjunction. Besides him being driven, eventually prone to depression, and just plain worn out by his life, this shows his strong mother attachment and the fact that he was heavily mother-attached and (in ways that jostled with the mix of his Sagittarius and Aquarius) was always "the good boy," his nature struggling against the discipline and stricture pattern in which he was raised.
Here is his technical profile from TMSA:
Code: Select all
Pl Longitude Lat Speed RA Decl Azi Alt PVL Ang G
Mo 08Aq11'14" 02N43 +14°44' 333°02' 08S13 45°56' -55°50' 64°00' 4%
Su 23Sg23'43" 00N00 + 1°01' 288°41' 22S20 98°07' -29°41' 29°56' 41%
Me 28Sg28'12" 02S05 + 1°39' 294°28' 23S40 96°39' -35°01' 35°12' 33%
Ve 05Cp31'41" 01S17 + 1°15' 301°49' 21S33 90°25' -40°08' 40°08' 25%
Ma 18Vi59'37" 02N19 +24'15" 192°42' 02S57 155°18' +50°00' 289°19' 60%
Ju 24Li13'56" 01N03 + 9'28" 225°55' 16S12 129°04' +21°26' 333°10' 3%
Sa 01Aq54'21" 01S22 + 6'13" 328°29' 14S14 59°17' -57°19' 61°07' 0%
Ur 03Ar39'44" 00S32 + 0'06" 25°43' 10N05 323°14' -38°00' 127°27' 29%
Ne 20Le36'45" 00N57 - 0'44" 166°03' 07N00 203°02' +60°54' 257°43' 87% F
Pl 01Cn17'49" 01N44 - 1'18" 117°26' 22N49 274°13' +37°05' 217°10' 29%
Class 1 Aspects Class 2 Aspects Class 3 Aspects
Mo oc Su 00°12' 99% Mo sx Ur 04°32' 61% Su op Pl 07°14' 45% M
Mo sq Ju 00°50' 99% M Su co Me 05°04' 72% Ju tr Pl 07°04' 10%
Mo co Sa 02°53' 91% M Su sq Ma 04°24' 63%
Su sx Ju 00°50' 99% Me co Ve 04°55' 74% M
Su tr Ne 02°47' 85% Me sx Ju 04°14' 66%
Me sq Ur 02°15' 90% M Ju sx Ne 03°37' 75%
Me op Pl 01°57' 96% M Ur oc Ne 01°57' 37%
Ve sq Ur 01°52' 93%
Ve oc Ne 00°05'100%
Ve op Pl 02°58' 90% M
Ju sq Sa 02°03' 92% M
Sa sx Ur 01°45' 94%
Ur sq Pl 00°18'100% M
Cosmic State
Mo Aq B | oc Su 00°12' sq Ju 00°50'M co Sa 02°53'M sx Ur 04°32'
| Me/Ma 33'd
Su Sg | Mo Aq-
| oc Mo 00°12' sx Ju 00°50' tr Ne 02°47' co Me 05°04'
| sq Ma 04°24' op Pl 07°14'M
| Ju/Ne 58'd
Me Sg- | Su Sg-
| op Pl 01°57'M sq Ur 02°15'M co Ve 04°55'M co Su 05°04'
| sx Ju 04°14'
| Mo/As 07'd Ju/Mc 09'd Su/Ve 59'd
Ve Cp B | oc Ne 00°05' sq Ur 01°52' op Pl 02°58'M co Me 04°55'M
| Ne/As 57'd
Ma Vi | sq Su 04°24'
| Ur/Mc 40'd
Ju Li B | Su Sg+
| sq Mo 00°50'M sx Su 00°50' sq Sa 02°03'M sx Ne 03°37'
| sx Me 04°14' tr Pl 07°04'
| Me/Ne 19'd
Sa Aq B | sx Ur 01°45' sq Ju 02°03'M co Mo 02°53'M
| Pl/Mc 15'd
Ur Ar | Mo Aq+
| sq Pl 00°18'M sx Sa 01°45' sq Ve 01°52' sq Me 02°15'M
| sx Mo 04°32' oc Ne 01°57'
| Ve/Pl 15'd Ne/As 55'd
Ne Le F | oc Ve 00°05' tr Su 02°47' sx Ju 03°37' oc Ur 01°57'
| Mo/Mc 01'd
Pl Cn | sq Ur 00°18'M op Me 01°57'M op Ve 02°58'M op Su 07°14'M
| tr Ju 07°04'
| Me/Ve 42'd
Mc Vi | Sa/Ur 13'd