[Anchorage] makes for quite a nice solar return this coming year. Transiting Jupiter is most angular, 0°16' from WP in RA, with Mars close to MC (1°26') and a little Pluto. Among natal planets, natal Mercury and Mars are most tightly angular, but with natal Venus quite close and a smidge of Jupiter. Wherever you are in the world, Moon opposes Venus 0°11'. Benefic heavy but with enough Mars to keep the adventure up. In the foreground, Jupiter and Pluto (which are in near-partile mundane square) both aspect your Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter, while transiting Mars aspects your natal Venus-Mars.
Definitely going to be in Edinburgh in the next few weeks, but one place I might be able to hop off to for my birthday is Tallinn, Estonia. Looks like a party on the AC (natal personal planets and transit Su/Ur/Me/Ju) and tr. Moon near DC. Better than Scotland, no?Edinburgh is one of the worst places to be on your birthday. transiting Saturn is 0°31' from Asc and natal Saturn 1°25' from Descendant - the two in partile mundane opposition. Don't go until after your birthday. (Have the SSR somewhere else, with good angles, then it won't matter where you move.)
Code: Select all
+------------- 0Cp12-----------24Sg46-----------20Sg10--------------+
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|tPl 5Cp17 25º12| | | |
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14Cp 2-----------+----------------+----------------+-----------12Sg58
| | | |
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| | Transiting (t) Chart | |
| | Dflow | |
|tSa 10Aq53 15º42| Solar Return | |
|tNe 1Pi54 19º27| 9 May 2023 2:40:12 UT | |
| tEp 28Pi 7 | Tallinn, Eesti | |
|rMa 30Pi 0 23º15| 59N26'14" 24E44'43" | |
|rVe 24Pi26 23º22| UT 2:40:12 | |
|tJu 3Ar11 24º03| RAMC 291º27'16" |rNe 25Sc30 09º52|
|rMe 2Ar 4 25º21| OE 23º26'18" |rPl 22Vi36 08º52|
|tMe 12Ar 8 25º46| SVP 4Pi56'11" | |
|rSu 23Ar11 26º21| Sidereal Zodiac |tMo 6Sg47 04º10|
|tSu 23Ar11 26º21| Campanus Houses | |
|tUr 23Ar50 26º50| | |
8Ta41-----------+ +----------- 8Sc41
| | Radical (r) Chart | |
|tEr 29Pi46 03º21| Dflow |rUr 24Li36 27º02|
| | Natal | |
| | 8 May 1979 10:57:00 AHDT |rMo 14Vi21 22º11|
|tVe 6Ge36 09º43| Anchorage, AK USA | |
|rEr 20Pi12 10º10| 61N12'39" 149W49'42" | |
| | UT 19:57:00 |rSa 12Le38 16º48|
| | RAMC 15º28' 9" | |
| | OE 23º26'22" | |
| | SVP 5Pi32'59" | |
| | Sidereal Zodiac | |
| | Campanus Houses | |
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12Ge58-----------+----------------+----------------+-----------14Cn 2
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| | | |rJu 7Cn24 22º46|
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| | |tMa 28Ge26 27º32| |
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+-------------20Ge10-----------24Ge46----------- 0Cn12--------------+
Pl Longitude Lat Speed RA Decl Azi Alt PVL Ang G
Transiting Planets
Mo 6Sg46'46" 4S27 +14º11' 272º 5' 27S53 197º 3' + 1º13' 184º10' 95% D
Su 23Ar10'37" 0S 0 +58' 1" 45º47' 17N16 60º38' + 3º11' 356º21' 96% A
Me 12Ar 8' 6" 1S19 -25'53" 35º18' 12N40 71º45' + 4º 2' 355º46' 95% A
Ve 6Ge35'35" 2N39 + 1º 6' 91º51' 26N 5 17º34' - 2º58' 9º43' 76% A
Ma 28Ge25'34" 1N41 +33'30" 115º39' 23N 3 356º 6' - 7º26' 117º32' 46%
Ju 3Ar10'39" 1S 4 +14' 0" 26º37' 9N51 80º33' + 5º52' 354º 3' 91% A
Sa 10Aq53'11" 1S26 + 3'42" 338º16' 10S40 133º13' +10º31' 345º42' 95% Z
Ur 23Ar49'51" 0S19 + 3'29" 46º32' 17N 8 60º 3' + 2º45' 356º50' 97% A
Ne 1Pi53'38" 1S11 + 1'35" 357º41' 2S18 111º53' + 9º48' 349º27' 72%
Pl 5Cp17'16" 2S31 - 0'12" 303º 8' 22S32 169º 8' + 7º28' 325º12' 2% b
Er 29Pi46' 6" 10S58 + 0'36" 27º 0' 0S37 85º32' - 3º21' 3º21' 97% A
Radical Planets
Mo 14Vi20'50" 2N 0 +12º24' 189º26' 1S53 279º26' - 7º43' 172º11' 84% D
Su 23Ar10'37" 0N 0 +58' 1" 45º47' 17N16 60º38' + 3º11' 356º21' 96% A
Me 2Ar 4' 9" 2S32 + 1º38' 26º 6' 8N 5 81º53' + 4º36' 355º21' 94% A
Ve 24Pi26'28" 1S42 + 1º12' 18º39' 6N 3 89º19' + 6º38' 353º22' 100% E
Ma 29Pi59'52" 0S45 +45'29" 23º30' 9N 0 83º39' + 6º42' 353º15' 97% Ea
Ju 7Cn23'59" 0N40 + 7'20" 124º54' 20N16 347º13' - 9º32' 142º46' 4% b
Sa 12Le37'35" 1N58 - 0' 5" 160º 7' 10N31 311º27' - 9º58' 166º48' 59%
Ur 24Li35'46" 0N21 - 2'32" 227º19' 17S19 239º19' - 2º33' 177º 2' 98% D
Ne 25Sc29'55" 1N27 - 1'18" 259º50' 21S39 209º16' + 4º51' 189º52' 76% D
Pl 22Vi35'30" 17N38 - 1'23" 203º 1' 9N23 273º28' + 8º51' 188º52' 99% Wa
Er 20Pi11'53" 19S13 + 0'34" 21º31' 11S44 95º59' -10º 6' 10º10' 100% Ea
Class 1 Aspects Other Partile Aspects
tMo op tVe 0º11'100%
tMo op tEr 0º49' 99% M
tSu co tMe 0º36' 99% M
tSu co tJu 2º18' 90% M
tSu co tUr 0º29'100% M
tMe co tJu 1º42' 94% M
tMe co tUr 1º 5' 98% M
tJu co tUr 2º47' 85% M
tSu co rMe 1º 0' 98% M
tSu co rVe 2º59' 83% M
tSu op rUr 0º40' 99% M
tMe co rSu 0º36' 99% M
tMe co rMe 0º25'100% M
tMe co rVe 2º23' 89% M
tMe co rMa 2º30' 88% M
tMe op rUr 1º16' 97% M
tVe op rNe 0º 9'100% M
tVe op rPl 0º51' 99% M
tVe co rEr 0º27'100% M
tJu op rMo 1º52' 93% M
tJu co rSu 2º18' 90% M
tJu co rMe 1º 7' 98%
tJu co rVe 0º41' 99% M
tJu co rMa 0º48' 99% M
tJu op rUr 2º59' 83% M
tUr co rSu 0º29'100% M
tUr co rMe 1º29' 96% M
tUr op rUr 0º11'100% M
tEr co rMe 2º18' 90%
tEr co rMa 0º14'100%
rMo op rVe 1º11' 97% M
rMo op rMa 1º 5' 98% M
rSu co rMe 1º 0' 98% M
rSu co rVe 2º59' 83% M
rSu op rUr 0º40' 99% M
rMe co rVe 1º59' 92% M
rMe co rMa 2º 4' 92%
rMe op rUr 1º41' 95% M
rVe co rMa 0º 7'100% M
rVe op rPl 1º51' 93%
rNe co rPl 1º 0' 98% M
rNe op rEr 0º18'100% M
rPl op rEr 1º18' 97% M
Cosmic State
Transiting Planets
Mo Sg | op tVe 0º11' op tEr 0º49'M
Su Ar+ | co tUr 0º29'M co tMe 0º36'M op rUr 0º40'M co rMe 1º 0'M
| co tJu 2º18'M co rVe 2º59'M
Me Ar | co rMe 0º25'M co tSu 0º36'M co rSu 0º36'M co tUr 1º 5'M
| op rUr 1º16'M co tJu 1º42'M co rVe 2º23'M co rMa 2º30'M
Ve Ge | op rNe 0º 9'M op tMo 0º11' co rEr 0º27'M op rPl 0º51'M
Ma Ge |
Ju Ar | co rVe 0º41'M co rMa 0º48'M co rMe 1º 7' co tMe 1º42'M
| op rMo 1º52'M co tSu 2º18'M co rSu 2º18'M co tUr 2º47'M
| op rUr 2º59'M
Sa Aq |
Ur Ar | op rUr 0º11'M co tSu 0º29'M co rSu 0º29'M co tMe 1º 5'M
| co rMe 1º29'M co tJu 2º47'M
Ne Pi+ |
Pl Cp |
Er Pi | co rMa 0º14' op tMo 0º49'M co rMe 2º18'
Radical Planets
Mo Vi | op rMa 1º 5'M op rVe 1º11'M op tJu 1º52'M
Su Ar+ | co tUr 0º29'M co tMe 0º36'M op rUr 0º40'M co rMe 1º 0'M
| co tJu 2º18'M co rVe 2º59'M
Me Ar | co tMe 0º25'M co tSu 1º 0'M co rSu 1º 0'M co tJu 1º 7'
| co tUr 1º29'M op rUr 1º41'M co rVe 1º59'M co rMa 2º 4'
| co tEr 2º18'
Ve Pi+ | co rMa 0º 7'M co tJu 0º41'M op rMo 1º11'M op rPl 1º51'
| co rMe 1º59'M co tMe 2º23'M co tSu 2º59'M co rSu 2º59'M
Ma Pi | co rVe 0º 7'M co tEr 0º14' co tJu 0º48'M op rMo 1º 5'M
| co rMe 2º 4' co tMe 2º30'M
Ju Cn+ |
Sa Le |
Ur Li | op tUr 0º11'M op tSu 0º40'M op rSu 0º40'M op tMe 1º16'M
| op rMe 1º41'M op tJu 2º59'M
Ne Sc | op tVe 0º 9'M op rEr 0º18'M co rPl 1º 0'M
Pl Vi | op tVe 0º51'M co rNe 1º 0'M op rEr 1º18'M op rVe 1º51'
Er Pi | op rNe 0º18'M co tVe 0º27'M op rPl 1º18'M
Created by TMSA (30 Mar 2023)