Mercury in the Constellations - interpretation resources

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Mercury in the Constellations - interpretation resources

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Here follow notes on Mercury in each Sidereal constellations.

Writing about Mercury signs is tricky. I need to develop particular language for discussing these. Here are the considerations:
  1. Mercury-sign placements aren't all that important in and of themselves. Even in statistical examinations, the significant findings have much lower scores than Sun, Moon, or Mars.
  2. In particular, they are not part of the "character core" of an individual. In the notes following, I may use the same kind of language I would use in, say, Sun-sign or Moon-sign notes, but the words don't mean the same things.
  3. Where they ARE of value is in characterizing the particular Mercury expressions - how the mind works, style of communication, etc. Looked at in this specialized way, they convey useful information.
In some respects, Mercury's sign placements my act more as variations on a given Sun-sign: Since each Sun-sign can have only three possible Mercury placements (the same sign, the one before, or the one after), it may be more useful to think of Mercury signs as showing three variations on a given Sun-sign. Some of the statistical results can be traced to reflections from adjacent Sun-signs; some stand on their own. I've just listed all of it until a more complete treatment can be prepared.

Mercury in TAURUS Gracious, Inquiring, Designing
Mercury in GEMINI Engaging, Restless, Agile
Mercury in CANCER
Mercury in LEO Intellectual Pride, Bright, Realist
Mercury in VIRGO
Mercury in LIBRA Civil, Resolving, Diplomatic
Mercury in SCORPIO
Mercury in CAPRICORN
Mercury in AQUARIUS
Mercury in PISCES
Mercury in ARIES Forthright, Restless, Conviction
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Mercury in Taurus (Gracious, Inquiring, Designing)

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  • Speech is easy, gracious, calming, harmonious.
  • Friendly, light-hearted manner. Pleasant, good-humored, tolerates frustration well.
  • Deep, curious mind given to study, interested in life and its processes (e.g., ecology, botany, psychology; and, in general, how things work).
  • Strong on artistic expression, design, making beautiful things. (More fine craft than fine art.)
  • Dislikes the artificial and phony (both in design and in someone's character).
  • Family is important to them (devoted).

Notebook #93 observations: A majority of those known to me are strong on artistic expression, especially the making of beautiful things. (Fine craft more than fine art.)

7.57% of population (1/13)
Gauquelin: Very high for trait "likes family." High for traits "secret, devoted, energetic."
Other Stats: Second highest (after Cancer) for Tropical astrologers. Much more of a Tropicalist than Siderealist placement.
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Mercury in Gemini (Engaging, Restless, Agile) (home)

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  • Versatile, flexible, agile, restless mind. Alert, keen attention, observant.
  • Curious, engaging (charming). Talking with others seems as effortless to them as breathing. (Generous with their attention.)
  • Information needs (gaining and sharing) are unusually strong. Easily understands and demonstrates the relationship between facts.
  • Their bodies and minds seem ever in motion.
  • Math and other mental means of assessment come easily.
  • Commercially shrewd, sly, cunning, inventive, courageous, observant, quick grasp.
  • More likely to be U.S. vice presidents than presidents.

Gauquelin: Very high for traits "witty, generous, courageous." High for traits "energetic, active, devoted, charming." Low for traits "dreamer, traveler." [Some of these may be derivative of Taurus Sun.]
Other Stats: Astrologers with Mercury here are far more likely to be Siderealists than Tropicalists. More likely to be U.S. Vice President than President. - 7.67% of population (1/13)
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Mercury in Cancer

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  • Mind strongly influenced by feelings (romantic, subjective, infused with imagery).
  • Subjective mind prefers to rely on intuition or an overall feeling impression. Agilely resists being cornered by facts. (Fluid with facts in debate but fundamentally honest. Many offer edgy political and social commentary.)
  • Planners, organizers (may have executive instinct). Able to model complex systems.
  • Gives insightful counsel. (Their counsel is usually worth hearing.)
  • What seems at first an excellent memory is likely, instead, an instinctive understanding of the complex way facts relate to each other.
  • Common for astrologers, many kinds of counsellors and advisors, teachers, planners, business administrators and executives, and large system overseers. – More likely to be U.S. president than vice president.

Gauquelin: High for traits "combative, romantic."
Other Stats: Highest for 100 convicted murderers (Davis-Eshelman). Exceptionally both for 59 Sidereal astrologers and 108 astrologers overall (Eshelman). More likely to be U.S. President than President.
7.95% of population (2/25)
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Mercury in Leo (Intellectual Pride, Bright, Realist)

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  • Pride through intellect and learning. Derives stature, dignity, and strength from one’s mind, experience, and education or credentials.
  • Dislikes small or commonplace thinking. Willing to accept intellectual leadership. Follows where the facts lead.
  • Bright, realist, conscientious, diligent, observant, often insightful with something of substance to say.
  • Inspired to build something enduring and leave a legacy. [Gauquelin: Common for original. Uncommon for romantic and dreamer.]
  • Most are suited for business leadership (which may include entrepreneurship), including management or executive roles.
  • Some are effectively self-expressive and in command of their ideas. Others are stiff, awkward, not at ease before others.

Notebook #93 observations: Bright people who apparently pride themselves on their learning, and can honestly be said to derive stature, dignity, and strength from their intellects.

Gauquelin: Low for PAINTERS. High for trait "original." Low for trait "likes family."
Other Stats:
8.33% of population (1/12)
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Mercury in Virgo (home, exalted)

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  • Data collectors and organizers (data archivists, curators, journalists).
  • Curious, observant, analytical. Often significant intellects, strategic, disciplined in reasoning, and thorough.
  • Takes to regimented processes and established routine. (This supports other strengths for math-based sciences and medicine.) – Able to design and implement strategies and plans (project management).
  • Stubborn, opinionated. The mind is more mechanical than esthetic, more rote than original (preserving, documenting, gathering evidence).
  • Statistically common for journalists and uncommon for writers in general, echoing the o0bserved data gathering traits. Yet, their power of language and the written word is much broader, with some of the most compelling, successful literary creators (e.g., Mary Shelley, Coleridge, Agatha Christie, Nietzsche, Faulkner, Stephen King, George R.R. Martin).

Notebook #93 observations: Quiet, almost soft-spoken, good-natured, maybe a little too passive, but willing to speak out on important issues when it’s warranted – sometimes the only ones who will speak up!

Gauquelin: High for POLITICIANS and JOURNALISTS. Low for PHYSICIANS, WRITERS, CHAMPIONS [too mental to be body-oriented?]. Note the preference for the populism of "journalists," in sharp contrast with other writers. High for character traits "generous, poetical," low for traits "original, idealist, kind."

Other Stats: U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justices (5 out of 17). Very low (second to Cancer) for 108 astrologers overall, but not unusual when Tropicalists and Siderealists are studied separately. Subjective examination indicates that most of them lack either a sustaining interest or the capacity for persistent application to the study.
8.72% of population (2/23)
No U.S. Vice Presidents, despite a spike in Libra.
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Mercury in Libra (Civil, Resolving, Diplomatic)

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  • Polite, kindly, civil, pleasant presentation (style of expression). Usually well received (persuasive, people get pleasure from listening). [Gauquelin: sociable]
  • Can be tactful, choosing what to say (or measured, private, even withholding in communication).
  • Can be painfully blunt if necessary (but hates it). [Gauquelin: neither combative nor courageous]
  • Mind instinctively detects common denominators (in data, people, perspectives).
  • Mediator, negotiator, peacemaker (diplomat, appeaser). [E.g., both Gandhi and Nehru.] [STATS: More world heads of states than any other Mercury placement. Strikingly high for U.S. VPs despite no Virgo placements.]
  • Prefers to view and frame the world idealistically but unsentimentally. (Objective ugliness is not lost on them. Comedians best capture the absurdity of the moment.) [Gauquelin: idealist, dreamer, unsentimental]
  • Not a distinctive placement for entertainers (though every sign has a share of entertainers). [Statistically uncommon for musicians and actors (Gauquelin).]

9.00% of population overall (1/11)
Gauquelin: Low for MUSICIANS and ACTORS. High for traits "sociable, dreamer, idealist," low for traits "combative, courageous, sentimental."
Other Stats: Strikingly high for U.S. Vice Presidents, despite no Virgo placements.
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Mercury in Scorpio

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  • Strong views (opinionated). Speaks freely what is on their minds (outspoken, no holding back or beating round the bush, gets to the point).
  • Mind is sharp, strong, alert, analytical. Quick mental and verbal responses.
  • Resists mainstream ideas and institutional thinking. Needs to come to own conclusions (needs intellectual freedom).
  • Fearlessly responds to unusual new ideas (off their beaten track) with curiosity and a sense of adventure. – The rare case where change and new ideas routinely feel threatening is a clue to mental health issues that warrant inquiry.
  • Fervent about (preoccupied with) any immediate problems, openly wrestling with them.
  • Unresolved stress accumulates, builds, and needs release. (Alcohol or other drugs common.)
  • Instinct for earning a buck (often through varied or unusual avenues).
  • Music: Excellent singing voice. Instinct for the form and energy of music.

9.10% of population (1/11)
Gauquelin: Low for POLITICIANS (yet six U.S. presidents). Very high for traits "witty, nice, kind." High for trait "secret." Low for traits "sentimental, traveler, energetic, devoted, generous."
Other Stats: Alcoholics (Bradley).

Notebook #93 observations: Outspoken, opinionated.
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Mercury in Sagittarius (detriment)

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  • Speech sounds educated, serious, authoritative, perhaps cultured or academic (a “thinking person”). Capable of grace and tact when required.
  • Seeks expertise – both to find it in others and to develop it themselves and be recognized as an authority or thought leader.
  • Broadly optimistic but rarely upbeat: positive expectations yet vulnerable to dour, brooding moods when disappointed.
  • Latches on to a premise (a personal reigning opinion) that anchors their view of life, reality, fairness, duty, and social behaviors.
  • Generous. Looks for opportunities to aid, encourage, or uplift others.
  • Attentive to the architecture of thought and language, their history and internal systems. (Interest in history and origins in general.)
  • Significant voices in philosophy and science (especially astronomy, optics, and psychology: outer and inner space) and spiritual leaders (both East and West: inmost space).
  • Usually successful in the career. (Usually thrives better in service to another).
  • Enjoys travel, often internationally. Many are bicultural or have multicultural exposure.

9.00% of population (1/11)
Gauquelin: Very high for traits "authority, stubborn." High for trait "optimistic."
Other Stats: High (along with Leo) for 108 astrologers; but in no way outstanding when Tropicalists and Siderealists are examined separately. Therefore, probably a "common denominator" principle of the astrological mind. (Cf. Mercury in Leo traits with Mercury in Sag traits.)

Observations: Uncommon for composers.
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Mercury in Capricorn

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  • Has a playfully perverse pride in their disagreeable opinions and prankish, sometimes outlandish ways of thinking.
  • Entertaining, easy humor (many comedians), likes to cut through malarkey, which gives an easy charm or appeal (instills trust).
  • Often an interest in antiquities, folk legends, esoterica, and ancient forms (including rituals) in general, (Strikingly good for occult work.)
  • Has an instinct for communicating even complicated matters in simple language.
  • Careful, methodical management of information, able to organize it effectively and in a way others easily understand. – Some excellent teachers of difficult, complex subjects. [In astrology, writers including Marion March, Joan McEvers, Noel Tyl, and Jayj Jacobs – all with Mercury in Capricorn – authored popular, easily comprehended methods of teaching astrology. One can easily find examples of the same skills in other fields such as politics, antiquities, song writing, and other entertainers.]
  • Least accident-prone Mercury sign (perhaps from greater caution or attentiveness).

Notebook #93 observations: They all have a quiet (almost playful) pride in their anomic opinions and autonomous ways of thinking. A strikingly good Mercury sign for occult work.

8.72% of people (2/23)
Gauquelin: High for CHAMPIONS (probably a Sun in Aquarius derived effect). Strong for character traits "active, traveler, poetical, charming." Low for trait "idealist."
Other Stats: Weak early studies exist (originally done in the Tropical and translated as best we could) suggesting this is infrequent for composers and is "least accident prone" Mercury placement.
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Mercury in Aquarius

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  • Sees no necessary relationship between their opinions and anyone else’s. Has their own mind about things (not swayed by popular opinion). Usually has little need to win others over and is unlikely to change their own mind.
  • Curious. Strongly mental. Loves encountering and investigating fascinating new things.
  • Greater objectivity: Mental processes are less influenced by personal thinking. (Significant scientific minds.)
  • Enthusiasts (geeks) for their special interests. Most dive deeply into cool or offbeat niche topics. (Interest in astronomy, astrology, and science fiction common, including sci fi writers.)
  • Does not mince words. Speaks with little regard to consequences. (Words come easily.) [Gauquelin: statistically common for writers and journalists]
  • Those in public life often are eloquent and persuasive, winning their audience’s trust, with a strong written and spoken voice they freely use.
  • Idealist. Wants a better world. (A few take action to make it so.) [Gauquelin: statistically very common for idealist]
  • Often gifted musical voice.

Notebook #93 observations: A strikingly good Mercury sign for occult work.

Gauquelin: High for WRITERS, JOURNALISTS, CHAMPIONS. Very high for trait "idealist." Low for traits "kind, charming, nice" (in this sign placement, probably boils down to: Doesn't mince words!)
Other Stats: Along with Aries, high for 59 Sidereal astrologers. High for 100 convicted murderers. - 8.33% of general population (1/12)
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Mercury in Pisces (fall, detriment)

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  • Heightened sensitivity and responsiveness to physical and psychic impressions.
  • Experience themselves as rational, logical, and objective, though others commonly do not. – This arises because their reasoning is fed and fueled by their intuitions and emotions (which they take as “facts”) and not only by sensory data or confirmed facts.
  • Therefore, their mental processes normally follow the laws of logic and reason but not using the same data input to that process that others use. [Gauquelin: statistically uncommon for journalists.]
  • Imagines themselves “independent and true thinkers” due to their passion for their divergent conclusions. [Gauquelin original]
  • Whether their reason and unreason cooperate or compete reflects their degree of mental health.
  • Soaks up learning, excellent memories and powers of visualization and imagination.
  • Magnifies trivialities, fixates on details (perfectionist). Good memory for details. Many adapt well to math and science. Imagination fuels inventiveness.
  • Attracted to the unfamiliar or mysterious. Loves solving puzzles and wrestling problems. (Psychological relief from fantasy problem solving.) [Gauquelin: statistically very common for secret.]
Notebook #93 observations: Willing to dive in and take on work (such as making things).

Gauquelin: Low for JOURNALISTS. Very high for traits "secret, likes family." Also high for trait "original" and low for "energetic, witty, poetic, optimistic, stubborn."
7.95% of general population (2/25).[*]
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Mercury in Aries (Forthright, Restless, Conviction)

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  • Forthright, challenging, intellectually and verbally bold.
  • Independent thought, strong convictions (opinionated, slow to retreat).
  • Expresses opinions forcefully (usually well thought-out with powerful force of conviction). Keen in argument, able to sway or persuade.
  • Prefers frankness over diplomacy or tact. Can seem harsh or critical.
  • Takes badly to criticism of their own ideas.
  • Excessive nervous irritation, physically restless (often nervous tics or irritability).
  • Patience is calculated, measured, limited (impatient).
  • Vulnerable to alcoholism and other substance abuse (which often leads to keeping secrets or deception).

Gauquelin: High for MILITARY. High for MUSICIANS (N.B. cf. mathematicians). High for traits "sentimental, sociable, nice, inactive." (These don't sound like Aries traits!)
Other Stats: Low for 100 convicted murderers (Davis-Eshelman). High for alcoholics (Bradley). High (with Aquarius) for Sidereal astrologers - much more a Siderealist than Tropicalist placement (Eshelman). - 7.67% of population (1/13)

Notebook #93 observations: There seems a tendency to keep secrets, not from a deceptive perspective, but rather to play things "close to the vest." When they express personal opinions, they come on very intensely (usually well thought-out and having a strong force of conviction).
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Re: Mercury in the Constellations - interpretation resources

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RedCairo wrote:Thank you for this, it's very interesting.

Why is Mercury 'less' an effect than Mars?
I see that Mars is more massive, though Mercury is more dense.
Mercury is closer to the sun, though; if we are sun-centric instead of earth-centric in measuring then wouldn't that bring it into more import?
Is the highly irregular orbit of Mercury relevant to astrology results?
Or is this comparison based on just observation?

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Re: Mercury in the Constellations - interpretation resources

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RedCairo wrote:Why is Mercury 'less' an effect than Mars?
The main reason for the statement is observation, including large scale statistical examination.

But if you are asking for theory: (1) Mercury and Venus signs are constrained by the Sun-sign. Mars is the first non-luminary planet that can have any sign position for a given Sun-sign. (2) The nature of Mars is egoic, assertive, will-expressive, etc. It resembles the Sun in several ways.
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Re: Mercury in the Constellations - interpretation resources

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dustinandrewjackson wrote:I've noticed that Mercury in Aquarius shares some traits with Mercury-Uranus aspects. Is this due to Uranus being the planetary ruler for Aquarius?
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Re: Mercury in the Constellations - interpretation resources

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dustinandrewjackson wrote:I've noticed that Mercury in Aquarius shares some traits with Mercury-Uranus aspects. Is this due to Uranus being the planetary ruler for Aquarius?
Yes, exactly. That's the primary key to interpreting a planet in a sign: as if it were conjunct the ruling and exalted planets.
Jim Eshelman