Rupert Gleadow on Sidereal Signs

As historic references, I've collected various excerpts of writings by Cyril Fagan, Garth Allen, and Rupert Gleadow on the 12 zodiacal constellations, plus Garth Allen's unpublished summaries of sign natures.
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Rupert Gleadow on Sidereal Signs

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Rupert Gleadow was already one of the great old school British Tropical astrologers for years when his friend Cyril Fagan began uncovering the Sidereal zodiac. Gleadow eventually was wooed over. He is rightfully regarded as one of Sidereal astrology's most important first generation pioneers.

Perhaps no small part of this is due to his deep knowledge of astrology's history. His book, The Origin of the Zodiac, is a powerful and important complement and counter-point to Fagan's writings, i.e., completes much of that which Fagan merely hinted, and takes opposing views to Fagan in a few places. He also had broader, deeper interest in more general occultism: I find his name, and that of his wife, on the initiated member rolls of Dion Fortune's Society of the Inner Light, for example.

Gleadow wrote one important book on Sidereal sign meanings, titled, in different editions, either The Zodiac Revealed or Your Character in the Zodiac. For the most part, he compared modern perspectives with the writings of ancient astrologers, making the broadest and most compelling argument (well backed by documentation) that (to be simplistic) modern Tropical interpretations have more in common with ancient interpretations of the prior sign. From him, we have translations of many passages of the Roman astrologers of the first couple of centuries AD. For most signs, his actual personal observations are scattered as one-liners, interspersed with his discussion of the ancients. In some places, he gave more elaborative interpretations.

My purpose in this thread is to excerpt all the remarks that are Gleadow's own perceptions of the Sidereal sign characters.

Character of Aries viewtopic.php?f=13&t=91#p557
Character of Taurus viewtopic.php?f=13&t=91#p558
Character of Gemini viewtopic.php?f=13&t=91#p560
Character of Cancer viewtopic.php?f=13&t=91#p561
Character of Leo viewtopic.php?f=13&t=91#p562
Character of Virgo viewtopic.php?f=13&t=91#p565
Character of Libra viewtopic.php?f=13&t=91#p567
Character of Scorpio viewtopic.php?f=13&t=91#p568
Character of Sagittarius viewtopic.php?f=13&t=91#p571
Character of Capricorn viewtopic.php?f=13&t=91#p573
Character of Aquarius viewtopic.php?f=13&t=91#p577
Character of Pisces viewtopic.php?f=13&t=91#p578
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The Character of ARIES

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"...most Aries people are far less overbearing than one would expect!"

"A point of particular interest [in Valens] is the association of Aries with politics, which... is quite correct, if we judge by the list of famous people born under this constellation."

[The following appears to be Gleadow's own view, but might just be a summary of the authorities he had quoted:]
"This is the sign of the dictator, the most political of the constellations, often full of energy and decision, with a strong and at times overbearing personality, sometimes generous but unreliable, capriciously changing and yet thinking it was right all the time. The Ariean enjoys wielding power and imposing his will, and expects to be waited on. Often he suffers from pride, but this vice has its correlative virtue, for he hates to be under an obligation. This makes him extremely scrupulous over money, occasionally too much so; he is not extravagant and always repays a debt. On the other hand, no one has ever helped him to his present position; he likes to think he is completely self-sufficient and independent, so he only adopts other people's ideas when he can take credit for them. Similarly, he does not forgive those who have obstructed his path. No constellation is so unaware of the feelings of others, none more persistently mistakes obstinacy (a defensive weakness) for strength of character, and he even tries at times to enhance his importance by being contrary. Not for nothing is Aries opposite to Libra, the sign of harmonious relation and compromise."

"...its virtues are more apparent under difficulties than in times of peace. It has great resistance to tyranny and will stand up bravely for its rights. may be lazy and unprogressive in its ideas. It can appear strong-willed, but this only means, with most people, to be in the grip of an inner urge, the so-called will being only the dominant desire. Aries often imagines there is some merit in getting one's own way, whereas the more one does so, the more public blunders does one make."

"In manner the Ariean is straightforward and direct; he calls a spade by its name, is very punctual, hates to be kept waiting and yet is said to be bad at early rising. Being restless and impatient he is not well sjuited to scientific of administrative work, and may fail in marriage through lack of imagination or not making allowances. But he is generous to his friends and gives himself fully to any cause that he undertakes, not suffering much more indecision."

[On Bronte:] "...defiant manner... she exemplifies how the Ariean is true to himself and to his inspiration..."

"...Aries, metaphorically speaking, does not take things lying down."
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The Character of TAURUS

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[These seem to be Gleadow's own thoughts, though written as if he's still quoting general opinion:] "...they ae ruled by their affections; they want to be on good terms with others and will go out of their way to avoid ill feeling, not as a rule by giving in but by simply ignoring the strife as long as possible. Being modest, they do not hunt popularity."

"Taurus actually is the sign not of money but of real wealth, of the earthy forces of production. Whether finance can be included under this is an open question, since money ought to be under Libra, the sign of fair exchange."

"Religion and handicrafts are also subjects that often interest Taurus, also planting and building, construction and design. The hard work involved does not discourage him..."

[Unclear if this is Gleadow's own view:] "...fond of pleasure and music, generous and more than usually amorous."

"The keynote of Taurus is devotion, to a person, to a ideal, or simply to his work. Where Aries wants to be the boss, Taurus wants to be the workman; he likes to be on the job, so much so that he becomes impatient with the preliminary but necessary discussion whether the job shall be done at all and if so how. He is not a good foreman because too tender-hearted, sooner than sack a man he will make up his deficiency for him, and he hates to hurt people's feeling. He does not excel in politics or the law because he detests rows and tries to render them futile by ignoring them, just as he ignores bossy people."

"...Taurus is ruled by his affections. The whole course of his life can be altered by a casual word from a friend; for it he asks advice, he intends to take it. His love is deep an lasting but very undemanding; he is naturally humble and does not feel that he has a right to ask anything for himself. There is nothing unimaginative or heavy about Taurus... Many artists and writers... Though sensitive and keen-witted, they are not afraid of dirt, hard work, or debauchery, all of which they accept as part of life. They intensely dislike hypocrisy and insincere relationships, because they like to be in touch with the real, and this is very important to them; in this they form a contrast to Gemini, but like Gemini they try to avoid ugliness.

"...the Bull is highly sexed, but its attitude to sex is the most direct and uncomplicated of any constellation. It needs no frills, pretences or artificial glamour; it knows the facts, and that is quite enough... Taurus is exceptionally truthful, and also does not mind exposing his skin whether to the sun or to other people; so 'the naked truth' is a Taurean phrase.

"...good-natured and often a good partner in marriage... too much inclined to brood, and needs encouragement to speak of his supposed troubles. He is not every man's friend, rather he is faithful to a few, but usually willing to play second fiddle and serve others, and extremely reliable... submissiveness... not always conventional in his religion, for he is interested in deep problems and likes his answers to them, when they appear, to be practical, rational and if possible simple... though he may be strong in faith and devotion he can still distrust unfounded dogmas and assertions."

" for profound study...philosophers, teachers, artists and psychiatrists, and succeeds in any calling that requires patience..."
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The Character of GEMINI

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"...although not all Geminians are childish, yet people who love nicknames and baby language are usually Geminian; and there is also often a childish love of parties and fun."

" sign suffers more from loneliness... Hence its perpetual love of parties and social gatherings and its tendency to marry several times. These relationships are not all profound and may not even be sincere... Youthfulness... even extends to the undignified youthfulness of those old enough to know better."

"The mind is more powerful than the physique, and they pursue all kinds of different studies."

"...changeableness. If you cheat Gemini, he will hate you today, but wake up tomorrow having forgotten all about it; he is too fickle to bear malice... varies between the quick-witted business man, the thinker, the artist, the schoolmaster and the dilettante... This is the constellation of nursemaids, school-teachers and those who like to associate with the immature (including psycho-analysts)."

"...has much courage and patriotic devotion. The basic motto seems to be 'Life's a game', and possibly, like a child, the Geminian lacks emotional imagination; hence, if the game turns dangerous, either he is not much tempted to run away, or else feels that one must play it according to the rules... an adventurer who enjoys an unexpected role ('Fancy me doing this!') ...adventurous spirit... not being over-serious... love the feeling of 'Let's pretend'... they succeed on the stage, as journalists, spies, company promoters, teachers, adventurers, and writers of fiction... also excel in the sciences and learned professions, but they are natural hedonists and want to spend their whole life enjoying themselves; hence they are not religious, indeed this is the least religious of the signs. To the Geminian scientist work in his laboratory is just a great game and cannot have moral implications."

"The unpleasant and dirty sides of life Geminians prefer to ignore... They incur thereby the censure of Taurus and Scorpio, who accuse them of being selfish and superficial and not taking life seriously. They enjoy talking, are sometimes proud of their literary skill, and are pleasant socially when not too childish or garrulous. They will take trouble to make themselves admired, but easily become smart and superficial because they are interested in techniques, and will play a trick for the mere pleasure of admiring their own skill. Being nervy, they soimetimes become weak-willed and unreliable, and smoke too much."

" said to be gay and bright, adaptable and versatile, a good talker, useful with his hands and apt to change his employment. Though he enjoys playing the expert, it is remarkable how long he remains in a state of trustful innocence towards anyone supposed to know better... love variety... will change his opinion without notice that he has done so."
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The Character of CANCER

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"...sidereal Cancerians love showing off, telling stories and playing to the gallery... artificial jolliness needed to evoke a good response in the public... [Cancerians] mean what they say at the time they say it, because they respond so readily to others; it is only important that they should have self-knowledge enough to recognize whether they are being sincere or not."

" of good food and a tendency to literature..."

"Cancer, like Aries, is easier to describe by its vices than its virtues... Cancer... appears to be more interested in phenomena than in their meaning; he likes to know what happens, in contrast to his opposite sign Capricorn, who is sometimes a little careless about what actually happens if he thinks he can fathom why it happens. Cancer, though sometimes a dreamer, is very rarely out of touch, because he likes to know what is going on; he may be guilty of misinterpretation, but his theories will not be remote from fadts. He is affable, popular, familiar, and does not feel that in agreeing with others he is having to make allowances for them."

"...often a manager, and excels as the popular comedian, the convention organizer, the public relations officer... He is thick-skinned, not as sensitive as he appears, but easily influenced by emotional situations... changeable, but only on the surface... wants to agree with people, to be one of the clan, to be in the swim, and consequently plays up to every situation, so much so that he is accused of insincerity and hypocrisy. From his point of view, this is unfair; he want to give others the opportunity of being right, even if they disagree among themselves. His face is rarely in repose, and he is a bit of an actor, the typical politician in a democratic country... Cancer incarnates the popular feeling and thus becomes the natural mouthpiece of the people... imaginative sympathy... makes a novelist and story-teller... I always ready to make or to hear confessions about the private lives of himself and others.

"But underneath the lunar changefulness, Cancer knows what he wants and is getting it, and in order to have some element of security in his mind he is usually obliged to be conventional in his ideas and firmly attached to his family, country, employer, political party, or some other anchor. He is often also a journalist, a gossip and flatterer, the universal joint of social life who knows a little of everything and gets on well with everyone."

"As parents... too indulgent and too possessive; in later life they tend to become fat, lazy, and badly dressed. They dislike militarism, but are said to have very good memories... with a taste for history, antiques, and knickknacks. ...self-doubt... they live in a fantasy world and readily identify themselves with some mother-figure such as the Church or State, the party, country or local football team. They seem to suffer easily from inferiority feelings... they project their ego onto an organization; others pose, boast, or get drunk... They practice nepotism and expect others to be sympathetic and let them profit by it, but their pride is easily punctured... good at business, conscientious and not mean... typically the extravert who finds truth outside himself."
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The Character of LEO

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"...Leo is markedly a political constellation... a character that likes everything to be above-board."

"...Leo enjoys [flattery] much, though he likes to pretend that he sees through it. For the Leonian mind is actually... clear and straightforward... when circumstances are murky Leo does not see as far as he would like us to think."

"He cannot be taken by assault or hustled out of the way; the sudden attack which leaves gentler types just gaping with unbelief arouses in Leo instantaneous resistance. But there is no malice in him and no love of intricacy; hence he can be managed by a wife, secretary, or second-in-command, and even bullied by such a person, provided that it is done without contradicting him openly, and only as an extension of his authority. Leo is always willing to delegate work to others... and this makes him, perhaps, just a little bit lazy-minded.. He tends to have a factotum who tells him of decisions taken and orders given in his name, although his consent has not explicitly been asked. He graciously gives it afterwards because this is less trouble than hanging all the arrangements or, worse still, getting a new factotum."

"Leo is very tenacious of his desires, even if they are hidden, and can hold steadily to an aim for many years.

"He also, sun-like, thinks on a grand scale. ...Leonine works of art... are not just slices of life, but attempts to establish something of ultimate meaning."

"Sidereal Leo is no mere painted lion; he enjoys throwing his weight about, is often imperious, and in speech and writing is sometimes long-winded and pompous. He has, however, great capacity for work and is the typical general wo can endure all the sufferings of his men - which Aries would not want to do. His fiery temperament carries him on in the face of whatever risk, he despises slovenliness and weakness, ut in spite of the traditional connection with the heart he is often too much the man of action to be outstandingly affectionate. He is reliable, not afraid to take decisions and abide by them.

"But his idealism is genuine... Leo is the most religious of the constellations, at any rate among Protestants. ...[The ruling Sun] gives him a real desire to bring the divine inspiration into expression in himself, The correlative vice is found in the less imaginative type of Leo, who fails to make allowances for others because he is too conscious of his own inner drive to feel the reality of theirs."

"Cancer succeeds by playing up to the situation and the public, Leo by imposing himself upon it. Thus many famous Leonians owe their eminence less to their talent than to their force of personality... Like persons born strongly under the Sun, Leonians have large ideas, sometimes too large. Having much faith in themselves, they turn up as presidents, prime ministers, chairmen, managers, heads of departments and industrial bosses. Unlike Gemini, they take these positions entirely seriously, not just as a gorgeous game. Their choice of friends is often not uninfluenced by snobbery or ambition. They are not as a rule good judges of character because they are somewhat insensitive and too complacent about their own beliefs; hence they can be imposed on. Most of them... tend to the vices of extravagance, unimaginativeness, and ostentation. As acts of kindness they prefer to do deeds with a flavour of patronage, and within the limits of a taste which is usually conventional they like bright colours, large jewels and massive displays."

"...although Leo is the type men choose for a king or president... he is not always successful because he overrules others too often and too unthinkingly..."

" is perhaps rather difficult for Leo to understand death. He cannot merely accept it, as Taurus does, nor take it in his stride like Scorpio and Capricorn. The dark does not seem quite natural to the children of light..."
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The Character of VIRGO

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"...Virgo people are attracted to a career in the civil service or the armed forces, which are often known as the 'services', so there is a real emphasis on service. ...pride is not a vice of Virgo, tiresome as its natives can be in other ways, by being fussy and managing."

"...modest, careful, and accurate... makes the perfect secretary."

"...the modest expert, good with the hands and useful about the house, who reluctantly appears in society, very quiet and neatly dressed. He is not cold or argumentative, but on the contrary friendly and tactful, conscientious and high-principled, clever with figures, but rather nervy and lacking in ambition."

"A striking character of Virgo... is its courage. It is attracted by all forms of public service, including the armed forces, has a good sense of tactics, sometimes also of strategy, and the force to carry out its plans. But though cool-headed in danger, in peace it may become fussy and turn respectability into a vice; it also provides hidebound administrators with a mania for routine... gentle and always willing to help."

"...its love of exactness does not always make it either honest or truthful; for meaning rarely comes form acquaintanceship with detail, and too much information can make a false pretender to knowledge. Another Virgo habit is to ask questions and then verify the answers. They think, for instance, that it matters who said what to whom, or where people get their money from. This inquisitiveness can lead to needless gossip, and to others often seems superfluous, or even ill-mannered and tactless.. combined with the courage of the constellation, sometimes results in Virgo, perhaps out of curiosity, being forward, outspoken, or even a brazen gate-crasher. Its besetting sin appears to be officiousness... it seems likely that Virgo people, when they commit their social inelegances, feel they are not acting on their own behalf but rendering some kind of official or unofficial service."

"Outstanding fame seems rarer under this constellation than under others, doubtless because the natives are modest rather than pushful, and tend to the scholarly professions. There is often a talent for maps, mathematics, machinery or languages... makes a good teacher, accurate but kindly, and a good but not flamboyant orator. The average Virgonian is not unduly modest or averse from sexual experience, but those who are will often turn out to be under Virgo."
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The Character of LIBRA

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"...people interested in art and beauty, painting and perfume and in every kid of elegance, collectors of china or pictures, of antiques and curios of every sort, connoisseurs, and people who take unusual pains to beautify their home. The spirit of competition is not unduly strong, but there is room for plenty of expertise regarding the date and provenance of precious pieces. contrast to Taurus, the love of beauty is not too closely connected with sex; it often appears disinterested and detached, and exemplifies the saying that women dress to please themselves."

"The other type of Libran is connected to Venus only as the planet of peace. All its symbolism is concerned with the pair of scales, with fair exchange and recompense, and its aim is to hold the balance... the task of Libra is to reconcile conflicting demands and see that as much as possible shall be granted to all claimants. This sign is thus the ideal or at any rate the typical civil servant, continually occupied in balancing rival claims, and trying to see that strife shall not arise because of unfair concessions or lack of concessions. cannot please everyone. Libra therefore is not always admired, it is accused of weakness because compromise, though often highly desirable, can become through habit merely the easiest way out."

"Libra is the type which is called to arbitrate when quarrels seem imminent and differences irreconcilable; but correspondingly it is not the type which changes the whole situation by importing into it a new force. It will think of a more sensible attitude than anyone has yet adopted, but it does not invalidate the suppositions of others or make them no longer tenable."

"...modest... often artistic, with a desire for peace and a genuine interest in others... has a weakness for the letter of the law when its native lacks energy, intelligence or imagination; but n other cases it will take much trouble to be fair to everyone, and tries very sincerely to understand all points of view... almost never makes the mistake of unprovoked aggression... does feel that authority originates in himself... would rather take refuge in the text of regulations, and will please everyone as an escape from having to make his own mind up and accept entire responsibility."

"...kind, affectionate, reliable - at least when courage is not required - and scrupulous... often the administrative type, perpetually holding the balance between regulation and regulation, or between regulations and people... many painters and other artists... the love of beauty, order, and seemliness is very marked... guided at all times by their affections, but less obviously so than Taurus. There is a certain conmventionality, except among the more original and artistic types." [Cf. shocking Cézanne, shocking Picasso, horrifying Francis Bacon]

"...dependable... does not object to routine work... compromise... tolerance and indecision... tact and social sense, but in speech and writing is sometimes obscure through being too formal or too timid... they often have a bad memory or are absent-minded."

"Librans like to be well-dressed; they believe in glamour and are deceived by it accordingly. (To Taurus, by contrast, sex is sex and no glamour is needed.) Libra is always interested in the artistic side of life, nd excels in matters of costume and fashion. Besides this the desire to please also makes them excel in entertainment and social accomplishments, but they prefer elegance to ambition, and would rather talk about others than about themselves."

"The outstanding Libran quality is love of peace, and the use of compromise to bring it about."
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The Character of SCORPIO

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"Scorpio is much more virile and positive than Libra... both sexes like to argue... the girls often go through a tomboy phase."

"As for sexual indulgence and the bad reputation, half-measures are never characteristic of Scorpio; if he does not go the whole way, this must be due to some conflicting influence in the horoscope, or else to immaturity."

"...Scorpio is ruled by his energy; he wants to act, not brood, and hence is frequently athletic and impatient. To the uninhibited Scorpio, nothing is too much trouble... he sees no point in boggling and hesitation, little in compromise and none at all in shirking... admittedly thorough... believes in finishing the job and finishing it properly.... brings into life a generosity which cannot be had without energy... the thoroughness of Scorpio... does not merely play at doing things but really does them, in a properly adult and professional manner."

"Human relations are far easier with the positive attitude of Scorpio, who is not perpetually on the defensive, not grasping, not full of forethought for self, but selfish, if at all, only by lack of attention to the timidities of others."

"...the thought of war and armies is never far away... there seems to be a genuine affinity for iron and steel..."

"...humour... often satirical and biting, but a good deal of credit is due to the constellation which produced [a long list of humorists]. Wit and humour are not just the overflow of good nature; on the contrary, they are often a socially acceptable safety-valve for repressed emotions of resentment and criticism, and that is why they are commoner in signs ruled by the malefic planets..."

"...they take on themselves the dark, dirty and disagreeable tasks. The correlative vice is a tendency to overdu things; they sometimes lack discretion, are too outspoken and do not know where to stop. They would rather do something than nothing, and this leads to the typical faults of the surgeon and the soldier, who dare not let well aloe. Radical interference is an irresistible temptation to Scorpio faced with a tiresome situation... A worse vice is the tendency to stick to his own decision as if the mere fact of having made it were a virtue... people think they have a strong will when in fat all they have is a strong won't."

"...quick to act, adaptable, proud, courageous and generous... of all constellations both the most athletic and also the most sporting..."

"At its most typical... the straightforward honest-to-God man of action, open-hearted and trustworthy, direct and tactless, generous but not good at making allowances for others, and a great despiser of underhand methods. On any subject his view will be whole-hearted, whether for or against; hence he prefers action to caution, and makes the mistake of being too unqualified, too insistent, too easily certain and too uncompromising.

"The emotions are strong, but if imprisoned in their own rigidity the result is misfortune. Delays excite these people to active protest... impatient... hurt themselves by rashness... take pride in their toughness... have outstanding powers of endurance and survival."
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The Character of SAGITTARIUS

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"...the principle of expansion certainly does seem to rule the Sagittarian mind, for its motto is 'On & on and up & up'. It believes that everything is improving - not only that it can be made to improve but that it will improve naturally of itself. Apparent setbacks are explained away as not really harmful, or as necessary to consolidate the future... always believes in progress, his own even if not that of the whole world. Most of them are incurable optimists, and those that are not will express their expansiveness in some other way, perhaps in snobbery and social climbing, or else in ambition, for they must always better themselves, whether by evening classes, or by knowing the right people, or at least by working on their character from a psychological or religious point of view."

"...quick, restless and happy-go-lucky, does not worry over trifles; he acts in a slapdash manner, and if he should drop a valuable dish would hope to catch it before it could reach the floor."

"The fondness of Sagittarius for horses seems to be well founded..."

"...this is probably the most fortunate of constellations, for it expects good luck and therefore very often gets it. On the other hand, since it never expects anything else, and cannot be bothered to work out the actual probabilities of the case, it encounters what the more cautious types would consider avoidable disappointments. Sagittarius, however, is not discouraged by them... he takes it all in his stride and always thinks it worth while to give a hundred-to-one chance the chance of being realized, instead of grousing at having recently failed at three or four to one."

"The less sporting type of Sagittarius is extremely professional and well behaved - it knows how to organize its life with attention to reputation and accumulates much skill and knowledge; but it is insufficiently demonstrative of affection... the women are sometimes tiresomely ambitious for their husbands and children, and do not caress them enough, not being highly sexed."

"...enjoys travel, and adventures of ideas no less... fond of speculation, whether about the meaning of the world or the result of a race, and is attracted to any new theory so long as it is not pessimistic... tends to be rambling, with long sentences which flow on as his thought flows on... on the side of growth, progress and cheerfulness... his enjoyment of life is obvious."

"...the constellation of faith and can never be deterred from hoping for the best; now and again he becomes wildly imprudent and his gamble fails to come off... naturally generous... deceived at times through thinking the best of people when he ought to have known better."

"...excitable... in bad cases irascible and boastful... clean and houseproud, sometimes too proud of their family, and have a moral streak which likes to see wickedness punished and goodness rewarded. They care for social standing, respect public opinion, and are inclined to preach and interfere with the opinions of others. Typical professions are connected with religion, teaching, sport and travel."

"The aspiration... is so strong... The typical Sagittarian is the enthusiastic optimist who is ready for anything, impatient, and acts with gusto... in countries where ideas have become fossilized by religious or political dogma Sagittarius tends to be a supporter of the establishment and to get on well in the world, the Church, the party or business. In freer societies, or when intelligence is higher, aspiration works out less materialistically; there is an interest in ideas and exploration of all kinds... in philosophy, education, philanthropy and religion..."

"Aspiration, idealism and progress are the keywords... this makes it extremely dangerous in public organizations, for there it may produce the unscrupulous idealist who thinks that everyone should be forced into obedience for their own good... On a higher level we find the disinterested mystic, whether trained or merely aspiring; and religion is often an effective influence on the thought of Sagittarians..."
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The Character of CAPRICORN

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(NOTE: Gleadow was a double Capricorn.)

"...they are fond of laughter... good speakers..."

[Comments pro and con on Firmicus' interpretation:] "[Capricorn is] extremely concise... not particularly pretty. 'Somewhat cunning, and gay' is justified, and so is 'honest grace in speech'. The emphasis on friendship cannot be due to any confusion with Aquarius, so perhaps there is something in it. Happiness in old age..."

"...not gloomy and saturnine... It may be that his humor and wit were originally developed as a defence against melancholy, but in social life he is gay and friendly, though never effusive; for [unlike Cancer] he is very little dependent on the feelings of others... the typical introvert, determined by its own ideas far more than by circumstances... always conscious of his own limitations, has a slightly ascetic tendency, does not expect to enjoy abundance, but tries to be not ungenerous though always feeling that the gods keep him a little short. So, thouh he likes to get rid of useless encumbrances, there is little that he feels he can afford to part with."

"...interested in all profound subjects such as religion and philosophy... in youth is often too serious, not spontaneous enough, not a good mixer... does not care to express his real feelings, for he knows when he is not being understood... not ambitious, not political... does not bother to show off because he cannot believe that people really want to admire him... builds on what he has, expecting from [the gods] neither food, money nor luck. He is essentially disillusioned and plans everything accordingly."

"...the best explainer because his words are few, and also because his instinct is to get down to bedrock and work up from there... capable of great devotion, great concentration of mind and will on a chosen subject, secretive and far-sighted, but not flamboyant, and gives nothing away. Economy is an important keyword [many examples of what he means by this widespread generalization]... his thought seeks the core of whatever subject interests him... The actions of Capricorn are carefully aimed to produce the maximum effect with the minimum effort. In controversy he does not bother to leap to his own defence, but leads the opponent on to commit himself [and then tripping him up]... If people will not see reason he does not bother to argue, but simply does the opposite without any further warning. And when this does not make him popular he is unworried, at least it is effective. On the other hand he is not prejudiced in his own favour, hence he is quite capable of changing his views for any operative reason; his self-criticism may in youth be emotional and excessive, but later it has a practical aim."

"...the most typical professions are scholars, thinkers, inventors, musicians, priests, but not as a rule anything to do with young children."

"Ideally Capricorn is like a crystal, compact, impervious, brilliant, reduced to the smallest possible space, and having nothing superfluous about it."
Jim Eshelman
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The Character of AQUARIUS

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"Aquarius is timid, even if not shy, hesitates to commit himself... hesitant and very susceptible; for he is easily hurt, in fact sometimes absurdly touchy; but since he does not readily express his feelings one never discovers this until too late. For the same two reasons Aquarius is not very good at human relations, and, truthful high-minded, and generous though he be [is]... extraordinarily ignorant of human nature..."

"...the sign of the scientist... there is more than a touch of the absent-minded professor, who cannot manage a wife and family, although he is much respected for his intelligence."

"The vices of Aquarius are not many. He is misunderstood through being insufficiently expressive; he trusts to time and truth to explain themselves, but they are rarely in any hurry. He may also be insufficiently expressive of love. But his virtues include honesty and patience, he takes people and things quite seriously for what they are, without trying to alter or misrepresent them, and without being impressed by pomp and other extraneous considerations. Equally he does not take advantage of his position to impress others... patience, honesty, scrupulousness, an interest in profound thought and a sense of his own weakness compared to others; he knows things come to him slowly and does not expect anything else... is easily hurt... touchy, hates to be criticized, weeps easily and tends to nurse grievances. Though his outlook is in theory broad and impersonal, he is sympathetic to tales of distress in others and will do what he can to help. He ignores barriers of class or face, but does not much care for social life; he neither talks nor smiles easily, and often takes time to express himself, speaking slowly as he gropes for his ideas; so his style can be rather involved. He is kind, generous, considerate and truthful, but a little slow off the mark. Being the opposite of Leo, he is averse from swaggering or extravagance of any kind; his manner is unaffected, he dresses quietly, talks in a gentle voice and is not in the least impressed by grandeur or officialdom. He acts calmly even if radically.

"He is often interested in ideas, absorbs them readily, or at least is a great reader. No sign has more inventive genius or scientific ability; he is interested in how things work and how they are made, for, like Capricorn, he is intrigued by the mystery of creation and destruction, but unlike Capricorn he is more often agnostic than religious. ...forceful and dramatic action in the Uranian style is not much practiced by Aquarians. They are not violent doers, but somewhat reserved, with more humour than they are given credit for, and not infrequently a little apologetic. This, with the sow, gentle, but faintly ponderous manner, suggests Saturn as the ruling planet."
Jim Eshelman
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The Character of PISCES

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"...mostly rather easy-going... do not create the impression of being grimly serious... This does not, however, prevent them from being talented and successful, or even from succeeding without talent because they can get on so well with all kinds of people."

"...self-indulgence... too easily satisfied to make a good trustee, and too fond of conversation to be properly discreet."

"...typically resembles 'the average sensual man'; always looking for enjoyment, a bit of a humbug and not entirely reliable, but essentially kind and good-natured; weak-willed and easy-going, but generous, and quickly taken up with the sensations of the moment. Not independent and often difficult to rouse, they are talkative, fond of eating and drinking, devoted to entertainments, parties, theatricals, and amusements. Many of them are always looking for the easy way out, so work does not appeal to them as such; yet many do work hard when they are intelligent enough to understand the need for it, for they are exceptionally adaptable and versatile, and once interested in a job will take great trouble to make it a success."

"...can be affable but vulgar, and can also be snobbish or too much interested in money. Pleasant to meet but sometimes tricky to do business with, they are yet people against whom it is hard to bear a grudge... genial and pleasure-loving temperament..."

"...a remarkable group of explorers [as mentioned in 2nd century]... always looking for something beyond, perhaps for the reality behind appearances, and therefore has a particular affinity for the arts, religion and exploration. ...feels an invincible attraction to the remote, and that is the common factor between its astronomers, its explorers, its poets, mystics, spiritualists and philosophers..."

"...Pisces, even more than Cancer, lives a succession of fantasies; hence his outward life may degenerate into an undisciplined chaos and sometimes he honestly does not know the difference between imagination and fact."

"...dislike taking decisions and making distinctions - they prefer to leave everything fluid and trust to luck. They are ingratiating and resilient, but tend to excess especially in self-indulgence. They are often credulous and undiscriminating, hence they are easily misled and bamboozled, not so much by political ramps - not having too much sense of responsibility they can ignore those - as by unfounded scares, bogus 'opportunities', and too much attention to fortune-tellers and spirit communications. They love everything mysterious, glamorous, exotic and sybaritic... also have a gift for making contacts in many directions, hence they succeed in all professions requiring publicity and imagination, such as journalism, the cinema or theatre, politics and the arts."
Jim Eshelman
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