January 2025 events

Analyses of distinct mundane events, using the methods of Sidereal mundane astrology
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January 2025 events

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Bourbon Street terrorist truck attack

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Jan 1, 2025, 3:15 AM CST, New Orleans @ 29N57'22" 90W04'04"

A few days before Marion and I fly to New Orleans, the city is in a somber mood after a terrorist attack in the French Quarter, beginning at Canal and Bourbon during a New Year celebration, has killed 15 people and injured at least 35 others.

A man drove a pickup truck into a crowd of people at the historic, usually festive intersection. The truck had firearms and an Islamic State jihadist flag. In a gunfire exchange with police, he was killed, bringing the casualties to 16. The event is being investigated as a lone wolf terrorist attack.

I am curious whether this constitutes a mundane event or only a personal event. I suspect the former because it has cast a very dark shadow over the mood of the city. The event took place as the 17' Mars-Pluto opposition was joined by Moon. Venus and Uranus were on angles.

The charts are adequate, perhaps better. The Bridge takes an ongoing Neptune transit to Cansolar angles and adds the first day of a CapQ Moon-Mars square. The Cansolar adds Saturn 0°01' from an angle to the Neptune transit, but then also brings Jupiter (festivities? religious fervor?) into the mix, which compromises it a bit. The ingresses are not fabulous, although the Libsolar does give the basic message.

Year: Capsolar {-1}
[Sun-Jupiter, of course, is entirely wrong, it's only claim to fitting is that this occurred during a festive celebration. But the Moon aspects are dead on, so the -2 score is softened to -1.]
Jupiter Asc 1°23' [Eris 6' away mundo]
Sun MC 2°47'
-- Sun-Jupiter sq 1°24'
Moon-Mars 0°18' M
Moon-Neptune 0°25' M
Moon-Venus sq 2°54'

Bridge {+2}
t Neptune sq Cansolar MC -0°57'
CapQ Moon sq s Mars 1°00'

Quarter: Libsolar {+2}
[We even manage a close Uranus-Pluto square, which throws us back to the constant terrorist attack era of the late Obama administration - nearly always marked by Ur-Pl. If this had Saturn for the tone of the city, or if Mars were closer to the angles, I'd give it +3.]
Moon Asc 0°11'
Pluto Z 0°31'
Sun Dsc 2°34'
Mercury & Mars more widely foreground
Plenty of Eris involved in the aspects also
-- Sun-Mars sq 1°56'
-- Uranus-Pluto sq 1°59' M
-- Mercury-Mars sq 2°29' M
-- Moon-Pluto sq 2°37'
-- Moon-Sun op 2°44' M
-- Su/Me on angle 0°57'

Month: Caplunar (Dormant.)
Week: Liblunar (Dormant.) Moon-Mars Moon-Pluto.

Week: Canlunar {?}
Venus EP 0°16' [Eris N 0°21']
Mars WP-a 1°09'
Moon & Pluto more widely angular
-- Venus-Uranus sq 2°48' M
-- Moon-Pluto op 3°17' M
-- Mars-Pluto op 3°35' M
-- Venus-Mars op 3°43'

Day: Cansolar Quotidian & Transits {+2}
t Neptune sq s MC -0°57'
p Asc co t Saturn 0°01'
p MC co t Jupiter 0°29', s Jupiter 0°58'

Day: Capsolar Quotidian {+1}
p Moon sq s Mars 1°00'
p MC co t Sun 0°28'
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LA's "night of terror"

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Palisades Fire began January 7, 2025, 10:30 AM PST, Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles, CA

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Japan earthquake magnitude 6.8

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Jan 13, 2025, 12:19:32 UT, near Miyazaki, Japan @ 31N48'22'', 131E33'55''

Originally reported as 6.9. Tsunami warning issued then withdrawn. No reported serious damage in the press so far (one injury, some water pipe and road damage).

Saturn and Venus were setting square Jupiter on MC when it occurred. The quake was close to a full Moon suggesting that tidal pressures were part of the picture.

A few quick notes - haven't checked the quotidians which, of course, are important - not expecting a lot since there is little human impact, but a big quake...

CAPSOLAR. Saturn IC 0°22. I actually expected this because we're in the last day or two of the Capsolar and we've seen quakes before that had a bad Capsolar and - on the last day - had the quotidians come back around to the same planets. Whew.

LIBSOLAR. Venus 0°06' from EP and some Uranus. Not a great chart for this (unless you take it as "nobody was really hurt").

CAPLUNAR. Saturn 2°10' from Asc with some Mercury and Pluto. The exactly angular Saturn is in 0°23' PVP square to Neptune.

ARILUNAR. Neptune setting 0°12', Mercury IC 2°00', Mercury-Neptune square foreground and another Saturn-Neptune PVP square, this time with the Neptune angular instead of the Saturn.
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Israel-Hamas cease fire

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January 15, 2025, soon before 7 PM EET, Tel Aviv, Israel
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli%E ... nge_(2025)

Reuters announced the event at 8:50 AM PST (6:50 PM EET) with other news outlets following soon after. I don't have an actual time for the agreement, but did see life feeds of large crowds cheering and dancing.
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Equal Rights Amendment declared ratified

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This morning, President Biden affirmed that the Equal Rights Amendment has been ratified and is now the 28th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

The amendment states simply, "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex," and then gives Congress the power to enforce it with "appropriate legislation."

If you are unfamiliar with the history of the E.R.A., here is a short review of its ups and downs (bypassing, for the moment, earlier efforts to add a similar amendment):

The U.S. Constitution describes the procedure for amending the constitution in the single paragraph that constitutes Article V. One way is that two-thirds of the members of both houses of Congress "propose" (pass) an amendment. which then becomes "valid to all Intents and Purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several states."

Congress passed the E.R.A. March 22, 1972 and immediately endorsed by President Nixon. However, Congress imposed a seven-year deadline for the states to ratify the amendment. During those seven years, 35 states ratified the amendment (38 were required). To complicate matters, five states later rescinded their ratifications. Congress extended its deadline for ratification and the extended deadline also passed without 38 states ratifying the amendment.

Here are the important legal issues:
  1. The Constitution does not give Congress the power to set a time-limit on ratification. All historic interpretation has been that there is no time limit, and none can be imposed. An amendment passed by Congress during Thomas Jefferson's administration would still become part of the Constitution if ratified by 2/3 of the states today. The 14th and 15th Amendments were deemed ratified despite some states voting to rescind their ratification.
  2. The Constitution does not give states the power to rescind their ratifications, but simply says that the amendment becomes law "when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several states."
Between 2017 and 2020, Nevada, Illinois, and Virginia voted to ratify the E.R.A., bringing the number of states that had voted to ratify it to 38. The simplest reading of the Constitution is that, upon Virginia's ratification on January 15, 2020, the amendment was fully approved and, by language in the amendment itself, "shall take effect two years after the date of ratification," i.e., January 15, 2022.

One more procedural step was required, though: The President of the United States needs to direct the Archivist of the United States to certify the amendment as part of the Constitution. This morning (some time before 10 AM), President Biden took that step.

This will, of course, be heavily contested in legal battles, and one has no idea what the current Supreme Court will do. However, unless SCOTUS supports a novel view that Congress has the power to impose deadlines, exercising powers not given it in the Constitution, there is no basis for overturning this action.

There is room for interpretation on when it takes effect. I don't believe the president's certification is the determining date. The ratification was complete January 15, 2020, and this should now be deemed in effect as of January 15, 2022. Another very interesting legal consideration is that this may remove the effect of the SCOTUS Dobbs decision issued June 24, 2022 because - while the revocation of its earlier Roe v. Wade decision may stand, removing the earlier protection of abortion rights, those rights likely are reaffirmed under the terms of the new 28th Amendment.
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Re: Equal Rights Amendment declared ratified

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Astrologically, this should be examined multiple ways: against the ingresses as usual, against the U.S. natal chart, and against the U.S. Constitution chart.

Unless a better time emerges, I will use January 17, 2025, 10:00 AM EST, Washington, DC. The ongoing Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, joined by Venus at the moment, with Moon completing the "T" this morning - joined by the contentious Sun-Mars opposition - seems to capture the right feel of all this.

Year: Capsolar {+2}
[Astonishing! So simple an ingress... and yet the first thing that happens from it is an act asserting the equality of women! - It would get +3 for flawless perfect except that requires more than one factor describing the result.]
Moon EP-a 0°27'
Uranus widely angular

Bridge (None.)

Month: Caplunar {+2}
Venus WP 0°07'
Uranus more widely foreground
Venus-Uranus sq 0°35'

Week: Canlunar {+1 at least}
Uranus Z 1°19'
-- Moon-Sun op 1°01'
-- Moon-Mars co 1°54' M

Day: Capsolar Quotidian {+2}
p Asc sq s Uranus 0°18', t Uranus 0°16'

Day: Cansolar Transits {0}
t Mercury co s Asc 1°32'
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Re: Equal Rights Amendment declared ratified

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Checking against the U.S. natal chart for July 4, 1776, 12:10:43 PM LAT, Independence Hall, Philadelphia.

t Pluto co r Pluto 0°34'
t Jupiter co r Uranus 0°34'
-- t Jupiter oc r Mercury 0°56'
t Sun op r Mercury 0°00'
-- t Sun oc r Uranus 0°22'
t Mercury oc r Moon 0°51'

d MC sq r Mars 0°28'
d Saturn co r Mars 0°29'
-- d Saturn sq r Neptune 0°42'

None, other than the long-term p Jupiter to natal MC and Saturn, and Mars to natal EP-a.

t Uranus Asc -1°18'
t Mars Asc +1°09'
t Pluto MC +3°28'
r Pluto MC +3°55'

t Pluto co r Pluto 0°12'
t Mars-Pluto sq 2°19' M
t Mars-Uranus co 2°27' M [Asc = Ma/Ur 0°05']
t Mars sq r Pluto 2°46' M

r Venus Dsc -8°23'
t Neptune N -1°12'
r Saturn MC -2°13'
r Neptune Z +0°15'
r Mars Dsc +0°58'

t Mercury Asc +2°16
r Sun WP +0°58'
t Sun EP-a +1°43'

r Mars-Neptune sq 1°11'
t Neptune op r Neptune 1°27'
t Mercury op r Mars 1°35'
r Sun-Saturn sq 1°40'
t Sun op r Sun 2°19' M
t Neptune sq r Mars 2°37'
t Mercury sq r Neptune 2°46'

t Pluto Asc -7°47'
t Mars Dsc -5°12'
t Sun Asc -1°40'
r Mercury Dsc +0°54'
r Sun Dsc +5°32'
t Mercury Asc +8°36'

t Pluto co r Pluto 0°31'
t Sun-Mars op 0°34'

t Sun op r Mercury 1°09'
t Mars co r Mercury 1°43'
t Mars op r Pluto 2°06' M
t Mars-Pluto op 2°35' M
t Mercury op r Sun 3°04' M
r Mercury-Pluto op 3°16'
t Pluto op r Mercury 3°47'

I've never been too sure about return charts and national charts but, in any case, these lunars are BRUTAL. If they actually apply, they seem to describe the battles this will launch. I'm not sure they apply.

OTOH, the demi-lunar has something very interesting: It has a 0°00' Moon-Sun PVP square. We're not yet sure that PVP aspects matter in return charts, but this one is worth noting not only for it's incredible precision but because I can't think of an aspect that better states gender equality than a perfectly exact Moon-Sun aspect!
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Re: Equal Rights Amendment declared ratified

Post by Jim Eshelman »

U.S. Constitution: September 17, 1787, 11:29 AM LMT, Philadelphia, PA

t Pluto op r Uranus 0°54'
t Neptune op r Sun 0°21'
t Venus op r Mercury 0°11'

[These are fantastic!]
d Venus sq r Pluto -0°25'
-- d MC sq r Pluto +0°47'
d Asc co r Uranus +0°27'
d Jupiter co r Saturn +0°48'


[This is awesome!]
r Jupiter MC -8°50'
t Neptune Dsc -6°55'
r/t Sun Asc -6°22'

t Jupiter MC -0°40'
r Venus EP +0°17'
t Mercury Asc +2°43'
t Saturn Dsc +6°39'
r Mercury Asc +6°44'

t Moon-Pluto sq 0°01' M
t Neptune sq r Jupiter 0°08'
t Saturn op r Mercury 0°12'
t Neptune op r Sun 0°35'
r Sun-Jupiter sq 0°43'
t Mercury co r Venus 0°48'
t Jupiter sq r Venus 0°52'

t Moon sq r Uranus 1°37'
t Mercury-Jupiter sq 1°41'
t Mercury-Saturn op 3°58'

(Confusing and contentious. I'm not going to type it all out since the demi is going to be the main chart anyway.)

[Not bad at all!]
t Neptune Asc -7°44'
r Sun Dsc -6°50'
t Saturn Asc -2°38'
r Mercury Dsc -2°16'
----------------------- Asc = t Ve/Sa 0°14'
r Venus WP +0°56'
t Venus Asc +2°11'
t Jupiter N +1°08
r Pluto Asc +5°23'
r Saturn +7°03'

t Saturn op r Mercury 0°25'
t Neptune op r Sun 0°30'

t Saturn op r Venus 1°40' M
r Saturn-Pluto co 1°40' M
r Mercury-Venus co 2°02' M
r Sun-Venus co 2°32' M
t Jupiter sq r Mercury 2°36'
t Venus-Pluto co 3°12' M
t Neptune op r Venus 3°26' M
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Re: January 2025 events

Post by Veronica »

What a beautiful event to wake up and read about! Yea! Yea!Yea! I am very happy to hear this, what a gift President Biden has sent out to the nation! I am especially glad to hear Jim say
“ Another very interesting legal consideration is that this may remove the effect of the SCOTUS Dobbs decision issued June 24, 2022 because - while the revocation of its earlier Roe v. Wade decision may stand, removing the earlier protection of abortion rights, those rights likely are reaffirmed under the terms of the new 28th Amendment.”
It certainly does feel like an affirmation to me, I felt empowered and seen just reading about it.
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Re: Israel-Hamas cease fire

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 10:25 am January 15, 2025, soon before 7 PM EET, Tel Aviv, Israel
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli%E ... nge_(2025)

Reuters announced the event at 8:50 AM PST (6:50 PM EET) with other news outlets following soon after. I don't have an actual time for the agreement, but did see life feeds of large crowds cheering and dancing.
The ceasefire went into effect today, January 19, shortly after 5:30 PM when the first hostages were released (according to various new outlets). If this is set up for Tel Aviv or Jerusalem, Mars was exactly on EP-a (square Eris exactly), which makes me wonder about the durability of the event. Venus and Saturn were conjunct 0°30' at the time: There will be a lot of pain and remorse today (perhaps discovering that a large number of the hostages are dead?).
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American Eagle Flight 5342 collides with Black Hawk

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Jan 29, 2025, around 8:47 PM EST, 38N50'33" 77W01'30"

I've given this its own thread:
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Med Jets Flight 056 crash in Philadelphia

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January 31, 2025, 6:06 PM EST, Philadelphia, PA @ 40N02'46" 75W03'26"

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Re: January 2025 events

Post by Venus_Daily »

After reading up on the recent events, it appears the strongest factor they have is Pluto with Jupiter conspicuously absent.
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