Raphael of Urbino. March 27, 1483 OS, 9:30 PM LAT, Urbino, Italy (A).
Swanson, Gloria. Mar 27, 1899, 12:20 AM CST, Chicago, IL (A).
MacNeil, Karen. March 27, 1954, 1:34 PM EST, Boston, MA (AA).
Mar 27: Raphael of Urbino & Gloria Swanson
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19424
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19424
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Gloria Swanson
Gloria Swanson's chart is really quite remarkable. Besides being still another Pisces Sun is remarkable cinematic success, there are numerous tightly locked aspects worth exploring. More than anything else, though, please note the 0°01' Sun-Moon opposition. This alone is surely distinctive for her extraordinary popularity, glamor, and success (not to mention her sexual appetites). It's also probably one reason her Saturn-Neptune opposition tightly across the horizon took the positive turn - talent and creativity (which isn't rare for Saturn-Neptune) - rather than despair, sickness, and other darkness.
Code: Select all
Long Lat Speed RA Dec Azi Alt ML PVL Ang
Mo 13Vi 3'10" 5S 0 +12°45' 183°53' 7S 7 190°25' +40°28' 40° 0' 258° 2' 66%
Su 13Pi 2'27" 0S 0 +59'18" 5°51' 2N32 8°31' -45°16' 224°57' 81°39' 83% I
Me 1Ar20'49" 2N46 +43'30" 21°49' 12N 9 348° 2' -35°12' 214°37' 106°23' 63%
Ve 0Aq38'18" 0S 1 + 1° 9' 326°18' 13S33 68° 1' -41°33' 198°21' 43°42' 37%
Ma 0Cn15'44" 2N50 +16'26" 116° 0' 24N11 280° 1' +26° 5' 175° 8' 206°26' 50%
Ju 15Li23'32" 1N26 - 5'25" 216°49' 13S 4 151°31' +30°26' 27°19' 309° 4' 46%
Sa 0Sg18'47" 1N27 + 0'37" 263°10' 21S51 118°24' - 1°33' 359°16' 1°45' 99% A
Ur 14Sc36'26" 0N 7 - 0'44" 246°12' 21S32 130° 3' + 9° 8' 5°54' 348° 9' 67%
Ne 28Ta48' 4" 1S17 + 0'48" 81°31' 21N56 299°33' + 0°33' 179°44' 180°38' 100% D
Pl 20Ta31'28" 9S42 + 0'37" 73°41' 12N50 298°48' -11°12' 185°27' 167°16' 62%
Ha 2Ge59'14" 16S 9 + 0'27" 86°26' 7N16 285°46' - 6°25' 181°45' 173°20' 89% D
Er 28Aq51'17" 32S49 + 0'48" 7°35' 32S51 21°53' -80°22' 259°38' 86°23' 97% I
Mc 19Vi32'13" ............. 191°51' 5S 5 180° 0' +43° 2' ....... 270° 0' ...
As 26Sc53'32" ..................... 23S 6 ....... 0° 0' ....... 0° 0' ...
Ep 17Sg33' 3" ............. 281°51' 23S 0 ....................................
Vx 9Cn31'24" ..................... 19N32 270° 0' +30° 3' ....................
Class 1 Aspects Class 2 Aspects Class 3 Aspects
Mo op Su 0° 1' 100% Su sq Pl 4°23' 64% M Mo oc Ve 2°35' 24%
Mo sq Ur 0° 6' 100% M Su co Er 4°44' 76% M Mo sq Ha 5°18' 48% M
Mo sq Pl 0°46' 99% M Me oc Ur 1°44' 64% Mo op Er 8°21' 28% M
Su tr Ur 1°34' 95% Ve sq Ju 4°38' 59% M Su oc Ve 2°36' 23%
Su sq Ha 1°41' 95% M Ju oc Ne 1°35' 70% Ju oc Ha 2°36' 23%
Me sx Ve 0°43' 99% Ju oc Er 1°32' 72% Sa op Pl 9°47' 4%
Me sq Ma 1° 5' 98% Ur op Ha 5°11' 71% M Ne co Pl 8°17' 29%
Me tr Sa 1° 2' 98% Ne co Ha 4°11' 81%
Me sx Ne 2°33' 87% Pl co Ha 6° 4' 61% M
Me sx Ha 1°38' 95% Ha sq Er 3° 3' 82% M
Ve sx Sa 0°20' 100%
Ve tr Ne 1°50' 93%
Ve tr Ha 2°21' 89%
Ma oc Ur 0°39' 95%
Ma tr Er 1°24' 96%
Ju oc Sa 0° 5' 100%
Sa op Ne 1° 8' 99% M
Sa op Ha 2°40' 92%
Sa sq Er 1°28' 96%
Ur op Pl 0°53' 99% M
Ne sq Er 0° 3' 100%
Jim Eshelman