Progressing Planets through the signs

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Jupiter Sets at Dawn
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Progressing Planets through the signs

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Jul 03, 2011 10:15 am
Venus_Daily wrote:Sorry for being so so inquisitive Jim, but I always wanted to know, you always give descriptions of planets in signs, but what about planets progressing through the signs. I know the native will always retain their birth chart, but obviously the progressed chart kind adds a layer "newness" to this person's how is this to be interpreted when the planets move through the signs, obviously I wouldn't place that much emphasis on the progressed moon since it moves so quickly, but Venus, Mars, Sol, and Mercury will change does one interpret this? Just like Natal.....It seems kind of confusing.
Anyway, I am feeling a little better and will be working on my little series again, and have been wondering about the problem, every time I go past the visible input screen I can no longer see what I am typing, should I use another browser?
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Jupiter Sets at Dawn
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Re: Progressing Planets through the signs

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Jim Eshelman wrote:
Venus_Daily wrote:you always give descriptions of planets in signs, but what about planets progressing through the signs.
I can trace the effects of progressed Moon through the signs pretty well. It's not the biggest and most important factor, and it would be hard to do serious predictive work based on it, but it has always seemed a very clear factor.

Other planets... not so much. It's more like, at the time of a shift from one sign to another, you can tell that some sort of shift is going on, and it will tend to be characteristic of the signs involved; but, once more, this is so minor that one can ignore it.

One absolutely should not try to judge character by the fact that some planet has moved into a different sign in the Secondary Progressions! (This is a common Tropicalist error, sponsored, I think, by the fact that they don't have a real zodiac to use and so they grasp for what they can.)

If I were to look for anything past the Moon, I'd wonder if the passage of progressed Sun through the signs marked out large 30-year zones. I think it is (at best) seriously overstating to say that this is the case. My progressed Sun was in Libra from 1962-1992, and has been in Scorpio for the 19 years since. I can't say that I can differentiate life before '92 from life since, particularly in any way that would mark a shift from Libra to Scorpio.
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