I want to know more about Tertiary progressions

Q&A and discussion on Tertiary Progressions
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Jupiter Sets at Dawn
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I want to know more about Tertiary progressions

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Jun 17, 2012 12:15 pm
Venus_Daily wrote:Hi,
Tertiary Progressions seem very intresting to me, but there is very little information about them, so in hopes to learn more, and possibly create some new activity on the subject, I have a few questions.
How do you use them in terms of Uranian and Sidereal astrology?
Do you use them like regular progressions or Directions such as Secondary and Solar Arc?
Where can I find more information about tertiary progressions in context or in relation to Sidereal astrology/Uranian Astrology.
I know Jim gave them a B rating in regards to other predictive methods, but they still seem very intresting, and a useful tool.
Thank You
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Re: I want to know more about Tertiary progressions

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Jim Eshelman wrote:They're essentially a faster progression rate. In theory, you use them just like Secondary Progressions, except you expect things to mature much faster. (The tertiary Moon is essentially useless.)

They do score pretty strongy in comparative tests of big events, but not anywhere near as strong as transits, Secondary Progressions, and Solunar returns.

There is essentially nothing on them in print. Garth Allen's article in American Astrology in the early 1970s is mostly on calculation. Edward Lyndoe used them almost exclusively, and his various articles and one beginners' book addresses them. But, really, you don't need anything else that I can think of, if you already understand how to interpret Secondary Progressions.

Oh, one thing does come to mind: In my testing of significant events, terts work best of the Midheaven is progressed at the same rate as progressed Sun (apparent solar in longitude), whereas Secondary Progressions work best as Naibod in RA. Why? Heck if I know. I'm just mentioning what was found.
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Re: I want to know more about Tertiary progressions

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Venus_Daily wrote:Thank You for your reply Jim, so it's Progression to Progression, with emphasis on the angles excluding the Moon including soft aspects, progressions to natal. What about transits to progressions, are these progressions receptive to transiting plants.
Thank You Maria.
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Re: I want to know more about Tertiary progressions

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Jim Eshelman wrote:
Venus_Daily wrote:Thank You for your reply Jim, so it's Progression to Progression, with emphasis on the angles excluding the Moon including soft aspects, progressions to natal. What about transits to progressions, are these progressions receptive to transiting plants.
I wouldn't say emphasis on the angles - in progressions, those are just one set of factors, somewhere near as powerful as any others. Yes, progressed-to-progressed and -to-natal. Transits to terts are technically possible (the layering works right, and is consistent with how quaternary progressions - the old Churck of Light "minor progressions" - are long known to work), but I haven't noticed them being of much significance. (OK, I'll add transits to tert Sun to my calculations for the rest of this month and see if that potentially strongest factor shows anything.)
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Re: I want to know more about Tertiary progressions

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Jim Eshelman wrote:
Venus_Daily wrote:sorry to ask so many questions, but what calcluations do you used for minor progressions as well?
What Church of Light called Minor Progressions (and I got Bradley to start calling Quaternary Progressions) appear in SolarFire as Minor... you can do it straight from there. The rate is one sidereal month (about 27.3 days) per sidereal year (about 365.25 days).
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Re: I want to know more about Tertiary progressions

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Jim Eshelman wrote:OK, I agreed to watch transits to terts - at least the major ones.

The last 24 hours provided a couple of interesting examples.

Late yesterday, transiting Mars opposed my P3 Mars. I wouldn't have called it a Mars-Mars primary feel yesterday, and there had already been a couple of Marsy days as Mars returned to oppose my natal Moon - but the latter was past. -- This morning, when the transit was still in orb, I arrived at the office to a mild form of chaos that had me half an hour behind before I stepped off the elevator, and another half hour behind a few minutes later. The day was rush-rush-rush-push-push with nothing else in the chart seemingly showing it. But it's a reasonable minor expression of a Mars-to-Mars transit.

Then, today is the exact day of transiting Jupiter opposite P3 Mercury. Bottom line: various praisings of the work we do around here. One of the people involved in the rush-rush scenario volunteered that she'd recently praised my department to HR when she had a conversation with a regional HR manager, and a high-profile visitor extended some unsolicited praise. Overall, strong enough to be felt and appreciated, but not so strong as to be confused with a transit to a natal or SSR planet.
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