Prez 2012 Election neo-SSQ's

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Jupiter Sets at Dawn
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Prez 2012 Election neo-SSQ's

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Topic review: Prez 2012 Election neo-SSQ's
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Prez 2012 Election neo-SSQ's

Post Posted Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:10 pm by StarAgeWiz
What are the odds?

Romney & Obama's neo-SSQ's calculated for Wash. DC.....nearly the same Angles!
Romney's Solar Mars conj. ASC
Obama's Solar Jupiter conj. MC


Romney Nov 6th SSQ.png
Romney Nov 6th SSQ.png (13.11 KB) Viewed 2394 times
Romney Nov 6th SSQ.png
Obama Nov 6th SSQ.png
I like Solar Jupiter on MC to win election
Obama Nov 6th SSQ.png (16.43 KB) Viewed 2392 times

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Re: Prez 2012 Election neo-SSQ's

Post Posted Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:58 pm by SteveS
Hi Star Age, Can’t dispute your neo SSQ (Jupiter MC) for Obama if he is indeed in DC on night of election. The Las Vegas odds makers now have Obama as a huge favorite:

Obama (-) 280, Romney (+) 220.
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Re: Prez 2012 Election neo-SSQ's

Post Posted Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:24 pm by StarAgeWiz
Hi Steve,

Also Venus on MC Wash DC for Obama's neo-PSSR..

There's some evidence that Solar's should be progressed from location SSR occurred. In this case Obama's occurred in Wash DC.
Romney's occurred in Mobile, Alabama. Because the US Capital is where the seat of power resides for the must have some significance
for the progressed Solar's. Anyway, on 1/20/2013 the president is sworn in at 12 pm. Take a look at Obama and Romney's Locality (from Natal)
for Wash. DC ..They both have have very close to the same relocated Angles. Both Romney and Obama have tr. Jupiter on the ASC...however in Obama's case
the tr. Jupiter is conjunct his n. Moon sq his n. Sun (IC) while tr. Moon in mid-heaven opp. his n. Sun. Clearly here (LOC Angles) Obama gets the nod!
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Re: Prez 2012 Election neo-SSQ's

Post Posted Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:27 pm by Jim Eshelman
Over the years, I tried predicting elections based on quotidians - either for election day or inauguration day.

My first outing, I predicted McGovern solidly trouncing Nixon. The track record stayed pretty much the same until I stopped using quotidians for the task :)
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Re: Prez 2012 Election neo-SSQ's

Post Posted Fri Sep 21, 2012 2:03 am by SteveS
StarAge wrote:

Take a look at Obama and Romney's Locality (from Natal) for Wash. DC ..

Hi Mike,
Interesting, both have benefit t. Jupiter angular on their relocated n. Asc for Inauguration Day.

Jim wrote:

Over the years, I tried predicting elections based on quotidians - either for election day or inauguration day. My first outing, I predicted McGovern solidly trouncing Nixon. The track record stayed pretty much the same until I stopped using quotidians for the task.

I have not done near the research you have Jim pertaining to Sidereal Astrology and you know how much I respect your work with Sidereal Astrology, but when I saw the sec-prog. Moon-Jupiter Paran involving Bush’s SQ Chart on Jan. 20th 2005, I had to make a money bet on Bush winning the 2004 Election. The day before the 2004 Election- Bush was 8-5 favorite in Vegas to win the 2004 Election, which was very comforting to me combined with Bush’s Inauguration Moon-Jupiter Paran. Parans involving sec. prog. Solar Moons on quotidian charts are very rare. The only Paran Chart I have seen for this year election is Mike’s above observation involving Romney’s relocated n. angles on Inauguration Day, where t. Jupiter is Paran his n. Node on relocated n. Asc. If Romney is a favorite (looking highly doubtful) in Vegas one day before the election-- I may venture a money bet--but Obama's huge favorite Vegas Odds has me somewhat confused with the astrology that favors Romney. Having t. Neptune partile conjunct my n. IC accounts for my confused mind with this Election and it's astrology.
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Re: Prez 2012 Election neo-SSQ's

Post Posted Tue Sep 25, 2012 2:32 pm by StarAgeWiz
it will be interesting to compare romney's and obama's loc. charts with upcoming debate transits.....incl. various solunar cyclic charts and/or natal progressions
romney's birth time only has a rodden rating of 'A' BC verification yet.
In my experience only rodden 'AA' ratings or BC's have the most accuracy.... (not in every case ...but way more than rodden ratings of less accuracy)
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Re: Prez 2012 Election neo-SSQ's

Post Posted Fri Sep 28, 2012 4:47 pm by StarAgeWiz
Jim wrote:

Over the years, I tried predicting elections based on quotidians - either for election day or inauguration day. My first outing, I predicted McGovern solidly trouncing Nixon. The track record stayed pretty much the same until I stopped using quotidians for the task.

Nixon's birth time -AA- , McGovern's birth time -A-
So for purposes of this example will only display Nixon's neo-SSQ for election date 11/07/1972..Wash DC


Nixon's neo-SSQ.png
Tr. Jupiter conj.IC & sq. ASC..also tr. Venus opp. Solar Mars in 4-5 deg t-sq tr. Jupiter. Appears to be a winning combo to me.
Especially with tr. Jupiter only a half deg. off 4th house angle.
Nixon's neo-SSQ.png (17.67 KB) Viewed 2212 times

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Re: Prez 2012 Election neo-SSQ's

Post Posted Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:06 pm by Jim Eshelman
I can't read those tiny wheels worth a damn What did it show?

I also have a problem if you are using the "neo" (i.e., apparent solar) rate. Fagan and Bradley, as well as everything I've seen shows that the apparent solar rate is false except for the PSSR. Just in the last few weeks when I started the Quotidian Anecdotes thread, I was tracking the Neo-SQ along with the other four and, while the other four (including the mean rate SQ) were scoring generally 80% accuracy and up, I gave up on even bothering to track the Neo-SQ when it bottomed out at 8% accuracy rate.
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Re: Prez 2012 Election neo-SSQ's

Post Posted Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:27 pm by Jim Eshelman
OK, it looks like your example shows a 12 Sagittarius IC with transiting Jupiter at 12 Sagittarius. That's a fine chart - and would catch my attention were it not for the consistently miserable showing of the Neo-SQ.

Using the mean rate (even flow of time), for the 9:35 PM birth certificate time, Nixon's SQ for noon on election day at MC 18 Gem 10, Asc 16 Vir 37. SQ Mars was at 16 Pis 18, on the Descendant (s. Mars was 15 Pis 46). The chart shows an attack on him, an aggressive surge of energy against him. In combination with McGovern's favorable Quotidians, this didn't look like a Nixon win (to me at 17! <g>).

Nixon's SSR itself was, of course, showing the effects of Watergate building, so it was misleading. It had a Saturn-Neptune opposition across the horizon with Saturn conjunct his natal Saturn, and Neptune square Nixon's Venus, not a very good chart for a win.

Simple transits to his natal chart would have been a better bet. On Election Day he had partile:
t. Pluto square r. Jupiter
t. Neptune square r. Venus (4')
t. Uranus square r. Sun (6')
t. Jupiter semisquare r. Moon (12')
t. Sun semisquare r. Mars

On balance, these are quite excellent.
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Re: Prez 2012 Election neo-SSQ's

Post Posted Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:05 pm by StarAgeWiz

Jim Eshelman wrote:
I can't read those tiny wheels worth a damn What did it show?

I also have a problem if you are using the "neo" (i.e., apparent solar) rate. Fagan and Bradley, as well as everything I've seen shows that the apparent solar rate is false except for the PSSR. Just in the last few weeks when I started the Quotidian Anecdotes thread, I was tracking the Neo-SQ along with the other four and, while the other four (including the mean rate SQ) were scoring generally 80% accuracy and up, I gave up on even bothering to track the Neo-SQ when it bottomed out at 8% accuracy rate.

Jim, Sorry, tri-wheel doesn't paste clearly...will stick to bi-wheels in the future.

Hope this image is clearer. Personally I find the Fagan neo-SSQ-PSSR work well.
As in Nixon's neo-SSQ with tr. Jupiter 11Sag 47 Angular Conj. IC 11Sag56
Whereas by the Secondary Q2 rate this IC calculates as 18Sag12 ....
Calculations from Janus 4.3


Nixon Neo-SSQ Nov 7 1972.png
Nixon Neo-SSQ Nov 7 1972.png (15.25 KB) Viewed 2144 times

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Re: Prez 2012 Election neo-SSQ's

Post Posted Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:13 pm by Jim Eshelman
I totally agree that the Neo (i.e., apparent) rate is what the PSSR requires. Our only disagreement is on the SQ.

Take 50 decisive, clear events for well-timed natals and do both the apparent rate and mean rate charts for the SQ. For each event, compare the two and add the better of the two to a pile. (Repeat, separately, for the SNQ.) I've done this several times, and the best that the apparent rate has ever done is lose 2-to-1 (2 "best hits" for the mean for every 1 "bet hit" for the apparent). Usually it's at least 3-to-1, with the higher stack being the apparent rate.

Then, as I mentioned, there was the recent tabulation of daily quotidian anecdotes. The Neo-SQ did so poorly that, when it dropped below 8% accuracy, I just stopped watching it.

You, of course, have to go with what you have seen. I agree that the Nixon example is a good one. But individual good examples are easy to find for almost anything, which is why I recommend the above bulk test.
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Re: Prez 2012 Election neo-SSQ's

Post Posted Sun Nov 04, 2012 4:17 pm by StarAgeWiz
Election PSSR's for Romney and Obama calculated for Wash. DC US Capital. (seat of the presidency)
These charts could also be drawn for place of SSR or location candidate is at time of election.
Nonetheless these charts are of interest to me.

Romney's natal Saturn 8CN23 intra-aspect Obama's Mercury 8CN07....not a great conversational relationship to say the least and is one important reason why they probably hate each other. Romney's Saturn two degrees off his PSSR MC conj. Obama's Mercury(opp. Obama Jupiter) Romney's birth time is from "memory" so could be a slight error.
Romney's Solar Saturn 1.5 deg off his PSSR ASC !...reflects the Saturn theme of this PSSR....election transit Saturn 8LI54 SQ Romney natal Saturn 8CN23....Ouch!

On the other hand, Obama's natal Venus 7GEM35 exact conj. his PSSR MC with Solar Venus nearby with a close Prog. Solar Moon (setting)


Romney PSSR with Natal Planets.png
Romney PSSR with Natal Planets.png (15.58 KB) Viewed 2011 times
Romney Nov 6th SSQ.png
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