Shil-Ponde's Moon-sign interpretations
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Shil-Ponde's Moon-sign interpretations
As a point of comparison, I'll add here popular summaries of Moon-sign interpretations from a Hindu astrologer, Joytisha-Shastra by Shil-Ponde. It's fascinating the high level of agreement between these and Sidereal interpretations from the Fagan-Bradley school of Sidereal astrology, and these may serve as points of investigation where they seem to differ. Notice that, in Indian fashion, separate interpretations are given for men and women: These likely are valid in highly gender-distinguished cultures, including even parts of this country at present, though they are less distinctive in most parts of this country and in Western civilization in general as gender parity increases.
LATER: Having now typed all of these, I find them of uneven quality (but who of us is immune to that?). Some of them are a strange mixture of Tropical and Sidereal observations, e.g., Moon in Pisces reads to me like about a third of its traits are Sidereal Aquarius (Tropical Pisces), about two-thirds are Sidereal Pisces, and some key Pisces traits are overlooked. This is fine, since the goal wasn't to give packaged interpretations someone could use, but to give resources of an astrologer's observations as "starter notes" for comparing against statistics and observation. The value of these (in contrast to my notes and those of Fagan & Bradley) is that they stem from someone working in the only system on the planet that, in the 20th Century, had preserved (rather than recovered) a fixed zodiac.
I personally am uncomfortable by the very idea of giving gender-distinct interpretations - until I remember that it was probably a quite innovative thing to do in that particular cultural context (and, for that matter, some corners of my own country even today). In this regard, they are of historic value and even current value as an exploration. (I regret that some of this material offended at least one person on this forum. My goal here was to accurately represent what Shil-Ponde wrote.)
Moon in Taurus viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125#p760
Moon in Gemini viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125#p761
Moon in Cancer viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125#p762
Moon in Leo viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125#p763
Moon in Virgo viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125#p764
Moon in Libra viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125#p766
Moon in Scorpio viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125&p=759#p767
Moon in Sagittarius viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125&p=759#p768
Moon in Capricorn viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125&p=759#p769
Moon in Aquarius viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125&p=759#p770
Moon in Pisces viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125#p771
Moon in Aries viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125#p772
LATER: Having now typed all of these, I find them of uneven quality (but who of us is immune to that?). Some of them are a strange mixture of Tropical and Sidereal observations, e.g., Moon in Pisces reads to me like about a third of its traits are Sidereal Aquarius (Tropical Pisces), about two-thirds are Sidereal Pisces, and some key Pisces traits are overlooked. This is fine, since the goal wasn't to give packaged interpretations someone could use, but to give resources of an astrologer's observations as "starter notes" for comparing against statistics and observation. The value of these (in contrast to my notes and those of Fagan & Bradley) is that they stem from someone working in the only system on the planet that, in the 20th Century, had preserved (rather than recovered) a fixed zodiac.
I personally am uncomfortable by the very idea of giving gender-distinct interpretations - until I remember that it was probably a quite innovative thing to do in that particular cultural context (and, for that matter, some corners of my own country even today). In this regard, they are of historic value and even current value as an exploration. (I regret that some of this material offended at least one person on this forum. My goal here was to accurately represent what Shil-Ponde wrote.)
Moon in Taurus viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125#p760
Moon in Gemini viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125#p761
Moon in Cancer viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125#p762
Moon in Leo viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125#p763
Moon in Virgo viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125#p764
Moon in Libra viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125#p766
Moon in Scorpio viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125&p=759#p767
Moon in Sagittarius viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125&p=759#p768
Moon in Capricorn viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125&p=759#p769
Moon in Aquarius viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125&p=759#p770
Moon in Pisces viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125#p771
Moon in Aries viewtopic.php?f=13&t=125#p772
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Moon in Taurus
Interpretation for men
[Unlike most of his interpretations, this one sounds to be like a Tropical interpretation, i.e., more like Sidereal Aries. - JAE]
"These persons are steady, but rather stubborn; they have controlled natures and [controlled] tempers, but are almost insane if aroused. Their morals are good, their natures conservative. They make good citizens and assume responsibility easily and naturally. They are inclined to be lazy, however, and will work hard only if they have to. However, when necessity arises, they can be depended on to do their share. To those whom they love, they are generous to a fault, but are inclined to be rather niggardly in their dealings generally. They are very reliable and thrifty, and because of this trait they will slowly build up and accumulate and will be wealthy, or well to do in the middle or later years.
"They are fond of music. Underneath a calm exterior, they are really passionate and excitable and can be aroused to jealous rage in love affairs. They are great eaters, indeed inclined to overeat, and because of this will get heavy and constipated unless this tendency is curbed. They should avoid crowded communities and large cities and live in the country, since they like solitude and the wide open spaces. They are fond of family life and particularly of brothers or sisters. If married, they will have more daughters than sons. They are fond of the opposite sex and are inclined to stick to settled customs and ideas generally. Usually they are very handsome..."
Interpretation for women
"The characteristics of these women are in direct contrast to those with Moon in Aries. They are usually good-looking... They are modest, respectful to older and more experienced people, passive yet positive in their thoughts and actions. Stubborn but not aggressive. Shrewd but not clever or brilliant. Somewhat lazy and sensuous with a love of luxury and good things to eat. They are essentially pleasure loving, fond of society and the social life and particularly the company of the opposite sex. They usually marry well and are well looked after by their husbands. They make good housewives where they are useful as well as ornamental. They like to read, are fond of travel.
"They like to be dominated by their husbands, but because of their attractiveness and their sex appeal, their husbands are really under their domination without being aware of it. They love beautiful dresses, and perfumes. They are artistic themselves and are often found in artistic and musical circles. Withal, they are caeful and conscientious in any work which they have to do, and if they do not marry are capable of supporting themselves and of accumulating the world's goods. They... have a tendency to overeat. Their chief ailments are of the throat and neck - usually they have infected tonsils, caused by toxic poisons in the system, the result of constipation and indigestion."
[Unlike most of his interpretations, this one sounds to be like a Tropical interpretation, i.e., more like Sidereal Aries. - JAE]
"These persons are steady, but rather stubborn; they have controlled natures and [controlled] tempers, but are almost insane if aroused. Their morals are good, their natures conservative. They make good citizens and assume responsibility easily and naturally. They are inclined to be lazy, however, and will work hard only if they have to. However, when necessity arises, they can be depended on to do their share. To those whom they love, they are generous to a fault, but are inclined to be rather niggardly in their dealings generally. They are very reliable and thrifty, and because of this trait they will slowly build up and accumulate and will be wealthy, or well to do in the middle or later years.
"They are fond of music. Underneath a calm exterior, they are really passionate and excitable and can be aroused to jealous rage in love affairs. They are great eaters, indeed inclined to overeat, and because of this will get heavy and constipated unless this tendency is curbed. They should avoid crowded communities and large cities and live in the country, since they like solitude and the wide open spaces. They are fond of family life and particularly of brothers or sisters. If married, they will have more daughters than sons. They are fond of the opposite sex and are inclined to stick to settled customs and ideas generally. Usually they are very handsome..."
Interpretation for women
"The characteristics of these women are in direct contrast to those with Moon in Aries. They are usually good-looking... They are modest, respectful to older and more experienced people, passive yet positive in their thoughts and actions. Stubborn but not aggressive. Shrewd but not clever or brilliant. Somewhat lazy and sensuous with a love of luxury and good things to eat. They are essentially pleasure loving, fond of society and the social life and particularly the company of the opposite sex. They usually marry well and are well looked after by their husbands. They make good housewives where they are useful as well as ornamental. They like to read, are fond of travel.
"They like to be dominated by their husbands, but because of their attractiveness and their sex appeal, their husbands are really under their domination without being aware of it. They love beautiful dresses, and perfumes. They are artistic themselves and are often found in artistic and musical circles. Withal, they are caeful and conscientious in any work which they have to do, and if they do not marry are capable of supporting themselves and of accumulating the world's goods. They... have a tendency to overeat. Their chief ailments are of the throat and neck - usually they have infected tonsils, caused by toxic poisons in the system, the result of constipation and indigestion."
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Moon in Gemini
Interpretation for men
"These are very thoughtful, intelligent, and sometimes brilliant people. They have a quickness of mind which may appear changeable to others, but which is nevertheless logical and orderly, and they make the most formidable opponents in argument, because of this ability to skip from one aspect of the subject to another, with seeming irrelevancy, yet never for a moment losing sight of the main argument, which they will return to after having led their opponents through devious paths, into traps, from which it is difficult to extricate themselves.
Interpretation for women
"These women are on tight wires all the time. Nervously temperamental and excitable as a result of extreme mental activity and the tendency to do too many things at a time; they even erad three of four books at a time going from one to the other. They have the faculty of quickly grasping the essentials of a book by reading here and there in the book, preferring to do this rather than to start the book at the beginning and read consecutively through to the end. they are talkative with the habit of skipping from one subject to another. They are highly imaginative and romantic but not warmly affectionate. They are best fitted for clerical jobs, writing, or work in the advertising departments of large concerns - file clerks, copy writers, research information, etc. If married they will collaborate in their husband's business or work out some career of their own. They are not good housewives, detesting the menial details of housework, but they make splendid organizers both at home and in the office, as they have a mental grasp of details, while abhorring the physical tasks of carrying them out.
"They are interested in Art, sculpture particularly, and are fond of reading poetry. They have strong constitutions as a rule. Their chief weakness is in the lungs, and they should avoid eating or drinking cold food or beverages, since this seems to affect the lungs. Intoxicating liquors are very dangerous to these women as while they are mentally stimulated by their use, the effect on the lungs is very disastrous. They should also avoid the use of drugs or medicines whenever possible, as they have the power to cure themselves and will recover quickly from most ailments. Medicines and drugs seem to affect them adversely and act contrary to expectations."
"These are very thoughtful, intelligent, and sometimes brilliant people. They have a quickness of mind which may appear changeable to others, but which is nevertheless logical and orderly, and they make the most formidable opponents in argument, because of this ability to skip from one aspect of the subject to another, with seeming irrelevancy, yet never for a moment losing sight of the main argument, which they will return to after having led their opponents through devious paths, into traps, from which it is difficult to extricate themselves.
Interpretation for women
"These women are on tight wires all the time. Nervously temperamental and excitable as a result of extreme mental activity and the tendency to do too many things at a time; they even erad three of four books at a time going from one to the other. They have the faculty of quickly grasping the essentials of a book by reading here and there in the book, preferring to do this rather than to start the book at the beginning and read consecutively through to the end. they are talkative with the habit of skipping from one subject to another. They are highly imaginative and romantic but not warmly affectionate. They are best fitted for clerical jobs, writing, or work in the advertising departments of large concerns - file clerks, copy writers, research information, etc. If married they will collaborate in their husband's business or work out some career of their own. They are not good housewives, detesting the menial details of housework, but they make splendid organizers both at home and in the office, as they have a mental grasp of details, while abhorring the physical tasks of carrying them out.
"They are interested in Art, sculpture particularly, and are fond of reading poetry. They have strong constitutions as a rule. Their chief weakness is in the lungs, and they should avoid eating or drinking cold food or beverages, since this seems to affect the lungs. Intoxicating liquors are very dangerous to these women as while they are mentally stimulated by their use, the effect on the lungs is very disastrous. They should also avoid the use of drugs or medicines whenever possible, as they have the power to cure themselves and will recover quickly from most ailments. Medicines and drugs seem to affect them adversely and act contrary to expectations."
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Moon in Cancer
Interpretation for men
"Tender-hearted but selfish, these people are possessive and expect gratitude and love in return from those on whom they lavish their affections. Theirs is a possessive regard and as friends, they are jealous because of their wish to absorb the entire time and affection of those whom they befriend. They are receptive to and pleased by flattery, and are easily hurt and upset by slights from those from whom they expect friendship.
"They are proud of family and ancestors, and like to relate their family history and lineage. They are also very patriotic to the country of their birth or adoption and are offended if it is criticized. They love domestic life and make good husbands and fathers. They are inclined also to be social climbers and it is important to them to be respected and looked up to in the community in which tye live. They are thrifty and most careful and scrupulous in financial matters. They love travel in foreign lands. They are successful in businesses having to do with exports or imports, particularly of food commodities, but in any merchandise which can be quickly turned over. They usually possess some property or real estate, but their incomes are not steady. They are sometimes successful at gardening or truck farming.
"Many musicians are born with the Moon in Cancer. These people are rather robust in their morals and language and are apt to be lacking in refinement. They are quite courageous and accept calamity or disaster philosophically and placidly. They are fond of the desire and life is incomplete to them without the make-believe of the stage. These people are rather serious in their affairs of the heart, but because of their possessive love, the marriage partner is apt to chafe under it and as a result, more than one marriage is common to the lives of Moon in Cancer people... They are inclined to worry and should avoid a tendency to drown their worries in drink."
Interpretation for women
"They are essentially family women, being greatly attached to home and husband and children, almost to the exclusion of all other interests. They are possessive and sensitive to fanciedslights from people from whom they expect love and kindness. They are social climbers and love to talk of what they possess - of me and mine, particularly with reference to home, family, and friends. These women are kind and sympathetic to the point of being fussy, and in their attitude towards their children they are just like fussy mother hens. Outside of the home, they make good hotel managers, real estate supervisors, or restaurant hostesses or owners. They are very thrifty. They do not have strong constitutions, but suffer from heat and stomach troubles. As they grow older they become rheumatic with many pains and aches in consequence; they also become heavy on their feet. Throughout their lives, they seem to worry much over fancied diseases and take many patent medicines."
"Tender-hearted but selfish, these people are possessive and expect gratitude and love in return from those on whom they lavish their affections. Theirs is a possessive regard and as friends, they are jealous because of their wish to absorb the entire time and affection of those whom they befriend. They are receptive to and pleased by flattery, and are easily hurt and upset by slights from those from whom they expect friendship.
"They are proud of family and ancestors, and like to relate their family history and lineage. They are also very patriotic to the country of their birth or adoption and are offended if it is criticized. They love domestic life and make good husbands and fathers. They are inclined also to be social climbers and it is important to them to be respected and looked up to in the community in which tye live. They are thrifty and most careful and scrupulous in financial matters. They love travel in foreign lands. They are successful in businesses having to do with exports or imports, particularly of food commodities, but in any merchandise which can be quickly turned over. They usually possess some property or real estate, but their incomes are not steady. They are sometimes successful at gardening or truck farming.
"Many musicians are born with the Moon in Cancer. These people are rather robust in their morals and language and are apt to be lacking in refinement. They are quite courageous and accept calamity or disaster philosophically and placidly. They are fond of the desire and life is incomplete to them without the make-believe of the stage. These people are rather serious in their affairs of the heart, but because of their possessive love, the marriage partner is apt to chafe under it and as a result, more than one marriage is common to the lives of Moon in Cancer people... They are inclined to worry and should avoid a tendency to drown their worries in drink."
Interpretation for women
"They are essentially family women, being greatly attached to home and husband and children, almost to the exclusion of all other interests. They are possessive and sensitive to fanciedslights from people from whom they expect love and kindness. They are social climbers and love to talk of what they possess - of me and mine, particularly with reference to home, family, and friends. These women are kind and sympathetic to the point of being fussy, and in their attitude towards their children they are just like fussy mother hens. Outside of the home, they make good hotel managers, real estate supervisors, or restaurant hostesses or owners. They are very thrifty. They do not have strong constitutions, but suffer from heat and stomach troubles. As they grow older they become rheumatic with many pains and aches in consequence; they also become heavy on their feet. Throughout their lives, they seem to worry much over fancied diseases and take many patent medicines."
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Moon in Leo
Interpretation for men
"These persons are courageous and generous to a fault. They are leaders and make wonderful executives. They have a commanding manner. Sometimes they use this to the point of arrogance, but they are condescendingly kind and generous in a grand manner to their subordinates when they wish to be so. They are quite selfish, however, and their generosity is often prompted by self-interest, except when it is extended to those they love. They have the knack and power to influence other people, and the personality to mould opinion. They are positive and fixed in their ideas, somewhat conceited and showy, and love to be the center of attraction. They are not conventional but rather bohemian in their mode of living, not caring what society thinks of their actions. The mere fact that they do a certain thing makes it all right and they do not easily brook criticism. They have a fearless frank independent nature, quick to take offense but just as quick to forgive. They prefer to have their own business and failing this, they are usually found at the head of someone else's business. Put them in any subordinate position and they will soon rise from the ranks to a position of authority and responsibility."
"On the whole, they are very healthy and optimistic but easily angered. Their appetites are keen, and they are great meat eaters. They will have few, if any, children."
Interpretation for women
"...rather attractive... They are generous, independent, and jolly, although easily offended or hurt, and if offended or slighted are apt to be jealous and vindictive. While they do not talk very much, they have fiery tempers and can be rather robust and boisterous in their epithets when aroused to anger. They are essentially carnivorous in the matter of food and love to eat and drink. They are proud and somewhat arrogant to those whom they consider their inferiors, but are generous and free-handed to their equals and associates.
"They are not at all religious, but live from day to day, fully and joyously, with no particular thought for the future. They take their greatest pleasure from being alive and able to satisfy their physical contacts and cravings. At times, as if in eagerness to get away from the common herd, they like to go away alone and stay in solitary places. They are sincere, frank and open in their contacts with other people and do not know the meaning of the word subterfuge. They may marry, but if so will have few or no children, but they prefer an independent career and must be ruler in the household. This does not contribute to happiness in the married state, although these women are affectionate and passionate and as long as they love the partner they will deem "all well lost for love."
"These persons are courageous and generous to a fault. They are leaders and make wonderful executives. They have a commanding manner. Sometimes they use this to the point of arrogance, but they are condescendingly kind and generous in a grand manner to their subordinates when they wish to be so. They are quite selfish, however, and their generosity is often prompted by self-interest, except when it is extended to those they love. They have the knack and power to influence other people, and the personality to mould opinion. They are positive and fixed in their ideas, somewhat conceited and showy, and love to be the center of attraction. They are not conventional but rather bohemian in their mode of living, not caring what society thinks of their actions. The mere fact that they do a certain thing makes it all right and they do not easily brook criticism. They have a fearless frank independent nature, quick to take offense but just as quick to forgive. They prefer to have their own business and failing this, they are usually found at the head of someone else's business. Put them in any subordinate position and they will soon rise from the ranks to a position of authority and responsibility."
"On the whole, they are very healthy and optimistic but easily angered. Their appetites are keen, and they are great meat eaters. They will have few, if any, children."
Interpretation for women
"...rather attractive... They are generous, independent, and jolly, although easily offended or hurt, and if offended or slighted are apt to be jealous and vindictive. While they do not talk very much, they have fiery tempers and can be rather robust and boisterous in their epithets when aroused to anger. They are essentially carnivorous in the matter of food and love to eat and drink. They are proud and somewhat arrogant to those whom they consider their inferiors, but are generous and free-handed to their equals and associates.
"They are not at all religious, but live from day to day, fully and joyously, with no particular thought for the future. They take their greatest pleasure from being alive and able to satisfy their physical contacts and cravings. At times, as if in eagerness to get away from the common herd, they like to go away alone and stay in solitary places. They are sincere, frank and open in their contacts with other people and do not know the meaning of the word subterfuge. They may marry, but if so will have few or no children, but they prefer an independent career and must be ruler in the household. This does not contribute to happiness in the married state, although these women are affectionate and passionate and as long as they love the partner they will deem "all well lost for love."
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Moon in Virgo
Interpretation for men
[The emphasis on dignity &c. at the beginning, and the first half of paragraph 2, sounds like this is really TZ Virgo/SZ Leo, but most of paragraph 1 is starkly accurate for SZ Virgo.]
"These people are dignified, reserved, and bashful. They talk softly with dignity, and ponderously but rather persuasively and logically, co9mmand respect for their expressed views. They are somewhat religious, yet their religion is not orthodox and they may appear on the surface to be atheists or skeptics, since they are extremely analytical in their attitude and all religious ideas must appeal to their reason. Because of this, they quite often are found in the ranks of Christian Scientists or of occultists. They are fond of reading and investigation and are always striving to combine science and religion, and to rationalize the emotions.
"They like travel, and will take many short and long journeys during their lives. They are not domestic, preferring to life in hotels, or in apartments where there is a maximum of service. If they are in their own homes, they make rather exacting demands on those who serve them. They are meticulous as to details and adaptable to any business requiring exactitude of method. They are on the whole fortunate in business. The men with Moon in Virgo have some feminine characteristics and viewpoints which are sometimes disconcerting to the opposite sex, and they are at all times coldly analytical in their attitude, even to those they love, although they may not show it. ...[They have] a habit of laughing while telling a joke, but [are] rather grave otherwise. These people should be very careful about diet as they are subject to diseases and ailments of the stomach. They should try to live in the country even though they prefer the city, since the constant nervous tension of the city upsets their digestion."
Interpretation for women
"They are happy by nature, but are annoying to other people because of their extreme neatness and punctiliousness, and their habit of attempting to correct carelessnesses in others. Their homes are models of good taste in decoration and orderliness in appearance and operation. They may be termed fussy by less punctilious standards. They are good conversationalists, sweet and persuasive in speech, intelligent and logical in argument. They are fond of music and the dance, and, but abhor anything that smacks of vulgarity. Daintiness is their 'motif.'
"They are hard working but get tired easily as their physique and constitution is by no means robust. While they are fond of reading and the acquisition of knowledge, they are quite skeptical of new ideas, and critical of fads. They possess a quiet confidence in their own beliefs, which are the result of investigation and study, and while they do not force these beliefs on others, yet they quietly resist every effort to upset them and usually have sounder and more authoritative premises than their opponents. They are quite attracted to the men, and peculiarly enough to married men. They are quite psychic and because of this their behavior may at times seem uncanny or strange. Their physical troubles all originate in wrong diet, and their chief complaint is constipation."
[The emphasis on dignity &c. at the beginning, and the first half of paragraph 2, sounds like this is really TZ Virgo/SZ Leo, but most of paragraph 1 is starkly accurate for SZ Virgo.]
"These people are dignified, reserved, and bashful. They talk softly with dignity, and ponderously but rather persuasively and logically, co9mmand respect for their expressed views. They are somewhat religious, yet their religion is not orthodox and they may appear on the surface to be atheists or skeptics, since they are extremely analytical in their attitude and all religious ideas must appeal to their reason. Because of this, they quite often are found in the ranks of Christian Scientists or of occultists. They are fond of reading and investigation and are always striving to combine science and religion, and to rationalize the emotions.
"They like travel, and will take many short and long journeys during their lives. They are not domestic, preferring to life in hotels, or in apartments where there is a maximum of service. If they are in their own homes, they make rather exacting demands on those who serve them. They are meticulous as to details and adaptable to any business requiring exactitude of method. They are on the whole fortunate in business. The men with Moon in Virgo have some feminine characteristics and viewpoints which are sometimes disconcerting to the opposite sex, and they are at all times coldly analytical in their attitude, even to those they love, although they may not show it. ...[They have] a habit of laughing while telling a joke, but [are] rather grave otherwise. These people should be very careful about diet as they are subject to diseases and ailments of the stomach. They should try to live in the country even though they prefer the city, since the constant nervous tension of the city upsets their digestion."
Interpretation for women
"They are happy by nature, but are annoying to other people because of their extreme neatness and punctiliousness, and their habit of attempting to correct carelessnesses in others. Their homes are models of good taste in decoration and orderliness in appearance and operation. They may be termed fussy by less punctilious standards. They are good conversationalists, sweet and persuasive in speech, intelligent and logical in argument. They are fond of music and the dance, and, but abhor anything that smacks of vulgarity. Daintiness is their 'motif.'
"They are hard working but get tired easily as their physique and constitution is by no means robust. While they are fond of reading and the acquisition of knowledge, they are quite skeptical of new ideas, and critical of fads. They possess a quiet confidence in their own beliefs, which are the result of investigation and study, and while they do not force these beliefs on others, yet they quietly resist every effort to upset them and usually have sounder and more authoritative premises than their opponents. They are quite attracted to the men, and peculiarly enough to married men. They are quite psychic and because of this their behavior may at times seem uncanny or strange. Their physical troubles all originate in wrong diet, and their chief complaint is constipation."
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Moon in Libra
Interpretation for men
"Intelligent, rather happy-go-lucky persons, who are inclined to let the world go by, just so long as it does not disturb them. At times this attitude leads to laziness and shiftlessness, yet they are charming people to know and, if forced to by circumstances, they will apply themselves conscientiously and agreeably. Whatever their lot, they will never grumble or find fault, but if things get too much for them, will quietly get out5 of the way, avoiding dispute wherever possible.
"They are never mean or vicious and are kindly in their thoughts of others, resenting criticism of themselves, working on the axiom, 'You mind your business and I'll mind mine.' They are attractive to the opposite sex and because of their amiability, may find themselves in rather complicated situations at times, since they have very romantic natures. their relatives and friends are quite likely to impose on their good nature, and may do so up to a certain point, but past that point these persons suddenly become difficult. They are very extravagant, fond of clothes and luxuries of all kinds. While they appear frank and open, and even ingenuous, hey are really quite secretive about their affairs and it is quite difficult to really know them or get on real terms of intimacy. They are fond of the arts and are usually well-educated. They are inordinately fond of music, dancing and entertainment. The theater has a great attraction for them, and many will be found on the stage. They are susceptible to skin diseases caused from over-indulgence in delicacies of the table, and should be more moderate in this respect.
"They are honest in business, but somewhat involved to their moral and social outlook, with the ability to slide out of difficult situations with an agility which to others might appear to border on dishonesty. Their motives, however, are usually good and they could give sound and adequate reasons for their actions if they cared to. Their tendency is, however, to avoid the real explanations and only if pushed will they ever reveal their real motives. They are usually of dark complexion, moderate height, and have soft voices. They should klive in large cities rather than in the country, for they are cosmopolitan and somewhat bohemian in their tastes."
Interpretation for women
"These women have good morals, are romantic, sociable, fond of perfumes and ornaments, yet not particularly careful as to dress, although in all other things they are orderly and neat. They are very impulsive and hasty in thought and action, creatures of emotion rather than reason, affectionate, alluring in speech with low pleasing tones to the voice. While they are careless in attire, they are scrupulously clean in person and orderly in their surroundings. They are somewhat selfish and very secretive.
"Since they are agreeable on the surface, even though they may be antagonistic within, they are deemed insincere, although their motives are to avoid argument and to avoid annoying, but they may think the opposite to that which they profess. These women nearly always marry, and make intelligent and helpful partners.
"If they have independent careers, they will usually be found in educational activities as they make good teachers and are philosophically inclined. The kidneys and generative organs are weak, and illness usually results from these sources."
"Intelligent, rather happy-go-lucky persons, who are inclined to let the world go by, just so long as it does not disturb them. At times this attitude leads to laziness and shiftlessness, yet they are charming people to know and, if forced to by circumstances, they will apply themselves conscientiously and agreeably. Whatever their lot, they will never grumble or find fault, but if things get too much for them, will quietly get out5 of the way, avoiding dispute wherever possible.
"They are never mean or vicious and are kindly in their thoughts of others, resenting criticism of themselves, working on the axiom, 'You mind your business and I'll mind mine.' They are attractive to the opposite sex and because of their amiability, may find themselves in rather complicated situations at times, since they have very romantic natures. their relatives and friends are quite likely to impose on their good nature, and may do so up to a certain point, but past that point these persons suddenly become difficult. They are very extravagant, fond of clothes and luxuries of all kinds. While they appear frank and open, and even ingenuous, hey are really quite secretive about their affairs and it is quite difficult to really know them or get on real terms of intimacy. They are fond of the arts and are usually well-educated. They are inordinately fond of music, dancing and entertainment. The theater has a great attraction for them, and many will be found on the stage. They are susceptible to skin diseases caused from over-indulgence in delicacies of the table, and should be more moderate in this respect.
"They are honest in business, but somewhat involved to their moral and social outlook, with the ability to slide out of difficult situations with an agility which to others might appear to border on dishonesty. Their motives, however, are usually good and they could give sound and adequate reasons for their actions if they cared to. Their tendency is, however, to avoid the real explanations and only if pushed will they ever reveal their real motives. They are usually of dark complexion, moderate height, and have soft voices. They should klive in large cities rather than in the country, for they are cosmopolitan and somewhat bohemian in their tastes."
Interpretation for women
"These women have good morals, are romantic, sociable, fond of perfumes and ornaments, yet not particularly careful as to dress, although in all other things they are orderly and neat. They are very impulsive and hasty in thought and action, creatures of emotion rather than reason, affectionate, alluring in speech with low pleasing tones to the voice. While they are careless in attire, they are scrupulously clean in person and orderly in their surroundings. They are somewhat selfish and very secretive.
"Since they are agreeable on the surface, even though they may be antagonistic within, they are deemed insincere, although their motives are to avoid argument and to avoid annoying, but they may think the opposite to that which they profess. These women nearly always marry, and make intelligent and helpful partners.
"If they have independent careers, they will usually be found in educational activities as they make good teachers and are philosophically inclined. The kidneys and generative organs are weak, and illness usually results from these sources."
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Moon in Scorpio
Interpretation for men
"These people are not on thesurface. Their real character is hidden deep within them, by no means apparent to superficial observation. They are strong and selfish, jealous and vindictive, bold and aggressive, hard-hearted and ruthless. They never forget a fancied wrong and must have vengeance, the thought and design of which they will muse on and develop over a period of years if necessary. They have the set purpose and determination of the opposite sign Taurus, but not the same frankness and openness of motive. They make powerful and ruthless adversaries, but are too secretive to make good friends, since even a friend of long standing will not know the true nature of a Moon in Scorpio individual. In business they rise to positions of authority through their determination and their will-power, which is strong. They have the aggressiveness of Moon in Aries persons, but their forces are more sustained and they have more endurance.
"They are very passionate and possessive and are capable of making plans years in advance, to accomplish their desires. Their passionate natures lead them into many difficulties and where women are concerned they are quite without any sense of chivalry. They expect a struggle and glory in it, but ruthlessly push aside all obstacles to the fulfillment of their desires. This passionate powerful nature, however, can be used to great advantage in other directions, but it must be remembered that these people are never altruistic in their motives, and although they may appear to be using their inherent forces for the good of humanity, their own ambitions are the main issue. They are sacred sinners and there may be dark chapters in their lives, which the world knows nothing about. They are extremely interested in the occult sciences and the devotees of black magic are quite often found with Moon in Scorpio. They make excellent surgeons and research chemists."
"They must be careful of infection and should never drink intoxicating liquors. They should live close to the water."
Interpretation for women
"These women are arrogant, proud, and quite jealous and vindictive. Their morals are loose or altogether bad, and among many other vices, they indulge in drinking to excess. They have plenty of endurance, however, and strong constitutions, and are usually so robust that in spite of their excesses they live to an old age.
"They are shrewd to the point of craftiness, and have deep passionate natures capable of conceiving and carrying out any crime of revenge or passion, unless modified by favorable indications elsewhere in the chart. Intrigue is food and life to them, and they are often used as spies. They have little or no tender sentiments, but are rather cold-blooded and heartless. They are extremely proud and arrogant. They have many secret friends and associates, and may become wealthy by various questionable methods. Their diseases are almost always peculiar to the generative organs and to the throat. They are also easily affected by infectious diseases, such as small pox, chicken-pox, etc."
"These people are not on thesurface. Their real character is hidden deep within them, by no means apparent to superficial observation. They are strong and selfish, jealous and vindictive, bold and aggressive, hard-hearted and ruthless. They never forget a fancied wrong and must have vengeance, the thought and design of which they will muse on and develop over a period of years if necessary. They have the set purpose and determination of the opposite sign Taurus, but not the same frankness and openness of motive. They make powerful and ruthless adversaries, but are too secretive to make good friends, since even a friend of long standing will not know the true nature of a Moon in Scorpio individual. In business they rise to positions of authority through their determination and their will-power, which is strong. They have the aggressiveness of Moon in Aries persons, but their forces are more sustained and they have more endurance.
"They are very passionate and possessive and are capable of making plans years in advance, to accomplish their desires. Their passionate natures lead them into many difficulties and where women are concerned they are quite without any sense of chivalry. They expect a struggle and glory in it, but ruthlessly push aside all obstacles to the fulfillment of their desires. This passionate powerful nature, however, can be used to great advantage in other directions, but it must be remembered that these people are never altruistic in their motives, and although they may appear to be using their inherent forces for the good of humanity, their own ambitions are the main issue. They are sacred sinners and there may be dark chapters in their lives, which the world knows nothing about. They are extremely interested in the occult sciences and the devotees of black magic are quite often found with Moon in Scorpio. They make excellent surgeons and research chemists."
"They must be careful of infection and should never drink intoxicating liquors. They should live close to the water."
Interpretation for women
"These women are arrogant, proud, and quite jealous and vindictive. Their morals are loose or altogether bad, and among many other vices, they indulge in drinking to excess. They have plenty of endurance, however, and strong constitutions, and are usually so robust that in spite of their excesses they live to an old age.
"They are shrewd to the point of craftiness, and have deep passionate natures capable of conceiving and carrying out any crime of revenge or passion, unless modified by favorable indications elsewhere in the chart. Intrigue is food and life to them, and they are often used as spies. They have little or no tender sentiments, but are rather cold-blooded and heartless. They are extremely proud and arrogant. They have many secret friends and associates, and may become wealthy by various questionable methods. Their diseases are almost always peculiar to the generative organs and to the throat. They are also easily affected by infectious diseases, such as small pox, chicken-pox, etc."
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Moon in Sagittarius
Interpretation for men
[Most of the following sounds to me much more like Tropical Sagittarius and SZ Sco. A few sentences seem to have, by their exact wording, subtle insight into SZ Sag but, overall, I think this was copied from a Tropical source and not vetted. - JAE]
"Jovial, frank, kind-hearted, and joyous are the persons who have Moon in Sagittarius at birth... These people are generous and loyal, industrious and artistic. They are clever and while mentally they are on a high plane, yet at the same time they are also fond of physical exercise, sports - especially horse-back riding, boxing, and wrestling. They are most loyal to family and relatives and are almost clannish in this respect. While they are amiable and jovial when in good humor, they have quick tempers which can easily be aroused and they are hasty and arrogant when angry, being apt to lose their sense of proportion entirely. They should avoid making any decisions when angry as their judgment at that time will be invariably at fault. They are quick to forgive and forget however. They are very interested in Astrology and allied subjects and will read and study along these paths. They would make good lawyers."
Interpretation for women
"They are religious by nature, joyous, generous, and lovable, always giving a helping hand to others in times of difficulty or trouble. They are ambitious and always have a circle of friends around them who help them along when need arises. They are healthy, partly because they make a fetish of good health and buoyant spirits. They are jolly souls, who hold no grudges but are generous and forgiving to those who hurt them.
"They are usually accounted fortunate and successful and they attain these states not only because of their helpful and cooperative dispositions but also because they work conscientiously and joyously. These women love life and get the most out of it. They are artistic in their homes and in their careers if they do not marry. They usually have more sons than daughters, sometimes having all male children. Their mental attitude toward life and its problems seems to keep them sailing joyously through any troubles."
[Most of the following sounds to me much more like Tropical Sagittarius and SZ Sco. A few sentences seem to have, by their exact wording, subtle insight into SZ Sag but, overall, I think this was copied from a Tropical source and not vetted. - JAE]
"Jovial, frank, kind-hearted, and joyous are the persons who have Moon in Sagittarius at birth... These people are generous and loyal, industrious and artistic. They are clever and while mentally they are on a high plane, yet at the same time they are also fond of physical exercise, sports - especially horse-back riding, boxing, and wrestling. They are most loyal to family and relatives and are almost clannish in this respect. While they are amiable and jovial when in good humor, they have quick tempers which can easily be aroused and they are hasty and arrogant when angry, being apt to lose their sense of proportion entirely. They should avoid making any decisions when angry as their judgment at that time will be invariably at fault. They are quick to forgive and forget however. They are very interested in Astrology and allied subjects and will read and study along these paths. They would make good lawyers."
Interpretation for women
"They are religious by nature, joyous, generous, and lovable, always giving a helping hand to others in times of difficulty or trouble. They are ambitious and always have a circle of friends around them who help them along when need arises. They are healthy, partly because they make a fetish of good health and buoyant spirits. They are jolly souls, who hold no grudges but are generous and forgiving to those who hurt them.
"They are usually accounted fortunate and successful and they attain these states not only because of their helpful and cooperative dispositions but also because they work conscientiously and joyously. These women love life and get the most out of it. They are artistic in their homes and in their careers if they do not marry. They usually have more sons than daughters, sometimes having all male children. Their mental attitude toward life and its problems seems to keep them sailing joyously through any troubles."
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Moon in Capricorn
Interpretation for men
"They speak slowly and rather ponderously, and when excited have a trick of suddenly raising the voice. Often their talk seems rather pointless and rather pedantic and they may be quite boring to people of quicker wit and more versatile minds. They are hard workers, very thrifty and are punctilious in their obligations.
"They do not like to borrow or to lend money, and will give many a lecture about the evils of borrowing money to their less provident friends. They are almost puritanically orthodox in their religious views and are scornful and antagonistic to ideas of a mysterious or occult nature. They simply cannot accept Astrology or any branch of learning which is metaphysical in character. they are, as a rule, hard-headed business men or accountants and deal in things they can see and accumulate. Their religious views are entirely separate from and have no bearing or influence on their business or material life. They are devoted to their wives and children, but as a rule have none, or very few, children. They are a curious mixture of practical business horse sense and romantic ideals. They either marry very young and are left widowed, or there is a big difference in age between them and their wives.
"They are self-confident, quite opinionated, and do not hesitate to show their likes and dislikes openly. They will rise slowly in life, and through their thrift and hard work will have sufficient but not necessarily an abundance for their old age. Their health is good, they usually live quite long - many octogenarians being found with Moon in Capricorn. Their ailments are more mental than physical and senility will often come on while the physical body, though old, is still robust. They may suffer from rheumatism in the body, which affects the ankles and feet. They should avoid eating cold foods."
Interpretation for women
"In childhood..., they are not strong constitutionally, but seem to be pretty to most children's diseases, particularly skin diseases and colds, whooping cough, etc. In adult years, they develop rheumatism, arthritis, and similar diseases which affect the bones and joints, especially of the knees. These women are ambitious and usually carve out careers for themselves in business. They are thrifty and may be thought to carry this to the extreme of stinginess. They are active and if they do not marry they will be independent, and be capable of supporting themselves especially during the earlier years of their careers.
"They are rather argumentative, and have a pedantic, dogmatic manner of stating their views, which is quite annoying to others. They are fond of music and may actually play some musical instrument very well. They are honest and truthful, indeed it is almost impossible for them to lie, and if they try to, the lie is usually quite obvious. They are fond of the opposite sex, but are more apt than not to remain single."
"They speak slowly and rather ponderously, and when excited have a trick of suddenly raising the voice. Often their talk seems rather pointless and rather pedantic and they may be quite boring to people of quicker wit and more versatile minds. They are hard workers, very thrifty and are punctilious in their obligations.
"They do not like to borrow or to lend money, and will give many a lecture about the evils of borrowing money to their less provident friends. They are almost puritanically orthodox in their religious views and are scornful and antagonistic to ideas of a mysterious or occult nature. They simply cannot accept Astrology or any branch of learning which is metaphysical in character. they are, as a rule, hard-headed business men or accountants and deal in things they can see and accumulate. Their religious views are entirely separate from and have no bearing or influence on their business or material life. They are devoted to their wives and children, but as a rule have none, or very few, children. They are a curious mixture of practical business horse sense and romantic ideals. They either marry very young and are left widowed, or there is a big difference in age between them and their wives.
"They are self-confident, quite opinionated, and do not hesitate to show their likes and dislikes openly. They will rise slowly in life, and through their thrift and hard work will have sufficient but not necessarily an abundance for their old age. Their health is good, they usually live quite long - many octogenarians being found with Moon in Capricorn. Their ailments are more mental than physical and senility will often come on while the physical body, though old, is still robust. They may suffer from rheumatism in the body, which affects the ankles and feet. They should avoid eating cold foods."
Interpretation for women
"In childhood..., they are not strong constitutionally, but seem to be pretty to most children's diseases, particularly skin diseases and colds, whooping cough, etc. In adult years, they develop rheumatism, arthritis, and similar diseases which affect the bones and joints, especially of the knees. These women are ambitious and usually carve out careers for themselves in business. They are thrifty and may be thought to carry this to the extreme of stinginess. They are active and if they do not marry they will be independent, and be capable of supporting themselves especially during the earlier years of their careers.
"They are rather argumentative, and have a pedantic, dogmatic manner of stating their views, which is quite annoying to others. They are fond of music and may actually play some musical instrument very well. They are honest and truthful, indeed it is almost impossible for them to lie, and if they try to, the lie is usually quite obvious. They are fond of the opposite sex, but are more apt than not to remain single."
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Moon in Aquarius
Interpretation for men
"These people are strong and hard, physically courageous yet passive, passionate but kind hearted. While their bodies are made for hard physical work and endurance, yet their lives are nearly always lived on a high mental plane and they prefer mental activity to physical endeavor.
"They are intelligent, deep thinkers, and extremely logical and scientific in their thought processes. They are quite likely to make a mark in the world because of their scientific attainments, although these are more often in the research field. They read extensively and all the metaphysical sciences attract them. Yet they always keep both feet on the ground and do not permit their philosophical concepts to run wild, without the constant check of logical and scientific reasoning. They are extremely scornful of convention and are considered radical in their views because of their impatience with stupid and worn out ideas. They are the pioneers of new ideas, new thought, new inventions. Their outlook according to their opportunity and environment is national rather than provincial, international rather than patriotic, universal and cosmic rather than terrestrial, humanitarian rather than sectarian. They abominate doctrine or dogma, custom and tradition, and for this reason are misunderstood and subject to criticism and even contumely from their fellow men. But they remain indifferent and even joyous, being quite aware of their superiority, yet at no time being arrogant or condescending about it. They may suffer from weak or impaired eyesight due to reading too much."
Interpretation for women
"...noted for their beauty... They are gifted and sometimes brilliant, but fickle and at times odd in their behavior. They usually are born into wealthy, or at least well-to-do families, and if they are not, they will acquire wealth and social status by marriage. They are imaginative and inventive, but their knowledge is not acquired from books, but rather is intuitive and inspirational. In fact, they dislike to apply themselves to any educational activity and are apt to fail in examinations at school, and generally the school years seem to be wasted. They love to be idle and seem to be able to absorb or to arrive at a knowledge of things without effort or study. They are somewhat wayward and vain, and at times their actions are exasperating to their friends and associates.
"If they can get along without working, they will and usually do. They love the outdoor life and outdoor sports, but as spectators rather than participators. While in the main they are healthy, they suffer from various troubles in connection with the feet and lower limbs, which are slender and weak in comparison with the other parts of the body. As they grow older, the eyesight will become impaired and in old age they are apt to have all sorts of queer, unusual diseases which may baffle diagnosis."
"These people are strong and hard, physically courageous yet passive, passionate but kind hearted. While their bodies are made for hard physical work and endurance, yet their lives are nearly always lived on a high mental plane and they prefer mental activity to physical endeavor.
"They are intelligent, deep thinkers, and extremely logical and scientific in their thought processes. They are quite likely to make a mark in the world because of their scientific attainments, although these are more often in the research field. They read extensively and all the metaphysical sciences attract them. Yet they always keep both feet on the ground and do not permit their philosophical concepts to run wild, without the constant check of logical and scientific reasoning. They are extremely scornful of convention and are considered radical in their views because of their impatience with stupid and worn out ideas. They are the pioneers of new ideas, new thought, new inventions. Their outlook according to their opportunity and environment is national rather than provincial, international rather than patriotic, universal and cosmic rather than terrestrial, humanitarian rather than sectarian. They abominate doctrine or dogma, custom and tradition, and for this reason are misunderstood and subject to criticism and even contumely from their fellow men. But they remain indifferent and even joyous, being quite aware of their superiority, yet at no time being arrogant or condescending about it. They may suffer from weak or impaired eyesight due to reading too much."
Interpretation for women
"...noted for their beauty... They are gifted and sometimes brilliant, but fickle and at times odd in their behavior. They usually are born into wealthy, or at least well-to-do families, and if they are not, they will acquire wealth and social status by marriage. They are imaginative and inventive, but their knowledge is not acquired from books, but rather is intuitive and inspirational. In fact, they dislike to apply themselves to any educational activity and are apt to fail in examinations at school, and generally the school years seem to be wasted. They love to be idle and seem to be able to absorb or to arrive at a knowledge of things without effort or study. They are somewhat wayward and vain, and at times their actions are exasperating to their friends and associates.
"If they can get along without working, they will and usually do. They love the outdoor life and outdoor sports, but as spectators rather than participators. While in the main they are healthy, they suffer from various troubles in connection with the feet and lower limbs, which are slender and weak in comparison with the other parts of the body. As they grow older, the eyesight will become impaired and in old age they are apt to have all sorts of queer, unusual diseases which may baffle diagnosis."
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Moon in Pisces
Interpretation for men
"They are very romantic and dreamy and through love they are easily led by the opposite sex often to the point of being dominated by the loved one. Easy, pliable natures, somewhat unstable and independable [sic] on the surface, but with a quiet determination to accomplish if their minds are once made up. However, they should learn to say 'No' since they are easily influenced by others, and they may often be forced into the embarrassing position of having committed themselves to two conflicting forms of action simply because they allow themselves to drift in both directions at the same time. Not that they are dishonest or tricky, but simply that they seem to be incapable of resisting pressure, from others. They are kindhearted, charitable and generous, and enjoy being of service. In fact, they often carry the idea of service to extremes and sacrifice themselves unnecessarily. They are found in such positions as nurses, hospital attendances, voluntary works in charitable institutions, waiting on others, attending to the personal wants of others.
"They are modest and retiring, lead very quiet and unobtrusive lives, never initiating anything or leading any movement but content to do their part no matter how irksome it may be. They are fond of music, the sound of which will always bring the tears to their eyes as these people a5re quite emotional, yet not excitable. Reading and writing are their relaxations from service of others and they may write fiction, particularly stories of romance and intrigue. These people do not enjoy the best of health, being subject to colds, kidney and stomach trouble. They must be extremely careful of their diet and should never drink alcoholic beverages.
"They are somewhat absent-minded and forgetful of the little everyday things, but have long memories of past events."
Interpretation for women
"These women are quietly emotional and their eyes will fill with tears at the least provocation. They are dreamy and inactive, easily influenced to a point, but extremely stubborn once their minds are made up. They are sensitive, not only with regard to what they consider affronts in to themselves, but also with regard to the feelings of others. They will go to great lengths even to the point of involved and complicated deceptions simply to avoid hurting other people. They are modest, kind, courteous, and lovable, soft and good-natured, have somewhat nervous temperaments and are exceedingly romantic. They love poetry and music and their enjoyment of the arts is emotional rather than intellectual.
"These women are always ready to help the needy and to sacrifice themselves those in distress or want. They prefer to give actual services for charitable purposes rather than money and one quite frequently finds them in social service work and allied endeavors, not generally as organizers but as workers. They may be teetotalers if other signs point that way, but many of them are addicted to drinking, in spite of the fact that they are not able to cope with it. They are very seldom found owning wealth or property of their own, which has been acquired by their own direct efforts in a business way. Rather, they are the recipients of gifts, of legacies, of inheritances, and if they have any property it is because someone to whom they have been of voluntary service has expressed gratitude by bestowing it on them. The health of these women is not robust, but they are capable of enduring quietly, uncomplainingly, any ills from which they may suffer."
"They are very romantic and dreamy and through love they are easily led by the opposite sex often to the point of being dominated by the loved one. Easy, pliable natures, somewhat unstable and independable [sic] on the surface, but with a quiet determination to accomplish if their minds are once made up. However, they should learn to say 'No' since they are easily influenced by others, and they may often be forced into the embarrassing position of having committed themselves to two conflicting forms of action simply because they allow themselves to drift in both directions at the same time. Not that they are dishonest or tricky, but simply that they seem to be incapable of resisting pressure, from others. They are kindhearted, charitable and generous, and enjoy being of service. In fact, they often carry the idea of service to extremes and sacrifice themselves unnecessarily. They are found in such positions as nurses, hospital attendances, voluntary works in charitable institutions, waiting on others, attending to the personal wants of others.
"They are modest and retiring, lead very quiet and unobtrusive lives, never initiating anything or leading any movement but content to do their part no matter how irksome it may be. They are fond of music, the sound of which will always bring the tears to their eyes as these people a5re quite emotional, yet not excitable. Reading and writing are their relaxations from service of others and they may write fiction, particularly stories of romance and intrigue. These people do not enjoy the best of health, being subject to colds, kidney and stomach trouble. They must be extremely careful of their diet and should never drink alcoholic beverages.
"They are somewhat absent-minded and forgetful of the little everyday things, but have long memories of past events."
Interpretation for women
"These women are quietly emotional and their eyes will fill with tears at the least provocation. They are dreamy and inactive, easily influenced to a point, but extremely stubborn once their minds are made up. They are sensitive, not only with regard to what they consider affronts in to themselves, but also with regard to the feelings of others. They will go to great lengths even to the point of involved and complicated deceptions simply to avoid hurting other people. They are modest, kind, courteous, and lovable, soft and good-natured, have somewhat nervous temperaments and are exceedingly romantic. They love poetry and music and their enjoyment of the arts is emotional rather than intellectual.
"These women are always ready to help the needy and to sacrifice themselves those in distress or want. They prefer to give actual services for charitable purposes rather than money and one quite frequently finds them in social service work and allied endeavors, not generally as organizers but as workers. They may be teetotalers if other signs point that way, but many of them are addicted to drinking, in spite of the fact that they are not able to cope with it. They are very seldom found owning wealth or property of their own, which has been acquired by their own direct efforts in a business way. Rather, they are the recipients of gifts, of legacies, of inheritances, and if they have any property it is because someone to whom they have been of voluntary service has expressed gratitude by bestowing it on them. The health of these women is not robust, but they are capable of enduring quietly, uncomplainingly, any ills from which they may suffer."
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Moon in Aries
Interpretation for men
"These people are exceedingly active - somewhat excitable - egotistical and self-confident - selfish and ambitious. They are passionate and rather predatory in their dealings with the opposite sex. They are healthy and buoyant in spirits, talkative but with a slight impediment in the speech, perhaps caused by their thoughts running ahead of their words. They have rather harsh voices; they make good executives but are overbearing to their associates and employees. They are good friends to those whom they can impress. In their lives, theyw ill have many journeys and changes of residence, but prefer to travel by land as they are either afraid of or dislike water travel or water sports.
"While they are fond of reading in bed at night, they should avoid doing this as their eyesight is particularly susceptible to defects from strain. They are fond of eating and particularly of spicy food and drink, but partaking of intoxicating liquors upsets them and puts them at a great disadvantage and should, therefore, be avoided. They should live in large cities as they are restless and must have the noise and bustle of busy towns. Their chief physical defects will arise from their teeth... If under severe strain, they may become mentally unbalanced."
Interpretation for women
"These women possess vital temperaments, healthy... They are not particularly attractive to men; of a strong masculine nature they are apt to mate with men whose characteristics include a compound of the feminine. The women with Moon in this sign are ambitious and acquisitive to the point of being avaricious. They are independent and domineering and will be the heads of their families. Their husbands will be hen-pecked, and it takes a very patient and easy going man to live in harmony with one of these women. They are selfish too, expect their husbands to be good providers. Since they usually marry weaklings, the married life is not usually a happy one. Their speech is sharp and scolding. They are vain and easily swayed by flattery. Their ailments are usually caused by unnecessary mental worry and anxiety, and this tendency in later life is apt to cause some brain disorder. They suffer continually with headaches, and eyesight is apt to be somewhat impaired. They are subject to accidents and are in constant fear of fire or burns."
"These people are exceedingly active - somewhat excitable - egotistical and self-confident - selfish and ambitious. They are passionate and rather predatory in their dealings with the opposite sex. They are healthy and buoyant in spirits, talkative but with a slight impediment in the speech, perhaps caused by their thoughts running ahead of their words. They have rather harsh voices; they make good executives but are overbearing to their associates and employees. They are good friends to those whom they can impress. In their lives, theyw ill have many journeys and changes of residence, but prefer to travel by land as they are either afraid of or dislike water travel or water sports.
"While they are fond of reading in bed at night, they should avoid doing this as their eyesight is particularly susceptible to defects from strain. They are fond of eating and particularly of spicy food and drink, but partaking of intoxicating liquors upsets them and puts them at a great disadvantage and should, therefore, be avoided. They should live in large cities as they are restless and must have the noise and bustle of busy towns. Their chief physical defects will arise from their teeth... If under severe strain, they may become mentally unbalanced."
Interpretation for women
"These women possess vital temperaments, healthy... They are not particularly attractive to men; of a strong masculine nature they are apt to mate with men whose characteristics include a compound of the feminine. The women with Moon in this sign are ambitious and acquisitive to the point of being avaricious. They are independent and domineering and will be the heads of their families. Their husbands will be hen-pecked, and it takes a very patient and easy going man to live in harmony with one of these women. They are selfish too, expect their husbands to be good providers. Since they usually marry weaklings, the married life is not usually a happy one. Their speech is sharp and scolding. They are vain and easily swayed by flattery. Their ailments are usually caused by unnecessary mental worry and anxiety, and this tendency in later life is apt to cause some brain disorder. They suffer continually with headaches, and eyesight is apt to be somewhat impaired. They are subject to accidents and are in constant fear of fire or burns."
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Shil-Ponde's Moon-sign interpretations
Jupiter Sets At Dawn wrote:He toured the US sometime in the 1930s, to enlighten the West to the validity of Vedic Astrology, according to what I can find on him.Jim Eshelman wrote:My copy of the book was published in 1944.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Shil-Ponde's Moon-sign interpretations
That wasn't a goal in posting them. I haven't vetted that. They were put here as a resource of credible Sidereal interpretations from outside our framework for later line-by-line vetting to incorporate.Bogdan574 wrote:Would you say that Shil-Ponde's Moon Sign descriptions closely match Fagan's and your description of Sun Signs? And Moon Signs?
However, some of the passages are just staggering! I'm of course most conscious of what he wrote about Aquarius Moon, and it is enormously insightful and subtle. There likely are insights here that will eventually prove valuable when testing them against known examples of people. Overall, except where I have marked a couple of exceptions, they seem sound.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Shil-Ponde's Moon-sign interpretations
jamescondor wrote:In reading his Pisces moon, I agree with Jim in its subtle truths. He seems pretty accurate in Pisces moon.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Shil-Ponde's Moon-sign interpretations
Bogdan574 wrote:IMO they're similar to Fagan's descriptions of Sun and Moon signs. Minus the bits where Taurus and Sag sounds too much like the tropical zodiac.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Shil-Ponde's Moon-sign interpretations
jamescondor wrote:Fagan's Pisces moon interpretation seems further than true in comparison. I just know that Shil-Ponde's Pisces moon sign Interpretation is accurate. I thought his Gemini and Scorpio moon sign interpretations were mostly inaccurate, making them completely inaccurate really.