A question earlier today raised the issue of athkletics and Sidereal sign types. Statistical studies have been done of many professional sports in the U.S., usually using at or near 100% of everyone emoloyed in the sport at the time of the study. The tabulation below is drawn from data published elsewhere on this site. (+ and - refer to statistically significant highs and lows)
For Sidereal Sun-signs:
+ Professional football players overall
- 8,024 professional baseball players
- 3,636 baseball pitchers
- 2,780 baseball infielders and catchers
- 1,608 baseball outfielders
- 203 baseball .300 hitters
- 1,113 baseball players (an earlier, separate study - I think Gleadow - notes not with me at the moment)
+ 350 professional basketball players
+ 1,113 boxers
+ 4,006 college athletes
+ Professional football players
+8,024 professional baseball players
+3,636 baseball pitchers
- 1,113 boxers
+8,024 professioal baseball players
+1,608 baseball outfielders
+1,113 baseball players
+1,113 boxes
-1,113 boxers
-Indianapolis 500 drivers
+Indianapolis 500 drivers
+2,780 baseball infielders and catchers
+1,608 baseball outfields
-3,636 baseball pitchers
-384 chess players
+203 baseball .300 hitters
+334 chess players
+109 chess grand masters
-4,006 college athletes
-2,780 baseball infielders and catchers
-8,024 professional baseball players
Sun-signs & sports
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
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