Taurus & Skin (Garth Allen)

As historic references, I've collected various excerpts of writings by Cyril Fagan, Garth Allen, and Rupert Gleadow on the 12 zodiacal constellations, plus Garth Allen's unpublished summaries of sign natures.
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Jim Eshelman
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Taurus & Skin (Garth Allen)

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Garth Allen, from the boxers article from the 1960s AA, later reprinted posthumously July, 1979:
...sidereal Taurus natives have a penchant for activities and careers rooted in body-consciousness. The wholesomely-balanced, uninhibited Taurean takes an instinctive pleasure in display of skin - loves swimming and lolling nude or nearly nude in warm weather, prefers form-fitting clothing to drapelike garb, and cottons to anything and everything where the body, both its form and function, is the center of attraction.
Jim Eshelman
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