Transits to Vertex

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Transits to Vertex

Post by Venus_Daily »

I was wondering, is it possible to have a transit to the natal vertex? If so, what would be the effects?
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Transits to Vertex

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I'd say watch your own chart and conclude.

I do extensive monitoring of my transits, day by day, without a break for decades (since the mid-'70s). Periodically, I shift exactly what I'm looking at. I spent several years including transit to natal, local natal, and SSR Vertex, and found it completely worthless (i.e., not worth the effort of writing the transit down in the first place, and either meaningless or ambiguous when it happened).

I suspect you will find the same thing, but I do encourage you to look for yourself.

PS - For those curious, here is what my daily list looks like. (I do a spreadsheet at the start of every month that has an average of 100-125 entries per month, and is two-thirds of my monitoring astrological factors for myself.)

t. Sun Sqr s. Mer 26-Jun-17 2:43 AM PST
t. Sun Sqq s. Ven 26-Jun-17 10:45 AM PST
t. Mer Sqq r. Ven 26-Jun-17 5:22 PM EDT
t. Mer SSq r. Plu 26-Jun-17 7:54 PM EDT
t. Ven Sqq s. Jup 26-Jun-17 11:34 PM PST
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Transits to Vertex

Post by Venus_Daily »

Thank you, it's good to know. I had a feeling.
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