The greatest business activity in my entire life.

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The greatest business activity in my entire life.

Post by SteveS »

As for primary progressions, its greatest significance is in the relatively rare case of a progressed angle coming to a conjunction with a natal planet or progressed planet. Such progressions are always of the up most importance; in my opinion, they’re among astrology’s strongest indicators. Jake Chanson—Siderealist.
When our secondary progressed planets or natal planets fall partile on our primary progressed natal angles, major once in a lifetime events occur, good or bad. Between 1988-1990, I was involved in the greatest business transaction(s) I have ever been involved in my entire life (70 years of age now). In 1988, for only 8,000 $ (my wife’s life savings), I purchased assets (20-year-old equipment) in a closed-down land lord owned theatre building from a bankrupt court. I renovated this Theatre with cash-flow after reopening, to a 4-screen theatre from a 1 screen theatre. In 1991, I sold this Theatre to a big Theatre company, which allowed me to retain my future business independence. Below is my 1989 secondary progressed chart, which occurred in the middle of this most important business cycle in my entire life.
Last edited by SteveS on Sun Jul 30, 2017 7:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The greatest business activity in my entire life.

Post by Arena »

Thanks for sharing Steve. That is surprising to see Neptune on MC for that as mostly we would expect some kind of confusion or laziness around Neptune time on MC...BUT then I look further and I see that pr. Jupiter actually squares your n. MC and your pr. ASC is close to squaring that Sun-Uranus sq. So it looks like a Jupiter-Uranus kind of luck with the theatre aspect of it being Neptune and possibly Jup. Sun sq Vx comes into the picture as well.

There must have also been some SSR indications for that kind of success.
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Re: The greatest business activity in my entire life.

Post by Jim Eshelman »

It was a theater :)
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Re: The greatest business activity in my entire life.

Post by SteveS »

Arena wrote:
That is surprising to see Neptune on MC for that as mostly we would expect some kind of confusion or laziness around Neptune time on MC…
I understand Arena, but as I have always stated on this forum: Planetary symbolism manifest relative to one’s immediate environment. Since I was 6 years old, I started earning $ in the Theater business—born with Mercury cnj Neptune.
So, here is how Neptune MC was working in my life at this time.
1: I secured operations rights and equipment assets to a closed down (bankrupt) Theater, granted by the Bankrupt Judge, handled by my attorney. (Neptune imo, symbolizes this bankrupt situation.)
2: From 1988-1991, my wife and I lived in one of the Theater’s storage room refurbished into a bedroom with shower and private bathroom two doors away. In order to make this work, we worked 14-hour days during the weekends (peak business).
3: I was getting par-excellent info from a psychic (Neptune) that made this business venture possible. p. Uranus on primary Dsc was the most exciting time in my entire life, I absolutely love the Theater business, something I was born to do.

And yes Arena, there was other layers of planetary symbolism with other Sidereal Astrology techniques, but my point with this thread is to offer an example in my life where the primary progressed natal angles with p. Uranus-Neptune on these angles-- timed the best business time in my entire life--but nothing lasts forever. :)
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Re: The greatest business activity in my entire life.

Post by Venus_Daily »

Wow, Steve. Thank you for sharing this, it seems amazing. Is your psychic still in business, I could use some sort of consultation. Also, you said she wrote a book, can it be purchased online?
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Re: The greatest business activity in my entire life.

Post by Arena »

Well, Steve, I must say that imho this is not all to be attributed to Neptune alone as you seem to do in your post above. The psychic connection and the fact that it was a bankrupt theatre, yes. But I see in your description above that you are ignoring Jupiter. I think that is a big mistake. The fact that Neptune on MC turned out this way for you is because of a few other factors. I reiterate pr. Jupiter actually squares your n. MC and you have that Uranus on DSC (hence the Jup-Ur element of success) as well as Sun to Vx.

1988 SSR Sat-Ur on DSC, POF near MC.
1989 SSR you have a Jup-Nep+Sat/Mercury t-square and Moon is on MC.
1990 SSR you have Mercury on MC which trines Nep. Venus in the wide foreground. SSR Jup is on the SSR nodes and opposes your n. POF.
1991 SSR Jup is partile SSR DSC which falls right on your n. MC. Moon partile opposite Venus. This must have been a joyful year :)

So during those years there is plenty of symbolism that is not Neptunian at all.
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Re: The greatest business activity in my entire life.

Post by SteveS »

Arena, this thread is only about primary progressed angles. I started this thread by stating:
When our secondary progressed planets or natal planets fall partile on our primary progressed natal angles, major ‘once in a lifetime events’ occur…
Again Arena, I was using this thread to demonstrate a timing frame in my life which was the most important business activity in my entire life, which was TIMED FRAMED by my primary angles coming to p. Uranus & Neptune, a once in a lifetime planetary combo. This primary progressed angle situation in my past life is very unique to me because I lived the planetary symbolism of Uranus-Neptune for 2-3 years, which I understand is difficult for you to relate since you did not live it. Again, primary angles hitting progressed natal combo planets sets-up once in lifetime 2-3-year situations, which are never forgotten. Believe me, in this example situation, Uranus & Neptune was the dominant planetary symbolism in my life.
Arena wrote:
So during those years there is plenty of symbolism that is not Neptunian at all.
Of course, but-- I was not using this thread to discuss all the other layers of planetary symbolism with my other charts for 2-3 years.

Arena, I have added a quote by a Siderealist leading off this thread, which I think will help you understand more about primary progressed natal angles. :)
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