Ember Nyx wrote: Mon Feb 10, 2025 10:25 pm
Here's my thought process on that - getting the julian day corresponding to the progressed planets is
I think as simple as:
Code: Select all
Number of days elapsed since birth = target datetime - birth datetime
Julian day for prog planets = number of days elapsed since birth * progression rate
(Then just plug in that julian day and calculate all the positions)
Is that correct?
Yes, that's it in essence (and that's it exactly for the simplest case). The whole complication
of the simplest case is in getting the exact progression rate constant.
However, there are important non-simplest cases that we need to include - things that (at the moment) I don't think are valid but really do need to be examined because (1) they represent a correct representation of Fagan (and to a lesser extent Bradley) positions, (2) many Siderealists wouldn't take us seriously without our including them, and (3) they really do need to be examined - we've never had the right tools to do this exhaustively even though smaller studies
seem to have settled the issues.
I'll cover these in the progressions thread but they boil down to (1) allowing both the Q1 and Q2 progression rates and (2) allowing the argument (the pace at which time unfolds) be either
even by the mean solar rate or
uneven by the apparent solar rate. The two variations that use the
apparent solar rate are more complicated, even though they ultimately follow the concept of your pseudo-code.
The apparent solar rate methodology will also be essential for the PSSR. Both Fagan and Bradley held that the PSSR used the apparent Sun, not mean Sun (uneven, not even) rate. Kenneth Bowser and I independently concluded that the PSSR worked by the mean rate, though I'd say this is based on too few examples and too little work overall. I'd like to put the way of testing this
easily in everybody's hands rather than just conclude that Ken and I know what we're saying <g>.
So there are variations. Probably the progression options table should be able to pick from all four variants and then other things (like Kinetics) based on those progressions use whatever variation is selected.
Also, I feel like it would be a good idea to eventually include quotidian charts on the same transit/prog menu page, since they'd work the same way: very similarly to solunars, but using an exact date and time rather than finding active/forward charts. Calculating quotidians requires a lot of similar infrastructure to calculating anlunars, KLRs, etc - we'd need to calculate a few charts along the way to get their points, and in doing so would need to know "what is the UTC julian day for the active SSR/quarti-SSR/whatever," etc.
One of these days we're going to have to confront the fact that we have too many perfect synonyms in use - multiple names for the same thing. When quotidians first came into use (and multiple variants of them unfolded) it seemed obvious to give them their own names. However, ultimately, the
natal quotidian is exactly the same as the
progressed natal chart. (Ditto with the
solar quotidian and the progressed SSR.) So, in doing secondary progressions, we are
exactly doing quotidians already.
Yes, I agree it's for an exact date/time. I think the options pages and landing pages are the hard part of all of this: The calculations themselves are straightforward even when complicated.
These are techniques where the computer can shine and make up for the nearly HALF CENTURY we haven't been able to give this research the right attention.
BTW, if there is currently any (infrastructure or definition) reason this can't all be done for calculated ingresses, we have to change that. Some of these techniques are basic to the ingress system (and I've been holding off researching all the variations until we have the software).
Bottom line, yes, I think your above paragraph shows you've got this all sorted out in your head correctly.
At some point we need to consider how many progression forms to include. One could argue for only including secondaries. If TM becomes widely used, there will be a noteworthy minority wanting tertiaries. This is
mostly the same as your original formula above (with a different progression rate) except that the angles are handled differently.
One further thing: For the sorts of things we're discussing now (transits, progressions, quotidians), I think we want to think about two separate delivery systems: One is just the calculation of a stand-alone chart. The other is more of a report outputting contacts by date etc. that they are exact. The 'calendar' reports, of course, depend on the ability to calculate the individual systems in the first place.