... BF5CE5N79A
This post and discussion is for the Windows release specifically. I will make separate threads for the Linux and MacOS releases, since those will probably have their own unique bugs to work through. Those will come a little while after this Windows pre-release, and will probably be at the beta level of stability, as opposed to this more unstable alpha.
This is the alpha release for 0.6.0, which is likely the single biggest release of Time Matters that will happen up through (and including) 1.0.0. As such, I expect way more bugs now than in any upcoming release.
The primary reason for this is that I significantly rewrote the core chart calculation logic for readability and extensibility: there's over 2,500 lines of new + repurposed code. This represents roughly 1/3 of the codebase. Accordingly, there is a lot of new surface area for bugs to hide in. The result of this rewrite, though, was that I was able to crank through most of the remaining major wishlist items in about a week, which is must faster than it would've been otherwise.
That means that there are a ton of new features to tempt you into testing it!
I have done my best to test this locally, but assume that this pre-release is unstable. It is a good idea to back up your TMSA directory if you have important charts and options files.
I sincerely apologize if files get corrupted or deleted. I do not expect this will happen, but it is always possible, especially with options - more on that below.
Here is a list of changes:
- Rewrote most chart code as mentioned - uniwheels and biwheels now share 95% of the same code. (Triwheels work too, as tested with anlunars...
but there's not yet stable code to find the various minor return charts. I just hacked stuff together, then hid it for this public pre-release.)
- All of the midpoint logic has been rewritten from scratch based on Jim's instructions.
- Enabled PVP aspects. These can be toggled as well as configured in chart settings (there's a new button and input screen for them). You don't have to blank out orbs in order to toggle them off!
- Added calculations for planetary stations. This is not yet user-configurable.
- Enabled the Needs Hierarchy scores for planets in natal charts, including scores for planetary stations. This is not yet user-configurable (like variable dignities affecting what counts as a luminary sign ruler).
- Added angles to the data table (90% finished; see lower section).
- Removed Ep/Vx from the chart face.
- Fixed natal ecliptical aspects from showing up in return charts. Mundane aspects between radical planets will still be shown if the mundane aspect is closer than the ecliptical one.
- Background options: renamed "At Cadent Cusps" to "TMSA Classic" and renamed "Eureka Curve" to "Cadent Cusps." Your settings won't change, only the name in the options menu. (The arrangement of these options in the menu is unchanged.)
- TM now attempts to migrate default option files from "Default_XYZ.opt" to "XYZ_Default.opt" on startup. This is just a change in the file name.
- Option defaults are in the code itself now; if you delete a default option file, TM will write a new one from its own code.
- Included TM version in the data file for each chart. If you go to calculate a solunar return for an older chart which is earlier than some given version which I indicate in the code, you will be asked if you want to recalculate it. The options for the recalculated natal should be the same options file it was last saved with, but let me know if this behavior seems messed up. If that file doesn't exist anymore, it looks for Natal_Default.opt.
- TM attempts to fetch the version number from the chart file itself if it's not in the data file (which is the case for all charts made up to this point). If a chart was calculated prior to 0.5.7 (or TM can't find the original chart file for any reason), you will get the prompt to recalculate. As new versions come out, this "last supported version" number may go up if new logic becomes incompatible with older chart versions.
- While mundane midpoints work for ingresses, I'm sure I misunderstood one or another line of logic there, so I assume I will need to make adjustments to that. (The main thing I may have misunderstood: I have separate entries in the Cosmic Report for Angle, Ea, E, and Z, based on which one has the closest orb for 2 planets that are both on that axis. The lines only appear if there are entries to show. Maybe it should've all been listed under Angle.)
- PVP aspect strength seems scored off of a higher orb than the aspects are actually calculated with.
- I haven't figured out how to calculate altitude for Mc and Vx in the angle section of the data table, so those columns are just blank. In general, I'm not confident that all of the values I do have are completely right.
- Aside from the Needs Hierarchy, I don't yet include planetary stations anywhere (although they are calculated for every planet); we'd have to figure out where on the chart face or data table to indicate stations.
- I'm sure there are edge cases where my implementation of the Needs Hierarchy differs slightly from Jim's current calculations for it, and your angularity model will affect these scores since it affects the angularity strength of planets - but my initial testing makes me think the logic is 95%+ correct.
- Alignment for aspect columns can get a little weird when there are multiple columns.
- Rarely, I have seen what looks like weird natal precession happening in return charts. This has been hard to reproduce. I suspect this was an artifact of me testing with 2 different TM versions at the same time, but in case it's not - let me know.
The next few days are very busy for me, so I'll be able to respond but probably won't get to iterate code changes very much until the weekend or next week. I expect that there will be a long iteration process fix my misunderstandings and identify new bugs, so this thread will probably become very long by the end of that process.
As usual: let me know what I broke!