Cyril Fagan on Sidereal Sun signs

As historic references, I've collected various excerpts of writings by Cyril Fagan, Garth Allen, and Rupert Gleadow on the 12 zodiacal constellations, plus Garth Allen's unpublished summaries of sign natures.
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Cyril Fagan on Sidereal Sun signs

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Cyril Fagan's Moon-sign interpretations, first published in The Symbolism of the Constellations (Moray Press, 1962), are rarely seen, though his Sun-sign interpretations were reprinted in Astrological Origins. Years ago I posted bullet point summaries of his rarely seen Moon-sign interpretations. A while back, some people on this forum expressed interest in his Sun-sign summaries as well.

As mentioned in the Moon-sign summaries below, Fagan's gigantic and honored roll in the history of Sidereal astrology was that of pioneer. His sign-interpretations had all of the strengths and weaknesses of pioneering work. On the one hand, he saw the broad strokes with astonishing raw insight. On the other hand, on the fine points he sometimes really missed it. This is no slight upon him - the work of reconstructing ancient knowledge of zodiacal meaning was far more than a single person could do. That's the main reason that I'm posting here the persepective of numerous Sidereal pioneers.

The following, then, should be taken as premises to investigate, or starting points for further observation.

Sun In Libra
Sun In Scorpio
Sun In Sagittarius
Sun In Capricorn
Sun In Aquarius
Sun In Pisces
Sun In Aries
Sun In Taurus
Sun In Gemini
Sun In Cancer
Sun In Leo
Sun In Virgo
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Sun in Libra

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<VENUS home, SATURN exalted. MARS detriment, SUN fall.>

1. "The first gentleman of the zodiac."

2. This constellation produces the most peace-loving types of humanity. Some of the most famous peace-makers throughout history were born with Sun in Libra.

3. Apparent sullenness and taciturnity.

4. Of all the constellations, this one afflicts its children with very poor memories, although their powers of recollection remain unimpaired. Unless particularly indelible, the events of yesterdays leave no lasting imprint on the mind and so it is difficult for them to commit anything to heart. At school this is a tremendous handicap.

5. Librans often fail to achieve the success that their talents merit. It is surprising to find so high a number of illiterates even among those born into good families. Their absentmindedness is phenomenal. (Opposite Aries in this way: Aries not infrequently top their forms by dint of their wonderful memories alone.)

6. When handling the paint brush, pencil, or chisel, Librans are unexcelled. Their esthetic sense is pronounced; thus, they lead the worlds as decorators, fashion designers flower arrangers, and entertainment artists. At home in art galleries, love to roam at leisure through elegant fashion salons.

7. Exuberance and gaiety inherent in their natures find full expression in the waltz tempo of Strauss and in the rousing marches of Sousa (both Librans).

8. Not particularly ambitious or egotistical, being more interested in others than in themselves (Sun in Fall). Has to be coaxed to discuss himself and his achievements.

9. The world's greatest Romeos. People soon fall under the spell of their charm.
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Sun in Scorpio

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<MARS home . VENUS detriment, MOON fall.>

1. The greatest fighter in the zodiac. Evinces all the fighting, rash, and outspoken qualities of Mars to perfection.

2. Whereas Aries strains to lead the world in power-politics and dictatorship, Scorpio fights for the sheer joy of it and exults in personal combat, taking pride in many conquests. If Scorpio cannot fight with weapons, then he will stir up a controversy and prove that he is as skillful with his tongue or with his pen as he is with the sword. Only in extreme cases are his combats tainted with malice.

3. Even the females are roguish and apt to play the tomboy. She will challenge any boy and beat him at his own game on his own ground.

4. Without someone ro argue or an institution to fight, Scorpio would die of sheer inanity. Is prepared to close with either friend or foe, cleric or layman. The subject of dispute is of little consequence to him, and often is quit trivial. What is all-important to his pride (SUN in Scorpio) is whether he can get the better of his opponent by coming out the winner.

5. Adventurous and dangerous assignments appeal to Scorpio immensely. Datring and recklessness knows no bounds.

6. Particularly attracted to military life (especially if Scorpio also holds the Midheaven). When Mars aspects Jupiter, the native excels in most sporting contests.

7. The accident-prone constellation par excellence. Takes the largest toll of victims from gunshot wounds, broken bones, and lacerations. Addicted to speed, reckless driving accounting for many mishaps.

8. Are said to make excellent snake charmers. Equally skilled in the use of medicines and poisons.

9. Scorpio has dominion over the throat, therefore many fine vocalists and orators.
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Sun in Sagittarius

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<JUPITER home. MERCURY detriment.>
NOTE: Fagan considered Uranus exalted in Sagittarius, so summarized that the effects of Sun in Sagittarius "are like a triple conjunction of the Sun, Jupiter, and Uranus." I don't support this assignment, but want to represent his point of view accurately. - JAE

1. Sagittarius symbolizes royalty scions of noble houses, those born on the right side of the track, and those who hold the reins of power.

2. Respectability, fear of public opinion, pronounced sense of right and wrong, detestation of the devil and his works.

3. Socially ambitious, likes to associate with the "best" people either in church or state.

4. Acute sense of morality prompts them to become members of religious organizations and vigilance committees.

5. Sagittarius ladies often take a keen interest in the business and morals of their neighbors and like to discuss same even though their own private lives are not always impeccable.

6. Delights in rewarding the righteous and punishing the wicked. (Many are attracted to positions in courts of law.)

7. Typical Sagittarius wife works hard to advance the social position of her husband and to give professions to her children. If not drawn to studying the Bible, she will at least master the Social Register. Even if unhappily married, she will remain with her husband, social ambition meaning more than Cupid's wanton play. Favoring heavy furniture and lofty rooms, she usually manages to make her home look stately and even imposing, and she is more than a little house proud.

8. Usually reined and cultured. Tidy of both home and habit. Dressing neatly but fashionably. Avoids all eccentricities.

9. Sagittarius children are well-behaved, docile, law-abiding, tractable, and dress with the same care and attention to details as their elders.

10. Though of sunny and happy disposition, is prone to serious and edifying reading, especially in the realms of philosophy.

11. Many fine divines, philosophers, scholars, and professional men. They make efficient disciplinarians and guardians of children, but excel as animal trainers and make capable horsemen.

12. They prefer the open life of the great outdoors, with rugged terrain and tall trees, to the ore artificial way of life in cities. [NB: This statement is contrary to the spirit of essentially everything else Fagan ever wrote on the subject. I suspect it's an unconscious carry-over from TZ interpretations. - JAE]
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Sun in Capricorn

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<SATURN home, MARS exalted. MOON detriment, JUPITER fall.>

1. More people suffering from deformities are born with the Sun in Capricorn than in any of the other eleven constellations.

2. Although many fine geniuses have been Capricorn, the average Capricorn's intelligence is below normal if not actually retarded.

3. Finds it difficult to assimilate new concepts without their being translated into the framework of his earlier conditioning, thus destroying their essential worth. Is adverse to innovations unless Uranus is prominent.

4. Fundamentally a doubter and pessimist, inclined to the belief that his lot will never be other than what it is.

5. More at home in the shadows, he evades the glare of publicity.

6. Usually finds greatest interest in the creations of lugubrious fantasy. In the telling of weird stories and depicting the uncanny, he is unsurpassed!

7. Probably the most ambitious of the zodiacal family. Will undertake jobs and chores that others mostly shun.

8. Many, at some point in life suffer extreme hardship, ill-treatment, humiliation brutality, and even poverty. The memory of this often darkens the rest of their days. Such memories all too often leave their scars in the forms of resentment, callousness to the suffering of others, entire lack of sympathy and compassion, and in extreme cases a hatred of humanity at large.

9. Worst period is in childhood: Suffers at the hands of his elders.

10. By no means a gadabout, can live in almost monastic retirement or as a recluse, usually in the most economical way possible.

11. Obsessed with the idea of economy, brings this to bear on every phase of his existence. Rigorously denying himself the simplest of social amenities, his clothes are somber, ill-fitting, and often old.

12. Makes a severe and exacting husband. As a father, disciplines harshly. Seldom lavishes the luxuries of the world on his family. Abhors waste in any form.

13. Abstemious in eating habits, therefore often undernourished and underdeveloped.

14. Often noted for brevity in correspondence (often done on postcards - cheaper to mail!).

15. Not fond of entertaining or being entertained. When obliged to meet strangers, does so with a cold reserve and keeps his distance. Permits no familiarities. Handshake is not noted for its vigor or geniality.

16. Not given to praise or flattery, seldom enthuses over anything.

17. Despite the discomfort associated with old houses, Capricorn prefers these to the more modern types of homes, often selecting one in an isolated situation.

18. Likes to work in his garden. Makes excellent farmer, can be found working in real estate, insurance, or as property owners renting out their places.

19. Their investments are usually in gilt-edged securities. This one takes no chances!

20. Addicted to the study of serious literature. Fond of good music, mainly classical. Many have exceptional talent in music.

21. More than most, they are attracted to the mysterious, uncanny, and bizarre, and often found active as magicians, astrologers, mystics, occultists, and sexologists.
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Sun in Aquarius

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<URANUS home. SUN detriment.>

0. The characters of those born with the Sun in Aquarius seem more akin to the influence of Uranus than of Saturn.

1.Well-known genius for inventiveness springs from laziness. Hating to be disturbed from his preoccupation, Aquarius endeavors to invent all sorts of labor-saving devices that will enable him to quickly get back to his pleasures.

2. Addicted to putting essential chores on the long finger, and then at the very last moment everything is done with much rush and bustle.

3. Reluctance to be disturbed. To obviate the necessity of tiresome and unnecessary movement, Aquarius surrounds himself with those appliances that are in constant use, keeping reference books and the like within arm's length.

4. Creatures of habit. Prefers to stay at home because it's inconvenient when travelling to not have their conveniences around them. Despite this preference, much travel can enter their life, especially if Moon is foreground.

5. Talent, often genius, yet just as self-conscious as Leo (but in a negative form): Hides in the cool shadows of Gothic things. Extremely touchy, fears criticism, underrates himself and his abilities, eschews interviews. (Acutely self-conscious before the camera.)

6. In employment, soon becomes the dynamo of the firm, and all look to him for help and guidance. In this, seldom allows his personality to intrude, giving most of the credit to others.

7. Serious minded, sensitive, sympathetic. Will listen to any tale of woe with rapt attention. WIll offer any help or assistance he can, treating everybody as his equal. Quickly separating the wheat from the chaff, gets down to essentials without delay.

8. Tends to be long-winded. His letters are often are ponderous and involved. When given to fits of depression (which is not infrequent), his letters make plaintive and depressing reading.

9. Barriers of religion, caste, and color have little meaning for Aquarius. Often marries one of another race, color, or of a different religious persuasion.

10. Interests cover almost every imaginable subject. Whatever grips his attention, he approaches in a new and truly experimental manner, free of the incubus of the past; and he leaves it wholly transformed by the magic of his genius. In science, mathematics, astronomy, biology, medicine, philosophy, and the arts, Aquarius has won immortality and acclaim.

11. In managing big business concerns, Aquarius is in his element, proving to be highly competent and capable. Keeping an eye on his inferiors and being wholly cognizant of their capabilities and weaknesses, he knows how to control them and how to get the maximum productivity from them, always spurring them on to greater effort To his superiors, he is always respectful, courteous, even obsequious, and often artfully flattering.
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Sun in Pisces

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<NEPTUNE home, VENUS exalted. MERCURY detriment, MERCURY fall.>

1. Fearful of loss. Pisces represents the principle of bondage. Wanting to hold onto what it possesses, never leaving it out of sight for a moment. Apt to tie everything and everyone to them so that there is no escape.

2. As parents, dread the day their children will become independent, and do all they can to stave off that awful occasion. Resent any interference in the lives of their offspring, and keep binding them closer and closer until they virtually are prisoners. This gives them a sense of power which inflates the ego enormously.

3. Statistics seem to confirm that more and more sado-masochists are born with the luminaries in Pisces, especially the Moon, than in any other constellation.

4. Most obvious characteristic feature is his placid, easy-going, resilient, and ingratiating disposition.

5. If one detects a roguish glint in their eye, one feels they are lovable humbugs, so one does not mind being taken in by them or fleeced by them. No other types are more expert in the art of cajoling, deceiving, dodging, and making believe. Knows how to affect an air of injured innocence. With a twinkle in the eye, will pout the lips and shrug the shoulders.

6. Will welcome strangers with open arms, pat them on the back and make an extraordinary fuss over them as if they were their most cherished friends of days passed.

7. Like to entertain on a vast scale and to indulge their epicurean and sybaritic tastes to the full. Delight in the choice delicacies of the table and the produce of the purple vine.

8. Bohemian in temperament. Attracted to all that is theatrical, glamorous, colorful, fantastic, exotic, mysterious, and deceptive.

9. In conversation, they are voluble but entertaining.

10. In business, they like to obtain their money in the easiest possible way, with a minimum of effort. Not infrequently, their income is replenished by gambling on the stock market or in games of chance.

11. Absorbs knowledge without much difficulty, adroit in juggling to the confusion of their business rivals.

12. Occultism and spiritualism have a particular fascination for them. Many develop into mediums.

13. Pisces takes the easy way out by being other people. Excelling as actors and mimics, most are just pale editions of somebody else. A surprising number of actors, move & TV stars, etc.

14. Delight in gangster stories and thrillers.

15. Excel in athletics and in sports generally.

16. Women make fine cooks, good nurses, but above all excellent midwives.
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Sun in Aries

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<MARS home, SUN exalted. VENUS detriment, SATURN fall.>

1. The most aggressive and dominant of all characters. Lust for power, force, violence and conquest. Ambition; craving for recognition, supremacy, fame and leadership; a yearning to occupy the most exalted position in the state.

2. Typifies the director, boss, manager, captain, governor, overseer, sergeant major, and in general all spheres of power, authority, and command over others. In his element in power politics. Historically, many of the world's outstanding dictators, protectors, autocrats, tyrants, and despots have Sun in Aries or Scorpio.

3. Restive is the Aries who is subservient to another.

4. Egocentric, proud, imperious, imperious, intolerant of rivalry or competition.

5. Humility has no place in his lexicon.

6. Seldom admits a mistake.

7. Highly censorious of others, yet resents the slightest criticism of themselves.

8. Although they can forgive, they can never forget an affront, and seek to avenge it sooner or later.

9. Some will ruthlessly eliminate all who stand in the way of their climb to power, putting self first. Not a few become megalomaniacs.

10. Holds potential for good and evil, all dependent on how the individual's intelligence is unrestricted.

11. Underdeveloped Aries is an idealist. In the pursuit of an ideal, terrible havoc can be wrought (for all ideals are an escape from reality).

12. When Aries makes a purchase, he expects the article to be ideal in every respect. When seeking professional advice, he anticipates ideal advice. Rarely does he envisage errors and defects due to human frailties. [Sounds like a more general trait of "unforgiving.," - JAE]

13. Tending to hold extreme views on life, and mostly unencumbered with sentiment, they can readily produce (to their own satisfaction) panaceas for all human ills. Not a few believe that many sociological problems could be solved at a stroke, to the betterment of the race, if the insane, the incurable, the aged, and the criminal class generally were painlessly exterminated.

14. The average Aries is dictatorial, brusque in speech, obstinate, domineering. Consciously or otherwise, they tend to exercise the itch to dominate and interfere with the lives of those who are somehow dependent on them. Usually they delight in exercising the veto on others' ideas.

15. Fitfully lazy, finds it difficult to bestir himself from bed in the mornings. Dislikes manual work, likes to be waited on hand and foot. Not particularly dexterous with tools, doesn't like puttering around the kitchen.

16. Ill at ease in the company of those that are physically, socially, or intellectually their superiors. Therefore, usually picks companions who are less favorably placed in these respects, that they can more easily dominate.

17. In militarism, unlike Scorpio, Aries (terrified of death and injury) prefers to remain at a safe distance and direct operations from there.

18. Very honest in financial dealings and expects the same from others. In all business dealings, motivated by a marked sense of fair play, expecting others to meet him on the same level.

19. Horror of debt. Meets all fiscal obligations promptly and avoids where possible running up accounts. Thrifty by nature, inclined to save, but can nevertheless be quite lavish in expenditure when the mood strikes him. If he has reason to suspect he has been cheated, even by a trivial amount, his indignation knows no bounds.

20. Scroungers, exploiters, confidence tricksters and the like are anathema to Aries, yet too often he falls foul of their artful meshes.

21. Punctual in all his assignments, he becomes highly impatient when obliged to wait for others. When in reduced circumstances, he usually is too proud to seek aid, preferring to be poor and independent rather than rich and subservient.
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Sun in Taurus

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<VENUS home, MOON exalted. MARS detriment.>

1. Contemplative (although in company they can be witty), noted for patience, tolerance, and prolonged and steady application to congenial work and study.

2. Only the promptings of Eros will tear them away from their devoted labors. Sex urges pronounced. Indeed, it is the persistent goadings of these urges of the flesh that prompt many Taureans to search their own psyches for causes.

3. Gift for simplification and making cosmos out of chaos, which qualities render them founders of schools of thought.

4. Quest for knowledge, especially about the facts of life, is unquenchable. Rarely to they waste their time reading fiction but, when they do, it usually is to extract some useful facts or add to their store of knowledge.

5. Philosophers, psychologists, and educators.

6. Worships the unadorned truth, and expects the truth from others. Despises the prevaricator.

7. Most characteristic features are their soft, gentle, persuasive, peace-loving dispositions. Their meekness is phenomenal, so they are often exploited. They manage to live amiably with impossible people without ever losing their tempers. Speech is gentle, sensible, devoid of profanities and without reproach or sarcasm.

8. Do all they can to preserve life.

9. Shrinks from coarseness and violence in any form. Eschew disputes, holding that the least said is the soonest mended. Even when irritated, seldom reveals his anger either in manner or speech - but when he does let his temper fly, it cab be devastating.

10. Lovers of the human form. Prefer the society of human beings to all the scenic grandeur of nature.

11. Women idolize children and usually have large families.

12. Rarely does Taurus take top honors at school, because their genius flowers late; but when it flowers, it is profound, ponderous, and concentrated.

13. Rarely succeeds in the armed services, or in those departments of government connected to it.
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Sun in Gemini

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<MERCURY home. JUPITER detriment.>

1. Represents the gaiety and delight of youth. Produces those who enchant others with their conversational ability, their wit, their accomplishment in the fields of music and dancing.

2. The least religiously inclined of all the zodiacal children.

3. When it comes to buying and selling, Gemini is in its element. They always seem to get the best of the bargain. In money dealings they are clever, perhaps too clever for their own good, especially in the handling of petty cash.

4. Hating to have to part with money, they usually succeed in making the other fellow pay up when dining out, or when attending the theater, etc.

5. Geminis cannot exist without their alter ego, cannot endure being alone. Will postpone the moment of parting with friends as long as possible and, when they eventually are gone, will give vent to a flood of tears. Dislikes a close friend to become too involved with anyone else because their sense of possession is strong and they dislike even haring a companion with another,.

6. Excels in conversation, can forget the passage of time and overstay. Some of the world's greatest conversationalists and vocalists. Finds great joy in entertaining an audience and holding its attention.

7. Like the veering winds, their opinions and plans alter from day to day. They strongly react to every breeze that blows, which renders them a complete contradiction.

8. Essentially a mental constellation. Lives mostly in the mind, feeds upon the nerves. Intellectual and brilliant, but restless and seldom at ease, always craving excitement and sensation.

9. Variety is their spice of life. Restless spirit goads them to seek variety in travel.

10. Proficient at spots like golf, tennis, or boxing.

11. Excel as journalists, salesmen, globetrotters, and aviators; frequently found in occupations connected with the world of publications, libraries, selling books; but to enthrall an audience (even a few people) with their flow of eloquence is for them the essence of life, enhancing their egos.

12. To allay the inner nervous excitement, especially when frustrated, many seek relief in drugs, alcohol, or excessive cigarette smoking.
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Sun in Cancer

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<MOON home, JUPITER exalted. SATURN detriment, MARS fall.>

1. Denotes feeling, passion, and emotion rather than thought. Quiet, unobtrusive manner.

2. Hyper-normal imagination and sensitivity. The image-creating faculty may be so strong as to cause Cancer to mistake their own mental projections for reality; thus, they can suffer from delusions.

3. Some of the greatest imaginative writers, dramatists, actors, painters, poets,reporters.

4. Fundamentally, Cancer suffers from a deep sense of inner insufficiency or even nothingness, which they resent. To offset this, the unintelligent types live in a world of make-believe, playing all sorts of roles from hero to martyr. Center stages suits him well, he is forever playing a part in the attempt to inflate the ego, or else fisalizes himself as a Mahatma wielding potent powers. Sometimes these stories are believed and gain wide circulation, but are eventually exposed (an event Cancer dreads most).

5. Finds greatest joy in his home, children, mother church, mother country, his pronounced sense of patriotism, etc.

6. Generous to his own children to a fault. Frequently accused of nepotism. Takes his greatest pride in their achievements. Is disconsolate at their failures. Identifies himself completely with then (their successes and failures being his).

7. Lover of sports. His manner becomes transformed as a sports spectator, as he identifies with the home team, shouting and cajoling it to victory.

8. Hypersensitive, touchy, moody, soon angered, as quickly moved to tears.

9. The mysterious & occult hold a strange fascination.

10. Generous to a fault. Cannot refrain from helping the seemingly undeserving.

11. In their element in any activity that brings them face to face with the general public, catering to its needs, especially if the fair sex is involved (e.g., working in hotels, supermarkets, coffee bars, night cubs, etc.).
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Sun in Leo

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<SUN home. URANUS detriment.>

1. Leo symbolizes egotism, pride, vanity, regality, splendor, showmanship, ostentation, and the lust for honor, glory, and renown.

2. Leo, however humble in origin, takes it for granted that in one respect or another he has been born a monarch and is destined for high honors. Leo's faith in himself is immense. At heart he is convinced that he is a divinely chosen one with a mission to perform which he alone is capable of doing.

3. Rarely agnostic, much less an atheist. Mostly, his faith in the Supreme is unshakable and the existence of the afterlife a reality to him. Allying himself with the prophets of yore, his conviction and loyalty are astonishing.

4. Large-hearted, liberal, magnanimous, honorable, lordly, and brave, disdaining any mean or sordid act, averse to taking advantage of an opponent's weakness or defeat.

5. Can be egocentric, thirsting for constant recognition, and frequently very offhand with money.

6. Prime interest is in himself and his achievements. Becomes disinterested and listless when the conversation is not focused on himself or his forebears. In company he identifies himself with the Olympiads and reinforces his conversation with copious quotations from the writings of the great and the mighty, to impress others with his importance.

7. Generally speaks with brevity. What he says is spoken with authority, dignity, and finality.

8. Entertains with true regality, though not infrequently leaving others to foot the bill.

9. Even the poorest Leo dreams of the day when he will come into his own and be in a position to reward all who stood by him in the hour of trial.

10. Many have an abiding interest in the study of pedigrees, heraldry, old castles, and fortifications. Some of the greatest builders of palaces were Leos. They are immensely interested in architecture generally. They lose themselves in awe when within the sacred precincts of old ruins, ancient temples, and monumental wonders of antiquity.

11. Attracted to all sorts of dangerous work. Almost fatal fascination with fire. Often follows an occupation where fire or electricity is chiefly involved (manufacture of explosives, smelting, electrotechnology, nuclear fission).

12. Most at home taking the chair at some meting, presiding over a function, giving a lecture, or making a speech.

13. Women noted for their quiet bearing.

14. In attire, prefers rich, elaborate ornamentation, especially the women who succeed in attracting immediate attention entering a room with a flourish. At such moments, one almost expects the trumpets to blare out a fanfare.
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Sun in Virgo

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<MERCURY home, MERCURY exalted. NEPTUNE detriment, VENUS fall.>

1. "The Cinderella of the zodiac."

2. Pure in heart and deed. Conscientious in all dealings. Firm in adherence to principles.

3. Highly intelligent, gifted, apt at learning, versatile, encyclopedic in knowledge, expert with fingers and toes, mechanically dexterous, capable of looking through machinery.

4. Frequently lacks ambition, personal drive, and independent action. Poor masters, excellent servants.

5. Constellation of the civil and military engineer, draftsman, cartographer, mechanic, strategist, tactician, craftsman, librarian, professor, orator, clerk, and school teacher. Many successful military commanders, general military predilection. On the battlefield, often are astonishingly brave.

6. Adept at big schemes, but excel in minutia and the splitting of hairs.

7. Perfectly at home in their offices, studios, and workshops. Less at easy in society and in the salons of the elite. If obliged to appear in society, they sometimes become absurdly respectable and meticulous over their appearance, conscious of it all the time.

8. Expert about the home and kitchen, but make poor lovers, feeling embarrassed and behaving awkwardly in love-making; many, therefore, prefer the company of their own sex.

9. Highly nervous. An unexpected noise or touch will make them hit the ceiling. Easily worried, lacks the placidity of Pisces.

10. Concerned about their physical well-being, may diet to excess or resort to physical culture.

11. Tendency to masochism. Capable of stoically enduring much physical pain.

12. Despite a tendency to stage fright, they can (when animated by deep emotion) make superb orators.

13. Not predisposed to marriage. Many will pass through life single.
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