John Mccain

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John Mccain

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Feb 21, 2008 6:28 pm
StarAgeWiz wrote:John Mccain who's natal Sun 12LEO was bombarded by todays tr. Moon in Leo and tr. Saturn in 10LEO opposing tr. Sun 8AQA as he responded to the NY Times story on his alleged affair and giving her (the lobbyist)special consideration
Pandora's Box contents tend to be exposed for all to see when tr. Saturn & tr. Moon activates the Natives natal Sun
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Re: John Mccain

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Feb 21, 2008 6:45 pm
Jim Eshelman wrote:Of course, in McCain's case, his most important primary wins were also under the exact transit of Saturn to his Sun. See te McCain thread here: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=718

Possibly his currently partile Moon-Neptune progressed conjunction, concurrent with the partile Sun-Saturn trine, is behind the current scandal's timing? But his Ascendant conjunct Jupiter prevails.
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Re: John Mccain

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Mar 14, 2008 3:41 pm
StarAgeWiz wrote:In late July tr. Saturn will transit Mccain's natal Sun. Seem to recall that when any planet has been doing a Direct/Retrograde back and forth dance especially over one of the native's luminaries, it's the 2nd or even the 3rd crossing transit that is usually more significant than the first transit. Like chopping down an old Oak...first swing doesn't fell the tree. in any case, Mccains natal Sun 12Leo09 had an exact transit of Saturn
on 11/07/07...a 2nd transit of Saturn to his natal Sun on 1/31/08 and a 3rd transit of Saturn to Mccain's natal Sun on 7/25/08...and the Saturn continues Direct throughout the rest of 2008 and beyond.

He is in his 70's...we'll have to wait and see....perhaps his very busy campaign schedule catches up with him or something in his past(Saturn) is revealed that causes him to lose support.
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MCcain's VP S. Palin Announcement

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Aug 29, 2008 12:52 pm
StarAgeWiz wrote:What Fagan called the "Katarche" or Event Chart really comes through here in spades.

MCcain VP Pick of Sarah Palin Announcement was on Aug. 29, 2008 12:30 PM EDT, Dayton, Ohio
According to Wikipedia Palin was born Feb. 11, 1964...birth time inknown

Comparing her Noon Chart to the Katarche we find a MC 24CAN 16 with tr. Moon 27CAN10
opposition her natal Sun 27CAP46 (0h. UT)
Her personal Full Moon...thrust into the public spotlight dramatized by tr. Neptune 27CAP36..pure theater....!
while more drama and illusion with tr. Neptune 23LI35 conj. Katarche ASC24LI16....All the pundits talk about her aggressiveness and tough politic aptly described by her natal Mars 28CAP57 ...a very close conj. her natal Sun 27CAP46(0h.UT)

MCcains natal Moon 3CAP10 conj Palin's Mercury 6CAP55 (0h. UT)...good communication intra-aspect
Katarche or Event Chart......not to be under rated.

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Re: MCcain's VP S. Palin Announcement

Post by Jupiter Sets at Dawn »

Aug 30, 2008 3:39 am
Jim Eshelman wrote:Thanks for the timing data.

Yes, Moon opposite her Sun is a good catch. However, it also highlights her worst transit of the time - and of the campaign ahead - Neptune conjunct her Sun.

It was good astrological timing that transiting Mercury is a day short of opposition to her Venus - suggesting a positive media cycle for the 24-to-36 hours after.

She's a double Rim - in fact, Sun, Moon, and Mars in Capricorn. Compare what I wrote about Double Rim Presidents and her politics - it's probably a square fit. She and McCain share a Capricorn Moon - something that certainly gives them rapport. (Probably the orb is close enough for them to be actually conjunct.) Her Moon degree is pretty important in judging transits on Inauguration Day, because Sun-Mercury or Jupiter might be conjunct it.

Her Jupiter is on McCain's Descendant. In simple terms: She'll be good luck for him.
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